A team of cavalry went to attack first, so as to capture Zhao Xingzhi's traces thoroughly and search for his traces.

As long as Zhao Xingzhi has no room to escape, the cavalry in his hands can charge.

Take Zhao Xingzhi first, and then defeat Zhao Xingzhi's army one by one, and Ying Changge will be able to cover his edge.

A district governor of Anyang County, who is domineering and arrogant here, is simply a dead end!

If it weren't for Zhao Xingzhi's crimes, Ying Changge would not have decided to kill him.

Now, I am very regretful in my heart, but Zhao Xingzhi is not afraid of what he has committed before.

Everything is selfish, and Zhao Xingzhi has used his full strength for himself.

Especially under such a slaughter, Ying Changge has quietly set up the heaven and earth net.

Let many soldiers go first, rushing around, so that they can capture Zhao Xingzhi silently.

Zhao Xingzhi, as a criminal minister, fled like this, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, and he rushed with the whip.

It was fast and fierce, and Zhao Xingzhi perfectly controlled the army in his hands.

Although morale is low, so many soldiers are still very obedient, which makes him very satisfied.

Falling grass into a bandit and becoming Ying Changge's defeated general, Zhao Xingzhi already has little chance of winning.

If he continues to fight with Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi will die directly, ruining his reputation.

This is a very difficult thing, most people are not willing to disobey Zhao Xingzhi, but are obedient and obedient.

Because of the name of the governor of Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi is like a fish in water, here is the wind and the rain.

Ying Changge is an upright person, and he will not let Zhao Xingzhi's crimes continue unscrupulously.

Since Zhao Xingzhi is going to die directly, then he has to show his momentum and kill him directly.

This kind of power is different, Ying Changge's morale is high, completely different from Zhao Xingzhi's army.

When marching to fight, Ying Changge was confident.

Ying Changge led his army to come soon, chasing and killing Zhao Xing's group.

Even if Zhao Xingzhi fled to the ends of the earth, he would not be able to avoid such a fight, and he would inevitably suffer damage.

In the first battle of this trip, Ying Changge's goal is very simple, that is, to attack Huanglong and take Zhao Xingzhi.

Only by capturing Zhao Xingzhi, or killing him, can Ying Changge bring peace and tranquility to the entire Anyang County.

Otherwise, the governor of Anyang County will act recklessly and bully others, and the people will have trouble living, and life is better than death.

Under such a contest, Ying Changge took the lead and took the initiative to control the situation.

At this moment, everything is useless, especially Zhao Xingzhi's escape, there is no way out.

Because he heard his soldiers report, and found the trace of Ying Changge's army behind him.

They are unscrupulous, coming in an endless stream, aggressively attacking and attacking.

If they continue to chase and kill, Ying Changge will soon be able to catch Zhao Xingzhi and kill him in one go.

Zhao Xingzhi was flustered, he understood that this battle was inevitable, and in the end it was still an inexorable battle with Ying Changge.

Taking out his aura, he strode Meteor to command the entire army, wanting to continue to escape and leave.

Ying Changge came aggressively, naturally prepared, and seemed to be ready for war.

But so what! For Zhao Xingzhi, it is best to be able to escape the war.

Even if Ying Changge came after a long journey, if he could escape, it would have a different flavor.

Therefore, he was aggressive and domineering, dispatching all the people in his hands, all around him.

A defensive formation was formed, and at the same time, Zhao Xingzhi let his soldiers continue to escape from the paper.

Going against the Ying Changge army, the farther away from (Zhao Qianzhao) the better, this is a rare opportunity.

Zhao Xingzhi had already come to the forefront of the army, and he was afraid that his **** would be burned by Ying Changge behind him.

Let the soldiers guard around, Zhao Xingyi took the lead, left aggressively, and continued to flee.

In a panic, Zhao Xingzhi, who was in a hurry, was constantly fleeing, while Ying Changge persevered in pursuit.

Seeing the figure of Zhao Xingzhi's army, this is a very good opportunity, and Ying Changge is bound to get it.

Dispatching his own vanguard, Ying Changge sent a cavalry to harass the rear row of Zhao Xingzhi's army.

Since Zhao Xingzhi had to flee, don't give him any chance, the cavalry went away in a mighty manner.

Chapter 675 Unprepared, Unprepared!

The wind blew up the dust, the cavalry stirred up the dust, and in the flying sand, they were already chasing and killing.

Seeing the cavalry of Ying Changge behind him, Zhao Xingzhi panicked even more, for fear of losing his life here.

He gritted his teeth and felt that Ying Changge was really deceiving people too much. As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated.

Even Zhao Xingzhi is powerless to return to the sky, so the army in his hands is naturally impossible to win.

The morale was low, like scattered sand, but even so, Zhao Xingzhi had to protect his own life.

In a hurry, Zhao Xingzhi also dispatched a cavalry to fight against the troops chasing after Ying Changge.

The sound of hooves was frantic, and in this wild battle, they all rushed away.

The unbridled invasion, the cavalry charge, the soldiers are all intertwined, and the wind and the fire.

Swords, lights, swords and shadows, shouting and killing voices are loud, in this messy battlefield 787, Zhao Xingzhi still looks serious.

A few boys in the district turned out to be the army who wanted to kill themselves, and they were too arrogant and arrogant.

As long as Ying Changge didn't go out in person, then Zhao Xingzhi still had a chance of escaping and could be one step ahead.

The cavalry behind you came and went, the horses collided, and the swords slashed each other. It was really fierce.

