After following Gai Nie to Jicheng City, Jing Tianming could of course have a keen insight into the eyes of the Mohist disciples and their Mohist leaders.

These people's eyes are full of rejection and disgust...

All of this naturally cannot escape Jing Tianming's insight.

Wandering the streets alone since he was a child, Jing Tianming has developed the basic 4.9 thing to observe.


He could clearly feel it.

The entire Mo family collectively disliked him and Genie.

It was for this reason that Jing Tianming also subconsciously rejected the Mo family.

"Tianming, don't talk nonsense, Master Ban's organizational attainments are at the top of the rivers and lakes."

Gao Yue defended.

"Then why is the mechanism city being breached now?"

Jing Tianming looked strange.


Gao Yue was speechless for a while.

She could only be annoyed and stopped talking.

"Yue'er, I was wrong, I shouldn't speak ill of old man Ban."

Seeing Gao Yue's angry expression, Jing Tianming quickly apologized.

The atmosphere became a little silent.

In less than a moment.


The sound of footsteps suddenly came from the far end of the passage.

Chapter 313 Finally Found You, Future Overlord of Western Chu! 【Please customize】

"someone is coming!"

Xiang Shaoyu's pupils shrank slightly.


He immediately pulled Jing Tianming and Gao Yue and hid beside the lost door. He was tense and focused on observing the outsider.

Without knowing whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Must plan for the worst!

Xiang Shaoyu has developed a very cautious character since childhood.

"Is it the enemy?"

Jing Tianming's face was pale and a little uneasy.

But seeing Gao Yue, who was also a little frightened next to him, he eased the fear in his heart a little, gritted his teeth, and said in a firm tone, "Yue'er, I will definitely protect you."

Gao Yue nodded lightly: "Yes."


The footsteps are getting closer!

The voices were getting louder and louder.

When the door of the secret room was slowly pushed open.

Xiang Shaoyu and Jing Tianming were about to attack when they saw a familiar figure.

"it's me!"

Duanmurong took a half step back to prevent being accidentally injured by Xiang Shaoyu and the two.

Her face was expressionless, and her eyes were vaguely sad and helpless.

"It's Sister Duanmu."

Seeing Duanmu Rong, Gao Yue's face brightened, and she hurriedly asked, "Sister Duanmu, what's going on outside? Could it be that Qin Jun broke into our Organ City? We are fighting with Mo Family disciples now?"

The words fall.

Duanmurong's face sank.


She hesitated.

Looking at Gao Yue's eyes, he also became a little pity.

"Miss Duanmu, what's the situation?"

"Is the situation very bad?"

Xiang Shaoyu asked the same.

His tone was a little anxious, and he seemed a little impatient.

He also wanted to know more about the battle situation outside.

quite a while.

Duanmu Rong hesitated for a moment.


She put her hands on Gao Yue's slender shoulders slowly, sighed softly, and said earnestly, "Yue'er, what I'm going to say next, you must calm down!"

Hearing this, Gao Yue had an ominous feeling in her heart.

She opened her mouth, but couldn't speak.

Her whole head of thinking also became a little confused.

Does the matter have anything to do with you?

What the **** is going on?

Do not know why.

Gao Yue was very flustered.

She had a hunch.

What Duanmurong said next is very likely to make her completely collapse.

After a pause, Duanmu Rong was still a little unbearable.

She turned to look at Xiang Shaoyu next to her, and spoke slowly.

"The situation outside is very bad!"

"The army of 20,000 empires broke into our agency city one after another."

"Our people are struggling to support, but obviously for a while, there is no way to tell the winner. However, our side is clearly at a disadvantage."

"Because of the disparity in the number of people on both sides, it is understandable that our side will be at a disadvantage."

"This battle is bound to go on for a long time."

"And the only thing we can do is to wait quietly for the final result."

"Besides that, it would be great if we could find a way to escape from the city."

Duanmurong truthfully told the situation of the outside world without reservation.


Xiang Shaoyu's heart sank, and his face became very ugly.

at the same time.

Jing Tianming also felt a strong sense of oppression, and his face was pale and bloodless.

A full 20,000 elite troops of the Empire...

What kind of power is this? !

"What about my uncle and them?"

Xiang Shaoyu asked again.

"General Xiang Liang is fine at the moment, but after a while, it will be difficult to judge."

Duanmurong told the truth.

"That's fine."

Xiang Shaoyu exhaled softly, and his heart was slightly relieved.


Jing Tianming also asked, "Where is my uncle?"

Duanmurong glanced at Jing Tianming: "Gai Nie is very strong, and he doesn't need others to worry about him."

Seeing Duanmurong's face, Jing Tianming was very upset.

"What is it, hateful woman, obviously prejudiced against uncle!"

Of course he could feel it.

Duanmurong's attitude towards Gai Nie was not quite right.


Of course, Jing Tianming did not dare to openly say these words in his heart.

"Sister Duanmu, what did you want to tell me just now?"

Gao Yue was silent for a while, and finally asked.

"Yue'er, I'm sorry to bring you such bad news."

"Your father..."

"That is, the giant of our Mo family..."

"He died in battle!"

Duanmurong lowered her head, her tone was very sad and weak.

The moment Yan Dan's head was crushed, she happened to witness it with her own eyes.


have no choice!


No way!

Countless emotions flooded into her heart, but she couldn't act rashly. She could only suppress all the negative emotions in her heart and return to Gao Yue's side to protect the other party.

This is her mission and responsibility in this life.

As Duanmurong's voice just fell.


Gao Yue only felt his whole head explode.

As if being hit **** the forehead by a heavy object...

The whole head is buzzing!

Gao Yue's eyes were lost for a while, and he was completely stunned.


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