The soldiers of Nandu City stood on the city wall, and they immediately began to question, "Who is coming! Sign up to come!"

"On the order of General Zhao Xingzhi, come to carry grain and grass back to Beitan City!" Meng Tian pretended to be.

Answering seriously and showing off his waist card, Meng Tian is all well-behaved.

Seeing this, the soldiers at the city gate immediately believed in Meng Tian and asked Meng Tian to lead the team to enter.

Filed in and entered the southern capital city.

Seeing Zhao Xingzhi's escape, Ying Changge continued to pursue and kill as always.

At this moment, Zhao Xingzhi is just a bereaved dog, and they have extraordinary escape ability.

Under the pursuit of Ying Changge and Meng Tian's army, they always escaped quickly and escaped.

It's just that he never imagined that Zhao Xingzhi's time to escape is really a dragon and a phoenix, and it is impossible to chase and kill him.

Ying Changge led his army (afej) through the human wall of Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers, but was always held back.

Many soldiers couldn't stand still, but many soldiers stupidly blocked Ying Changge's path.

Wanting to shuttle through the army and hunt down Zhao Xingzhi is really not easy, Ying Changge is still working hard.

Quickly charging, hitting these soldiers, Ying Changge wouldn't stop at all.

The army is still rampant, and I can't wait to smash Zhao Xingzhi's corpse into ten thousand pieces, so that his corpse is separated.

He would not face death calmly at all, the timid and cowardly Zhao Xingzhi could only escape from the Yingchang singer.

This is the simplest thing, escape is a technical task, Zhao Xingzhi has done his best.

He sent his own soldiers to inform Zhao Yiming that Zhao Xingzhi took a step ahead and fled directly from the city gate.

With the increasing casualties of the soldiers, Zhao Xingzhi was very frightened, and he trembled.

Although it was raided by Ying Changge and Meng Tian's army, the city was huge and wide, with three caves for cunning rabbits.

As long as Zhao Xingzhi is determined to escape, there is no difficulty that can stop him.

All roads lead to the sky, Zhao Xingzhi believes that as long as he works hard, he can easily escape.

Otherwise, once Ying Changge chased him, Zhao Xing and his party would all die and be defeated.

Winning the king or defeating the bandit is a very simple truth. In the battle with Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi learned a lesson.

Once lost, he must flee. Zhao Xingzhi wanted to keep his head on the top of his neck, and he rushed with the whip.

Leading his own group of people quickly towards the city gate, he soon came under the city gate.

Zhao Xingzhi took the first step to escape, he had to get rid of Zhao Xingzhi, otherwise, his life would be at risk.

The persistent Ying Changge was still breaking through the walls of Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers, and they fought **** battles.

The swords in his hands were stained with blood, and Ying Changge would not let them escape so easily.

While Ying Changge was chasing Zhao Xingzhi, Meng Tian also broke through the city gate from another place.

He was aggressive and made concerted efforts with his own army, and he shuttled through the city gate and stepped in at once.

Chapter 761 Find a way to solve the problem!

A large area of ​​​​the army, in groups, entered the city unimpeded.

Already approaching Zhao Yiming, Meng Tian naturally wanted to capture the thief first and the king.

Seeing Zhao Yiming's figure in the army, he immediately led his army to charge forward.

Meng Tian was carrying his weapon and was fighting quickly, constantly approaching Zhao Yiming.

Zhao Yiming immediately saw through Meng Tian's intentions, this guy wants to assassinate him?

Showing a contemptuous smile, Zhao Yiming strode forward, and rode a war horse to fight back.

In order to kill Zhao Yiming, Meng Tian led his elite cavalry to charge first.

After attacking the city gate and fighting quickly, Meng Tian spread his troops around in the streets and alleys of the city.

Non-stop attacking, walking in one go, many people died under Meng Tian's sword.

Ying Changge would not delay, but continued to chase and kill Zhao Yiming, just to kill them all.

Having Zhao Yiming guarding the city will only make the world more dangerous, full of chaos and riots.

Zhao Yiming didn't like trouble, so when he saw Meng Tian's figure, he wanted to solve the trouble himself.

With a sharp sword in hand, he rode on a horse and charged quickly. Soon, Zhao Yiming found Meng Tian's figure.

With the charge of Ying Changge and Meng Tian's army, the city was already crumbling, almost in ruins.

The city couldn't fall down just like that, Zhao Yiming had to show his aura to guard the city.

Otherwise, once Meng Tian and Ying Changge's army breaks through, Zhao Yiming will die without a place to be buried.

He and his soldiers were united, and a large group of people quickly counterattacked to block Meng Tian's army.

Meng Tian and his soldiers were united, and they showed their bravery and fearlessness, as fast as the wind.

Being attacked by Meng Tian's army, Zhao Yiming was even more afraid and panicked.

He saw the hordes of troops were forced in front of him, and they were murderous.

I had already learned that Meng Tian was very strategic in leading troops, and Zhao Yiming did not intend to confront him head-on.

But Meng Tian has led the army to fight in front of him, so it is not so easy to control!

In order to survive, facing the thrust of Meng Tian's army, Zhao Yiming continued to fight the enemy while retreating.

He only needs to break the opponent's strength and break it up. Zhao Yiming is very rational.

He was daring, but it was not so easy to kill Meng Tian from Wan Jun.

What's more, Meng Tian's army charged aggressively, and they were invincible and domineering.

