boom! A deep sword mark appeared on his fist, and the guard stared at his arm and shouted in pain.

With a merciless attack, Ying Changge's sword continued to descend, piercing the guard's abdomen at once.

The blood sprayed, and the blood flowed continuously, and the guard fell to the ground so weakly, and died like this.

On the contrary, the other guards were very nervous and trembling after seeing this scene.

After a fierce battle, Ying Changge still didn't get any damage after you came and went for several rounds.

Not only that, these guards fully understood that Ying Changge's swordsmanship was overwhelming.

If they continue to fight with Ying Changge, I am afraid that a few of them will die like this.

The sword edge is still an ordinary sword, but the person who uses the sword is not ordinary, and it is a non-trivial existence.

In Ying Changge's eyes, the ability of this group of guards is the trick of carving insects, and they can't kill themselves at all.

His eyes were so unwilling, Gai Nie couldn't help clenching his fists, very resentful.

What a bunch of stupid rice buckets! A mere Ying Changge can't even be killed! Really incompetent.

Genie was reluctant to speak out, he didn't want to reveal his position in front of Ying Changge, it would be very dangerous.

Standing on the attic, watching this fight intently, Gai Nie's expression became gloomy.

With a quick shot, he sent out his own sword unscrupulously, but the guard still did not dare to back down.

Continue to fight against Ying Changge, they were oppressed by Ying Changge, full of anger and very angry.

Unwilling to keep his hands at all, and continuing to attack, the guards still went to surround Ying Changge in groups.

One or two guards were stabbing, and the other guards copied from the back, trying to kill Ying Changge.

However, Ying Changge is capable of both offense and defense, and the sword in his hand has a stern stance and is very fierce.

Several guys who didn't know whether to live or die continued to rush forward, and Ying Changge's sword stabbed hard at 0......

With a ping pong, he blocked the sword of one of the guards, and immediately pierced his stomach.

puff! The blood flowed, and the many bloodstains were sprayed on the ground, and the guard twitched and fell to the ground.

Another death of a guard, Ying Changge looked so indifferent, not afraid of anything.

Today is an important day, because he will kill Gai Nie and make Qin more stable and prosperous.

Otherwise, if the guards were to rush up in a hurry, it would be impossible to find Gai Nie.

Desperately struggling, his goal was Genie, not these guards from Jianghu.

Indiscriminately filling up the numbers, foxes and tigers, everyone could not kill Ying Changge, but let him continue to fight.

Under such an attack, the guards fell to the ground one by one, and died like this, losing their fighting spirit.

Ying Changge rampaged, continued to approach, and released his sword energy in an endless stream.

The sharp sword, Ying Changge was like a sword glow, from far to near, continuing to chase the group of guards.

4.9 Under the charge of the guards in groups, Ying Changge still did not feel any embarrassment, he wanted to spur the opponent.

Especially these guys, they are actually helping Zhou and killing themselves, it is really stupid!

Therefore, Ying Changge wanted to let Genie's guards know how powerful he was, and he strode up to force him.

The sword in his hand went down sharply, killing everyone with scars and blood.

The guards fell one by one again, and Ying Changge stood here, majestic and without flaws.

Since it is impossible to kill these guards, Ying Changge will continue to go to the depths of the villa to find Gai Nie.

Chapter 573 Whoever wins the head will be rewarded!

His figure was quick and unpredictable, and under the fighting of the guards, he escaped smoothly.

A group of guards were still chasing after him, but they couldn't catch Ying Changge's figure at all.

Obviously these guys are so fast, but the distance between them and Ying Changge is very limited.

Ying Changge ran in front, and the guards chased after him. Under such a fuss, he was unscathed.

Continuing to chase in the villa, Ying Changge checked left and right, just to find Gai Nie.

As long as Gai Nie is captured, Ying Changge can suppress him and bring him back to Ying Zheng.

Since Ying Zheng wanted to see him, Ying Changge had to obey his orders completely.

When he came to 05 in the villa, Ying Changge was surrounded and invaded by these guards and was very confident.

Since there are so many ambush, it means that Genie is also by Ying Changge's side and is within reach.

So, Ying Changge planned to find Genie first and catch him.

One by one the guards wanted to intercept Ying Changge, but it wasn't so easy!

Ying Changge's skills are superb, especially in swordsmanship, and a group of people can't stop him at all.

As long as you continue to fight, some guards in this district can always fall to the ground and die.

Ying Changge came forward, the sword in his hand stabbed continuously, killing the enemy fiercely.

There were few guards who could stand in front of him and continue to shoot, and they were shocked.

On the contrary, it was Ying Changge, who continued to come in stride, and failed wherever he went.

One or two guys are unable to defend their dignity, they are being attacked all over the place.

The guards Gai Nie recruited were all rabble, and they were nothing to mention.

So he continued to walk up, attacked quickly, and the sword in his hand continued to stab.

Whoosh! The swords were overflowing, and they came in an endless stream, Ying Changge swept the thousands of troops and defeated them all.

The remaining few were defeated, scarred and bleeding, while Ying Changge continued to move forward.

His goal is Genie, and he doesn't look down on anyone other than Genie.

He came quickly, searched quickly in the villa, and Ying Changge scolded, "Courageous!"

"Gai Nie, you are greedy for life and fear of death, come out and fight me to the death!"

