Because of Ying Changge's quick steps, with just such a flash, he avoided the entanglement of Genie's sword.

Not to be outdone, the persevering Genie continued to catch up and stabbed the sword into Ying Changge's chest.

Watching Jianfeng approaching, his eyes are so indifferent, he is not afraid at all.

With the sword in front of him, he counterattacked hard, pushing Gai Nie.

The figures of the two collided hotly, but they were on the verge of breaking out and fell directly to the side.

Even with such a deal, he couldn't stop Genie's attack, which he was bound to get.

In order to kill Ying Changge, he spared no effort, and kept handing out the sprint of his sword.

The sword light flickered, so aggressive that it almost knocked back Ying Changge's figure, causing serious injuries.

But so what! To Ying Changge, this was just a battle of foxes and tigers, not worth mentioning.

Ying Changge thought that his swordsmanship was better than that of Genie, so he continued to kill the opponent.

The colder the sword is, the more chaotic swordsmanship it has. This is a blow that is naturally easy to find flaws.

So, he quickly counterattacked, and the sword in his hand was also smashed with gusto.

Ping pong, Jian Feng continued to entangle, you come and go, everyone is doing their best to attack, very serious.

The few guards fled under Xiao Li's attack, and they were all shocked by Xiao Li's swordsmanship.

These guards who were summoned by Gai Nie (Wang Wang's) were all people in the rivers and lakes, crooked melons and cracked dates.

These guys are united and grouped together, but they still can't kill Xiao Li and this Pixiu.

They battled swiftly, Xiao Li approached quickly, and the sword in his hand was already flickering with afterimages.

The death of the guards, the wounds of the wounds, is really helpless, and it is impossible to be hostile. Xiao Li is too strong.

Especially Ying Changge's dexterous attack suppressed Gai Nie, and their morale dropped very much.

They tried their best to make a move, and in the villa, Ying Changge and Xiao Li could be considered a pair of swords, fighting bravely.

After easily convincing a group of people, all that will be left to Ying Changge will be little things.

Chapter 575 Kill Ying Changge and leave no stone unturned!

Continuing the attack, the swords in his hand slammed down in an endless stream, easily subduing the group of people.

With his skill, Xiao Li stopped so many guards so that they could not approach Ying Changge.

Concentrating on fighting against Genie, Ying Changge's sword never stopped, always swiftly slashing down.

The more powerful the wind is, the more unusual it is. Gai Nie's sword and tiger make the wind, which is unusual.

In such a fierce battle, Ying Changge never stopped, always waving his sword quickly.

A sword came, forced to face Ying Changge, and he could easily kill him.

However, Ying Changge's sword was also very fast, and immediately sprinted, colliding together, causing a sword flower.

With a ping-pong sound, Ying Changge's offensive stopped, and Gai Nie also quickly fired a sword.

This sword is like an arrow on the string that cannot be fired 660 times, and it attacks bravely, trying to break Ying Changge.

It wasn't Genie's purpose to leave Ying Changge scarred, his purpose was to kill Ying Changge.

Since he was ordered to come to arrest him, Ying Changge had to get rid of him quickly so that Genie could rest assured.

So, he attacked incessantly.

With a quick counterattack under Ying Changge's sword, Gai Nie was murderous and aggressive.

He felt Genie's killing intent, but Ying Changge was not in a hurry, his eyes were so indifferent.

It's just a little guy, do you really think he can kill himself! That is absolutely impossible!

So, Ying Changge's sword twisted and blocked Genie's sword at once, preventing him from rampaging.

Especially Gai Nie, grinning, like a tiger coming out of its cage, this kind of momentum is really unstoppable for ordinary people.

Fast attack, afej kept fighting, Gai Nie's sword always slashed on Ying Changge frequently.

After suffering such a ferocious charge as Ying Changge, Gai Nie was already angry and not to be outdone.

The sword in his hand continued to approach, in an endless stream, trying to trap Ying Changge here.

It's a pity that Ying Changge's figure is so flexible, going around in circles, avoiding the fierce blow of Gai Nie Yong.

A group of people had already been driven away by Xiao Li, far away from Ying Changge and Gai Nie, unable to support them.

Only Ying Changge and Gai Nie were left to attack at close range, going to hostile each other and trying to kill.

Gai Nie's figure was swaying, full of might, even an unusual aura, and it struck down directly.

The more extraordinary the power is, the more Ying Changge is allowed to deal with the enemy seriously and avoid the crisis.

boom! The swords were staggered, and the figure of Gai Nie came quickly, chattering in front of Ying Changge.

As long as the opponent is killed, Genie will be able to lead his own group and leave with a deep sense of merit and fame.

Otherwise, after being targeted by Ying Changge, everything will be very dangerous, and it will be difficult for Genie to escape.

How to get out of here smoothly is to kill Ying Changge and get rid of any entanglement.

Only in this way is the safest way, and Genie will not miss this opportunity.

Continuing to pursue and fight, the swords in Gai Nie's hands were dazzling, and they continued to strike.

After seeing this scene, Ying Changge was not to be outdone, and he quickly counterattacked.

Intercepting Gai Nie's sword again and again, at the same time, he is also approaching the meteor in stride, forcing Gai Nie.

At close range, the formations of Ying Changge and Gai Nie were even more violent, making it more difficult to fight against each other.

So, he kept rushing up and approaching the sword in his hand bravely.

