The dark guard dispatched by Ying Changge appeared at this moment and approached the restaurant quietly.

Standing outside the door, staring meticulously at Wang Zheng, the dark guard decided to start assassinating Wang Zheng.

With Ying Changge's order, a group of secret guards came out in a hurry, killing them and showing their aura.

The momentum is like a rainbow, and the blood flows into a river. In the process of dealing with Zhao Xingzhi, their fighting will not stop.

A group of people came in an endless stream. These were soldiers in charge of training, and they were all elites.

The dark guard sent by Ying Changge didn't panic, and just leaned on the door of the restaurant, like an ordinary civilian.

Sure enough, the dark guard was not discovered by Wang Zheng's soldiers, and he continued to stay here to observe Wang Zheng.

Zhao Xingzhi's deputy general died and was injured, and Wang Zheng didn't walk outside the mansion very much now.

After eating and drinking, Wang Zheng swayed with a jug, and then walked out of the restaurant satisfied.

The dark guard immediately followed, following the general, shuttling in the downtown and the streets.

Not in a hurry, calm and calm, then the dark guard watched Wang Zheng walk into an alley.

This is a good opportunity. Following Ying Changge's side, the dark guard's mind is also very clever.

Quietly, he crept in and followed, and then he raised his sword and chopped up.

Whoosh! The first strike is stronger, and the dark guards attack directly, slashing the few soldiers behind Wang Zheng.

The four soldiers followed Wang Zheng's side. They were all lazy, and they were not attentive enough.

They all never expected that Ying Changge would send a dark guard to continue the assassination, and one hit would definitely hit.

So several people fell like this, they died, they were injured, and the soldiers were no match for the sneak attack of the dark guards...

Wang Zheng heard the movement, and when he looked back, he found that all the people who followed his soldiers were dead.

Every guy is so weak and powerless, it is impossible to block the assassination of the dark guard.

The four soldiers fell to the ground, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses were scattered everywhere, Wang Zheng's face immediately turned gloomy.

"You are the assassin sent by Ying Changge! You are so bold! Are you trying to assassinate me!"

Wang Zheng put the jug aside, "The wine is still warm, watch me kill you before it gets cold!"

The dark guard didn't speak, he received Ying Changge's task to assassinate people, but not to chat.

Therefore, the dark guard came quickly without any hesitation, and then stabbed the sword in his hand.

The sword was sharp and swiftly slashed at Wang Zheng's body, trying to seriously injure him! But Wang Zheng was not in a hurry.

He raised the sword in his hand and quickly counterattacked, hitting him in front of him with a ping-pong sound.

The figures of the two were entangled endlessly, and such a battle made them both close and fiery.

The dark guard's sword was very firm and came straight, hitting Wang Zheng abruptly with a 4.9, so that it could hit him hard.

Self-righteous, the arrogant Wang Zheng didn't take Ying Changge's dispatch of assassins seriously at all.

Therefore, day and night, Wang Zheng didn't wear any protective armor, he was only wearing clothes.

In such a battle, Wang Zheng would not face it so calmly against the dark guards.

He could only concentrate on the battle, stabbed his own sword sharply, and ran rampantly.

With the fierce attack, many attacks came to him, Wang Zheng was in danger.

Chapter 668 The army is in chaos, and people are panicking!

Even so, such an attack was useless, and it was impossible to kill Wang Zheng easily.

Wang Zheng said that he was also a general! Leading troops to fight, strategy and tactics are all clear.

He was very satisfied, and then quickly attacked, the sword in his hand was mighty.

The sword edge swept across, parrying on the body of the dark guard, Wang Zheng kept his footsteps, and continued to come with big strides.

Following Zhao Xingzhi's side for a long time, he is a capable man! Wang Zheng is not afraid of anything!

Since you are facing an assassin, it would be better to kill him! Very simple.

Continuing to confront the enemy, the sword swept across, this sword also came with majesty, showing his own momentum.

Snapped! The swords collided with one another, causing their figures to stop abruptly, unable to continue rushing up.

Not to be outdone, the sword in his hand fell quickly, and he took out his mighty and domineering blow.

The sharper the sword, the more obvious the flaws, and the dark guard meticulously aimed at Wang Zheng.

When Wang Zheng raised his hand to attack, he came quickly, and the dark guard took this opportunity to use his sword.

The sword edge stabbed Wang Zheng's ribs, causing the other party to be unprepared, bleeding directly, and the wound was painful.

Taking two steps back, Wang Zheng snorted coldly, staring at the dark guard, "You have some martial arts skills!"

The soldiers who followed Ying Changge were all highly skilled in martial arts, and they practiced diligently.

Keep improving, practice day and night, that's why you have such a skill to turn the tide.

In the face of Wang Zheng's resistance, the dark guard also showed his majestic skills and pierced it with a sword.

The swords are rampant, and they are happy and vindictive. Such a fight is also very sensitive, which is unexpected.

The sword's edge is getting more and more powerful, Wang Zheng and Dark Guard are both quick-witted and quick-witted, and they quickly confront the enemy.

The chattering counterattack, in order to kill the dark guard, Wang Zheng also opened up and closed, and his posture was very fast.

boom! The sword edge fell, and he attacked with all his might, intercepting the attack of the dark guard, and Wang Zheng saved his life.

Otherwise, if he continued to attack, Wang Zheng could easily be injured like this, and he had to attack.

With his mighty aura and quick hostility, Wang Zheng would definitely kill this assassin.

Those who obey me prosper and those who oppose me perish!

