As long as he is allowed to die, the county governor of Anyang County will disappear completely, and the people will be peaceful.

This is a very important matter, so it is impossible for Ying Changge to show mercy.

He must go all out to attack, let the people in his hands go away unscrupulously, and show momentum.

The wind and fire came, and the endless fighting, the power in their hands had a powerful posture.

The army ran rampant and trampled the land, and a group of soldiers from Wuyangyang immediately followed Ying Changge's footsteps to attack.

Under the control of Ying Changge, the soldiers marched forward fearlessly and could easily kill Zhao Xingzhi's army.

In this battle, Ying Changge made up his mind that they must be wiped out, and it is best to leave no one behind.

Chapter 672 Made many mistakes!

It is not so easy to wipe out Zhao Xingzhi's entire army, Ying Changge knows Zhao Xingzhi's tenacity.

He was like a dog skin plaster, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what, and couldn't kill him easily.

Even so, Ying Changge let his army run amok and let them all set off quickly.

Ying Changge's army was already walking on the road, and they showed their momentum.

The murderous aura was like a rainbow, the momentum was menacing, and the army was winding like a dragon, all rushing to the place where Zhao Xingzhi was stationed.

Hearing the wind and knowing that it was Ying Changge who came to fight, Zhao Xingzhi panicked.

He didn't hesitate, "Seven Seven Zero" then gathered his army and immediately retreated.

In a hurry and panic, Zhao Xingzhi asked his soldiers to follow him to evacuate immediately.

As long as he leaves this place, Zhao Xingzhi can avoid Ying Changge's attack range and save his life.

His own life was the most important thing, and it was impossible for him to let himself die casually.

This is a very important battle, so he took out his momentum and prepared to slip away.

Before Ying Changge's army came to the city, they quickly pulled out the camp and left.

A group of soldiers are united, united, and with low morale, they are ready to flee and leave this place.

As long as you leave here completely, then there will be no danger. This is a tactical retreat.

But will Ying Changge let Zhao Xingzhi escape! Naturally impossible! He is bound to win this battle.

When he came with his own army, he heard the news of Zhao Xingzhi's retreat.

In this regard, Ying Changge sneered contemptuously, "What a guy who is beyond his own power."

"Can you kill yourself just like that! He's just a mediocre, mediocre boy!"

In the face of Anyang County Governor, Ying Changge will use his army to completely smash it.

The various evil deeds committed by Zhao Xingzhi before, as well as his own crimes, must be punished and killed together.

In Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi seemed to be lawless and arrogant, but that was an illusion.

Isn't Ying Changge above Zhao Xingzhi? It is impossible for him to let Zhao Xingzhi leave it alone.

As long as he can kill Zhao Xingzhi, everything is not a problem! can stabilize the surrounding territory.

Zhao Xingzhi is a sinner, and thanks to Ying Changge coming here, he can be found guilty.

Zhao Xingzhi has made many mistakes, and he must be punished with all his might, and he will be executed on behalf of the heavens.

With the obstruction of Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge's army will be delayed, always one step behind.

Not being able to kill Zhao Xingzhi smoothly was the only thing Ying Changge cared about, and he was ruthless.

Let the army in his hand go away in a mighty manner, he took out his momentum and went to surround Zhao Xingzhi first.

But Zhao Xingzhi fled, pulled out of the camp and fled, and he disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Such a battle was very intense, but Ying Changge did not expect that his enemy would escape first.

This is really an unwilling guy! He smiled contemptuously, and Ying Changge continued to pursue the victory.

"Keep chasing! We must capture Zhao Xingzhi, kill him quickly, and let him die like this."

After hearing Ying Changge's order, the soldiers also charged bravely and continued to catch up to 0......

In order to be able to kill Zhao Xingzhi, so that they can be wiped out, Ying Changge is also extraordinarily serious.

The soldiers under his command are also brave and fearless guys.

In order to avoid Ying Changge's fight, Zhao Xingzhi fled in a panic, already running several miles away.

As long as it is possible to survive, it is a very important matter, and Zhao Xingzhi is very concerned about this.

On the contrary, other people, in the battle between you and me, have no good way.

A dead end is bound to be a strange one. If you die, I am afraid that the entire army will be defeated more easily.

In any case, Zhao Xingzhi had to find a way to let so many soldiers protect Zhu's own life.

His own life is the most valuable, for this reason, Zhao Xingzhi did not hesitate to let the soldiers become his shelter.

To use his own soldiers unscrupulously, he must let himself escape intact.

Running away quickly, the figure disappeared in a swish, Zhao Xingzhi's army was retreating continuously.

4.9 Hurry up and evacuate quickly. A group of people are trying to leave as soon as possible and escape from this place.

Otherwise, if Ying Changge's army catches up, he will just die and the corpses will pile up like mountains.

Zhao Xingzhi still has a large army in his hands, which is the capital to be able to fight, and it is very important.

Zhao Xingzhi would not let the soldiers in his hands die in vain until he had to!

In the battle of death, Zhao Xingzhi understood that the soldiers in his hands were a precious treasure.