With open teeth and claws, Genie Lei was resolute, and the sword in his hand threw out afterimages to force him.

Otherwise, Ying Changge could not be killed, and Gai Nie's long-planned preparations today would be ineffective.

Knowing that Ying Changge was back, Gai Nie set up an ambush in Dongyang County.

The purpose is to achieve justice and take his life, but Gai Nie is now asking for trouble.

Not only was he unable to grasp the handle of Ying Changge, but even with him, Gai Nie was at a disadvantage.

This is completely unmatched, and Gai Nie spared no effort to kill Ying Changge.

Approaching with murderous intent, he quickly handed out his sword. Such an offensive was very strong and shocking.

Ying Changge spotted the weak figure of Genie, continued to attack, and quickly fought again and again.

This is a very brave swordsmanship, and when a sword comes, Gai Nie is hard to guard against and hard to resist.

The eyes are fast and the hands are fast, the sword is rampant, and the sword in the Ying Chang singer is already swiftly hitting him.

Gai Nie hurriedly confronted the enemy, and Jian Feng barely blocked his offensive.

He didn't fall off the offensive, he was very heroic, so he continued to follow, and started killing.

The sword marks in his hands are fast, especially Ying Changge, who is always chattering to suppress Genie.

He blocked Ying Changge's sword, but the sword in his hand still couldn't force him to kill Ying Changge.

Ying Changge, who was chasing after the victory, raised the edge of his sword, swiftly descended, and stabbed straight in. The attack was very simple.

Chapter 576 A shot that combines two swords!

The simpler the attack, the harder it is to guard against, because his sword is too fast.

Resolutely and quickly, Ying Changge stabbed the sword in Genie's chest in a blink of an eye.

The chest and the head are the key points, so Gai Nie naturally wouldn't let Ying Changge kill himself with a single sword.

Raising the sword in his hand, Genie hurriedly blocked the attack of Ying Changge's sword.

With a ping-pong sound, the swords staggered, and then his figure fell backwards in embarrassment and fell on the wall.

There are trees everywhere in the villa, and birds and flowers are fragrant, but they are not suitable for hiding, there is nowhere to avoid.

So he attacked quickly, unleashing his brave sword moves in an endless stream.

The light and shadow flickered, coming again and again, just to kill Ying Changge, and then break through the opponent's flaws.

Ying Changge's figure is so brave, it's always coming in an endless stream, and he's not afraid of Gai Nie's sword at all.

The sword's edge is fast, and the fierce offensive also has an unusual fight - Ying Changge is domineering.

A sword attacked quickly, hitting the opponent hard, causing a majestic-windy offensive.

Gai Nie was repelled, he barely blocked himself with his sword, but Ying Changge's strength was still very brave.

For a while, unable to stand on the ground, Genie slammed into the tree trunk again and almost fell to the ground.

Since it was Gai Nie who showed his flaws, this was a very good opportunity for Ying Changge.

He attacked quickly, from far to near, and slashed hard at the neck of Genie with a single sword.

If he can successfully kill Gai Nie, Ying Changge will be able to return home, and he will be able to complete the task.

This was the task that Ying Zheng gave Ying Changge, and he had to complete it, so he was bound to get it.

Genie's expression became flustered. He was in a hurry and raised his sword to block his head.

He didn't want to die in Ying Changge's hands like this, obviously he was the one who waited for the rabbit.

Knowing that Ying Changge would appear in Dongyang County, Gai Nie set up many ambush in his villa.

These guys are all first-class players, killing Ying Changge would have been a no-brainer.

But Ying Changge and Xiao Li came on a rampage like this, and they directly defeated the guards.

If it wasn't for Genie's careful confrontation, he would have been killed by Ying Changge's sword long ago.

Seriously, with full concentration, Gai Nie continued to walk around with his sword, and quickly went to kill Ying Changge.

The more severe the offensive, the more unable to hide Genie's flaws, Ying Changge is clear.

Unable to hide, unable to avoid, Gai Nie came in a hurry, wanting to kill the opponent quickly.

Ying Changge and Xiao Li had already seen through Genie's conspiracy in advance and saw his ambush.

Therefore, Ying Changge and Xiao Li came together. They were united and shot with two swords.

In an instant, Xiao Li and Ying Changge easily beat Gai Nie and his party to the ground.

Unable to resist the attack, the sword in the Ying Chang singer was dazzlingly fast, and Gai Nie was hard to defend.

With a cold snort, he continued to attack, and Gai Nie vowed to eradicate Ying Changge.

After a lot of hard work, Gai Nie hid many people here, wanting to cut down Ying Changge's roots.

Unfortunately, all these attacks were useless, Ying Changge and Xiao Li turned the place upside down.


Can't stop Ying Changge's charge, can't stop Xiao Li's fight, Gai Nie is already in a predicament.

Even though many guards were protecting Genie, at this moment, he was fighting back alone.

Unable to stop Ying Changge, the other guards were also intercepted by Xiao Li, and the villa was full of murderous intent.

In such a chaotic situation, everything around was in a hurry, especially Gai Nie's bodyguard.

They had no way to start. Under Xiao Li's attack, they retreated continuously, causing countless casualties.

Having no time to pay attention to the guards next to him, Genie only had an enemy like Ying Changge in his eyes.


If Ying Changge cannot be killed, then his sword will directly pierce Genie's heart!

Therefore, walking quickly, chattering and releasing his sword, the sword shadow surrounded Ying Changge.

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