Leading his own army, he always acted recklessly. Meng Tian beheaded many enemies in the first place...

Without any obstruction, Meng Tian went straight to Zhao Yiming, charging fast along the way.

Can't wait to chase, chase quickly, the sword edge in his hand is waving forcefully.

Wherever the sword edge went, the heads of enemy soldiers fell, Meng Tian was unstoppable with murderous aura.

Riding on the horse, Meng Tian's figure was swift, and no one could block him for a while.

But Zhao Yiming's ability to escape is also very powerful, and he is always leaving quickly.

He rushed out quickly, and he repelled many people, Meng Tian stood out from the crowd.

Without looking back at Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Yiming continued to charge unremittingly, and he wished he could leave quickly.

Get out of here as soon as possible, as long as you can escape, it is enough to leave this battlefield.

He was still quickly following Zhao Yiming's army, chasing and killing non-stop, and took out his own offensive.

Knowing that Meng Tian is still chasing and killing him, this is too much! Deceiving too much!

With a cold snort, Zhao Yiming, who was not to be outdone by the weak 4.9, continued to scold, "Didn't you eat! Run quickly!"

Riding the horse galloping and charging quickly, he would never let himself be caught by Meng Tian like this!

Even though Meng Tian was still charging quickly behind him, he had extraordinary willpower.

Perseverance and confidence, Zhao Yiming's escape ability is as unfathomable as Zhao Xingzhi.

Quickly charged away and led his army, Zhao Yiming had already arrived under the city gate.

He was panting, and was scared into a cold sweat by Meng Tian's chasing momentum, his two tremblings almost wanted to leave first.

Chapter 763 Unbreakable and indestructible!

Fortunately, the distance between Zhao Yiming and Meng Tian is still very far away, and many soldiers are isolated.

Among the crowds of people, so many people blocked Meng Tian's way forward, and the crowd was surging.

These are all soldiers that Zhao Yiming deliberately left behind, making so many soldiers crowded here.

In all directions, Zhao Yiming's abandoned sons were abandoned, and the soldiers blocked Meng Tian's path with the intention of death.

If Meng Tian wanted to hunt down Zhao Yiming, he had to step over the corpses of these soldiers first.

It's so cunning! Meng Tian snorted coldly, walked quickly, and quickly pushed up.

At this moment, Zhao Yiming was the first to escape, and he strode through the city gate.

After leaving the city gate 05, there is nothing dangerous, don't worry about Meng Tian behind him.

With a bright smile, Zhao Yiming looked back and saw that Meng Tian was already submerged in his own forces.

Surrounded by so many soldiers, Meng Tian and Ying Changge were in the same situation, unable to pursue and kill them smoothly.

Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming reunited at the gate of the city, cherishing each other and sighing that it was not easy.

Outside the city gate, after getting rid of the pursuit, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi scattered the remnants of defeated soldiers, and immediately turned their heads and fled.

They left Ying Changge and Meng Tian's army far away, which made the two brothers show a reassuring expression.

Taking this opportunity to leave quickly, their army has disappeared without a trace, just disappeared.

When Meng Tian and Ying Changge were in the city and killed all these troops one by one, they disappeared without a trace.

All the guys have disappeared without seeing the light of day, Ying Changge is very disappointed.

The two brothers deserve to be from a family, and their ability to escape is so similar, which is very admirable.

Since this is the case, then there is no way to chase and kill, the poor gangsters should not chase, and live in the moment.

So, Ying Changge asked Meng Tian to take stock of the city to see if there were any good things, and take them away together.

Defeating the enemy army and expanding one's own armament materials is also a good thing, and it is not too bad.

Meng Tian obeyed Ying Changge's order, carefully counted it here, and pulled away the equipment.

The brothers Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming, together with their own troops, continued to retreat, taking a step back to be on guard.

Letting their own troops be on guard here, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi began to discuss what to do.

While guarding against the pursuit of Ying Changge's army, they retreated and looked for the next place to retreat.

Under the previous siege, Ying Changge has already shown his own momentum, which can be said to be invincible.

Not only because these guys are eyeing, but also because of Zhao Xingzhi's ability to fear Ying Changge.

Who in the world does not know Ying Changge! His swordsmanship is superb, and his leadership is even more extraordinary.

They couldn't fight against Ying Changge in a hurry, so Zhao Xingzhi continued to retreat, and they came to Beiyan Pass.

This place is the last line of defense, Zhao Yiming obeyed Zhao Xingzhi's orders and is on complete alert here.

There are troops inside and outside the city, and Zhao Yiming has put many people in front as scouts to spy on intelligence.

In such a situation, it is necessary to take complete precautions in all directions to avoid being seriously injured and attacked.

For Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​they had to obey, they showed their own momentum, and it was even more turbulent.

Can't wait to make Beiyanguan impregnable and indestructible, Zhao Yiming will be relieved.

Zhao Xingzhi was also racking his brains to find a way to fight against Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

Taking this opportunity, Ying Changge was also revising his army and asked them to wait patiently.

Getting ready to go, and taking a short rest, Ying Changge settled many of the soldiers in order to avoid being reckless.

Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi are not so easy to defeat, not to mention that they are two swords now.

There are two people who are persistently fighting against the enemy, and they may not be able to be wiped out by Ying Changge at that time!

Ying Changge sent his own scouts to inquire about the whereabouts of Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming and find out their movements.

