Both Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming's soldiers started a war, and their attacks under the city gate would not stop.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Meng Tian had already opened one of the city gates, preparing to sneak away.

However, for Meng Tian, ​​this was not an unobstructed road, and soldiers immediately came to intercept it.

Seeing that it was Zhao Yiming's soldiers, they quickly caught up and chopped down Meng Tian's head with a sword.

The sword is sharp and sharp, once it hits itself, it will inevitably cause some damage, and it is easy to die.

Fortunately, Meng Tian is also a strong guy, he is always careful to avoid dodging.

The sword did not assassinate, he continued to pursue, and the sword edge was particularly conspicuous in the hands of Zhao Yiming's soldiers.

Not in a hurry, calm and calm, Meng Tian stabbed the sword in his hand with force, and saw blood seal his throat.

After beheading the soldiers blocking the road, Meng Tian did not stop, and continued to open his hands, preparing to open the city gate.

However, Zhao Yiming's soldiers would not give up so easily, they all quickly caught up.

With great fanfare and roaring, the sword in the soldier's hand stabbed straight into Meng Tian's back.

It's really self-defeating! Meng Tian is bound to win, and now he wants to leave here as soon as possible and return to Ying Changge.

Raising the sword's edge to block the soldier's sword, Meng Tian kicked it with force, with infinite strength.

So that the soldiers could not stand, he was swaying, and he might fall at any time, Meng Tian couldn't wait to chase.

Facing the soldier's unstable posture, the sword in his hand stabbed straight into the opponent's chest.

A sword penetrated, Meng Tian killed the soldier easily, everything was expected.

It is impossible for a group of rabble to stop Meng Tian's escape, he is really mighty.

Continuing to dodge quickly, Meng Tian opened another city gate, provoked a conflict between the two armies, and naturally fled.

Otherwise, if he stays here, will Meng Tian wait for him to be full of loopholes! It's really not right! The best way to go.

The same is true of Ying Changge's order, it doesn't need Meng Tian's life and effort, it's a slander.

As long as the means are unique, it will be even more effortless to separate Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming at that time.

Meng Tian has already opened the two heavy city gates quickly.

Once again, after getting on his horse, Meng Tian was about to leave directly from here, leaving Beiyan Pass.

But Zhao Yi (Qian Nuo Zhao) Ming's soldiers were really irritable, and they always came to hunt down Meng Tian again and again.

Can't wait to come, the soldier shouted, grabbed Meng Tian and threw him off his horse.

The vigorous Meng Tian did not show any panic at all, he jumped directly from the horse's back.

Standing firmly here, he quickly stabbed a sword and went straight away.

The sword in his hand fell, Meng Tian's sword quickly pierced the soldier's chest, and he used the sword in his hand to the extreme.

Meng Tian, ​​who is highly skilled in martial arts, is not worthy of any soldier enemy. The soldier staggered and was thrown at Meng Tian's feet.

Not in a hurry, Meng Tian, ​​who was calm and calm, raised his sword and continued to charge, smashing a **** path.

Chapter 770 The snipe and clam fight, the fisherman wins!

The soldiers around are still fighting unremittingly, and the contradiction between their two armies is not a day or two.

It only needs Meng Tian to give some advice and provocation, then the hatred between the soldiers of the two armies will be aroused.

Everything was as expected by Ying Changge, and the alienation strategy was half successful.

Ying Changge told Meng Tian all the alienation plans in her plan, which allowed Meng Tian to follow suit immediately.

He already has a lot of strategies to fight against Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming's army, which is inevitable.

Meng Tian successfully caused a conflict in the city, causing them all to fight fiercely.

In the **** battle, many soldiers died in their own hands.

This is the best decision, at least it makes the army in the city extraordinarily chaotic and in a mess.

The alienation plan is half the battle, Meng Tian only needs to do 897 things according to Ying Changge's plan and that's enough.

Continuing to charge, Meng Tian forcibly cut a path under the city gate.

He was safe and sound, without any injuries, and many soldiers followed behind him.

Meng Tian was aggressive and pretended to be Zhao Xingzhi's soldier, "Open the city gate! The general has an urgent letter!"

As long as he can avoid these large armies, Meng Tian can return to Ying Changge's side unimpeded.

Meng Tian didn't panic at all because there was a plan of alienation. He felt that everything was within Ying Changge's expectations.

The soldiers of Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming continued to clash, and they were aggressive and fiery.

The rapid attack and the continued circling here directly made the city gates chaotic.

Successfully caused a conflict between the two armies, Meng Tian's mission was completed, at this time, he must leave.

Otherwise, if he continues to stay, Meng Tian will attract the attention of Zhao Xingzhi or Zhao Yiming.

This is not a good thing. Riding a horse and charging quickly, Meng Tian has already rushed out of the city gate.

At this moment, many of Zhao Yiming's soldiers were still chattering, trying to take Meng Tian down.

Meng Tian is so fast, as long as he is on a horse, he is an invincible general!

In the middle of ten thousand army, Meng Tian disdain for such a siege, continued to kill the enemy, a sword stained countless blood.

The soldiers behind him came in an endless stream, but they couldn't stop the warhorse under Meng Tian's crotch.

This horse is like a divine help, and it continues to shuttle, rushing out from the siege of soldiers.

Quickly fight and take down these guys as soon as possible, in this way, Meng Tian will have a chance to leave.

Provoking a battle between the two armies, Meng Tian sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight, letting them both continue to fight.

