Fighting and killing is naturally very hard, especially for Zhao Erhu, he has not eaten yet!

Hungry and empty stomach, but battling Darkguard is also very interesting.

At the very least, Zhao Erhu has not seen such an arrogant and domineering guy for a long time.

Excessive, Ye Lang chose to attack arrogantly, and even hoped that Zhao Erhu would be killed directly.

Zhao Erhu is impossible to give up in the face of such a manpower, he wants to show his strength and strength.

So, the chatter came, and with a quick blow, the sword edge in his hand was already falling heavily.

Ping-pong, sword-blade collision, directly made Zhao Erhu's figure show a hungry tiger rushing for food.

He seemed to be invincible, and he was approaching aggressively, and Zhao Erhu wanted to kill the opponent quickly.

It's just that such a battle is useless, Zhao 770 Erhu saw through the existence of the other side, and continued to deal with it.

With the endless pain of killers, the dark guard exerted all his strength.

A great victory was like a battle between two armies, and everyone was very fierce, even full of anxiety.

The situation is already very tense, and the battle is hurried. The sword in Zhao Erhu's hand has a fierce offensive.

On the contrary, it was the dark guard, chattering endlessly, in order to take down Zhao Xingzhi's right-hand man.

There are many generals around Zhao Xingzhi, and so many people are assisting Zhao Xingzhi to do bad things together (afej).

So many guys have brought Zhao Xingzhi to such a level for their own etiquette.

He did whatever he wanted and committed so many crimes recklessly. Zhao Xingzhi was already a sinner.

Therefore, he came quickly, and the dark guard obeyed Ying Changge's order in order to kill him.

Zhao Erhu is also a sinner by Zhao Xingzhi's side, and the dark guard wants to weaken the strength of his arm.

Ping-pong, the sword's edge fell, and the rapid strikes were already aggressively controlling Zhao Erhu's every move.

As long as Zhao Erhu wants to continue to attack, the dark guard will use his skills to kill Zhao Erhu.

The dark guard knew who he was facing. Zhao Erhu was already a great general, and he was victorious in every battle.

Now that he has met the dark guard instructed by Ying Changge, Zhao Erhu feels that he is also in control.

The sword in his hand continued to gallop down, and it came aggressively, hitting the surroundings abruptly.

This sword is very fast, at the very least, it has extraordinary power and an aggressive attitude.

Once it is stabbed on Zhao Erhu's body, it will only make him more annoyed and the injury will be more serious.

With a quick counterattack, he raised his sword, he blocked the attack of the dark guard, and he was not injured.

Just an ordinary soldier, Zhao Erhu smiled contemptuously and continued to shoot.

But the dark guard is Ying Changge's carefully selected person after all! How could such a mediocre death be possible.

They were entangled together, and the figures quickly counterattacked, showing their mighty posture and momentum.

With a quick blow, the sword edge stabbed straight in, finally breaking through Zhao Erhu's armor.

Because he is a general, he wears armor wherever he goes to protect himself.

Now facing such a brave attack by the dark guard, Zhao Erhu's face is always full of resentment.

He snorted coldly, shot in an endless stream, and took out his mighty sword move, which was unbearable.

The dark guard reluctantly faced the enemy, this is the panic retreat, for fear that he would die like this.

The ability of the dark guard is also very superb, at least, he will not die so casually.

The steady battle strength is here, his eyes are very calm, and the dark guard is persistent and unyielding.

"Today I have come here for thousands of miles, my goal is to kill you, that's all!"

"If you can't die! Then I will die with you too!" The dark guard is bound to win.

In order to be able to kill the other party, he also took out all of his vigor and hurried.

The sword edge stabbed straight, fell steadily, slashed on the opponent's body, and broke the armor.

Zhao Erhu's armor is not invulnerable to swords and guns, and it is invulnerable to fire and water.

Under the repeated attacks of the dark guards, a corner of Zhao Erhu's shoulder armor was directly damaged.

The armor fell, the pits were full of holes, and the appearance was really unable to block the dark guard's blow.

The dark guard chased after the victory, he strode forward, and the sword in his hand quickly cut up.

Fast like a gust of wind and like lightning, the dark guard's sword pierced Zhao Erhu's shoulder, bleeding nonstop.

As expected of the soldiers selected by Ying Changge, such a dark guard has superb skills and few rivals.

So he continued to come, waving the sword in his hand, and the battle was fierce and fast.

Chapter 666 Everyone is on duty by turns!

With a ping-pong sound, Zhao Erhu was unable to prevent such a fight, and the sword in his hand trembled.

His face was gloomy, so sinister, so he quickly raised his sword, trying to block the dark guard.

But the dark guard left no room, and used all his strengths to deter Zhao Erhu from this deadlock.

How could Zhao Erhu die like this! I don't know how many enemies he has killed in his hands!

Therefore, when facing the sword edge of the dark guard, Zhao Erhu was serious and wanted to live in front of him.

As long as the attack of the dark guard is blocked, then there is no other danger in the future! Zhao Erhu is very fast.

The swords in his hands quickly charged out, and Zhao Erhu wanted to kill the dark guard's head!

If he continues to attack recklessly, it means that the more powerful Zhao Erhu is, the more aggressive he will attack.

Even so, the dark guard would not back down, he raised his arm and let his sword ~ ​​Feng block a blow.

