"I naturally know that this is not your handwriting, but you must have someone else write it on your behalf!"

"Otherwise, your messenger wouldn't panic and ran out in a hurry!"

Yelling, Zhao Yiming was very resentful, and even more annoyed, "I wish I could kill you!"

"You guy has such a city, over and over again, it's not the same, it's chilling!"

Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi didn't know that this was Ying Changge's alienation scheme, they were already noisy!

"You are wrong! I did not surrender! This is not a letter of surrender that I wrote, nor did I send a messenger."

When one person does things, Zhao Xingzhi naturally shakes his head to deny what he has not done.

"Don't talk nonsense! Otherwise, I'll show you a good look!" Zhao Xingzhi pushed Zhao Yiming.

However, he was not convinced, but Zhao Yiming still scolded coldly, "What! You still don't admit it!"

"I thought you were an indomitable man, I didn't expect to surrender to Ying Changge!"

"Now that you have done something wrong and got caught by me, but you still refuse to admit it, you are really timid as a mouse."

"I don't have a cowardly brother like you!" Zhao Yiming scolded and slapped the letter directly on the ground.

"If you're afraid of Ying Changge, then go ahead and surrender! I am alone against Ying Changge!"

"When the time comes, the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. As long as they are soldiers of Ying Changge, I will kill them!"

Zhao Yiming, who was bound to win, refused to give in to Zhao Xing at all, and he was very angry.

After hearing Zhao Yiming's words, Zhao Xingzhi still looked calm, "I'm a man and a man." Fan.

Chapter 772 The world is in chaos, as a rebel!

"Things I haven't done, I won't admit it! I'm not someone who would attack Ying Changge!"

Shaking his head, his mood was low, but Zhao Yiming continued, "I once thought you were not!"

"But looking at it now, you are not someone responsible, you are just a coward!"

"Not only because of the fear of Ying Changge, but also because of conspiracy against me, you are really despised!"

Turning around without hesitation, Zhao Yiming was ready to go out of the city to fight, "I'm going to lead the army to kill Ying Changge!"

Before Zhao Xingzhi surrendered to Ying Changge, he would quickly attack Ying Changge to kill him.

However, "Eight Nine Seven" all these things are reckless and hasty, Zhao Yiming is too impulsive, he is burning with anger.

Therefore, walking up quickly, Zhao Xingzhi immediately intercepted Zhao Yiming, "Don't be so reckless!"

"Once you fall into Ying Changge's trap, you will surely die, without a place to be buried!"

"So what!" Zhao Yiming now completely distrusts Zhao Xingzhi.

His unscrupulous brother, he actually wanted to secretly surrender to Ying Changge and submit to him.

This is not a good thing! Zhao Yiming can't trust him anymore and fights side by side with him!

Taking two steps back, Zhao Yiming's eyes were particularly cold, "I don't need you to worry about it."

"From today onwards, my soldiers are my soldiers, and I will no longer guard Beiyan Pass with you!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Zhao Xingzhi felt bad, this was not something he could control.

"Our brothers are united, and it is beneficial to break gold. Once they are separated, Beiyanguan will easily fall."

The big and small matters in the city were originally dispatched by Zhao Xingzhi, and Beiyan Pass was like a golden soup.

However, Zhao Yiming still shook his head persistently, he made up his mind, "Don't even think about it!"

"You're just a betrayer for glory, you can't wait to submit to Ying Changge immediately!"

"What a ridiculous thing!" Zhao Yiming scolded mercilessly and spat out a mouthful of saliva.

"Now, I will do my best to kill Ying Changge and guard Beiyan Pass."

Zhao Yiming doesn't trust Zhao Xingzhi. Once he is allowed to submit to Ying Changge, how can he defend the city!

Therefore, he concentrated on it and acted impatiently, that is, to mobilize his own troops.

Looking at the aggressive Zhao Yiming, Zhao Xingzhi immediately stopped him, "Don't do this!"

"You guy, so unscrupulous, I'm afraid that Beiyan Pass will not be lost, right!"

Hate that iron cannot become steel, Zhao Xingzhi angrily scolded, "I must let you know my innocence!"

"I will guard the city with you, eat and live with you, so that you will not doubt me!"

"Impossible!" Zhao Yiming shook his head without hesitation, "Don't continue to pretend!"

"As long as you dare to offend me, then I can't wait to kill you directly!" Zhao Yiming shouted angrily!

He already believed in Zhao Xingzhi's surrender to Ying Changge, and their friendship was completely broken.

It is also because Zhao Yiming is patiently enduring that he has not completely torn apart his face with Zhao Xingzhi.

Once there is any problem, he will directly take action and kill Zhao Xingzhi without leaving one.

Otherwise, in the chaotic world, Zhao Yiming, a rebel, would not have any chance to survive.

Hearing what Zhao Yiming said, Zhao Xingzhi was particularly disheartened, "How dare you offend me like this!"

"Do you still remember what your surname is! You are my clan brother!" Zhao Xingzhi scolded 0......

He punched Zhao Yiming's face hard, Zhao Xingzhi was aggressive, "I won't give in!"

"Surrender Ying Changge? You believe in such a non-existent thing! It's really mad at me!"

Zhao Xingzhi wanted to personally prove his innocence so that he could gain Zhao Yiming's trust.

But because of Ying Changge's alienation plan and a letter, both Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi broke up.

They no longer trust each other, it is already a mutual gap, and they cannot continue to work together to guard the city.

There is a large army stationed at Beiyan Pass, and so many people can guard this place without moving.

