The war broke out again!

Without the strong shock of Ying Changge, the war naturally started again.

Both sides fought hotly.

The fighting continues!

The screams kept ringing!

The icy corpses fell one by one.

There are the corpses of members of the anti-Qin alliance, as well as the corpses of elite soldiers of the empire.

This is war!

Both will die!

Wei Zhuang confronted Gai Nie again.

The Quicksand Organization once again fought fiercely with the Mohist digital leaders.


Meng Ying also intervened in the battlefield, and went into the battlefield to fight with the Mohist disciples.

The battlefield became chaotic.

Meng Tian led the army to face the Chu army led by Xiang Liang!

This battle seems to be re-enacting the war between Qin and Chu in those days!

The sound of fighting resounded through the sky.

The harsh sound of weapons colliding with weapons spread in all directions.

Both sides were red-eyed.

Desperate for the purpose of killing the opponent!

time flies.

The war heated up.

A pile of corpses piled up like a mountain.

Corpses are everywhere!

Rivers of blood!

The strong and pungent smell of blood wafted in the air and spread wantonly.


"Kill them all!"

"Brothers, go ahead!" Fan.

Chapter 312 The Heart of the Organ City! The protagonist trio! 【Please customize】

the other side.

Mo Family, the innermost hinterland of Jicheng City.

Several young teenagers and girls are staying in the huge secret room with worried expressions.

"Shaoyu, you said that nothing really happened outside, right?"

Gao Yue looked at the boy next to her with some worry.

The teenager was wearing a dark blue loose robe, his face was slightly immature, but he was a little resolute, and his young face showed maturity that did not match his age.

Hearing Gao Yue's voice, Xiang Shaoyu pondered for a moment and said in a low voice, "If I heard correctly, it was the sound of a battle outside just now."

The sound from the outside world just now could not escape the hearing of the three of them.

no doubt.

Fighting has broken out outside!

All three of them knew this.

However, Gao Yue was still lucky.

"what should we do?"

"Can't we just sit still? Waiting quietly for the final result in this "460"?"

"I also want to do my best to help Uncle."

Jing Tianming couldn't help but speak.

Although he was very frightened and apprehensive, he still forcibly suppressed this negative emotion and turned these negative emotions into fighting spirit and courage.

"Boy, stop joking."

"Just you? Also want to participate in the war?"

"Do you know what war is?"

"The cruelty of war is far beyond your imagination."

"Your little head, you can never imagine how cruel the war is in this life. This is no child's play."

"With your current strength, if you are thrown into the battlefield, I dare to conclude that if you can't hold on for half an hour, you will most likely be killed by the Qin army."

Xiang Shaoyu glanced at Jing Tianming, and made no secret of his disdain.


Jing Tianming blushed and retorted angrily, "Who said I couldn't hold on for half an hour? I'm the first descendant of the world's number one swordsman! How could I be as weak as you said?"

Hearing this, Xiang Shaoyu shook his head disapprovingly: "Okay boy, I still don't know your strength brother? Don't be brave. If you are on the battlefield, you will understand what brother said."

Although Xiang Shaoyu was young, he had experienced many wars.

He knew it.

How cruel the battlefield is!

And a naughty teenager like Jing Tianming would obviously never be able to understand the horror of the battlefield.

"Shaoyu, don't underestimate me."

"I will become as strong as Uncle sooner or later."

Jing Tianming was a little unwilling.

"Okay, okay, you are the best, okay? Your uncle is really strong, but you are too far away from your uncle."

"Don't say eldest brother, I hit you. You can't even stop eldest brother's three moves, so how can you fight Qin Jun? Don't be joking, you just rushed to death in vain."

"With your current strength, if you enter the battlefield, it will only be a burden."


"In order to avoid your burden of writing, we still stay here honestly."

"Otherwise, you will implicate your uncle."

Xiang Shaoyu waved his hand helplessly.

Among the three, he is the most mature.

Whether it is strength, or thinking, or mentality.

He was far ahead of Jing Tianming and Gao Yue.

after all.

Born in the state of Chu, and also the young master of the state of Chu, Xiang Shaoyu was born with a heavy mission and burden, constantly squeezing him and making him go on the road of reviving the state of Chu.

to this end.

He had to forcibly temper himself and make himself more mature!


His life experience is absolutely outstanding among most teenagers.

Although Jing Tianming had a hard time when he was young, he was definitely not like Xiang Shaoyu, and he rushed to the battlefield to fight to the death when he was young.

all in all.

Compared with Xiang Shaoyu, Jing Tianming basically has no advantage in all aspects.

"Yue'er, don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

Jing Tianming turned to look at Gao Yue, clenched his fists, and looked serious.

"Tianming, let's listen to Shaoyu's words and stay here obediently, so as not to go out and cause trouble to the people outside, that's not good."

Gao Yue thought about it for a while, and made a proposal.

"it is good."

Jing Tianming nodded.

For Gao Yue's words, he has always been obedient.

"By the way, what about Miss Duanmu?"

Xiang Shaoyu suddenly asked.

Duanmu Rong led the three of them to this safe area, but the other party left the place alone.

"Sister Duanmu said she was going outside to observe the battle."

"If it doesn't work..."

"You must plan ahead!"

Gao Yue's eyes dimmed and explained in a low voice.

"I'm afraid the situation outside is not optimistic."

"The Organ City was actually breached by outside intruders, which is simply unpredictable..."

"Who would have thought."

"A fortress as impregnable as Organ City will one day be breached by a group of outsiders."

Xiang Shaoyu was deeply moved.

He thought it too.

As long as you stay in the mechanism city, you can be assured of peace of mind.

No matter how many enemies outside.

As long as they hide in the city, they don't need to worry about the outside world.


No one can imagine.

At this critical moment, Organ City was attacked directly from the front.

This was beyond Xiang Shaoyu's expectations.

"Master Class also said before that there is no possibility that the city will be attacked by outsiders from the front."

"But now..."

Gao Yue sighed, his tone full of sorrow.

"I've said it a long time ago, old man Ban is not reliable at all."

Jing Tianming rolled his eyes.

For Master Class, he doesn't have any goodwill.

Or rather.

For all the people in the entire Mojia government city, except for a very few mild-mannered people, Jing Tianming basically didn't have any goodwill, instead he felt a little repulsive in his heart.

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