Meng Tian continued to lead his troops to chase and kill them, leaving them dead and wounded. This chase was very timely.

Especially the brave and fearless Meng Tian continued to chase up from behind, chasing Zhao Xingzhi in an endless stream.

Zhao Xingzhi was even more frightened and shivered. He was pale and did not allow himself to be killed like this.

He is the county governor of Anyang County! He has the supreme power to control everything around him.

Otherwise, I am afraid that such a death will cause everything to become even more desolate and fall directly.

Believing that fate is in his own hands, Zhao Xingzhi will not stop there, he continues to escape.

Riding on a horse and attacking quickly, Meng Tian let his army go to surround Zhao Xingzhi.

Zhao Xingyi's pedestrians were all hunted down and down, their troops were greatly reduced, and blood flowed into rivers and piled up like mountains on the battlefield.

It was precisely because such a large army threatened Zhao Xingzhi that he did not dare to fight again.

Once the battle is continued, there will be many dangers, and it is easy for Zhao Xingzhi to die in battle.

He didn't want his head to fall, so he charged quickly and led his army away.

Leaving this place, avoiding the surroundings, and with his last army, Zhao Xingyi fled in a hurry.

As long as he leaves here, there will be no danger, and Meng Tian can be thrown away.

In this battle, after several fierce rounds, Zhao Xingzhi knew that he could not kill Meng Tian.

The skills of the two were so different that Zhao Xingzhi's army was chased and killed and fled quickly.

In order to solve Zhao Xingzhi, Meng Tian couldn't wait, and the soldiers in his hands quickly left.

Meng Tian would feel very guilty if he couldn't catch Zhao Xingzhi, so he took the lead.

Came nonstop, rode on (afej) horses, charged quickly, and he quickly chased after him.

After rushing into Zhao Xingzhi's army, Meng Tian started a killing spree and beheaded all the enemy troops one by one.

Such a large army is also immortal, and after seeing Zhao Xingzhi, he wants to come forward to chase and kill.

But Meng Tian's skills are very superb, and it is impossible for them to stop Meng Tian.

Continue to fight, chattering and charging down, full of murderous intentions in one blow.

The aggressive and murderous Zhao Xingzhi beheaded several people here and let them die.

At the same time, Meng Tian will continue to chase, just to kill Zhao Xingzhi.

Zhao Xingzhi didn't need to look back, but he heard the rushing figure of the enemy behind him, which was very dangerous.

His face was pale and bloodless, and then Zhao Xingzhi clutched the wound on his shoulder and continued to flee.

Even if Meng Tian tried his best to chase, he was still far from Zhao Xingzhi's army.

Failing to catch up with Zhao Xingzhi, Meng Tian let them escape directly, and the enemy army left directly from the wide area.

The attack without leaving room, and the embarrassed escaping, all these changes were due to Zhao Xingzhi.

After leaving with a look of fear, he did not dare to continue, but stayed in his barracks.

Anyang County did not dare to go back, Zhao Xingzhi felt that the barracks was still safe, at least there were a lot of people.

Once there is any danger, Zhao Xingzhi can mobilize his manpower to resist Meng Tian's attack.

Day and night, one after another, so they came to this place, and finally had a good way.

After entering the barracks, Zhao Xingzhi was relieved that there would be no more chasing soldiers to kill him.

Meng Tian obeyed Ying Changge's order and did not continue to chase after him.

Even if Zhao Xingzhi had escaped without a trace, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he was ready to go, and made a little preparation.

So Ying Changge asked Meng Tian's army to come back, so that he could personally lead the army to attack Zhao Xingzhi.

This Zhao Xingzhi, who was greedy for life and fear of death, had already fled and disappeared completely.

Chapter 641 All the way out of the barracks!

Ying Changge immediately sent his own soldiers to inquire about Zhao Xingzhi's whereabouts, and at the same time asked the soldiers to prepare.

Zhao Xingzhi led so many troops that he couldn't escape far, and Ying Changge was not in a hurry at all.

Indifferent and calm, he immediately let his manpower continue to track down the Quartet, chasing after Zhao Xingzhi.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ying Changge to hear the news and know the whereabouts of Zhao Xingzhi.

After leading the army to leave the battlefield, Zhao Xingzhi returned to the barracks, and let them all be united.

But wait to die! Ying Changge became very confident after knowing Zhao Xingzhi's whereabouts.

As long as he personally led the army, it would be easy to win the Anyang County Governor.

Therefore, Meng Tian took the lead and handed over the army in his hands to Ying Changge, making him fully responsible.

Ying Changge personally became the general of the leading army, which allowed the soldiers to rest for a while and not be in a hurry.

Sooner or later, Zhao Xingzhi has to be cleaned up, and the district governor of Anyang County has not yet escaped.

Ying Changge indifferently wiped his sword on the spot and moved his horse.

Everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed, as long as Zhao Xingzhi can be killed, then Ying Changge will conquer Anyang County.

Because of the existence of this guy Zhao Xingzhi, the people were made to mourn, and the people could not live.

Many people have endured humiliation, especially those garrisoned in Anyang County, unable to make a living.

They were all forced to become pirates, and this was the most exaggerated thing, which made Ying Changge unhappy.

Therefore, in order to take down Zhao Xingzhi, they had to attack quickly and not let Zhao Xingzhi get a little bit.

