Ying Changge was walking on the ground, and then he heard a mess of sounds approaching his ears.

someone! And more than one person, these people discovered the existence of Ying Changge and were coming non-stop.

After knowing the danger of these guys, Ying Changge was very indifferent, and just stood there.

He was patiently waiting, waiting for the rabbit, Ying Changge even pulled out his sword.

He was flamboyant and majestic, he was not in a hurry, and he was ready for any war.

The footsteps were messy, and many guys came to him and surrounded Ying Changge.

These are all the guards arranged by Gai Nie Jingxin, all of them (Wang Wang's) are all highly skilled in martial arts, and they are first-class masters.

Gai Nie was not in a hurry to join the battle, he just stood by and looked down at it all from a high place.

Because in Gai Nie's opinion, with only these many guards, he can kill Ying Changge.

The guards were aggressive and murderous, and every guy was such a vicious person.

They tried to kill Ying Changge, but they couldn't break his defenses. He stood here without any flaws.

Raising his sword gracefully, Ying Changge said indifferently, "'I don't want to look for you, I want to look for Genie~"!"

"Gai Nie is a traitor! He committed a serious crime! You help him, you are just helping Zhou to abuse, and the crime is one more class!".

Chapter 570 The lineup is scattered!

Ying Changge scolded, but the group of guards in front of him didn't care at all and ignored it.

"So what! We want money!" "Blind! You never heard that there must be a brave man under a great reward!"

Facing the ridicule of a group of people, Ying Changge nodded indifferently, "Okay! It's useless to say so much!"

Not to be outdone, the guards rushed up and immediately scrambled to kill Ying Changge.

The weapons in their hands are all kinds of weapons, swords, guns and sticks, axes and forks, and such battles are very fast.

Especially when these guys rushed up one by one, they were simply indescribably brave and domineering.

Ying Changge counterattacked indifferently, the sword in his hand immediately stabbed out quickly, and attacked the guard first.

These are all the masters that Gai Nie recruited from the rivers and lakes, to submit to Gai Nie for money and work for him.

In such a slaughter, Ying Changge showed no mercy, and Jian Feng was very quick to repel everyone.

It was just a stab of a sword, but it had the same killing intent as a galloping horse, making everyone confused.

The body staggered, and several guards immediately dodged away, and 660 thus avoided Ying Changge's attack.

The sword was very fast, Ying Changge's pace was very fast, and he continued to chatter and approach the fight.

They released their weapons in an endless stream, and all the Gai Nie boldly surrounded Ying Changge.

Gai Nie Deng looked into the distance, stood in the attic in the distance, staring at everything here.

He was complacent, Gai Nie's face was full of calm and superior expression, he was bound to win, and he was confident.

As long as he can kill Ying Changge, no matter what method, Gai Nie will do anything.

For a while, caught in the ambush of Genie, surrounded by so many guards, Ying Changge was still very indifferent.

Quick shot, quick counterattack, his eyes are so calm, and there is an endless stream of dodging and fighting.

With a ping-pong sound, the crisp sound continued, and Ying Changge's sword resisted the many attacks of the guards.

All the guards are people in the rivers and lakes. What they like most is to fight and kill, and use people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

Therefore, their offense is fierce, and even full of the fierceness and domineering of those who compete with each other.

Even so, Ying Changge would not fall into the disadvantage, he turned around indifferently, spinning and jumping.

The swords swept across and stabbed out bravely. These guys were all beaten up and down, and the lineup was scattered.

Being surrounded by enemies on all sides was a very dangerous thing for Ying Changge, so he immediately retreated to avoid it.

Coming to the side, avoiding the pursuit of the guards, he found a corner and fought alone.

Ying Changge didn't change her face, the sword in her hand was faster than the guards, and immediately stabbed out fiercely.

There was a guard who was over his own strength, strode up to catch up, and blocked Ying Changge all of a sudden.

Immediately, the sword in the guard's hand slammed hard, hitting the edge of Ying Changge's sword.

Such a sharp offensive seems to be menacing, but to Ying Changge, it's just nothing.

The sword in his hand was retracted, protecting it in front of him, and then immediately stabbing the guard's leg.

The blade slid, swift and mighty, piercing the leg of the (afej) bodyguard, and he cried out in pain.

With an angry roar, the guards stared at Ying Changge intently, and the sword in his hand slashed hard.

Ying Changge had already expected that he would be like this, and facing this guard, he directly slashed backhand.

First, he blocked the sword edge that the guards had cut, and then another sword penetrated his body, bleeding profusely.

Blood spattered for five steps, and he staggered to the ground.

To die like this, to perish like this, the guards lie in a pool of blood, and die like this.

And the rest of these guards are not afraid at all, the death of a person is not terrible!

There are so many of them, so many guys rush up, sooner or later they will be able to cut Ying Changge into eight pieces.

Therefore, the other guards continued to come with their weapons, and slammed on him violently.

Ying Changge avoided the attack while evading, so he continued to work with these guards.

One by one the guards seem to be lawless, but in fact they are nothing more than that.

