What is this concept?

How strong is the enemy?

All of this made countless Mojia disciples feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

They were timid.

Seeing the figure in white with blood on his right hand, they couldn't help feeling panic, wanting to retreat, wanting to retreat, wanting to withdraw from the battlefield.


Ying Changge killed the Mo clan commander with a hammer, bringing great fear and deterrence to all the members of the anti-Qin alliance at the scene.

With his own power, he strongly deterred all the anti-Qin elements in the audience!

Few people are angry.

More people, and they feel a deep fear!

As strong as the big hammer of the Mo family commander, he was instantly killed by a face-to-face.

What if they were replaced?

They can be sure.

They are bound to be killed in seconds!

The difference in strength is simply too great! .

Chapter 309 One person crosses the battlefield! No one dares to stop! 【Please customize】

"Even the Great Hammer Commander was killed in one move."

"How can we be an exception?"

"If this kind of monster is thrown into the battlefield, we are afraid that we will be unilaterally crushed!"

"Who can stop this monster?"

"Can Mr. Gai Nie do it? Not to mention whether he can do it or not, now Mr. Gai Nie is blocked by Wei Zhuang."

"On our side, no one can stop this seventh young master."

"Once he intervenes in the battlefield, it will be enough to cause a series of overwhelming crushes!"

"It's over, it's over!"


Panic boils over.

The death of the sledgehammer ignited the fear of everyone present.

Originally, although everyone had heard that the seventh son was so powerful that even the Sword Saint Gai Nie was unsure of how to deal with it.

But just hearing about it, of course they don't have a deep concept.

until just now.

They saw it with their own eyes.

The scene where the sledgehammer is killed by one move.

They woke up suddenly.


This Seventh Young Master is so powerful!

Simply unimaginable!

They started to panic.

Fear completely dominated their body and mind.

"It turns out that the seventh son is actually so powerful."

"Who can stop him?"

"Can anyone really stop this terrifying monster?"

"Don't forget, this Seventh Young Master just now blocked the full blow of the Great Hammer Commander with one hand!"

"Have you ever seen such a monster?"

The panic of the anti-Qin alliance was much more intense.

Recalling the scene they witnessed just now, they couldn't help shuddering.

The strongest person in their cognition category is absolutely unable to block the full blow of a martial arts practitioner with empty hands.

But it was done by the young boy in white in front of him.

How strong is the opponent?

Strong beyond imagination!

"Can we really win against this monster?"

Someone asked weakly.

The tone was full of apprehension and fear.

No one could answer his questions.


More than half of the people present fell into panic.

Sensing that the atmosphere at the scene was getting weird, the Mo family commander, Gai Nie, Xiang Liang and others sank in their hearts, their faces became more and more gloomy and ugly, and the pressure was increasing.

The sledgehammer was instantly killed by one move, which seriously affected their morale.

At this moment.

Having to face such a powerful terrifying existence will inevitably lead to a complete loss of fighting spirit and belief.


Genie's face was heavy.

"Senior brother, your situation doesn't seem to be very good."

Wei Zhuang looked amused.

Hearing this, Genie remained silent.

Depressed atmosphere!

The icy corpse of the sledgehammer lying on the ground quickly melted into the ground.


Ying Changge shook his right arm and wiped off all the blood on his hand.


He slowly raised his head, a pair of gray-white emotionless eyes fixed in front of him.

Wherever you go...

No one dares to watch!

Thousands of Mohist disciples, even a very few with angry faces, can only dare to be angry and dare not speak, and dare not make any actions at all.

More Mojia disciples are afraid of Ying Changge!

Heart-piercing fear!

There were also those Mo clan leaders with angry faces, who were also staring at Ying Changge angrily.

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng clenched their fists tightly, their spirits tense.

They worry.

Next, the seventh son will also intervene in the battlefield.

Once this kind of terrifying existence intervenes in the battlefield, the balance of the battle situation they managed to maintain will be forcibly broken.

Only when they really witnessed the scene of the sledgehammer being killed in seconds can they realize it deeply.

How terrifying the strength of the Seventh Young Master who severely injured the Sword Saint Genie!

for a while.

Because of Ying Changge's act of killing the sledgehammer in one move, the battle on the scene fell into a strange situation.

The Anti-Qin Alliance did not dare to act rashly.

Almost all of them looked at Ying Changge's figure with fear, fear and fear.

At this moment.

In their eyes, Ying Changge is a terrifying **** of death!

"Next, you can do whatever you want, you don't have to follow me anymore."

"I want to walk into the heart of the Mo family alone and do a very important thing."

Ying Changge instructed Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others behind him.

"Yes, son."

Meng Ying did not dare to ask too many reasons, and immediately nodded.


Shao Si Ming lightly nodded his chin.

The two siblings, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan, also bowed their heads.

They were not worried at all, Ying Changge would be in danger here in the Mo Family's Organ City.

They don't think so.

Looking inside and outside the city, there are really people who can threaten the life of their son.

There is no such possibility!

How terrifying is the strength of your own son?

Of course they knew that.


Ying Changge wanted to act alone, but Meng Ying didn't feel any worries.


After instructing Meng Ying and others to move freely, Ying Changge simply stepped forward and walked towards the front battlefield step by step.

Witnessing Ying Changge's actions, all the anti-Qin elements on the battlefield felt terrified.

step by step...

Ying Changge officially set foot on the battlefield.


All anti-Qin elements saw Ying Changge's figure without exception, and they did not dare to act rashly, let alone attempt to attack.

This is how the weird scene was born.

But wherever Ying Changge passes...

All anti-Qin elements retreated and did not dare to try to approach!


Even if Ying Changge's figure was only a little closer, it was enough to make many anti-Qin elements shiver because they couldn't contain the fear in their hearts, and they were pale and bloodless.

"'What is he going to do?"

"Is he going to fight?!"

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