After retreating like this, the entanglement continued, and the soldiers all made a mess and attacked with great fanfare.

With the heavy blows and rapid charges, Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers could not stop Ying Changge's army.

Under such a slaughter, Ying Changge's army immediately occupied the advantage and became more powerful and domineering.

Quickly charged, with a show of enthusiasm, Ying Changge's soldiers were extraordinarily brave and invincible.

There was an endless stream, and the soldiers came quickly and surrounded Zhao Xingzhi's army.

They came from all directions and attacked one after another, and they immediately blocked the way of Zhao Xingzhi's army.

Barracks say big or not, say small or small. It is also very easy to intercept Zhao Xingzhi in this place.

Ying Changge's soldiers all came non-stop, and the enemy was entangled in the wind and fire.

Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers all panicked, but they still stubbornly guarded the place and continued to counterattack...

Soldiers came in an endless stream, and they showed their skills in a hurry to kill the Ying Changge army.

Taking the lead and approaching without stopping, the sword in the Ying Chang singer also swung down with mighty domineering force.

The wind and fire came, and quickly smashed on a few people, causing them to be repulsed in embarrassment.

Shaking and falling down in pain, Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers were all defeated and hard to fight.

In particular, Ying Changge, who even killed a lot in the barracks, was invincible with his strength.

Under such fierce fighting, he still quickly approached and penetrated into Zhao Xingzhi's barracks.

There are so many enemy troops to resist, but for him, it is just an ordinary gesture.

Having personally led a lot of troops, Ying Changge blocked the entrance to the barracks and prevented them from escaping.

Ying Changge's goal is not these soldiers, but to kill Zhao Xingzhi, and he is the top priority.

A quick charge entered and stepped into the depths of the barracks. The 4.9 soldiers beside Ying Changge also attacked quickly.

There was an endless stream of fighting, and the swift expedition to the Quartet, these soldiers killed them bravely.

On the horse, it was not conducive to Ying Changge's performance, so he immediately jumped off the horse.

The foot smashed on an enemy's shoulder, directly pressing him to the ground.

The sword fell from the hand, and the sword in the singer Ying Chang fell down steadily, slashing the opponent.

"Where is Zhao Xingzhi!" Ying Changge shouted, his only purpose was to find Zhao Xingzhi.

The governor of Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi, has no intention of the king and acted recklessly.

Chapter 643 A complete defeat!

Otherwise, letting such a kid fall here will continue to be arrogant and domineering.

In Anyang County, there is already a bad wind, entirely because of the existence of Zhao Xingzhi.

In the face of this culprit, he is not worried at all, in order to kill the other party abruptly.

As long as Zhao Xingzhi is killed, then Anyang County will be more stable and peaceful without the governor.

Ying Changge led his own troops to attack quickly, killing and killing in Zhao Xingzhi's barracks.

In the shadows of swords and swords, Ying Changge's whereabouts were so fast that it was impossible for ordinary people to intercept them.

With a hard counterattack and a quick one-step hit, Ying Changge killed several soldiers.

The sharpness of a 05 sword is fierce, but in the struggle between you and me, how could Ying Changge lose.

He laughed loudly, and his face was hideous, so he came more fiercely and handed out his sword.

Wherever the sword edge goes, Ying Changge will set off a **** storm, causing the enemy troops to be seriously injured and killed.

Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers are vulnerable, especially the Anyang County Governor, who is now acting as a shrinking turtle at this time.

They didn't dare to stay here, they just couldn't stand it, trying to protect the last piece of the barracks.

However, all this is useless, at least, Zhao Xingzhi is not there, he seems to want to continue to escape.

But Ying Changge's army has already been intercepted here, even if he is allowed to escape, what is the way out?

He could only stay here in embarrassment, and would not allow himself to have a head-on conflict with Ying Changge.

Otherwise, the army waiting for Ying Changge will come in a mighty manner, and it will be out of control!

He was terrified and very flustered, for fear that he would die like this and be beheaded by Ying Changge.

After thinking about it, there are a lot of concerns, but Zhao Xingzhi has no other way.

In particular, Ying Changge's army was all approaching the city, and outside the barracks were all the figures of his army.

Once it is delayed, I am afraid that he will hesitate and lose. Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi's evil grows on the edge of courage.

At this moment, I have to stand! Zhao Xingzhi immediately got up in a hurry, "Rush for me!"

The arrow had to be shot on the string, so Zhao Xingzhi made up his mind to kill Ying Changge.

As long as the Ying Changge army is completely defeated, there may be a chance to capture Ying Changge alive.

Catch the opponent and coerce his life in exchange for conditions, then Zhao Xingzhi still has a chance.

So he attacked quickly and couldn't wait to release his murderous aura, looking murderous.

He came aggressively, and killed a lot in the barracks. Zhao Xingzhi went to the hostile Ying Changge army to kill him.

Especially seeing the other party's figure so sloppy, for him, it is even less worth mentioning.

He came in stride, attacked in an endless stream, and displayed a series of sword moves of his own.

Under the staggering and sparring of swords, there are almost no soldiers who can stop Zhao Xingzhi's pursuit!

At first glance, Zhao Xingzhi was still in a hurry. He came with big strides and showed his momentum.

He came so quickly, occupying the center of the barracks, he did his part, Zhao Xingzhi was very fierce.

After a big fight, he took out his murderous aura, and the soldiers behind him followed Zhao Xingzhi step by step.

As long as Zhao Xingzhi was killed, then Ying Changge's army would be considered safe enough, and there was no accident.

