Ying Changge didn't rush, let the army charge one after another, trying to break Zhao Xingzhi's defenses.

The cavalry charged, the horses slammed together, and everywhere was dusty and dusty.

He didn't personally participate in the battle, his eyes were so indifferent, Ying Changge was in the commanding back row.

Sitting in the army, keeping the army in all directions, only then can we go straight ahead to defeat Zhao Xingzhi's army.

The army in his hands is very numerous and dazzling, and they are scrambling to attack Zhao Xingzhi.

Ying Changge was also very satisfied when he saw that the army was all aggressive and ready to win.

So, he personally dispersed the cavalry and directed the cavalry to harass the enemy front row over and over again on the battlefield.

Zhao Xingzhi also used cavalry to fight the enemy, but his morale was low and could not be compared with Ying Changge.

The cavalry are all entangled with each other, you come and go, the swords chop each other, and they have an unusual posture.

Watching the riots on the battlefield, Zhao Xingzhi was very calm, and he calmly watched the movement.

The direction of his cavalry was filled with figures of Ying Changge swords and swords, which seemed to be evenly matched.

However, Zhao Xingzhi fully understood that his cavalry would not be able to fight for a long time, and he would die if they remained in a stalemate.


He just put all the army in his hands to fight back and fight against Ying Changge's army.

In such a fierce battlefield, Zhao Xingzhi could not guarantee how he would win.

For Zhao Xingzhi, as long as the entire army is not wiped out, it might be a very good thing.

The battle situation is fierce and unscrupulous, such a fierce offensive has extraordinary power and divides the battlefield.

Ying Changge's soldiers were tough, rambunctious, not afraid of sacrifice at all, all of them were warriors.


On the contrary, Zhao Xingzhi's cavalry, timid and fearful, always showed a backward posture in the battle.

If this is the case, I am afraid that it will be an easy death, leaving Zhao Xingzhi's army alone.

Seeing the weakness of his own strength, Zhao Xingzhi gritted his teeth and was already very angry.

It really doesn't work, Zhao Xingzhi will lead the army to attack in person, this is a good opportunity.

With the general Zhao Xingzhi personally leading, then the soldiers in his hands will have enough chances to win.

So, Zhao Xingzhi, who couldn't stand it any longer, personally led a cavalry and charged down aggressively.

Will Ying Changge let the other party just ride on his head to make a fortune! Naturally impossible!

He smiled contemptuously, and immediately ordered the archers under his hands to start getting ready.

The arrow had to be fired on the string, so many archers began to draw the bow and shoot the arrow, and released it together.

Whoosh! The arrow became a violent storm, and it landed on the body of Zhao Xingzhi's army.

Zhao Xingzhi, who was on a rampage, ignored the impact of so many arrows, and he gritted his teeth.

Chapter 677 Victory without a fight, secure victory!

With a cold and stern shout, Zhao Xingzhi scolded, "Charge me! Kill them!"

With such a fierce battle, Zhao Xingzhi, who led the cavalry, also traveled from far to near, passing through the arrow rain.

The dense array of arrows kept coming, blocking many of Zhao Xingzhi's cavalry.

Some of them died in the middle of the road before they could charge up, and were stabbed to death by arrows.

This is a tragic situation and a sad ending, but Zhao Xingzhi ignored it.

Since he was going to start a battle with Ying Changge, he had to make the army in his hands persevere.

Facing such "seven-eight-seven" attacks and massacres, Zhao Xingzhi was not to be outdone, he was tired of running away and being a deserter.

Zhao Xingzhi would be very satisfied as long as he could kill Ying Changge and cut off the pursuit of the soldiers.

He came with cavalry and showed his own posture. He rode on a war horse and came quickly.

Since Zhao Xingzhi personally led the army, Ying Changge did not hesitate, he immediately followed.

In order to express his respect, Ying Changge also personally led a cavalry to fight and fight.

The archer released a round of bows and arrows, and so many bows and arrows more or less killed many enemy troops.

Leading his incomplete cavalry, Zhao Xingzhi also looked aggressive on the horse, "Let's fight to the death!"

With a loud shout, Zhao Xingzhi was already at the forefront of his cavalry.

In order to win the victory, the enthusiastic Zhao Xingzhi also showed his few courage.

Riding on the back of a horse, Zhao Xingzhi's appearance was so ferocious, and his face was suffocating.

The gloomy and conspiratorial face shows the determination to fight to the death, the indescribable hardship and bitterness.

Ying Changge won't stop, especially in the face of Zhao Xingzhi's counterattack and attack, he is indomitable.

The two teams of cavalry were slamming into each other anxiously, and they were entangled and menacing.

In the **** battle, Zhao Xingzhi also let the army in his hand move forward bravely.

In order to kill Ying Changge, the governor of Anyang County was already so embarrassed that he was almost a pirate.

Therefore, using all his powers, in order to kill Ying Changge, he also made his cavalry charge.

Aggressive attack, rampant and domineering, such a posture has one of the few strengths.

With a loud bang, the sword edged down, tearing to the left and right, such an offensive was already full of chills.

Ying Changge and Zhao Xingzhi have yet to start a head-to-head confrontation, but in a sense, Ying Changge has already won.

Winning without a fight, Ying Changge, who is sure to win, doesn't look flustered at all, and even has no turning back.

The same is true for the soldiers who follow Ying Changge. They are all fierce and loyal.

