At this moment, Ying Changge heard a piece of information, it seemed that a soldier was approaching.

That's really a surprising thing, who is it! Whose soldiers came to approach their barracks?

Ying Changge immediately went out, and soon, he saw the messenger standing honestly outside the barracks.

"I have an envelope to give to General Ying Changge!" The messenger was very quiet and handed the envelope respectfully.

Glancing at the soldier, Meng Tian immediately took the letter before handing it to Ying Changge, "It's Zhao Yiming!"

Zhao Yiming's messenger? Ying Changge suddenly realized that it must be Zhao Yiming's downgrade!

This is a good thing! (afej) At least it means that Zhao Yiming is timid, so he wants to surrender to himself.

Submissive to yourself? This is not a simple matter, and it is impossible for Ying Changge to agree!

He handed the letter to Meng Tian, ​​and Ying Changge was very curious about what kind of words Zhao Yiming would use.

"Come and listen!" Ying Changge wants to know how Zhao Yiming will surrender, which is also a great joy!

Meng Tian carefully opened the envelope and read out the words on it word by word.

Listening patiently, with a smile, Ying Changge smiled, "So it is!"

"It's too late to know the mistake now! There is no mystery or reversal of the situation."

With a light wave of his hand, Ying Changge drove the messenger away and said, "Get out of here."

"Your mission has been completed, leave here while you are, or you will get into trouble."

After hearing Ying Changge's threat, Zhao Yiming's messenger did not hesitate and fled directly.

After leaving here on horseback, the messenger did not dare to leave too far. He had to get a reply from Ying Changge.

Otherwise, if he returns empty-handed, the messenger will be reprimanded and scolded by Zhao Yiming.

Ying Changge and Meng Tian returned to the tent, his face was very calm and calm.

Meng Tian stood beside Ying Changge and asked patiently, "I'm afraid, it's impossible for us to accept it!"

"You're right!" Ying Changge nodded calmly, "I won't accept Zhao Yiming!"

Zhao Yiming is a chaotic army, and the rebels must die, so that they will get what they deserve.

Otherwise, if Zhao Yiming is still safe after the rebellion, how can Ying Changge kill the chickens and show the monkeys!

This is a rare opportunity, Ying Changge will continue to charge and kill Zhao Yiming.

A war has been launched, the blood has not stopped, and life has been ruined. It is impossible for such a war to stop.

Especially Zhao Yiming, the crime he committed is so important, every time he has a big mouth of rebellion.

Everything will calm down under the control of Ying Changge, which is a matter of course.

Ying Changge couldn't wait, and all the chaotic officials and thieves had to be killed, so that they deserved what they deserved.

It is a key to stop the rebels and not allow the enemy's forces to continue to spread.

Seeing through Zhao Yiming's intentions, Zhao Yiming is just a kid who betrays his friends and seeks glory, and he really has no ambition.

To provoke Ying Changge, but Zhao Yiming failed, so he was going to surrender in front of him?

He is not a temperless person, Ying Changge is bound to win, he must kill Zhao Yiming.

Now that I received a letter of surrender from Zhao Yiming, Ying Changge couldn't help laughing, and Zhao Yiming was delusional.

In the face of the rebellious rebels, Ying Changge could not sit idly by, he wanted to wipe them all out.

Because Ying Changge is such a person, righteous and awe-inspiring, loyal to the liver, righteous, and compassionate to the people.

Ying Changge's ability is very powerful, and his leading talent is even more eye-catching and powerful.

No matter who the scheming person starts the war, Ying Changge can easily defeat him.

This was as he expected, after discarding Zhao Yiming's surrender, Ying Changge replied.

A simple sentence, very powerful, "I disagree! I will kill Zhao Yiming!"

The war will continue, and Ying Changge will personally kill him.

Chapter 786 Go to the city where Zhao Yiming is located!

Zhao Yiming's messenger immediately received the wind and heard the message from Ying Changge.

"Rejected?" The messenger was very terrified, he felt Ying Changge's murderous aura.

The messenger had no choice but to leave in a hurry, taking Ying Changge's message with him.

I told Zhao Yiming all this, and the messenger reported it word by word, very serious.

"What!" After Zhao Yiming heard this, he was furious and full of resentment.

"A mere Ying Changge, who dares to reject me, I really don't know whether to live or die!" Zhao Yiming scolded.

Angrily slapping the table, Zhao Yiming was already furious, even more so!

Surrendering Ying Changge and submitting to him is the only chance, so that Zhao Yiming can survive.

Zhao Yiming even wrote a letter with sincerity, but it turned out to be a failure~ Failure, Ying Changge refused!

If he dares to reject himself, then Zhao Yiming will not sit idly by, he will start his final battle-!

Ying Changge does not agree with Zhao Yiming's surrender, which means that he wants to hunt down - himself!

If you want to fight me, fight! Can't beat it all together! Zhao Yiming has made all the preparations.

He strengthened his city gate and made the city wall even more impregnable. Zhao Yiming wanted to stay here.

No matter how many troops came to attack him, Zhao Yiming had to be foolproof.

Otherwise, it's time to die! Zhao Yiming hated Ying Changge even more.

Stay on the front line as a person, I want to see you in the future. Zhao Yiming originally prayed to Ying Changge to give him one last chance.

As long as he can submit to Ying Changge's army, it means that he still has a way to survive.

