What does it feel like to be hit from the front by this slash with terrifying gravity?

Luna only feels.

Her body was about to be torn apart on the spot, and her internal organs were severely damaged. The whole body could explode on the spot at almost any time, and the blood in her body was constantly surging.

This slash was full of violent and terrifying power, and with the momentum of crushing everything in the world, it directly knocked the Moon God hundreds of meters away in an instant.

The right guardian of the dignified Yin Yang family is also a powerful martial arts master.

But when faced with this sword, he doesn't even have the ability to block.

The power contained in this sword is too terrifying!

Powerful to the extreme!

It was as if the Moon God had been hit by a lofty mountain and hit his body from the front.

This "four-nine-zero" moment.

Luna no longer has the slightest image of grace.

She was so embarrassed!

The long sky blue dress on her body was destroyed by terrifying power, which caused her clothes to become torn and her skin as white as jade was exposed.

The dignified protector of the country...

at this moment.

Almost all his ugliness are revealed.

This was definitely the most embarrassing moment in Luna's life.


can be clearly captured.

On the abdomen of Luna, there was an extremely ferocious blood-colored scar, and the blood slowly flowed, and soon infected the long skirt soaked in sky blue.

A pungent and rich **** smell slowly flowed out from her body.


The body of the Moon God turned into a **** bloody man, which brought a very strong visual impact to people.

The whole body was filled with a strong smell of blood, which made the Moon God no longer be as noble and elegant as before, but instead showed an embarrassing and unsightly figure.

The shattered Luna was knocked flying all the way...

Fly upside down for hundreds of meters!

Her figure tumbled in mid-air, bleeding all the way, and finally slammed into the hard wall 100 meters away.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

Luna's back slammed heavily on the wall, and then brought a terrifying shock wave to the entire wall, causing the wall surface to shatter and crack.



The wall cracked, and terrifying cracks quickly spread in all directions.

On the other hand, the wall that Luna had hit from the front was directly dented by about twenty centimeters.

Along the depression of the wall where her back hit, more and more cracks crumbled around.


The whole wall was shaking constantly, as if an earthquake was coming, which caused the corresponding cracks and cracks, and countless broken stone wreckage slipped down from the wall.


As soon as he opened his mouth, Luna immediately vomited blood, and the pretty face was pale, almost bloodless, and looked very weak.

The blood that spewed out of his mouth fell to the ground.

Luna's breath was sluggish and weak, his face was pale, and he gradually slipped down from the wall, his whole body lying weakly on the edge of the corner.

Countless stone wreckage scattered on the wall, some fell on her body, but she was unable to stop it.

Her limbs seemed to have lost all strength.

Just move it...

You can feel the tingling sensation from your body.

Heart-piercing pain!

Especially the back!

Numerous broken bones in the back.

As you can imagine.

She hit a wall at a terrifying speed from hundreds of meters away, but she was only a mortal body, how could she block the damage caused by this shock wave?


Luna would be seriously injured on the spot, which is a reasonable phenomenon.

In addition to the damage left by her back hitting the wall, she also ate a gravity knife from Ying Changge.

The explosive power and destructive power of this sword are definitely not something that a martial arts master can easily block.

Even if Ying Changge didn't even use the perfect level of armament and domineering, and only used 20% of the power of the gravity knife, it was enough to easily kill any martial arts master.


Of course she is no exception!

At best, she is just a martial arts master, not so powerful.

For Ying Changge at this moment, the strength of the Moon God is completely unable to make her pay too much attention to 0......

"Cough cough!"

A violent cough came out of Luna's mouth, blood dripped from the corners of her mouth, her pale face was bloodless, and it was obvious that she was very weak.

After the violent coughing, Luna spit out a mouthful of blood again, only to feel the tingling pain that could not be concealed from the internal organs of the body along with the coughing.


Yue couldn't help taking a deep breath, and cold sweat began to break out on her forehead, indicating that she was in great pain at the moment, and she couldn't bear the pain forcibly.

With such a firm will, she couldn't bear the piercing pain.

As you can imagine.

What terrifying trauma did this sword bring to her.

"So strong!"

"This sword..."

"Killed me on the spot!"

"Faced with this sword, I can't even feel any resistance."

"How powerful is this?"

"I have never seen such amazing and terrifying power in my life!"

"Even His Excellency Donghuang is definitely not powerful to such an incredible level."


"Seventh son, he broke out with all his strength, but I didn't even have the energy to resist."

Luna's lips trembled, and there were dense bloodshots in her beautiful eyes, which, combined with her pale and bloodless face, made her look particularly hideous.


She never dreamed of it.

One day, he will be killed instantly by someone with this attitude!

This is rolling!

Facing Ying Changge in front of her, she didn't even have the ability to resist.

It made her unbelievable.

She is also a strong martial arts master.

Can't even stop the opponent with a sword?

What is this concept?

How powerful is the opponent?

All this, the moon **** does not know.

She just knows.

The power that erupted from that sword just now was the most terrifying power she had ever encountered in her life!

Even if the leader of the Yin Yang family, Dong Huangtai, broke out with all his strength, she felt that it was impossible to achieve the terrifying power brought by the sword just now.

Chapter 363 The Seventh Young Master Is So Strong? Luna doubts life! 【Please customize】

"Not an opponent at all!"

"The difference is really too big."

"Me and Seventh Young Master are not a level of comparison at all."

"I'll be instantly killed by a sword, that's just normal."

"Seventh Young Master, he may have already stood on the level of invincibility in this world."

Luna's throat was dry, startled by the thought in his head.

How long has it been since?

The seventh son has become the invincible powerhouse in this world? !

Shouldn't this be a dream?

In this world, how can there be such a monster beyond the scope of common sense!

Luna's head became blank.

Ying Changge is too strong.

So powerful that she couldn't have any thoughts of resistance in her heart.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great.

After being hit head-on by that shocking sword just now, Luna finally realized it very deeply.

The seventh son, Ying Changge, is such a terrifying powerhouse!

Powerful to the extreme!

Powerful and unfathomable!

Even Donghuang Taiyi has never brought this kind of feeling to the Moon God.

Even if it was as strong as Donghuang Taiyi, Luna never believed that the other party could bring her such an overwhelming sense of oppression.

And Ying Changge did it.

From Ying Changge's body, Luna felt this deep sense of powerlessness and despair.

She couldn't even imagine it herself.

what does that mean?

Does it not explain.

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