With low morale, Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers must be unable to resist the conquest of Ying Changge's army.

Especially when he was just repelled by Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Xingzhi was very bitter and exhausted at this moment.

Seizing the opportunity, Ying Changge made his army unite and went to Zhao Xingzhi's barracks.

To catch them all in one go.

Since Zhao Xingzhi is hiding in the barracks, it also means that he has no way out, it is simply a dead end!

Ying Changge personally led the army, and let a group of people follow behind him to fight quickly.

From far to near, Ying Changge's army directly surrounded Zhao Xingzhi's barracks, keeping them behind closed doors.

Before he could rest, Zhao Xingzhi heard the news of Ying Changge's army coming, and he was very terrified.

"That's unreasonable! Ying Changge is going to kill them all! Is this insulting no one in my hands!"

As the governor of Anyang County, when did Zhao Xingzhi suffer such grievances! He was very depressed.

Not to be outdone, the army in the Ying Chang singer first blocked all the retreats of the barracks.

It is to let Zhao Xingzhi die without a burial place, so Ying Changge will make them unable to leave this place.

Riding on the horse indifferently, Ying Changge raised his sword and drew it out of its sheath, "Prepare!"

"Charge!" Ying Changge gave an order, causing the soldiers around him to attack Zhao Xingzhi's barracks in one go.

Zhao Xingzhi was here, and he already knew the whereabouts of Ying Changge's army, and he was very flustered.

But even so what can it be! Zhao Xingzhi huddled in his barracks and refused to fight.

Is it hard to achieve such a death! He was unwilling, Zhao Xingzhi knew that the army was already under the city.

Ying Changge led so many troops to surround Zhao Xingzhi's barracks, making him unable to fight.

That being the case, it is enough to fight back by any means in order to kill the opponent.

With a bang, gnashing his teeth, Zhao Xingzhi ordered his soldiers to cheer up and fight.

Without giving Zhao Xingzhi any chance to react, Ying Changge's army continued to attack and fight.

With a bang, the barracks was broken with a loud noise, and the soldiers attacked with great fanfare.

Ying Changge personally led the army to attack. Naturally, he was confident, the victory was in his hands, and he was not afraid of anything!

There were soldiers charging, and so many people came in a mighty way, just to take down Zhao Xingzhi.


Zhao Xingzhi knew that he did not have any chance to retreat today, so let's start the war!

In a battle to kill Ying Changge, this is Zhao Xingzhi's only chance to fight back!

He snorted coldly, so he let so many of his soldiers come to his side, all in one go.

With a vigorous attack, with a loud roar, the war came immediately, and Zhao Xingzhi began to respond to the counterattack.

It was useless to rush up quickly, Zhao Xingzhi stayed at the back of the team in order to survive.

He was greedy for life and was afraid of death, and did not want to die at all, so he could only let the soldiers charge first.

Seeing that the soldiers in front were rushing up one by one, Zhao Xingzhi was very safe.

He thinks this is a good opportunity, as long as they continue to fight and fight.

Otherwise, just let Zhao Xingzhi stay here, maybe there will be too many dangers!

In the barracks, there is no suitable opportunity, only this road goes to darkness.

Ying Changge and other soldiers blocked the door, leaving him with nowhere to go.

Chapter 642 Neat, Quick Attack!

Very flustered, he had no choice but to leave along the back row of his soldiers.

After sneaking away and leaving quietly, maybe there will be no danger.

After making up his mind, Zhao Xingzhi immediately brought a horse, turned it over, and headed to the barracks.

He already knew the strength of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​so Zhao Xingzhi did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

He could only walk in this barracks quickly, so as to find a place to leave completely.

Otherwise, if you let them come up like this, I'm afraid it will be easier than eradication.

Staying in his own barracks, "Seven-Five-Seven" Zhao Xingzhi only has a dead end, it is better to fight directly!

Hearing that Ying Changge's family is leading the army, it doesn't matter to Zhao Xingzhi.

He was not afraid at all, so he rushed up even more fiercely, riding a war horse, and attacking with fire and wind.

He came quickly and tried his best to lead his army to fight. He had an invincible attitude.

Zhao Xingyi took the lead, letting many large armies come to him and start killing.

As long as Ying Changge's soldiers exist, it is impossible for them to block this attack easily.

Once waved, his figure will take the lead, Ying Changge is a brave and fearless person.

Not afraid of the sky and the earth, the soldiers dispatched in groups and immediately came to him and fought.

The whereabouts of a group of people were so fast, but even so, they still could not enter the barracks smoothly.

With Zhao Xingzhi's resistance, naturally many soldiers were standing here, and they quickly shot.

Neatly and swiftly attacked, a group of people came in a mighty manner, fighting fiercely.

Swords, lights, swords, shadows, **** battles, in such a battle, no one will give in, they are hot and humid.

They rushed to come, and with a quick blow, the swords in their hands also had an unusual posture.

The soldiers charged, and Ying Changge also rode a warhorse, and rushed directly to the barracks.

With a big fight and a quick counterattack, once the sword in his hand is rippling down, it is also a different posture.

They were sharp-edged and murderous. Under such a fight, it was impossible for them to block Ying Changge.

Ying Changge, who took the lead, took the lead in the charge, facing the enemy, with a powerful and explosive force that could not be ignored.

In Zhao Xingzhi's barracks, it was impossible for a few people to stop him from fighting like this, it was really embarrassing.

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