Jing Tianming opened his mouth, dumbfounded.

He panicked even more.

These two are terrifyingly strong!

Just like a monster!

What can he do in the face of this monster?

Only wait to die!

"Sister is no match for that monster!"

Gao Yue took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the fear and shock in her heart, and calmly analyzed the current situation.

"Not an opponent?"

Jing Tianming was stunned.


He also began to observe the movement of the battlefield.

After a while, he also noticed some clues.

As Gao Yue said.

The situation is indeed not optimistic.

That mysterious woman does not seem to be the opponent of the man in white!

The difference in strength between the two is huge!

Although the brief confrontation just now, it seems to be evenly divided.

But it is not.

"Could it be..."

"Is our last hope also annihilated?"

Jing Tianming was even more desperate.

in the battlefield.

As the smoke dissipated.

Ying Changge, dressed in white, stood on the spot, with a calm face, and said with great interest, "That's it?"

The voice resounded loudly.

With a bit of sarcasm.

This is obviously a mockery of the Moon God!

Soul Xilongyou burst out with a full blow...

The result is this?

That was really disappointing.

"Is this your strength to go all out?"

"Only to this extent?"

"If there is only this level, then I can only tell you regretfully."

"You, it's over!"

The corners of Ying Changge's mouth twitched slightly.


Luna, who was uttered harshly, not only did not have any shame and anger, but took it seriously, his face turned pale, and his mood became particularly heavy.

Her full blow was not even qualified to tickle the opponent.


Facing such a terrifying enemy, what can she do?

"I'm still too reckless after all."

"Before you can figure out the terrifying strength of the seventh son, he dares to provoke the monster of the seventh son."

The Moon God shook his head bitterly and sighed.

She misestimated the strength of Ying Changge.


She also overestimated her own strength.

turn out to be……

She herself is not as strong as she imagined.

This point, after the fierce collision just now, she already has a deep understanding of this concept.

"What other tricks have you not used?"

"Would you like to try again?"

"Otherwise, you have no chance."

"The moment I make a move, you may not be able to stop a single move!"

Ying Changge said playfully.

The words fall.

Moon God was silent.

She didn't say a word, and couldn't think of any words in response.

"Looks like you've given up on yourself."



"Just please take me too!"


An intriguing smile appeared on Ying Changge's face.


Luna's pupils shrank slightly, and her pretty face became very heavy.

Not waiting for her to respond.

Ying Changge made a decisive move.

He took out the famous sword Longyuan he carried around his waist. The blade was sharp and sharp, exuding bursts of flickering cold light, causing the temperature of the surrounding air to plummet, becoming icy and icy.

In one thought, the perfect gravity fruit exploded!

The famous sword Longyuan held tightly in his hand began to wrap a layer of dark purple gas around the blade, with an extremely depressed aura.




The terrifying force wrapped around the blade, and even the space around the blade was disturbed by this extremely oppressive force, causing the space to twist and wriggle.

It seems that the space seems to collapse at any time.


Ying Changge raised the sharp blade in his hand and pointed at the Moon God in front of him.

Not too many bells and whistles.

Only one sword!

The sharp blade entwined with dark purple gas quickly cut through the sky.

call out!

Ying Changge held the Long Yuan Sword in his hand, and mercilessly chopped it down with one sword.

The sharp blade slashed the air, tore through the void, and exploded with a piercing sound.

at the same time.


The gravitational fruit was brewed in the power of the blade, and at the moment when the blade was cut, it was completely forced out by Ying Changge, and it burst into the position of the Moon God in front of it.


The overwhelming violent force, with the power to crush space, instantly enveloped Luna's body.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

In this sword, Ying Changge only used 20% of his power.

Even, he didn't even use the perfection-level armed arrogance throughout the whole process.

I was worried that the power of this sword was too terrifying. As a result, the entire secret room here is very likely to be cut down by his sword.

When the blade slashes from the air...

The endless gravity also erupted in an all-round way, rushing forward with the momentum of crushing everything in the world.

This power is enough to overwhelm mountains!


Potential like a broken bamboo!

Just a moment.

The dark purple slash with terrifying gravity hit Luna's body from the front.


"What kind of amazing and terrifying power is it?!"

Facing this earth-shattering terrifying sword, Luna's beautiful eyes widened and rounded, her face full of horror and shock.

The violent force contained in this sword made her feel like...

Facing a majestic mountain of thousands of meters alone!



next second,


Luna was hit on the spot by this sword.

Like a huge mountain with a size of thousands of meters, it forcibly hit the body from the front with the amazing speed of a meteorite falling.

How terrifying is this power?

it goes without saying!

In an instant, the Moon God was shot hundreds of meters away.

in the process.

She flew upside down in mid-air almost without an image...

Blood all the way!

Blood stained the sky! Where.

Chapter 362 This is crushing! Incredible Luna! 【Please customize】

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