However, is Zhao Xingzhi such a person who is willing to give up! He rode on his horse and yelled, "Ying Changge!"

"I want to kill you! Because I am the county governor of Anyang County, killing Ying Changge is an urgent matter!"

Coming from the galloping horse, Zhao Xingzhi traveled from far to near, and he was also a killer in the face of the enemy.

He fought with blood and fought back quickly, and the sword in his hand was also attacking in an endless stream, taking his life.

For a while, Zhao Xingzhi seemed to have no clue, he didn't know what to do here.

Do you want to continue the fight, or stay in the barracks so that you can leave here as soon as possible?

757 In fact, in Zhao Xingzhi's heart, what he wants to do most is to run away and leave as he pleases.

It's a pity that so many soldiers are here, and they are all lively guys.

Such an attack would make Zhao Xingzhi lose his life directly, but he would not look at it so eagerly.

"Ying Changge! Come out! How dare you fight me to the death!" Zhao Xingzhi was very fierce.

He must know how great he is! He also knew that Ying Changge and Meng Tian were not easy to deal with.

Hiding here, Zhao Xingzhi tried to avoid this killing in his barracks.

However, Ying Changge and Meng Tian continued to attack. Their army was everywhere, and the grass and trees were all soldiers.

It is necessary to fight them head-on! Otherwise, Zhao Xingzhi will lose his morale.

He gritted his teeth and rode on his horse to make a fortune, looking so irritable, even arrogant.

Ying Changge heard his shout, so he rushed out of the crowd immediately.

Chapter 644 The Invincible Attack!

He faced Zhao Xingzhi, but he was not afraid at all, and he beheaded his own **** path without rushing.

He walked up quickly and stood up quickly in the ranks of the enemy soldiers, his expression was very indifferent.

The sharp-edged Ying Changge stood here, surrounded by many Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers.

If possible, Ying Changge hopes to capture Zhao Xingyi, especially the governor of Anyang County.

Sin is unforgivable.

If Zhao Xingzhi is not eradicated, then this Anyang County will continue to be chaotic and difficult to control.

Zhao Xingzhi's wolf's ambition was so ambitious that it was like a louse that fueled Anyang County.

However, Ying Changge is not someone who watches fire from the other side. He wants to make a quick decision, punish evil and promote good!

Especially Zhao Xingzhi's character is not good, even so bad, he looks extremely embarrassed.

As long as Ying Changge eradicates Zhao Xingzhi, the rest will not be a big problem.

He will kill the county governor of Anyang County, and at the same time let capable people continue to hold the position of the county governor of Anyang County.

Continuing the battle among so many soldiers, Zhao Xingzhi soon saw the figure of Ying Changge.

It was a last-ditch fight, a desperate duel, so it was impossible for him to give up! Zhao Xingzhi shouted!

As if adding prestige to himself, Zhao Xingzhi rode his horse aggressively and chased after him, "Ying Changge!"

"I'm here to take your life!" The majestic horseback came, and Zhao Xingzhi charged forward.

In order to kill Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi did not leave any room, and at the same time continued to fight back and attack as much as he could.

The weapons in his hands were also falling in an endless stream, and Zhao Xingzhi tried his best to kill Ying Changge.

Zhao Xingyi suddenly approached Ying Changge in front of Ying Changge, trying to kill him.

But Ying Changge still looked unhurried, so he just stood there indifferently, and shot happily.

The sword mark in his hand was brave, Ying Changge just pulled out a sword and resisted Zhao Xingzhi's murderous intention.

He came from far and near, and the sword edge did not wait for Ying Changge to land on Ying Changge's body, Zhao Xingzhi was embarrassed.

With a cold snort, Zhao Xingzhi rode on the horse, but continued to raise his sword and stabbed it hard.

Ying Changge still looked so indifferent, before Hengjian, and then blocked Zhao Xingzhi's attack.

One after another, they came to chase and kill Ying Changge in an endless stream, and the sword in Zhao Xingzhi's hand did not stop.

The wind and fire came, and the quick fight was to kill it completely.

As long as Ying Changge's defenses were broken, Zhao Xingzhi would kill him easily here.

On his horse, the majestic Zhao Xingzhi looked like he was invincible and invincible.

However, is Zhao Xingzhi really invincible! impossible! His abilities are limited.

Especially when he was stabbed by Meng Tian with a sword before, although Zhao Xingzhi stopped the bleeding from the wound, the pain was still cracking.

He stared blankly at Ying Changge, continued to drop the sword in his hand, and stabbed straight through the air.

Ying Changge still stayed where he was, his face was full of indifference and seriousness.

It's just a county governor of Anyang County! In front of Ying Changge, he still acts as a blessing, which is really outrageous!

Holding his sword in midair, he was still standing on the ground, but Zhao Xingzhi was riding on a horse.

Therefore, the figures of the two are very different, Ying Changge is in the low place, but Zhao Xingzhi is in the high place.

If Ying Changge and Zhao Xingzhi were to face off against each other, the methods in their hands would naturally be chattering and doing everything possible.

One sword fight, Ying Changge aggressively attacked, and one sword hit Zhao Xingzhi.

If it wasn't for Zhao Xingzhi riding on the horse, then he would have already fallen to the ground and was very embarrassed.

With a cold snort, he raised his fist, Zhao Xingzhi was not to be outdone, and he was also in a rush.

"'"Death to me~"!" In the barracks, on his own territory, Zhao Xingzhi wanted to attack invincibly.

When he met Ying Changge, he would chatter and attack in order to catch him all in one go.

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