The city is wide, tall and mighty, and there are many troops on guard within the city walls, so Zhao Yiming is ready to take all precautions.

Not in a hurry, calm and calm, Ying Changge ordered the army to start garrisoning not far away and stop.

Attacking the city is not such a rush thing, freezing three feet is not a day's cold, this is very important.

With a gradual attack, Ying Changge would be able to easily attack Zhao Yiming's city.

Killing Zhao Yiming and letting him go to see Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge's purpose is very simple and under control.

Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming both conspired to rebel, and led the army to set off a **** storm, which is unforgivable.

Otherwise, let Zhao Yiming and the others fight to their heart's content, and the people will be miserable, and there will be countless casualties.

Seeing the army approaching the city, Zhao Yiming clenched his fists in fear, but he pretended to be calm.

With a cold snort, he stood on the city wall with the soldiers, and Zhao Yiming gave his order.

"Prepare the archers! The knife and axemen are on guard inside the city gate, ready to attack the city gate at any time."

Staying awake and sorting out his thoughts, Zhao Yiming stared intently at Ying Changge's army.

Ying Changge's army had not yet started to attack, but Zhao Yiming himself couldn't bear it.

He couldn't sit idly by, so he took the lead in provocation on the city wall, "Come on! Fight with me!"

"Look at the present day, whether you are dead or I am dead!" Zhao Yiming's methods are extremely cruel...

Even if Ying Changge took the lead not to attack, Zhao Yiming had already started the battle, "Archery!"

Under Ying Changge's order, the archers on the city wall couldn't wait to shoot arrows, and the arrows flew around.

A series of arrows flew above Ying Changge's army, and Ying Changge ordered the shield players to get ready.

The shield was raised, and the army took shelter in their own way, blocking the arrow rain of Zhao Yiming's army at once.

A series of arrows can't wait to come, and the chatter shoots on the ground like a violent storm.

What a stupid guy! If he continues to shoot arrows, then Zhao Yiming will be the first to damage his materials.

After hundreds of battles, Ying Changge knows everything well, and he will not act recklessly.

The most important thing in marching and fighting is patience and strategy, that is, relying on one's own wisdom and mind.

It's a pity that Zhao Yiming doesn't have these at all, and Zhao Yiming is not suitable to lead a large army to fight.

4.9 He didn't have such a strategy, he was just inferior, it was really not enough to fight Ying Changge.

Ying Changge's army came here, he was calm and calm, while Zhao Yiming jumped off the wall and started to attack.

Let Zhao Yiming attack frantically, Ying Changge will not be in a hurry, he is still fighting patiently.

Putting a lot of soldiers on the city wall, the army couldn't wait to continue shooting arrows, continuously.

A series of arrows came from the sky, and the wind and fire pierced into the ground.

Fighting side by side with his own soldiers, Ying Changge will not retreat like this, he is very patient.

Chapter 788 Very safe, don't worry!

The arrows of Zhao Yiming's army shot only within a certain range, but Ying Changge's distance was very safe.

No matter how Zhao Yiming's soldiers continued to shoot arrows, as long as they were here, Ying Changge would not be injured.

Unless Zhao Yiming, who was so embarrassed, had his soldiers go out of the city gate to shoot arrows, that would increase the range.

Not in a hurry, calm and calm, Ying Changge and his army fought against Zhao Yiming together.

Looking at the impatient appearance of Zhao Yiming's army, Ying Changge was very patient and motionless.

Everything is an expedient measure, just let Zhao Yiming entertain himself first, and Ying Changge ignores it.

Knowing that Zhao Yiming is already a lost dog, now that Ying Changge's army is here, it is a battle of trapped beasts!

To settle his own soldiers, Ying Changge wanted them all to gather together to avoid any crisis.

It's not worth wasting troops, and there's no need to deal with Zhao Yiming's arrow rain, Ying Changge is just taking care of this place.

An 05 camp was set up, and the soldiers were placed a few miles outside the city gate, which would be a shock.

Ying Changge hadn't started his own attack yet, but he let his high morale show together.

Now Zhao Yiming is not dead, but he is very flustered, for fear that he will be killed by Ying Changge.

It was only because of Ying Changge's army that Zhao Yiming was in disarray, and he was embarrassed enough.

Hiding on the city wall, let the soldiers continue to shoot arrows, the arrows are densely packed, and they do not stop at all.

This is just a mediocre battle. Ying Changge believes in himself and will take down Zhao Yiming in just a few rounds.

Even Zhao Yiming's soldiers were hiding in the city, but they were just tortoises and couldn't hide.

When Zhao Yiming was still attacking, Ying Changge was very calm, he saw stupidity.

If the leader is incompetent, the soldier will be defeated.

After seeing Zhao Yiming's frantic appearance, Ying Changge patiently waited for the enemy's morale to weaken.

This will be a good thing, at the very least, it can make Zhao Yiming lose without a fight and destroy his future.

With a bright smile, Ying Changge mocked Zhao Yiming's stupidity, while he himself was waiting patiently.

Such an opportunity is not worth charging, Ying Changge wants his soldiers to keep a low profile, this is enough.

When Zhao Yiming attacked aggressively, Ying Changge kept his troops still, and the situation was very obvious.

At a glance, there is no disparity. Facing Zhao Yiming, Ying Changge already has the upper hand.

Many people are on the city wall, so many people are moving, and they are very dense, and they have the upper hand.

Under such a posture, Ying Changge was still calm and composed, not panic at all, he was not afraid of anything.

