And this is obviously an unacceptable result for her.

"What are your conditions, son?"

"The Yin-Yang family can pay any price, as long as the magic sound treasure box in your hand."

Luna took a deep breath, and his tone was serious and solemn.

"Any conditions?"

"you sure?"

Ying Changge smiled.

"Of course, sir, please explain clearly."

Luna nodded.

"This condition can make the leader of your Yin-Yang family, Dong Huangtai, bow his head to me?"

"Can it be done?".

Chapter 353 I changed my mind, I want to kill them all! 【Please customize】

"If this condition can be fulfilled, I don't mind, and return the Magic Sound Treasure Box to your Yin-Yang family. But if it doesn't work, then I can only say sorry."


"It works just as well for me!"

Ying Changge's expression was weird.


Luna's eyelids twitched, and her beautiful eyes flashed a little bit of anger.

She can see it.

The seventh son in front of him must be deliberately making things difficult for himself!

Let His Excellency the East Emperor bow his head and be a minister?

What a joke!

He knew it was impossible, but he was asked by the seventh son as a condition.


The other party had absolutely no intention of handing over the Phantom Sound Treasure Box!

Thinking of this, Luna couldn't help but forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and his pretty face returned to its original calm posture.

"Forget it……"

"Must be calm!"

"There must be no conflict with the seventh son."

"I can't win the Magic Sound Treasure Box this time, but I will succeed next time."

"You must first inform His Excellency Donghuang of this matter as it is, and then ask His Excellency Donghuang to decide how to take back the 05 Magic Sound Treasure Box from the Seventh Young Master."

"My current task is to bring Gao Yue back to Yin Yang's house."

"And the Phantom Sound Treasure Box is not within the scope of my work."

"If you tore off your face with Seventh Young Master on the spot for the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, this would be worth the loss."

For a while, Luna thought about it a lot.

The anger in her heart cooled a lot.

Although she still longed for the Magic Sound Treasure Box, she no longer dared to negotiate with Ying Changge.

Because she clearly saw it.

The magic sound treasure box, Ying Changge didn't want to give it to her at all.

in this way.

No matter how much they say, I'm afraid it won't change the other party's original plan.

It is better to take a step back and take a step back.

After returning to Yin Yang's house, I will report the matter of the Magic Sound Treasure Box to His Excellency Donghuang.

This matter is very involved.

When it comes to the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, His Excellency Donghuang will definitely be alarmed.


This matter cannot be solved by her alone.

"Bring back Gao Yue for the time being, as for the Phantom Sound Treasure Box..."

"Your Excellency Donghuang will definitely find a way to take it back."

"Now, it's not appropriate to tear your face with Seventh Young Master."

"You must endure!"

Luna had a plan in mind.

As for the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, of course she is bound to get it.


No need to rush.

There is still a lot of time in the future, and a series of plans can be taken for the seventh son.

Now outnumbered...

In the office city.

In addition to the seventh son alone, there are Meng Tian, ​​the quicksand organization and others.

If there is a conflict with the Seventh Young Master, the matter will not end.

In order to take care of the overall situation, Luna had to forcibly suppress the idea of ​​taking back the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.

"Since this thing is related to you, Young Master, the Phantom Sound Treasure Box will be under your control for the time being."

"I just hope that the young master will remember to keep this thing properly."

"Never lose it."

Moon God's face was serious.

"Don't worry, no one can take back the items that belong to me!"

"Under the world..."

"No one can do it!"

Ying Changge said meaningfully.

Want to take the Phantom Sound Treasure Box from your own hands?


Looking around the world, can anyone really do it?


With the terrifying strength he currently has, even if he is besieged by several invincible powerhouses in the world, he is confident that he can defeat the opponent.

Even the invincible powerhouse in the world could not take the Phantom Sound Treasure Box from him.

Just ask.

Who in the world can do it?


"Since that's the case, son, I'll go first."

Luna exhaled softly.

She really didn't expect it.

You will see the Phantom Treasure Box here!

At this moment, she returned to her heart like an arrow.

She couldn't wait to lead Gao Yue back to Yin Yang's house, so that she would convey the incident of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box that happened to him in the city to the ear of His Excellency Donghuang.


The Phantom Sound Treasure Box, the Yin and Yang family is bound to win!

It must be taken back!

"Wait a moment."

Just as Luna was about to leave with Jing Tianming and Gao Yue, Ying Changge suddenly interrupted.

"Sir, are you here?"

Luna raised his brows, his expression full of confusion.

She had an ominous feeling in her heart.

just like……

Something big is about to happen!

as predicted.

Luna's guess is very accurate.

I see.

Ying Changge faced Jing Tianming and Gao Yue, and said indifferently, "I suddenly changed my mind. The previous negotiation with you, Luna, is now void."

Want to win the Phantom Treasure Box?

Challenging your bottom line one after another?

Constantly trying to be presumptuous in front of yourself?

That being the case...

Sorry about that!

Turn the table up!

Don't play these fancy dirty tricks with you!

The Yin Yang family wants to retake Gao Yue?

Since it is what the Yin Yang family wants to do...


Ying Changge will naturally try everything to stop it!

The original negotiation was good, and he didn't mind letting Gao Yue follow Luna back to Yin Yang's house.

But now.

After the unpleasant incident that broke out for a short time just now, Ying Changge changed his original thoughts.

He suddenly decided.

Kill Gao Yue on the spot!

Kill Jing Tianming!

Let the Yin Yang family's plans all fail!

No matter what the Yin-Yang family took back Gaoyue...

Yingchang 490 songs only know.

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