In order to kill Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi did whatever he could, and he even promised to give him a reward.

"Listen! Any soldier who can kill Ying Changge's head will be directly promoted to three levels, and they will be rewarded."

Zhao Xingzhi's shouts were all hysterical, almost hoarse, "I'll keep my word!"

After hearing Zhao Xingzhi shout out such a reward, the soldiers around him were also ready to move.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man, and the same applies to Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers.

So they continued to attack, rampage unscrupulously, and took out their mighty stance.  …

The cavalry charged in groups, came to the center of the battlefield, and started a fierce fight.

Ying Changge also moved from far to near, his figure approached quickly, and took out the chill that the army should have.

When charging on the battlefield, the cavalry's posture is only allowed to advance, and it is absolutely impossible to retreat.

With such a mighty stance, he continued to be domineering, and the overbearing cold air also came to him.

With a quick shot, Ying Changge slashed several enemy troops under him with one sword.

On the battlefield, cavalry charges come and go, they are flexible and mobile, and they are not easy to capture.

Riding on a horse, Ying Changge would attack without fear in the face of any approaching opponent.

He is very powerful, and he can be regarded as a rare martial arts expert between heaven and earth, and he is invincible.

Any enemy army that approached Ying Changge's face was instantly beheaded, full of menacing momentum.

Quick counterattacks, forceful charges, the contest between them has already been carried forward on the battlefield.

The more the entanglement continued, the more disadvantageous it would be to Zhao Xingzhi's 4.9 army, because their morale was already low.

The deaths of the soldiers one by one, if they continue to be defeated, will only make Zhao Xingzhi's army defeated.

Seeing that his army is difficult to resist the charge of Ying Changge's cavalry, Zhao Xingzhi will take action personally.

Using the army in his hands as cattle and horses, Zhao Xingzhi was unscrupulous for his own life.

Under the command of Zhao Xingzhi, the cavalry came out rampant and domineering, but it was difficult to face the army of Ying Changge.

Charged on the battlefield, and then quickly evaded, in a blink of an eye, so many cavalry were completely defeated.

Chapter 678 The two armies are fighting fiercely!

They died, under the army of Ying Changge, and among the swords of Ying Changge.

Fighting with blood and wielding weapons, Ying Changge rode a horse in seven in and seven out of the enemy's lineup.

Zhao Xingzhi also used all his powers to attack Ying Changge to force Ying Changge back.

Bombing down, the cavalry was like a violent storm, trapping Zhao Xingzhi's army for a while.

Being surrounded and helpless against the enemy, Zhao Xingzhi was in trouble, he wanted to continue!

The fighting style is brave, such a powerful blow represents Zhao Xingzhi's determination.

With the rampage of the cavalry, Zhao Xingzhi's figure came quickly and pierced a soldier.

Throwing the soldier's body on the ground, with the horse's belly between his legs, Zhao Xingzhi 05 continued to come.

In the midst of the chaos, Zhao Xingzhi saw that Ying Changge's cavalry was still approaching rapidly.

Such a battle was inevitable, Zhao Xingzhi felt the weakness of his momentum and could not continue to entangle.

But Zhao Xingzhi couldn't continue to escape, and he couldn't continue to be the defeated general.

Without a place of his own, the governor of Anyang County was kicked out of Anyang County, which is a joke.

Zhao Xingzhi lost all face, and even made himself a laughing stock, he was naturally not to be outdone.

What's more, for Zhao Xingzhi, face is only a small matter, and the more important thing is his own life.

He was located here and set up a large formation, hoping to intercept the offensive of Ying Changge's army.

Otherwise, let Ying Changge lead the army, wouldn't he be able to kill him easily.

In the battle between Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Xingzhi did not have smooth sailing, and was always easy to lose.

Knowing that his situation was very difficult, he had no choice but to start attacking.

Fighting as much as you like, using your mighty power, the soldier's murderous aura came to him.

Zhao Xingzhi felt the murderous aura like a knife, blowing **** his face, a little painful.

Could it be that under such an attack, he still had to run away as always! it's out of the question!

Always acting as a deserter is also a very humiliating thing for Zhao Xingzhi, and his morale is even lower.

Under the pursuit of Ying Changge's army, it was impossible for Zhao Xingzhi and his army to resist.

The fiery cavalry still came in an endless stream, trying to kill Zhao Xingzhi thoroughly.

This kind of attack is very shocking, and it directly makes Zhao Xingzhi tremble, for fear of dying like this.

How to do! Are you going to continue the attack? In such a war, he saw Ying Changge.

Ying Changge's figure shuttled through the chaotic army, rushing to approach Zhao Xingzhi.

Opening his eyes wide, Zhao Xingzhi naturally saw the trace of Ying Changge.

The two armies fought fiercely, with **** and fiery battles everywhere.

In order to be able to kill the opponent, Zhao Xingzhi also spared no effort to let his army charge immediately.

This group of people were all riding horses and galloping. Zhao Xingzhi led the cavalry and immediately rushed to Ying Changge.

Since Ying Changge had already been intercepted, Zhao Xingzhi had to kill him.

Let the cavalry in his hands go away in a mighty manner, and a group of people are approaching quickly.

Catch a thief first to capture the king, shoot a man first shoot a horse. For Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge is very important.

In a battle, Ying Changge was the key, and he had to be killed to get rid of the pursuers.

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