With the mission of Ying Changge on his shoulders, the dark guard came here just for one thing!

That is to kill Zhao Erhu and eradicate Zhao Xingzhi's right-hand man, which is very important to Ying Changge.

Therefore, continuing the chattering attack, the fists and feet in his hands are very brave and fiery.

In such a battle, Zhao Erhu and Dark Guard were unwilling to be outdone and could not wait to take out all of them.

You come and go, you fight and you fight, under the confrontation with each other, they have all been entangled and defeated.

When there are no other guards by Zhao Erhu's side, the dark guards will continue to chase and kill each other.

Single-handed, single-handedly fighting, so the weapons in the hands of the dark guard did not stop, but continued to chop at Zhao Erhu.

I have long known that the dark guard is different, Zhao Erhu is serious and goes all out to fight the enemy.

But the dark guard became more and more brave, and he had cut Zhao Erhu's armor to pieces.

For a while, Zhao Erhu was unable to fight against the dark guard, and the dark guard's sword directly pierced the armor.

Cut off Zhao Erhu's armor, causing the heavy armor to fall to the ground in pieces.

Zhao Erhu suddenly lost the protection of his armor, and only a shirt was left.

Zhao Erhu is a majestic person beside Zhao Xingzhi, and everyone respects him very much.

But even so what! Zhao Erhu, who was wearing armor, died like this!

Under the attack of this sword, Zhao Erhu's armor was completely detached and had no protective effect.

Immediately, the fist hit hard, forcibly breaking Zhao Erhu's chest with a wound.

The blood was sprayed, and the blood flowed continuously. Zhao Erhu looked down at his wound and was even more shocked.

A mere boy can actually kill himself! Zhao Erhu never expected such a result.

His body was shaking, and in such a situation, there was no way to fight back.

Coughing and vomiting blood, Zhao Erhu's burly body swayed and fell in front of the dark guard.

Falling to the ground like this, he died directly. In front of the dark guard, Zhao Erhu turned into a corpse.

How ridiculous! Such a humiliating battle did not even give him a chance to turn over and continue to fight back.

The assassination of Zhao Erhu was successful, which severely injured a general under Zhao Xingzhi, and the dark guard left immediately.

Ying Changge dispatched many secret guards, these soldiers scattered the attack, and began to assassinate widely.

All matters were fought silently. With Ying Changge's assassination plan, Zhao Xingzhi panicked.


He immediately sensed that something was wrong, but he just didn't have enough opportunities to fight back, which was really helpless.

Under such a fight, they fled and the general died, which shocked Zhao Xingzhi.

The dark guards dispatched were all carefully selected by Ying Changge, and they were all first-class players.

With such a meticulous and huge assassination plan, Zhao Xingyi's group would not be afraid at all.

For Ying Changge, the most important thing now is to demoralize the enemy's morale and eliminate the enemy's shadow.


There are many generals around Zhao Xingzhi, these people help Zhou and follow him.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Ying Changge to show mercy! The opponent will definitely be defeated, and none will remain.

He quickly gathered the people in his hands, and all the guys left in an endless stream.

So many guys, under Ying Changge's instructions, attacked again and again, with great momentum.

Zhao Xingzhi knew that many generals in his army had been assassinated, some died and some were seriously injured.

All this must be Ying Changge's masterpiece! Zhao Xingzhi's anger is so outrageous!

A mere Ying Changge, dare to send so many assassins to assassinate his general?

Will you sit back and watch? Naturally impossible! Therefore, he immediately strengthened his manpower alert.

All the soldiers are dispatched, and everyone is on duty in turn, so that they can be alert to any assassins.

At the same time, Zhao Xingzhi summoned several generals to let them do their own thing and be self-reliant.

After all, as the governor of Anyang County, it is impossible for Zhao Xingzhi to follow their buttocks to deal with the aftermath.

Chapter 667 Quietly, tiptoe!

The assassination by an assassin made them all in full swing, and everyone was uneasy and at a loss.

Zhao Xingzhi's generals didn't know what to do, but they could only improve their realm and alertness.

Let the soldiers around him be well guarded, and Zhao Xingzhi's several lieutenants can be at ease.

Eating and drinking are very important things. Even if they smell blood and blood, the lieutenant will do whatever they want.

One of the generals named Wang Zheng also likes to search for flowers and willows, drinking hard, and indulging in wine.

After all, there is no war yet! Then, as a general, he will have nothing to do, and he will not be in "seven seven zeros" at all.

What to eat, what to drink, Wang Zheng consumes happily, cares about everything, and is obsessed with his own choices every day.

Wang Zheng felt that his skills and martial arts were so strong that it was impossible for mere assassins to kill him.

Even if they rushed up in person, as long as they were stabbed with a sword, they would definitely be killed.

assassin? bring it on! The more the better, Wang Zheng was so arrogant that he wanted to wipe them all out and wipe out the entire army.

Just today, Wang Zheng went in and out of the restaurant. He liked to eat and drink, so he was full of fat.

With a fat body, Wang Zheng ordered a table full of dishes, and he naturally couldn't finish it.

Even if he couldn't finish it, Wang Zheng had to show his rich side, so that it was pleasing to the eyes.

Because the Assassin incident caused a lot of trouble in the city, Wang Zheng also brought four loyal soldiers by his side.

There were soldiers following him, but Wang Zheng would not let them sit down, but ate and drank by himself.

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