Otherwise, Zhao Xingzhi's army will be in chaos and people will panic, how can they fight Ying Changge at that time?

He was bound to win, and the sword in Wang Zheng's hand also smashed on the body of the dark guard with precision and accuracy.

As long as they fought like this, in order to eradicate the opponent, Wang Zheng could be considered a meritorious deed.

Otherwise, let Ying Changge unscrupulously direct so many assassins to assassinate, wouldn't the world be in chaos.

Following Zhao Xingzhi's side, Wang Zheng had already received a warning that he must be cautious.

It's just that he never imagined that he was still so injured, and the sword edge of the dark guard was also very fast.

One came and slashed at Wang Zheng's body, but he showed his own attitude.

In order to fight against Wang Zheng with all his might, the shadow guard's figure was erratic, his pace was steady, and he was galloping around.

The dark guard surrounded Wang Zheng alone, so that the other party had absolutely no chance of leaving and escaping.

However, Wang Zheng did not interrupt the escape, he continued the confrontation in a serious manner.

The swords are rampant, and they come in an endless stream. It is already abruptly hitting down, and the swords open and close.

Such a battle, the wind and fire, took out his own posture, which can be called a quick battle.

With Ying Changge's order, Wang Zheng had to be assassinated, and the dark guard was arrogant and quick.

Whoosh! With one sword down, the confrontation went on quickly, and the dark guard beat Wang Zheng's figure back again and again.

Reluctantly, he stood upright, and then Wang Zheng continued to attack with gritted teeth.

How could Wang Zheng die in the hands of a nobody!

He wants to continue to fight back, an assassin also wants to kill himself? Impossible! He swore it.

On the battlefield, Wang Zheng's murders over the years, doesn't he look like he's still intact!

770 Even if he was forced into his face by the assassin, Wang Zheng remained motionless and looked confident.

Continue to counterattack, continue to sprint, the sword in his hand is very fast, and it is impossible for ordinary people to stop it.

Wang Zheng was a majestic general, and many souls died in his hands.

Facing the pursuit of the assassins sent by Ying Changge, Wang Zheng was also defiant and didn't care at all.

Quickly counterattack, the sword in his hand swiftly went away, showing his heroic aura.

In order to kill this dark guard as soon as possible, Wang Zheng's weapons went straight and dazzling.

The sword edge swept across, and the attack of wind and fire, the sword edge quickly hit him, and the dark guard retreated.

He was hit by Wang Zheng's sword, but Wang Zheng also firmly held his sword and resisted.

Even under such a fight, everything was useless, and Wang Zheng was still alive and well.

Chapter 669 Jian Feng changes his moves!

He was not afraid of assassination at all. With his own skills, Wang Zheng felt that he was invincible in the world.

There are few opponents, and he has high skills. Wang Zheng always comes here like this, showing his mighty aura.

If he continues to attack, Wang Zheng will control the dark guard in the palm of his hand, making it difficult for him to escape.

This is a very good opportunity, so the dark guard is an aggressive attack, wielding the sword, and does not stop at all.

The dark guard fell into a passive situation for a while, but he was in no hurry and remembered Ying Changge.

With Ying Changge's orders and his teachings, the dark guards worked hard to kill Wang Zheng.

I will not give up until Wang Zheng is killed, this is the charm of Ying Changge and also the ability of the dark guard, concentrate on it.

Whoosh! The sword edge continued to fall, hitting him easily, causing him to fall directly to the ground.

The foot slipped and stumbled slightly. This was also an irreversible thing for Wang Zheng.

Although he is very arrogant, such a fight is very brave, and the dark guard is very strong.

Unlike ordinary soldiers, Wang Zheng now knows that other generals died like this!

The dark guards dispatched from the Ying Chang singers are all good players, and their skills are all very strong.

Continuing to attack, fighting in an endless stream, the contest between them is also very strong.

Vigorously attacking, one after another showed his skills, Wang Zheng wanted to pierce his heart with an arrow.

As long as the dark guard is killed, Wang Zheng can resolve today's crisis, and there will be nothing else.

Otherwise, it would be very dangerous to let such a dark guard jump on his head to make a fortune.

For the sake of his own life, Wang Zheng fought so hard that he wanted to kill the dark guard immediately and let him divide his body into five horses.

However, the battle with Wang Zheng was not worth mentioning to the Dark Guard, and it would not be too dangerous.

Taking things so solemnly, the dark guard has volatilized all his skills, which can be said to be invincible.

With such a slaughter and unscrupulous attack, the great sword in his hand has already come to Wang Zheng.

Seeing this sword stab, Wang Zheng took it easy and immediately raised his sword to counterattack.

A strike as fast as lightning, chattering resistance, his figure is so swift, he quickly retreats.

As long as you avoid this fight, there will be no danger, but it is so indifferent.

Calmly shooting, showing his own momentum, can be called an unparalleled existence and fighting.

To know that the other party is a powerful general! The Dark Guard will not attack recklessly.

Sometimes attacking, sometimes retreating, he always dealt with Wang Zheng, avoiding the layers of swords that surrounded him.

Jianmang is in all directions, so powerful and domineering, always chattering on the dark guard.

For a while, a gap was left in the dark guard's chest, and the wound burst with blood.

Not taking it seriously, gnashing his teeth, the dark guard endured his pain, then raised his sword and continued to fight back.

The sword in his hand was very fast, and all of them hit him sharply, in order to suppress Wang Zheng.

Otherwise, for such a Wang Zheng to escape, there would be no chance for him to strike again.

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