To deal with it calmly, the sword in his hand swiped more and more quickly, causing a brave sword light.

This sword is not only fierce, but also overbearing, and it is impossible for ordinary martial artists to block this attack.

boom! Flying straight out, one of the guards was pushed to the ground by Ying Changge.

Immediately, Ying Changge walked up quickly, the sword in his hand stabbed **** his chest.

puff! A blood hole opened in his chest, the bodyguard twitched and fell stiffly, closing his eyes and dying.

In the fierce battle, Ying Changge is simply invincible! No one could stop him.

Attacking as much as you like, and continuing to fight, the sword in the Ying Chang singer is also wandering.

Any offensive is useless, the stronger the person, the more unusual posture and strength.

Chapter 571 Continuous attack, one step faster!

A group of guards surrounded them aggressively, the more powerful the person, the more unusual style.

Ying Changge stood out among these guards! Unspeakably powerful.

In particular, the guards came fearlessly, but they didn't have much chance to fight back.

boom! The fist was so sharp that the guard was knocked down by Ying Changge, but he didn't forget to use his sword to fight back.

Walking in the shadow of the sword, his body is so fast, it is not easy to be caught.

He left quickly, stood on the ground, and then he was shocked and struck with a sword.

There was a bang, and the sword edge was entangled, but Ying Changge's sword was more powerful and unstoppable.

Among the many guards, Ying Changge took the lead, attacking majestically, one step ahead.

The more brave the wind, the more pierced by a sharp sword, this sword is from Ying Changge's ability.

With such superb martial arts, the sword in his hand is still falling in an endless stream, killing and killing.

The other guards wouldn't back down. They used money and money to help them eliminate disasters, and what they wanted was Ying Changge.

As long as Ying Changge is killed, these guards will be able to get richer rewards.

People die for wealth and birds die for food. Ying Changge deeply understands this truth, so he will come with great strides.

Going straight, the sword edge drove straight in, and the other guards were staggered and retreated.

He has long known the strength of the other party, but he is unwilling to admit that the guards are all in groups.

They were aggressive, joined forces, and then charged unscrupulously to Ying Changge.

Surrounding Ying Changge once again, these guys are firm-willed, and they cannot stop until they kill Ying Changge.

However, the other few people were simply a mob to him, and Ying Changge didn't care at all.

Never nervous, never panic, the sword in his hand is still fighting against these guards in an endless stream.

The sharper the sword, the more unusual posture it has, which is why Ying Changge can stand.

His ability is very strong, and his martial arts are even more extreme, and most people can only be defeated by his men.

Falling into an ambush and surrounded by groups, Ying Changge still relied on himself to forcibly cut a **** path.


The quicker the attack, the more able to kill them. This is the reason why Ying Changge is still fighting here.

Without breaking through this group of guards, Ying Changge would not be able to rush in front of Genie and capture him.

Everything is an obstacle, Ying Changge doesn't care, he still has to keep stabbing the sword in his hand.

Swarming, the sword is rampant, such a sword has an unparalleled posture and is very domineering.


Ying Changge's husband was in charge of the offense, and the guards were still fighting in a deadlock in the hands of Ying Changge.

He was not afraid of danger and attacked quickly. The sword in his hand had unpredictable tricks and was very dexterous.

Even though he encountered so many guards, Ying Changge still defeated them one by one, neither in a hurry nor reckless.

The sword is getting faster and faster, and the guard's attack is getting more and more hasty, they are impatient and aggressive.

He was eager to take down Ying Changge, but these guards had no comparable strength.

In such an attack, a powerful charge is useless, and the most important thing is the ability to kill in seconds.

The guards rushed forward like wolves, but they couldn't kill Ying Changgefan.

Chapter 572 Majestic, no flaws!

Ying Changge used his sword to save his life and blocked the fighting of these guards. He was very indifferent.

He would not let Ga Nie stand by, nor would it be possible for him to escape, Ying Changge continued to suppress the opponent.

It is enough to suppress a group of people abruptly and let them die here.

Otherwise, the other guys would still come in an endless stream, but they couldn't hold Ying Changge hostage.

Ying Changge was unscathed, but the guards who surrounded him were more or less injured.

After seeing such a scene, Gai Nie was also very disappointed, and sighed helplessly.

He could not wait to rush up directly to "660" and cut Ying Changge into eight pieces, but he was not in a hurry either.

This is a wheel battle, let the guards and Ying Changge fight first, and when the time is right, Gai Nie will naturally meet.

Looking at Ying Changge's aggressive appearance, Gai Nie was indifferent and looked on without changing his expression.

In the courtyard, the broad villa continued to fight back, and the blade of Ying Changge's sword was already stained with blood.

More and more bloodstains spread on the ground, and several guards were seriously injured and had no choice but to retreat.

They were panting, and with such hardships and pains, the arm holding the sword blade couldn't help shaking.

Knowing this, the guards wouldn't take this job, because they couldn't kill Ying Changge at all.

Ying Changge's figure was swift, from far to near, approached in front of everyone, and then continued to fight back.

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