Big Hammer's pupils shrank, and his face changed dramatically.

He subconsciously wanted to lift the Thor hammer in his hand to attack.

But his movements have not yet begun.

Ying Changge's right hand, which was covered in black armored armor, directly stabbed the heart of the big 4.9 hammer.

Just a moment.


The right hand pierced the heart of the sledgehammer!

Just like piercing a piece of tofu, there was no obstacle in the whole process, and it easily pierced the heart of the big hammer.

Under the impact of the power of the perfect-level armed color, the body of the sledgehammer was naturally impossible to stop.


Blood splattered, and blood stained the sky.

A large patch of bright red demon bloodstains flowed frantically from the blood-colored hole at the heart of the big hammer.


The spilled blood almost completely infected the entire chest soaked in the sledgehammer.

Blood flowed from his body one after another, splashed down, and dyed the floor tiles under his feet red, followed by a pungent and rich **** smell.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Blood fell from the big hammer, and in the blink of an eye, a small blood-colored lake was formed under his feet.

Chapter 308 The gap in strength is really too big! 【Please customize】

A right hand with black armor covered in armed color directly pierced the chest of the sledgehammer and grabbed the latter's heart...

Ying Changge's face was calm.

The bloodstains spilled out onto his right arm.

But he was still indifferent, and there was no change in his face.

It was like piercing a piece of tofu through a sledgehammer's chest.

No hindrance!

It's so easy!

"you you……"

The eyes of the big iron hammer were bloodshot, and when he opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face became extraordinarily pale, and his voice could not be uttered.

There was blood flowing in his throat.

He can feel it.

A stinging pain from the chest!

Heartbreaking pain!

at the same time.

He could also feel that the vitality of his body was dying at a terrifying speed.


Ying Changge's right hand exerted force directly.


The heart of the sledgehammer was instantly squeezed from the palm of his hand.

Heart exploded on the spot!

A large area of ​​05 blood spilled out from the chest of the sledgehammer.

at the same time.

The life breath of the sledgehammer was also completely withered.

His eyes were bloodshot, wide and round, and there were emotional colors such as panic, anger, and fear in his eyes.


His eyes were slack, and he lost his original spirit.


Ying Changge drew his hand and slowly took out the right hand that had pierced the heart of the big hammer.



Accompanied by a slight sound.

The icy corpse, which had lost its vitality with the sledgehammer, slammed down heavily on the ground, raising a little dust on the ground.

In less than a moment.

A large amount of blood surged from the chest of the sledgehammer, forming a blood-colored lake, completely immersing his own icy corpse in the center of the lake.


The pungent and strong **** smell wafts and spreads in all directions.

A large piece of blood stained into the soil, dyeing the ground red into a dark red.

So far announced.

One of the leaders of the Mo family, the big hammer, died suddenly.

He was instantly killed by Ying Changge with one move!

The whole process is even more powerless!

The atmosphere is very quiet!



Thousands of Mohist disciples, without exception, looked at the icy corpse of the big hammer lying on the ground, and could no longer look away from it.

The digital leaders of the Mo family even widened their eyes, their eyes filled with anger and grief.

As the people under the leadership of the Mo family, they have naturally developed a deep friendship over the years, and they are like brothers and sisters.


When they saw the sledgehammer being killed, they naturally felt angry and sad.

"Commander of the Big Hammer!"

The painful cries of the Mo family disciples rang out.

The strange atmosphere was also broken by the voices of these Mohist disciples.

"Big hammer, why are you so impulsive and reckless!"

Thief Zhi's eyes were a little red, and he resisted the tears from flowing.

He gritted his teeth and stared angrily at the young figure in white next to the corpse of the big hammer.

"Damn boy!"

"Sooner or later, I will kill you!"

Robber Zhi secretly made up his mind in anger.

He wants to avenge the sledgehammer!

Avenge the Mo clan giant Yan Dan!

at the same time.

He was far from the only one who shared the same thoughts with Roof Zhi.

There were also Mohist leaders such as Gao Jianli and Xue Nu, who naturally felt boundless anger without exception.

Burning with anger!


They almost couldn't control the anger in their hearts, and they stared coldly at Ying Changge's figure with cold and murderous eyes.

"Big hammer, we will definitely avenge you."

Gao Jianli clenched the Shuihan sword in his hands, and a hysterical roar roared in his heart.

Rarely does he lose his temper like this.

But today.

First, he saw the head of Yan Dan, the giant of the Mo clan, being trampled on, and then he saw the big iron hammer, who was like a brother, and was killed by a single strike on the spot.

What happened one after another completely made Gao Jianli unable to keep his calm mood, and became extraordinarily angry and impatient.

"Did you kill the big hammer with one move?"

"This Seventh Young Master is really strong!"

"As Mr. Gai Nie said before, this Seventh Young Master's strength ranks among the top of the rivers and lakes!"

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng sighed helplessly.

Seeing that the sledgehammer was killed in an instant, they had expected it.

They had anticipated this moment long before the sledgehammer launched a reckless attack alone.


After all, did not expect.

The sledgehammer was actually killed in one move!

can only say.

The Seventh Young Master that Big Hammer faced was really too strong!

The difference in strength between the two is simply worlds apart!

The sledgehammer will be killed in seconds, not too shocking, but makes people feel that it is completely common sense.

after all.

That was a terrifying existence that even Sword Saint Genie could severely inflict!

"The next battle will be more troublesome."

"If this Seventh Young Master intervenes in the battlefield..."

"So, who on our side can stop him?"

"Mr. Gai Nie is entangled by Wei Zhuang, and we lack a top-notch high-end combat power to contain this seventh son."

"Once the Seventh Young Master intervenes in the battlefield, we are very likely to face unilateral crushing!"

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng felt a deep sense of powerlessness and despair.

Seeing the death of the big hammer, although it aroused the anger of many Mohist disciples, at the same time, it also made many Mohist disciples feel chills in their hearts.

The strength of the sledgehammer is naturally very strong!

Otherwise, it is impossible to become one of the many commanders of the Mo family.

But it is such a powerful sledgehammer commander...

Just now, he was instantly killed by someone!

In just one face-to-face, the sledgehammer was killed on the spot.

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