Knowing such a difficult enemy for a long time, then you should take out your own army to deal with Ying Changge head-on.

Zhao Xingzhi panicked, for fear that he would be swept away by Ying Changge, so he did not fight.

After letting a small group of cavalry entangle Ying Changge's pursuers, Zhao Xingzhi chose to continue to escape.

Let the army around him condense into a group, and then they go to the distance in a hurry.

The distance from Ying Changge's pursuers was getting farther and farther, and Zhao Xingzhi had an afej expression on his face.

Very satisfied, so comfortable, Zhao Xingzhi felt that he could still escape completely from here.

As long as he leaves the hunting range of Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi can survive, which is certain.

Otherwise, Zhao Xingzhi would die with his eyes closed if he was captured by Ying Changge's army.

This is a very excessive thing, and it is related to the life and death of the Anyang County governor, and he dare not be careless.

Let the people in his hands leave aggressively, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared between heaven and earth.

In such a wide plain, Zhao Xingzhi fled very quickly, with a non-stop appearance.

Even Ying Changge who was behind him persevered to catch up, but he was far from him.

Under such an attack, they continued to move forward, showed their skills, and walked unscrupulously.

There was enough distance between Ying Changge's army and Zhao Xingzhi that he thought he could escape today.

But when Zhao Xingzhi looked back, he was very disappointed. It turned out that Ying Changge was still chasing him.

The turbulent part of the army, like a dark cloud in the northwest, was directly suppressed behind Zhao Xingzhi.

The morale of Ying Changge's army was high, and they came in a hurry, and they walked unscrupulously.

Coming from the collision from far and near, their figures were so fast that they approached directly in front of him.

Seeing Ying Changge's army coming out one after another, Zhao Xingzhi was finally afraid, and he couldn't hide.

With so many large armies surrounded, the battle was about to break out, and Ying Changge ordered the cavalry to charge.

Riding on war horses, these cavalrymen began to fall into battle.

This battle was very intense, and Zhao Xingzhi was caught off guard and could not be prepared.

Being slammed into his body by so many armies, the explosions they produced were also brave enough.

All of a sudden, Zhao Xingzhi's army retreated after being beaten, fell to the ground, and died directly.

Looking back at the signs of such a fiasco of his soldiers, Zhao Xingzhi was also forced to do nothing.

With a cold snort, Zhao Xingzhi, who was not to be outdone, finally showed his courage, "Garrison!"

"Let's go back to the formation, listen to my orders, and prepare to charge!" Zhao Xingzhi waved his hand and drew out his sword.

Holding up his weapons, Zhao Xingzhi raised his arms and shouted, "Come on for me!"

"Give it to me! Kill them all and leave none of them!" Zhao Xingzhi immediately commanded the army.

This army came out in an endless stream.

Zhao Xingzhi's concentrated command made the army in his hands rush to overthrow Ying Changge's army.

After feeling such a slaughter, Ying Changge also did her part, but she was struggling to the death!

So, he immediately divided the army into three waves to deal with the charge of Zhao Xingzhi's army.

One army rampaged and faced the enemy head on, while the other two armies attacked under the command of Ying Changge.

Ying Changge wanted to inflict heavy damage on Zhao Xingzhi's army, taking advantage of their low morale to wipe out their entire army.

Constantly dispatching, let the army in his hand charge quickly and fall around to attack.

The army continued to entangle, and the soldiers of Zhao Xingzhi were surrounded by water, and it was difficult to separate them.

Chapter 676 Soldiers have enough chances to win!

Surrounded by Ying Changge's army, Zhao Xingzhi had no other way out but waited here.

In the chaotic army, Zhao Xingzhi couldn't see Ying Changge's figure clearly, he wanted to capture the thief first and capture the king.

However, with such a large number of enemy troops and scales, Zhao Xingzhi could not find any trace of the opponent at all.

Not to be outdone, Zhao Xingzhi let the army in his hand continue to charge, killing and killing.

Let the army in his hand go away in a mighty manner, and so many people go to attack the army of Ying Changge.

Since it is impossible to escape, it is better to face it bravely! Zhao Xingzhi had no way out, he could only jump over the wall.

Let the army in his hand come out in a mighty manner, and come to the surrounding in an endless stream.

So many armies are walking unscrupulously, wishing to kill him directly, leaving no one behind.

Any such a valiant attack will have an unusual posture, and it will be hot and windy.

Ying Changge saw Zhao Xingzhi's resistance, but he didn't care at all, it was just a dying struggle.

From the escape from Anyang County to here, along the way, Zhao Xingzhi was a mess, and he had already lost his morale.

When the morale of Zhao Xingzhi's army was low, Ying Changge was ready to go out and kill him.

The cavalry charged together, Zhao Xingzhi's army stopped, and immediately stopped here, and did not continue to escape.

Looking at Zhao Xingzhi's formation, Ying Changge knew that the battle could go on smoothly.

He was not in a hurry, and the soldiers around him were also stationed here, and there was no danger.

One by one, they continued to charge, and they came in an endless stream, and even showed their murderous aura.

Under the arrangement of Ying Changge, many soldiers started their own battles and let them set up.

So many enemy troops are rushing forward, and they are bound to win, directly blocking Zhao Xingzhi's back path.

In the face of such a scene, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, and even continued to send troops to harass Zhao Xingzhi.

Zhao Xingzhi made preparations for war, so that the army stopped here, and then dispersed into a large formation.

Facing such a scene of Zhao Xingzhi, he was also very indifferent, showing a contemptuous smile.

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