Under the slaughter of a group of people, he understands this truth, the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit.

As long as he can leave, Meng Tian will let Beiyan Pass continue the chaos, full of blood.

As they shuttled around single-handedly, Meng Tian rode on the horse and continued to attack them with swift horses and whips.

A bunch of rabble, barking wildly in front of them (afej), but it is impossible to touch Meng Tian at all.

Following Ying Changge's stratagem of alienation, Meng Tian did everything one by one, and did not dare to delay at all.

He walked quickly and rushed out of the city gate, ignoring the charge of the soldiers behind him.

The soldiers were still coming quickly, and they surrounded Meng Tian with all their might, and they didn't give up.

Ying Changge had explained the whole plot clearly, and told Meng Tian to be careful.

After all, it was a very heroic thing to enter Beiyan Pass alone!

Meng Tian has such courage and arrogance, he even rushed into the Beiyan Pass sharp sword enemy with big strides.

Therefore, worried about Meng Tian's safety, Ying Changge made a series of perfect plans for him.

In fact, Meng Tian did so, he would not have any panic, and he was not in any danger.

Even if he entered this Beiyan Pass alone, Meng Tian went in and out seven times and killed them all.

The successful separation of Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming made their soldiers start to fight and fight fiercely.

Taking this opportunity, Meng Tian quietly left without a trace, "I'll go first!"

He walked away, but Meng Tian actually scattered the letter he had written in his arms on the ground.

After leaving this letter, Meng Tian rushed out of the city gate with a quick charge, and disappeared.

The battle under the city gate was very fierce, and the fierce battle had unimaginable strength.

Once a battle is launched, they will all die, and at the hands of their own colleagues!

Both Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming heard the movement here, they came immediately and started to stop it!

"Stop! Those who violate military discipline will be whipped for thirty!" Zhao Xingzhi came on horseback and scolded angrily!

Ying Changge might come with a large army, but so many soldiers could not unite.

The armies in their hands were fighting, and they started a chaotic battle, punching and kicking, and the chaos became a mass!

This is not a good thing! Zhao Yiming also appeared behind him, his face grim and gloomy.

Chapter 771 In a hurry, in a hurry!

"What! Do you want to rebel! I'll cut off your heads immediately, believe it or not!"

With Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming appearing together, these chaotic soldiers finally quieted down.

They snorted coldly, and although they were not convinced, they quietly stopped and never attacked again.

The battle inside the city gate left them all bleeding, and many soldiers and soldiers were injured as a result.

Zhao Yiming scolded angrily, "Why is this! You guys are simply incompetent-no heaven! No military discipline in sight!"

With Zhao Yiming's anger, he immediately prepared himself and wanted to punish them all.

It is a pity that the soldiers refused to accept it. They immediately defended and reported all the previous incidents one by one.

Zhao Xingzhi sent soldiers to deliver the letter, but he didn't have a badge, but he made a big noise and started a chaotic battle under the city gate.

Hearing the cause, Zhao Yiming scolded, "Nonsense! How could a soldier be so rude!"

"General, that's true! We are all there for all to see!" The soldier continued to retort, plausibly.

They told everything, including what Meng Tian did, it was really abominable!

After hearing the ins and outs carefully, Zhao Yiming turned to look at Zhao Xingzhi, "What's going on!"

"Why did you send a messenger to deliver the letter without wearing a waist badge, but still go to the city gate unscrupulously!"

Facing Zhao Yiming's questioning, Zhao Xingzhi frowned and shook his head, "What nonsense! What nonsense!"

"I didn't send a messenger to deliver the letter at all. At such a critical juncture, I was just hurrying to prepare for the battle!"

The other soldiers were reluctant. They guarded the city gate and saw it with their own eyes. How could they admit defeat!

So they continued to scold and shout, and even picked up Meng Tian's discarded envelope!

"Look! General! This is the letter that the soldier accidentally dropped! The evidence is there!"

Zhao Yiming immediately took the letter, opened it, and looked at it carefully, his expression changed.

With a cold snort, Zhao Yiming grabbed the envelope again with a gloomy look on his face, with no loess on his face.

Zhao Yiming picked up this letter, and it was not easy to attack, but he scolded the surrounding soldiers.

Soon, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi left together. Little did they know that they had already fallen for Ying Changge's alienation plan.

Everything was in Ying Changge's expectation, he just let Meng Tian write the letter on purpose and discard it on purpose.

Now that Zhao Yiming has found this letter, it is absolutely impossible to turn the world upside down without making a fuss.

Meng Tian fled non-stop, left quickly, and returned to Ying Changge's barracks to meet.

However, all this is not so simple to end, chaos and alienation have just begun.

Many soldiers had been dispersed, but Zhao Yiming returned to his mansion with the letter in hand.

Throwing the letter on Zhao Xingzhi's body, he scolded and suddenly asked, "Why is this!"

"It's not like we agreed to advance and retreat together, why do we have to contact Ying Changge alone and surrender!"

Zhao Xingzhi didn't know why, "What nonsense are you talking about! It's really funny!" He immediately picked up the envelope.

Zhao Yiming continued to question, "Just now, didn't you say that your messenger is urgent to deliver the letter!"

"Now it seems that it really was premeditated. Your letter turned out to be a letter of surrender! Laugh out loud!"

Hearing what Zhao Yiming said, Zhao Xingzhi remained motionless, "Wrong! This is not my handwriting!"


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