When it comes to important time, it is able to protect Zhao Xingzhi's own life, which is the usefulness of soldiers.

Chapter 673 Lead the army to continue!

Otherwise, all the soldiers will run away, leaving only Zhao Xingzhi alone.

He didn't want to die, and under the pursuit of Ying Changge's army, he still showed his perseverance.

In order to avoid the rampage of the army, he came here with great fanfare.

Unleashing his might and strength is also very important, and Zhao Xingzhi is unable to turn the tide.

Especially knowing that Ying Changge would stride to kill himself, Zhao Xingzhi could only hide first.

He has many people in his own hands, and under the hands of so many people, everything is lifeless.

He may die, or he may become completely unfortunate, but Zhao Xingzhi cannot control his own destiny.

To be on the safe side, Zhao Xingzhi could only do his best to escape, and only in this way could he have a chance.

Otherwise, let him die like this, what year and month will he be able to escape from Ying Changge's palm!

To avoid unnecessary battles, Zhao Xingzhi led his army to escape quickly and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

However, since it was an escape, then Zhao Xingzhi would leave clues, which is very important.

Ying Changge came late from behind, and has always been a follower of Zhao Xingzhi's army, so he won't let it stop.

Just kept escaping, escaping continuously, leaving traces in the original Zhao Xingzhi.

After all, the army was retreating and evacuating. With so many people, it was hard not to find out.

As a result, Zhao Xingzhi set up a large array of people in his hands aggressively, guarding the front and back.

Because he was afraid that he would be attacked by Ying Changge's army in the middle of his retreat, so he prepared.

A group of people in the front and back are all ready to go, cautiously prepared, and they seem to have no flaws.

Even in such a battle, you must show your momentum so that he can be killed! Defeat the Ying Changge army.

No matter how many people Ying Changge came, Zhao Xingzhi was able to jump over the wall and let them all die.

Otherwise, with Ying Changge's pursuit, such an army would also be at a deadlock, and their life and death are uncertain.

It may die, but it is also possible to kill the Ying Changge army with a backhand, not necessarily!

Everything depends on his own behavior, at least Zhao Xingzhi must first ensure that his life is worry-free.

He arranged many soldiers into a large formation, with heavy guards guarding the front and rear sides.

At that time, once Ying Changge's army appeared in front of his eyes, Zhao Xingzhi would continue to flee.

If he really can't escape, then he will start to attack, so that he can be beheaded, and not a single one will be left.

Holding his weapon tightly, Zhao Xingzhi's eyes were stern and murderous, and he continued to walk.

Leading the army to continue to go, he mobilized the army in his hand to avoid problems.

Quickly evacuated, the soldiers followed Zhao Xingzhi's side, loyal and hurried away.

They have been evacuated for several miles. So far, Zhao Xingzhi has not seen Ying Changge's army.

He felt that he was already winning, at least, there was no other danger.

The army is full of fire and wind, and they leave without stopping, just to escape this place of life and death.

Otherwise, Ying Changge's army will come, I'm afraid that he has no way and will die easily.

It is not Zhao Xingzhi's dream to die in battle, he just wants to eat and drink and be happy.

Especially under such a confrontation, a group of people are unable to fight against Ying Changge's army, which is very important.

Because many generals were assassinated, under such an attack, they were defeated.

With a crushing defeat and low morale, Zhao Xingzhi knew that if he fought forcibly, he would be even more defeated.

Therefore, before Zhao Xingzhi arrived, he would leave quickly and lead the army to flee.

As long as you leave this place, then there is nothing dangerous! He hurried.

The wind and fire left quickly, and Zhao Xingzhi's army had already left this place.

Let so many guys disappear quickly, and there is no one in 787 who can fight against Zhao Xingzhi for a while.

Feeling that he had escaped from birth, a happy smile appeared on Zhao Xingzhi's face.

The feeling of escaping from the dead is really good, Zhao Xingzhi ordered the army around him to continue to move forward and persevere.

As long as you leave this place, you can leave Ying Changge's palm, which is the best.

If he could escape without standing, Zhao Xingzhi would be even more satisfied and happy, and he strode forward.

Without seeing the figure of Ying Changge's army, he felt that he could sit back and relax, "Continue to march!"

But even so, Zhao Xingzhi was not to be outdone, he had to take all these people away.

After all, he is his own soldier! With so many soldiers by his side, he can also protect him.

He only needs to quickly gather the army in his hands, and then he can face the enemy Ying Changge army.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xingzhi's winning ticket was in his hands, and he showed a happy smile, "Fast! Faster!".

Chapter 674 Zhao Xingzhi fled to the ends of the earth!

As long as so many soldiers are freed from the sea of ​​suffering, Zhao Xingzhi will not be beheaded by Ying Changge!

What a perfect opportunity this is! It is impossible for a group of people to kill themselves like this.

As the leader of the army, he continued to advance, setting up soldiers' defenses in the center of the army.

With so many people taking care of him, he himself is not in any danger! will be very safe.

But will Ying Changge stay? It is impossible for him to give up chasing Zhao Xingzhi's whereabouts.

So, many soldiers were sent out, and Ying Changge sent a vanguard.

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