Otherwise, with Zhao Xingzhi's body, it would be impossible to kill Ying Changge.

Ying Changge's ability is high and strong, and his swordsmanship is even more powerful, making it hard to resist, continue to persevere.

Even if the enemy is outnumbered, he is able to take Zhao Xingzhi's head from Wanjun.

This attack is useless, Ying Changge is just relying on (Zhao Li Zhao) own sword to block Zhao Xingzhi firmly.

Zhao Xingzhi's attacks are useless, disorganized, and even without any power.

Under such a circumstance, his attack still came with perseverance, just to kill Ying Changge.

How can we kill Zhao Xingzhi! Because Zhao Xingzhi has many soldiers by his side!

These soldiers from Anyang County were all ignorant of life and death, and they did not shed tears without seeing the coffin, and they insisted on fighting Ying Changge.

Waiting patiently, Zhao Xingzhi was looking for a loophole so that he could easily kill Ying Changge.

Ying Changge will not stand here stupidly, he will continue to resist Zhao Xingzhi and defeat the enemy.

Chapter 645 Get up immediately, the carp fights!

Especially so many soldiers surrounded Ying Changge in one go, leaving him nowhere to run.

Of course, Ying Changge didn't have any idea of ​​escape, his goal was very simple.

As long as it was to kill Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge unscrupulously unleashed all his abilities.

Killing in an endless stream, Ying Changge killed many soldiers and blood flowed into rivers.

Corpses were scattered all over the place, and Ying Changge was surrounded by enemy corpses, piled up like mountains.

After seeing this scene, Zhao Xingzhi was even more puzzled, he couldn't imagine it at all.

Especially Ying Changge's ability is so powerful, so many soldiers can't stop Ying Changge!

Zhao Xingzhi and his army are all here, they are rampant and domineering, and they also occupy the barracks.

Because he still came out in one gulp, the soldiers around him followed suit.

The sword in his hand is also domineering, Ying Changge rippling with a sword, unleashing a mighty blow.

Not only Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers, even Zhao Xingzhi couldn't intercept Ying Changge himself!

In such a struggle, Ying Changge's face was expressionless, and he didn't feel tired at all.

Not only that, but even the more courageous they fought, Ying Changge swept thousands of troops and defeated them all.

Many soldiers fell in front of Ying Changge, making them unable to fight against such a murderous intention at all.

There is one thing that Ying Changge must do, and that is to kill the governor of Anyang County and let him die completely.

Not only because of this chaotic Anyang County, but also because of the crimes committed by Zhao Xingzhi himself.

Ying Changge would never be lenient, nor could he be merciful, he continued to attack.

Even if there are many (afej) soldiers around, it is impossible to stop Ying Changge's every move.

His figure is so fast, like a wolf like a tiger, more like a tiger coming out of its cage, full of shock.

It came in an endless stream, and Ying Changge was invincible under the slaughter of so many soldiers.

Otherwise, even if Zhao Xingzhi led so many troops here, it would be impossible to capture Ying Changge.

Going his own way, he came alone.

Ying Changge continued to fight, and the edge of the sword flashed.

Such a fierce offensive continued to descend, staggering and hitting the surroundings, and afterimages appeared.

Whoosh! Just a sword rampage, the sword edge broke through the surrounding soldiers, leaving them all scarred.

Blood was sprayed, and the body fell to the ground. Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers came in groups, but they still couldn't stop him.

Ying Changge came to Zhao Xingzhi very smoothly, he fought and handed out his sword.

The sword edge approached, Ying Changge leaped up, and then struck Zhao Xingzhi aggressively.

Feeling such killing intent, Zhao Xingzhi also raised his arm in a hurry.

The sword edge hit the back of his hand, making him feel the powerful strength and killing intent.

Unstoppable for a while, Zhao Xingzhi fell off his horse and fell to the ground.

He coughed and felt his own pain, Zhao Xingzhi also got up immediately, and the carp stood up.

Quickly raised his sword, at this moment, Zhao Xingzhi couldn't calm down.

Falling from the horse, Zhao Xingzhi's expression was full of fierce unbearableness and stubbornness.

No reason! Not to be outdone, Zhao Xingzhi walked up, he raised his sword, ready to go.

With quick counterattacks and vigorous hostility, Zhao Xingzhi did not have the strength to fight against Ying Changge.

In order to kill Ying Changge, he also spared no effort to continue the attack, so that he could kill the opponent.

Zhao Xingzhi and this guy are hostile, in order to break them, but also to protect the Anyang County Governor.

Otherwise, once this black gauze hat is thrown away, Zhao Xingzhi will have nothing! Of course he wants to fight!

Unscrupulous, he charged quickly, and Zhao Xingzhi, who fell off his horse, approached Ying Changge.

The sword in his hand is so mighty and domineering, it is even full of shining light, dazzling.

The murderous Zhao Xingzhi released all his skills in order to kill the opponent.

However, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he was very indifferent, without any panic, and continued to fight the enemy.

The sword's edge overflowed and slashed upward, and then hit Ying Changge's chest abruptly.

In order to kill Ying Changge, he was in a hurry, showing off his sword moves non-stop.

But even so, Zhao Xingzhi could not be hostile to Ying Changge, the disparity between them was too great.