In this way, Ying Changge can lead his army to continue to hunt down these rebels.

Otherwise, let the 897s go unpunished, it will just make the common people miserable, mournful and chaotic.

It is necessary to stabilize the country and society, and Ying Changge has to take responsibility. Naturally, the responsibility is very important.

Therefore, he quickly arranged and dispatched a lot of troops skillfully.

This is a very important decision. For Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge will not simply let them go.

Those who rebel will be killed.

Still quickly approaching, the scouts dispatched by Ying Changge kept on going, and they were busy looking for information.

It didn't take long for Ying Changge to hear the news and know the movements of Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi.

It turns out that they have already come to Beiyanguan, which is also some distance from here!

Unable to capture and kill them easily, Ying Changge needs to adjust the morale of his army first.

Because they just won the battle, the morale of Ying Changge's army was very high, and they were all very excited.

Chapter 764 Talking at the knees, holding candles at night!

Ying Changge had already decided that the next battle would definitely be Beiyanguan, but he couldn't be swayed.

Once they are facing the enemy, Ying Changge will keep Zhao Xingzhi and the others on guard before they can get close to the city.

Ying Changge, who has experienced hundreds of battles, knows that defending a city is easy and difficult to attack, and he will not waste his troops.

Once so many people attacked the city gate, Zhao Xingzhi would definitely order the whole city to be on guard.

This matter is very simple, that is to use a divider, so as to be able to distinguish Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming.

Not in a hurry to send troops, Ying Changge knew that sending troops to attack blindly would have no consequences.

It's just that it's easy to set off unnecessary battles and casualties! A countermeasure must be thought out carefully.

He was thinking patiently, carefully pondering a better way, how to divide them!

If they made concerted efforts, Ying Changge's army would not be in a good position to attack.

Therefore, they must be distracted, and it is more important to crush the morale of the army.

Common sense must separate them, Ying Changge must separate them from each other.

Can't wait, the offensive is fierce, Ying Changge wants to make this army move quickly to attack Zhao Xingzhi.

It is impossible for such chaotic ministers and thieves to have any way to survive, and Ying Changge will not let them survive.

Cowardly and cowardly, Zhao Xingzhi is now unable to fight Ying Changge head-on! He didn't dare.

Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi would use all his strength to guard the city in one go.

Beiyan Pass became the key to the last stop, and Zhao Xingzhi had to keep his forces intact.

Otherwise, when Ying Changge launches the next attack, Zhao Xingyi will only be defeated.

Ying Changge's attack could not be stopped, but Zhao Xingzhi could make his city impregnable.

As long as the city stays still, Zhao Xingzhi believes that Ying Changge and Meng Tian will not attack his city.

Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming were bound to win, and they made Beiyan Pass even stronger.

As long as there are no vacancies in the city, Zhao Xingzhi believes that Ying Changge cannot attack.

Having seen the impact of Ying Changge's army, such a mighty offensive made Zhao Xingzhi even more vivid in his mind.

He didn't dare to continue the stalemate with them, so Zhao Xingzhi had to make himself attack and defend the city wall.

Ying Changge didn't rush to attack the city these few days, but let Meng Tian come to her side.

They talked for a long time, holding candles at night, just to discuss ways to attack Beiyan Pass.

Meng Tian also agreed with Ying Changge's strategy. It would be useless if he couldn't attack in an open and honest way.

Once so many troops came quickly, Zhao Xing had already known how to prepare for counterattacks.

Otherwise, the impatient attack will only make Beiyanguan more anxious, burning like a fire.

It is useless to let the army in the Ying Chang singer attack Zhao Xingzhi, he must have a better strategy.

While drinking warm tea, Ying Changge continued to ponder a better way and means.

Meng Tian kept discussing and came up with a lot of strategies, but he couldn't be safe enough.

All of them were rejected one by one. Ying Changge did not agree with Meng Tian's strategy, and at the same time continued to discuss new solutions.

At this time, Meng Tian suddenly suggested that he wanted to disguise himself and enter Beiyan Pass.

Just like sneaking into the city before and burning his food and grass, he has to do his best.

This is not a safe way, but to take risks, it is easy to put Meng Tian in a little danger.

Ying Changge didn't agree with it at first, he shook his head, "'It's not very good! Beiyan Pass is thousands of miles away and the terrain is far away~".

"If you go in alone, you don't know what to do! It's easy for them to find out!"

After hearing Ying Changge's words, Meng Tian shook his head indifferently, "That doesn't matter!"

"It is precisely because I am a person that I will not be in any danger and will not be easily detected!"

"As long as I get there, I am a little confused, and I can easily alienate them. It's as easy as the palm of your hand."

Since Meng Tian was so dedicated, and he had the chance to win, Ying Changge would obey his words.

"Okay! Just give it a try. If you have any problems, you must leave Beiyan Pass."

Ying Changge trusts Meng Tian very much, so after Meng Tian's (Qian Nuozhao) strategy, Ying Changge boldly tries the country.

I don't want to fight with Ying Changge to the death or the death. The most important thing now is to keep Zhao Xingzhi safe.

He was guarding the city, and he had no plans to charge into the battle. It was enough to just take the defense as the offense.

Otherwise, more people will come to hunt and kill, and Zhao Xingzhi will be trapped in the city, and there will be no way to fight back.

This is the most subtle decision, although Zhao Xingzhi looks very timid, but he dares to do so.

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