The battle-hardened Ying Changge had long known their embarrassment, and they seemed to be full of flaws.

Even a character like this can fight against himself? It's so stupid! Ying Changge laughed out loud.

Let Zhao Yiming continue to harass, but Ying Changge's army can't be shaken by eight winds, how stable.

Waiting patiently, Ying Changge was quiet all night, without any charge.

Ying Changge believed that the opponent would not be able to resist him so easily, and the army was so aggressive.

Even in the middle of the night, Ying Changge knew that Zhao Yiming didn't dare to fight with him, he didn't have the courage.

As long as the stalemate continues, many people will die under the invasion of Ying Changge's army, which is a matter of course.

Dawn came, the sky was slightly bright, Ying Changge's army was safe and sound, and they did not suffer any losses or casualties.

Ready to go, they are about to start their invasion of Zhao Yiming's city, and the army has gathered together.

"Charge!" With Ying Changge's order, the army began to aggressively attack Zhao Yiming.

After staying up all night, it was difficult to fall asleep. Zhao Yiming was always worried, for fear that he would be killed.

But Ying Changge didn't attack all night, the city was very safe, and there was no danger.

Stayed up all night in vain, the next day, Zhao Yiming opened his eyes, still very sleepy and exhausted.

He got up in a hurry, Zhao Yiming came to the city wall, and sure enough, there were enemy troops outside.

The army invaded, Ying Changge was ready, and it seemed that he was about to attack Zhao Yiming's city.

"The whole army is on alert. If 913 cannot have any carelessness, you must be cautious and guard against it!"

"The archers are ready, so that the enemy can't show any signs of approaching!" Zhao Yiming yelled loudly!

At the same time, many people were guarding the city under the dispatch of Zhao Yiming, keeping the army on guard.

With so many troops lying across the city wall, they began to aim at Ying Changge's army to get ready.

"Archery!" Zhao Yiming shouted loudly, causing so many troops to start their first battle.

Many arrows came densely, and shot through the surrounding ground unscrupulously.

Ying Changge wanted a quick battle, so he would not stop and let his army go without stopping.

The hordes of troops were very fierce, marching unscrupulously, breaking through the defenses of the opponent.

Many people died because of this, they all died gradually, and they were buried in it.

The large formation was orderly, and the well-trained soldiers were still charging to the city gate as always.

Chapter 789 Generals are incompetent, soldiers must be defeated!

Launched an attack, Ying Changge made his army charge bravely, and the crowd was surging.

Many people are still quickly publicizing, they are under the city, close to Zhao Yiming's city.

With so many guys under his nose, Zhao Yiming was somewhat frightened.

But he was powerless, at least, he didn't want to be killed like this.

Leading his own army to fight against himself, so he must show his own attitude.

Running fast, Ying Changge and his soldiers fought side by side.

Taking the lead, Ying Changge ordered his soldiers to form a large charge in the front line.

The Swallow-shaped Great Array offensive is very fast, characterized by lightness and dexterity, good at changing, and will not be seriously injured.

Especially when Zhao Yiming was in the city and ordered the soldiers to start shooting arrows, this was also a stalemate.

Zhao Yiming's tactics had long been expected, and Ying Changge knew that he didn't have the guts to fight himself.

Even if Ying Changge's army came to the city, Zhao Yiming would not show his face, he was terrified.

Only by continuing to hide his life helplessly, Zhao Yiming will protect his head.

This is the rarest opportunity, so Zhao Yiming is always carefully hiding behind the city gate.

Watching Zhao Yiming's army continue to shoot and kill, Ying Changge made the army go in one go.

The stormy attack was imminent, and under the city gate, Ying Changge's soldiers began to attack the city.

After attacking the city gate and breaking through the city, Ying Changge's army would be able to file in without fear.

This is a rare opportunity, Zhao Yiming will not let them all attack and enter his city.

Concentrating and fighting patiently, he arranged a lot of manpower on the city wall.

The soldiers fought in unison, swaying the enemy's arrows to kill, and they were unhurt.

They are charging fast, approaching the city continuously, and Ying Changge's army is united.

Continuing to fight unremittingly, Zhao Yiming's archers soon lost any lethality.

They could only helplessly guard the city wall, but they were unable to break through the offensive of Ying Changge's army.

In a fierce battle, Ying Changge's knife and axemen were storming the city gate with a bang.

Hearing the crumbling sound of the city gate, Zhao Yiming was afraid that his city would fall because of it.

Quickly counterattacked, pulling all his own troops in front, Zhao Yiming was in a hurry and was at a loss for what to do.

Fortunately, Zhao Yiming is the defender of the city. He has already occupied the right time and place, and he can help in the snow.

Siege has never been easy, especially for the troops of the siege side, which needs more and more people.

With so many people attacking the city in one go, at least three times as many people as the defender are needed.

Otherwise, Zhao Yiming will continue to shrink the city, it will only make the siege army completely and completely decadent.

At this moment, Ying Changge's army was still advancing as always, attacking Zhao Yiming's defense.

Many soldiers are brave and fearless. They are charging quickly, approaching, and surrounding the city.

Staying in his own city, Zhao Yiming is a tortoise with a shrinking head, and he doesn't dare to rush out like this.

Taking out his own momentum, Ying Changge was still patiently confronting, and learning from each other with Zhao Yiming.

War is like this, it is easy to get casualties, swords and swords shadow, life is charred, and their blood stains the ground.

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