After being provoked by Ying Changge, how could Gai Nie just sit back and watch! He couldn't hold his breath.

He quickly stood at this high place, staring at Ying Changge without blinking, "I'm coming too!"

"Today, I want you to escape from my palm!" Gai Nie immediately drew his sword from the guard's hand.

Holding the sword, he quickly rushed towards Ying Changge, and the two figures immediately staggered together!

Feeling the danger, knowing that Genie was approaching, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, and already raised his sword.

The blade of the sword came out quickly, slamming into Gai Nie's look with a swipe, and Ying Changge stabbed a sword smoothly.

Overlapping together, the swords were so sharp that Gai Nie used all his strength to attack.

boom! The swords came in an endless stream, and Gai Nie didn't want to fight alone, he wanted a quick decision.

"Come here! Surround yourself and kill Ying Changge! Those who win others' heads will be rewarded!"

Hearing what Gai Nie said, several other people rushed up aggressively, in order to kill each other.

Otherwise, Ying Changge could not be defeated, and I was afraid that Gai Nie and his party would be wiped out.

It's so miserable! Suddenly besieged, many guards around Ying Changge rushed up.

Knowing that these guys are so difficult to deal with, he will fight quickly and fight with Gai Nie first!

Now that I meet these other guards, I am more or less entangled, and it is difficult to escape.

At this moment, Xiao Li's figure quickly fell from the sky, climbed over the wall, and came uninvited.

She quickly attacked and attacked fiercely, suppressing a group of people abruptly and supporting Ying Changge.

Xiao Li's expression was as usual, she glanced at Ying Changge, "Leave it to me, you can concentrate on dealing with Genie!"

660 Gai Nie Wanwan never thought that Ying Changge would have a helper, but this was beyond his expectation, and he was a little flustered.

However, he quickly calmed down, and then Gai Nie continued to use his sword, trying to kill the opponent first.

The sword was so swift and brave, it was going to pierce Ying Changge's heart and cause him to be seriously injured.

However, what kind of person is Ying Changge! His swordsmanship is superb, and his martial arts are naturally overwhelming.

There was no worries behind him, and the remaining guards were blocked by Xiao Li alone, so Ying Changge was relieved.

He concentrated on dealing with Guy Nie, and the sword in the Ying Chang Singer did not stop, and continued to slash out.

And Xiao Li was not idle either. She attacked quickly and blocked many guards with all her skills.

The rest of the guards have long since lost their prestige, and facing Xiao Li, there is not much chance of victory and hostility.

It's just reluctant to deal with it, but it can't kill the opponent, and will only be beaten by Xiao Li.

Chapter 574 Unimaginable, the power of destruction!

One by one, the guards wanted to sneak attack but could not succeed, they could only retreat in embarrassment.

Xiao Li involved the guards, Ying Changge dealt with Genie, the sword in his hand was also a dexterous and flexible attack.

Ping ping pong pong, Jian Feng wandered, Ying Changge's figure was getting closer and closer to Gai Nie.

The more the attack is, the more unusual the attack, Ying Changge's sword is so fierce.

With a swish, the sword edge was forced directly in front of him, creating a powerful wave and force.

The vigorous momentum is so weak, and Genie's sword moves are infinitely variable and have no certain power.

This is very suspicious in Ying Changge's view, because Genie's swordsmanship has changed.

Could it be that in a short period of time, Gai Nie himself has come to understand a set of swordsmanship! so weird.

The more the sword edge approached, the weaker and weaker Gai Nie's sword became.

With a sharp shot and a quick kill, his swords slammed into Gai Nie's body in an endless stream.

Naturally, Gai Nie did not spare any effort, and did everything he could to resist the impact of the sword with his sword.

Under such a sprint, nothing could stop Ying Changge's pace, he was as fast as a lion.

The tiger descended the mountain and came to Gai Nie in an instant, the sword in his hand staggered.

The hilt of the sword almost fell, but Gai Nie still grabbed it vigorously, and then quickly took two steps back.

Standing in the same place, Genie was not in a hurry, his eyes were so calm, as if he was not afraid of Ying Changge at all.

When Ying Changge continued to chase and kill at a quick pace, Gai Nie stabbed his sword forcefully.

Different from the weak and weak sword before, this time Genie's sword mark is fierce and unpredictable.

Ying Changge's sword edge collided with it, and then staggered back, his arms were slightly numb.

As expected of Gai Nie, the sword in his hand roams, and there is another move hidden in one move, which is strange and unpredictable.

Just now, Ying Changge was deceived by Genie's swordsmanship, which made him almost lose the battle.

Not to be outdone, not in a hurry at all, Ying Changge grabbed his sword hilt and continued to charge up.

The sword's edge had a violent posture, and the sword shadow flickered, all of which stabbed Ying Changge in one go.

With the approach of Ying Changge's figure, Gai Nie also continued to use his sword to fight against the enemy, fighting him to his heart's content.

The impact of the sword's edge was swift, and the two figures staggered, stabbing one move after another.

The moves are so tight that they even have the color of lawlessness and are full of destructive power.

Gai Nie wants to kill Ying Changge with a sword, but Ying Changge is not so easy to die!

"Be careful~"!" Gai Nie scolded contemptuously, and the sword in his hand stabbed majestically at Ying Changge.

The sword is fast, the man is faster.

This is a provocation. It seems that Genie is domineering, but he almost couldn't stab Ying Changge's body.

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