However, Ying Changge rejected his surrender.

Isn't this a naked slap to Zhao Yiming's face! He couldn't listen to Ying Changge's words.

Anger turned into anger, Zhao Yiming attacked with defense, and wanted to fight to the death in the Nanjun city, so that he could survive.

The reasons for everything are very simple, Ying Changge's murderous heart, and Zhao Yiming's cowardly heart.

This is not something that can be achieved simply, Zhao Yiming must catch them all in one go.

Survival is very important! In the city, Zhao Yiming will take more precautions and measures.

Otherwise, if he continues to be attacked by Ying Changge's army, Zhao Yiming will feel like sitting on pins and needles, like thorns on his back.

After being rejected for the submission of the book, and there is no way out, he can still fight to the end and resist to the end.

Even if the army of Ying Changge came to invade, Zhao Yiming would sit on the mountain to eat the mountain, rely on the water to drink water, and be fearless.

As long as Ying Changge doesn't attack for a day, then Zhao Yiming can continue to survive.

It's not so easy to live a secret life, but he knows that this is the only strategy and means.

Otherwise, in such a situation, Zhao Yiming would just trap himself alive and cut off his way back.

Zhao Yiming, who dug his own grave, deserved what he deserved, and Ying Changge was already preparing to launch his own attack.

He made many people beside him, and made many soldiers unite in one go.

The army advanced, the whole army attacked, and Ying Changge led his soldiers to the city where Zhao Yiming was located.

After being rejected by Ying Changge, Zhao Yiming was also very angry, and he was even more ashamed.

Knowing that Ying Changge would attack sooner or later, he had to plan ahead and make all preparations.

The troops are all arranged around, there are a lot of troops inside and outside the city, cheer up and guard carefully.


Once there is trouble, Zhao Yiming will receive the news, and can't wait to resist Ying Changge.

This is Zhao Yiming's only retreat. He is bound to win, and he will not let himself die alone.

Together with his own army guarding the city, Zhao Yiming immediately received the news of Ying Changge's attack.

Wuyangyang's army was rapidly approaching the city. Earlier, Zhao Yiming received the news.

This is not good news, Zhao Yiming was frightened, with a look of resentment, very disappointed.


Even so, Zhao Yiming didn't have any way out, he could only use soldiers to block the water and cover up.

He ordered the soldiers in his hands to continue to be on guard. Zhao Yiming reinforced the city walls and gates and was always vigilant.

Opening the bow without turning back the arrow, Zhao Yiming had no way out, and could only reluctantly confront Ying Changge's army.

Everything happened, Zhao Yiming started to rebel, and they walked happily with Zhao Xingzhi.

But everything changed, something happened, and Zhao Xingzhi died under the attack of Ying Changge's army.

And what about Zhao Yiming? Fighting alone, with fewer and fewer soldiers beside him, it is really hard to beat.

When Ying Changge's army charged several times in succession, Zhao Yiming was afraid that he would not be able to resist.

Ready to go, Zhao Yiming let the army gather together, forming a powerful army.

The army is like a bow, fast like a gust of wind, and the soldiers under Ying Changge's command are all high morale, so satisfying.

After losing Zhao Xingzhi and his numerous troops, Zhao Yiming was already insensitive.

He didn't know where he should go, and he couldn't hold on for long with his own strength, so Zhao Yiming didn't retreat.

Chapter 787 Another choice, choose the answer!

Even if he continued to retreat to avoid the invasion of Ying Changge's army, where could Zhao Yiming escape!

It has been lost one after another, Zhao Yiming was chased by Ying Changge's army and always ran away and left as he pleased.

Unable to survive the invasion of Ying Changge's army, Zhao Yiming had retreated several times.

The loss of the city again and again left Zhao Yiming with nowhere to retreat. He couldn't believe it.

The world is big, but Zhao Yiming has no place for himself, he is already tired.

Distraught and exhausted, Zhao Yiming took this place as his final battlefield.

Whether he is dead or alive, he has to fight "September 13". Zhao Yiming has lost his mind now, and he is very crazy.

"The whole city is on alert! No slack is allowed, otherwise, I will deal with you by military law!"

Standing on the city wall, Zhao Yiming walked around, kept wandering, kept yelling and yelling.

He wants to cheer up his soldiers so that Zhao Yiming can improve his morale.

Only when the morale is boosted, Zhao Yiming will be able to win more when he faces the enemy Ying Changge.

Otherwise, when Ying Changge's army approached the city, Zhao Yiming was afraid that he would die without a place to be buried.

Waiting patiently, Zhao Yiming has great ambitions and must start the final battle with Ying Changge.

This is the most critical battle. Zhao Yiming is in such a battle, either life or death.

Zhao Yiming couldn't wait, gathered the troops in his hands and started a great formation.

Killing Ying Changge is very important, Zhao Yiming wants to reverse the situation, who made him a rebel.

A battle in the city is very unlikely. Zhao Yiming is a fluent wanderer, and he has no fixed place to fight back.

Now that he has finally guarded the city, Zhao Yiming will build the best city.

In this tall city wall, Zhao Yiming will be safer and will not have any worries about his life.

Ying Changge set off, and his army was always marching fast, coming non-stop.

Constantly approaching, constantly approaching under the city, Ying Changge has already seen his scale.

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