However, Ying Changge was resourceful, he just used a trick to split Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi.

Unable to wait patiently, Ying Changge knew that Meng Tian's action would be a success, and he could do both.

So, taking this opportunity to lead his own troops, Ying Changge patiently left and headed to Beiyan Pass.

Non-stop, 4.9 fast march, many people have come to the top of the halfway, in groups.

These are all soldiers that Ying Changge is proud of. The soldiers are all well-trained and elite warriors.

When Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi were still arguing, Ying Changge pressed them step by step.

Because of this letter of surrender written by Meng Tian, ​​they are no longer working together.

After some intense noise, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi still didn't take it for granted.

Therefore, they could only separate from each other, and immediately dispatched the troops to their own hands.

Chapter 773 All the previous efforts are abandoned, the bamboo basket draws water!

His own soldiers are in his own control, Zhao Yiming immediately separated at Beiyan Pass, and no longer continued to guard this place.

Putting a lot of troops in his hands to the south, Zhao Yiming surrounded himself with soldiers.

Only in the safest place will Zhao Yiming ensure that he will not be attacked by Zhao Xingzhi.

This is a matter of course, so we must take precautions in advance and plan ahead.

Losing their trust in Zhao Xingzhi, at Beiyan Pass, the soldiers immediately dispersed and morale was low.

After the quarrel, the soldiers of the two armies hated each other even more, wishing to kill them all together.

In Beiyan Pass, the soldiers were scattered enough to form a very weak defense, and there were some flaws.

Because of this, Ying 05 Changge's strategy was successful enough to separate them.

It is inevitable, knowing that there is no accident in his plan, Ying Changge's itinerary is expected.

Walking quickly, the army came in a mighty way, and they rushed to the top of the halfway.

After the alienation plan, it is necessary to attack unexpectedly, so Ying Changge will come up with a sneak attack tactic!

Only by letting your own army attack Beiyan Pass quickly can the enemy be caught off guard and unstoppable.

The army was shuttled one after another, and soon approached under Beiyan Pass, waiting for Meng Tian.

Coming out of the city, Meng Tian single-handedly joined Ying Changge's army.

After thousands of miles, Meng Tian got off the horse immediately and saw Ying Changge.

There was no need for Meng Tian to say more, Ying Changge already knew that Meng Tian's task was completed and implemented a plan.

It is not difficult to divide the plot, the difficult thing is to control people's hearts, so Ying Changge asked Meng Tian to perform the task.

With Ying Changge's strategy and Meng Tian's bravery, they could separate the Zhao brothers so smoothly.

"Send a scout to inquire about the situation at Beiyan Pass." Ying Changge instructed Meng Tian.

"As long as the two of them successfully turn against each other, then they will directly invade and attack the city."

"Yes!" Meng Tian took the order, turned around immediately, and dispatched a soldier to go to Beiyan Pass to inquire about the information.

It takes a day for a scout, and during this time, Ying Changge ordered the army in his hands to wait patiently.

Otherwise, reckless and hasty battles will just let their strategies go to waste, and the bamboo baskets will be in vain.

Patiently let the soldiers wait here, and soon, Ying Changge saw the figure of the scout coming back.

Meng Tian led the scout to Ying Changge's side, and told all the things he had inquired about.

"The army is scattered, and their soldiers are not guarded together. The defenses of the city are full of flaws!"

Ying Changge nodded slowly, "This is a good thing, it seems that our strategy has succeeded!"

"As long as the army can attack and charge as much as possible!" Ying Changge had a plan in mind, there was already a way.

He ordered Meng Tian to mobilize a soldier to attack the enemy's Beiyan Pass in two directions, attacking from left and right.

At that time, as long as it was the soldiers who broke Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi respectively, it would be enough.

Meng Tian took the order, and he began to deploy his own troops, leading some of the soldiers in his hands.

The army dispersed, Meng Tian took a step ahead and went to surround Beiyan Pass, ready to attack from behind.

The order was issued, and Ying Changge made an appointment, and the army was fully prepared.

Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi didn't know their danger yet, they were just very angry because they broke up.

After the quarrel, the relationship cannot be restored to the past, they have become extraordinarily strange, not as good as before.

Putting his own troops on the other side of the city, Zhao Yiming completely ignored Zhao Xingzhi.

Zhao Xingzhi's life and death didn't matter at all, Zhao Yiming just wanted to break through Ying Changge's army.

Otherwise, if Zhao Xingzhi and Ying Changge's army merged, Zhao Yiming would be even more difficult to confront.

Estimated the strength of his own hands, Zhao Yiming simply did not have enough soldiers to fight against the enemy Ying Changge.

He knew his shortcomings. If he went out from the city gate to charge and fight, maybe 897 Zhao Yiming would die miserably.

The best way for him now is to guard Beiyan Pass and let his troops shrink in the city.

This will be foolproof, and will not be hindered by other factors, and there will be no danger.

Zhao Yiming decided that without cooperating with Zhao Xingzhi again, he could not tolerate Zhao Xingzhi's betrayal.

Taking this opportunity, he gathered all his forces together, and took this opportunity to do something.

Taking precautions carefully, Zhao Yiming made enough precautions for the city on the side of Beiyan Pass.

Apart from that, there is nothing for Zhao Yiming to care about, he doesn't care about everything.

Twisting all the troops in his hands into a rope, Zhao Yiming knew that only unity can be safe.

There are not many troops left now, especially food and grass, which are decreasing day by day.

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