Under such a fierce fight, Ying Changge also continued to attack without hesitation, drawing his sword forward.

Swords are staggered, you come and go, under such an attack, they have a very fierce offensive.

Zhao Xingzhi was cruel and ruthless, even despicable, and he would use any means.

But for Ying Changge, there is nothing to worry about.

He is invincible by virtue of his superb cultivation and extraordinary swordsmanship.

Chapter 646 The offensive suddenly changed!

The wind and fire came, and the force approached quickly, hitting Zhao Xingzhi.

The two faced each other, and the swords collided, causing Zhao Xingzhi's back to be slightly numb, making it difficult to grasp the hilt of the sword.

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhao Xingzhi knew that his momentum was very low.

Weak and difficult to hostile, but even so, he attacked quickly so that he could kill the opponent.

Zhao Xingzhi and Ying Changge vowed not to give up, so they attacked aggressively.

Only by killing Ying Changge can Zhao Xingzhi be able to retreat.

The battle between Ying Changge and Zhao Xingyi is bound to be fierce, and even the exchange of you and me is very cruel.

The battlefield is ruthless, killing is a battle of life and death, Zhao Xingzhi is unscrupulous in his barracks.

He will do his best and use all his powers, so that he can fight against the army of Ying Chang~ge.

If Zhao Xingzhi can't escape from Ying Changge's hands, then it must be - he will die.

This is a very cruel end, especially for such an offense, which is simply without any backhand.

They rushed up aggressively and attacked in an endless stream. Their soldiers were all heroically attacking.

Continuously showing his own momentum, such a fierce offensive is also a mighty enemy.

Quick shots and unbridled charges, the soldiers were entangled, chaotic, and murderous.

It is precisely because of seeing such a battle, a group of talents will be more united and united.

Zhao Xingzhi understands that today is a lot of misfortune, and he doesn't want to die here hastily.

Continuing to attack, taking the lead, the sword in Zhao Xingzhi's hand has already smashed on Ying Changge's body.

An imposing sword, a very domineering attack, this sword has an unusual posture, and it is wind and fire.

In the face of such a blow, Ying Changge did not hesitate, and directly raised the sword in front of him.

With a ping-pong sound, accompanied by a crisp sound, Ying Changge's figure stood here, unscathed.

However, Zhao Xingzhi was shocked by the blocking sword, and he didn't know what to do.

The sword's edge was trembling, and it was difficult to chase and kill. Zhao Xingzhi stood there, standing like a pine, not moving like a bell, thoughtful.

Zhao Xingzhi was thinking about how to deal with the enemy Ying Changge, otherwise, it would be difficult to calm down his anger without killing him.

Especially Ying Changge's army is under this, once it is an attack, it must be wiped out.

With so many soldiers at his side, how could Ying Changge admit defeat! impossible!

So he attacked quickly, or chose to persevere and attack with strides.

Seeing Ying Changge's figure, he stabbed straight at him with a sword, and stabbed him firmly.

Such a blow is very sharp, full of risks, and unexpectedly powerful.

It was precisely because he saw such a battle that he rushed forward more forcefully, and Ying Changge was furious.

He took out his imposing manner, came in a hurry, and Jian Feng came to Ying Changge in a blink of an eye.

After seeing such a faint glow, Ying Changge didn't move at all, not in a hurry, and immediately turned around with a sword.

With a ping-pong sound, the sword edge hit directly, and it blocked Zhao Xingzhi's sword edge abruptly.

The weapons of the two collided, murderous, full of unusual posture and strength.

Although Zhao Xingzhi desperately wanted to kill Ying Changge, the sword in his hand was useless.


In the chaos of the army, one by one people came in an endless stream, trying to kill the enemy's traces.

Whether it was Ying Changge or Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers, they all came in a hurry and were aggressive.

But even so, Ying Changge is not afraid, he feels that he has his own natural swordsmanship.

Fighting against Zhao Xingzhi, fighting against the enemy, Yingchang Singer's attacks are all downhill, as fast as a gust of wind.

The sword edge swept across, mighty and aggressive, and hit him in a blink of an eye.


boom! Only a sound was heard, and then Zhao Xingzhi became unstable and fell staggeringly.

After seeing such a scene, Zhao Xingzhi was naturally very angry, but he would not let it go.

So he got up immediately, raised the sword in his hand, and Zhao Xingzhi walked low and stabbed Ying Changge's ankle.

Looking at Zhao Xingzhi's sudden change of attack, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, and he immediately counterattacked.

The sword edge swept across a large area, and Ying Changge knocked the surrounding soldiers to the ground one by one, staggering.

They are difficult to hostile, a group of people are coming in mighty, but they are also vulnerable.

It was impossible to seriously injure Ying Changge at all, but Ying Changge kept wandering, and the sword edge broke several people.

Under such a slaughter, the strength of the sword's edge is shocking, making it difficult for them to turn around and retreat.

boom! Another sword came, Zhao Xingzhi was chattering endlessly, he was not tired at all, and he was unwilling to retreat.

For his own survival, in order to kill Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi also tried his best and never stopped.

The vigorous attack came in an aggressive manner, and the sword in his hand was full of afterimages.

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