Many people have died, Zhao Yiming watched his soldiers fall to the ground one by one, very heartache.

This is also his own soldier. If he died like this, wouldn't he have to detract from his own strength.

When the city gate fell, Zhao Yiming couldn't easily charge to resist the attack of Meng Tian's army, and he had nothing to do.

The army was still charging fast, and Meng Tian personally led the soldiers, and came in the lead.

Seeing Zhao Yiming's retreating figure, Meng Tian was very satisfied, and he continued to charge.

Many armies are dying here, they are fighting each other, fighting fiercely, and fighting quickly.

With swords, lights, swords and shadows, fighting with blood and blood, Zhao Yiming was constantly hostile to Meng Tian, ​​but he lost a lot of soldiers.

Even if the soldiers are damaged, Zhao Yiming will continue to fight back, and he cannot guarantee his retreat.


Otherwise, once confronted with him, Zhao Yiming is afraid that more soldiers will die.

Unable to let his own strength be damaged to a certain extent, Zhao Yiming used retreat as advance and defense as offense.

Under Meng Tian's aggressive offensive, Zhao Yiming continued to retreat in a very embarrassed manner, avoiding the murderous intent.

A large number of soldiers in the city were charging quickly, and Meng Tian and his generals were invincible.

Once it is against him, Zhao Yiming will damage the soldiers. He has no choice but to continue.


The war in the city is not easy to quell, either you die or I die, the battle is very fierce.

Even though he is still fighting against Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Yiming is still paying attention to the battle between Ying Changge and Zhao Xingzhi.

Zhao Yiming was taken aback when he heard that Zhao Xingzhi had fled.

If that's the case, then what is Zhao Yiming waiting for! He has to run away as soon as possible!

Ying Changge and Meng Tian walked side by side, and the two armies broke through the city at once.

This made Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming very panicked and wished to leave this place directly.

But there are so many people, and a group of people in Wuyangyang are charging quickly, and they can't wait to directly capture the city.

It was a very fierce war, with great momentum and huge crowds, and it was really fast and quick.

It's just that I never expected that under such a confrontation, Ying Changge's army would be so smooth.

Hearing that Ying Changge had also invaded the city, Zhao Yiming was even more terrified, and he didn't know what to do.

Especially since Zhao Xingzhi has already escaped, what's the use of just letting Zhao Yiming stay here! Where.

Chapter 762 Persevere and be confident!

It's just a dying struggle, it's impossible for him to fight against Ying Changge and Meng Tian's army together!

Once surrounded by Ying Changge and Meng Tian's soldiers, I am afraid that Zhao Yiming will die here!

This is a very frightening thing, and he must retreat as soon as possible.

So, following Zhao Xingzhi's pace, Zhao Yiming also retreated quickly, doing his best to leave.

The soldiers who led him were leaving quickly. At this time, he walked away and evacuated quickly.

As long as he leaves this place, there will be no danger at that time, and he will naturally be safe.

Otherwise, if he is chased and killed by the "897" Tian, ​​he can only die, and it is easy to be buried here.

He charged with swift horses and whips, fighting in an endless stream, and the sword in his hand was always swiftly slashing and slashing.

Unable to wait, Zhao Yiming tried to escape completely from the crowd.

Escape from death is also very important, otherwise, how could Zhao Yiming escape!

Dodging quickly and doing his best to avoid him, he has a galloping attitude, and his escape time is top-notch.

Naturally, Ying Changge would not be merciful, and he used all the soldiers to kill them quickly, killing them all.

In the face of the rebels, Ying Changge can't be merciful to the rebels! He's still fighting fast.

Can't wait to go, let the surrounding soldiers all around to surround Zhao Yiming's figure.

Zhao Xingzhi escaped, but Ying Changge did not personally lead the army to hunt down, and it was too late.

As long as the whereabouts of the other party cannot be found, Ying Changge will not chase after him, and will not go up to embarrass himself.

The most important thing now is to kill foreign enemies, beheading them all one by one.

They were all still retreating quickly, and the enemy army had no choice but to be attacked by Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

Helpless to retreat, the soldiers fell to the ground, blood was flowing, and many people died in his hands.

Taking this opportunity, Meng Tian trampled on the enemy's corpse and rushed up even more quickly.

It was inevitable that Meng Tian, ​​who wanted to capture Zhao Yiming, would not stop, he kept waving weapons.

Weapons ran rampant, stabbed one after another, and fell on the bodies of several of them continuously.

Along with the breakthrough and charge of the sword, the soldiers behind Zhao Yiming retreated steadily and fell continuously.

They were killed and wounded. Under such circumstances, they were defeated like a mountain, and they were powerless to fight back.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Yiming continued to charge, using his own soldiers to delay Meng Tian's pursuit.

Since it is impossible to fight back, it is better to escape as soon as possible! This is the only chance.

After escaping quickly and leaving quickly, Zhao Yiming went straight to the direction of the city gate.

However, Meng Tian, ​​who was behind him, would not stop at all, and continued to chase and kill, galloping on his horse.

Riding on the horse, Meng Tian kept getting closer and closer to Zhao Yiming's figure.

With a quick shot and a brave sword, Meng Tian slaughtered all the enemies standing in front of him one by one.

Fresh blood flowed, blood splashed five steps, and the enemy's human wall had no effect on Meng Tian at all.

As the meteors charged forward with great strides, Meng Tian did not stop at all, and was surrounded by the enemy as if he was in a no-man's land.

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