"I'm curious."

"Who gave you the courage!"

"Dare to be presumptuous one after another in front of me!"

Having said this, Ying Changge's face gradually showed a strong killing intent.

Chapter 352 Let the East Emperor bow down to me? 【Please customize】

it is good!

Very good!

Originally wanting to take away Gao Yue and Jing Tianming, Ying Changge didn't care too much.

Quan should give Luna and the Yin-Yang family some face.

Let everyone end up.

after all.

The Yin-Yang family also has a strong presence in the empire.

As the right guardian of the Yin-Yang family, the status of the Moon God is self-evident.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Ying Changge doesn't mind giving Luna a little face and letting the other party take away Gao Yue and Jing Tianming, two innocuous little characters.


Jing Tianming and Gao Yue have little effect on the integration of Ying Changge's template.


Even if Luna doesn't take the opponent away, Ying Changge will directly kill the opponent.


Handing over two people to the Moon God is just a matter of convenience, and you can still get the same price from the Yin Yang family. Why not do it with "four nine zeros"?

It was with these thoughts that Ying Changge did not confront the Moon God face to face and continued to entangle over this matter.


The moment when Ying Changge was ready to give up.

Luna suddenly raised it.

They want to **** the magic sound treasure box that belongs to their yin and yang family!

How can Ying Changge tolerate this?

The Heirloom Treasure of the Yin-Yang Family?

Feel sorry!

From the moment he appeared on the Ying Chang Singer.

It is already a purported item belonging to Ying Changge.

No one can take it away.

As for the Yin Yang family wanting to take back the Magic Sound Treasure Box?

Naturally, Ying Changge would not let the other party get his wish.


After listening to Luna's righteous remarks, Ying Changge didn't need to tolerate each other any longer.

His face was filled with icy and cool emotional colors.

Want a Phantom Box?


Take your life in exchange!

"I suddenly felt that."

"I seem……"

"Too kind to you!"

"Let you mistakenly think that you can gain an inch in front of me, but I can't do anything about you."

"Are you holding such a mentality? Moon God."

Ying Changge's tone was devoid of any emotion.

Hearing this, Luna's whole body was full of hairs.

She always feels.

The Ying Changge in front of me is a little scary!

Let her, the top martial arts master level, smell the extremely dangerous breath.

If she could, she certainly didn't want to have a conflict with Ying Changge.


The Phantom Treasure Box is so important!

This is a rare treasure passed down by the Yin Yang family for many years!

There is also the Canglong Qisu!

Of course, Luna would not miss the opportunity to take the Magic Sound Treasure Box back to the Yin Yang family.

after all.

Canglong Qisu is also the power that the Yin Yang family has been looking for.

"My son, that's a bad word."

"The Phantom Sound Treasure Box is a rare treasure passed down from generation to generation by the Yin-Yang family. It is infinitely mysterious and contains ruthless mysteries. It also involves the secret of Canglong Qisu."

"Because hundreds of years ago, a certain generation of disciples of the Yin-Yang family caused the loss of the Magic Sound Treasure Box."

"In recent years, our Yin Yang family has been searching for the whereabouts of the Magic Sound Treasure Box, but there is no news."

"And now."

"Finally, I finally found it."

"Young Master, you should be able to understand my mood at the moment."

"If there is any offense, please forgive me."

Luna maintained a neither humble nor arrogant tone as always.

"You mean to say..."

"Let me return the rare treasures belonging to your Yin-Yang family to your hands intact?"

"And me, in the end, it's empty."

"Is that what it means?"

The Ying Chang singer was holding the magic sound treasure box, and the smile on his face became more and more intriguing.

How can you return the spoils of war in your own hands to others?

There has never been such a reason!

Want a Phantom Box?


Take out the equivalent item in exchange!

What items are equivalent?

Then it is up to Ying Changge to judge and measure by himself.

"I know that the young master is very angry. It's just that the Magic Sound Treasure Box is very important to our Yin Yang family, so please return him to the Yin Yang family."


"No one in the world can decipher the secrets of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box. If Young Master keeps it in his hands, he will just waste the infinite mysteries of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box."

"The only people who can crack the Phantom Sound Treasure Box are our Yin and Yang family."

"And the Phantom Sound Treasure Box is in your hands, son, it's just an ordinary discarded box."

Luna continued to persuade.

"and then?"

Ying Changge asked with a smile.

"If Young Master returns the Magic Sound Treasure Box to the Yin-Yang family, you can make three requests to the Yin-Yang family at will!"

"The Yin and Yang family will do their best to serve you, son..."


Luna thought for a moment and offered to propose.

"not enough!"

Ying Changge shook his head.

What the Yin Yang family can do, he can do the same.


He didn't need to make demands on the Yin Yang family at all.

Want to use this common condition in exchange for a magic sound treasure box involving Canglong Qisu?

Still too naive!


After being rejected by Ying Changge, Luna frowned subconsciously.

not enough?

Conditions are not enough?

Seventh son, is this deliberately making things difficult?


Seventh Young Master also already knows the truth involved in the Phantom Sound Treasure Box?

"Young Master, you seem to know something about the Magic Sound Treasure Box?"

Luna's tentative inquiry.

"Isn't it just about Canglong Qisu? Could it be that Moon God, do you think that in the whole world, there are only smart people in your Yin-Yang family, and only you know this news?"

"No, no, no?"

Ying Changge's tone was sarcastic.


Luna's heart sank slightly.

Seventh Young Master really knew what was involved in the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.

No wonder he refused to hand over the Phantom Sound Treasure Box!

Anyone who knew that the Phantom Sound Treasure Box was involved with Canglong Qisu would definitely not be able to easily hand over the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.

This is obvious.

But as the right guard 4.9 of the Yin-Yang family, Luna couldn't watch it, the rare treasure of the Yin-Yang family, the Magic Sound Treasure Box, was controlled by others.

Luna was really worried.

If today, she can't take back the Magic Sound Treasure Box, she may really miss the Magic Sound Treasure Box from now on.

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