"Zhao Yiming! Let go of our family, you can't control our destiny!" the people shouted.

They are hesitant, they are angry, and the people do not want to be part of this battle.

This is a very cruel thing. Zhao Yiming's actions made the people hated and scoffed.

Especially knowing that Zhao Yiming will use the people to guard the city wall, everyone will not continue to accept their fate!

"What are you talking about! You can't be here!" Zhao Yiming showed his weapons.

"Whoever dares to yell at me, I will kill you and let you die here!"

Zhao Yiming issued his ultimatum, and he was naturally very resentful, full of murderous looks.

The people were shocked by Zhao Yiming, but in front of Zhao Yiming, they did not dare to say anything casually.

Will Zhao Yiming's army control the city like this? The people are not willing, they will start to resist!

"Down with Zhao Yiming!" "Zhao Yiming, you are not human, you are as ruthless as a pig and dog!"

In the streets, the people scolded and even threw stinky meat stones in a steady stream.

Zhao Yiming was hit immediately. He was hit by several small stones, which made him unrecognizable.

After wiping his forehead, Zhao Yiming saw blood, and he was actually injured!

When Ying Changge's army attacked aggressively, Zhao Yiming was not injured.


But in the confrontation with these rabble, Zhao Yiming was smashed in the head by a stone!

It's really annoying! Embarrassed and angry, Zhao Yiming shouted loudly.

Quickly charging up, quickly approaching, Zhao Yiming cut off the head of a commoner.

This commoner still holds a lot of stones in his hands. Zhao Yiming suspects that he is the one who did it, "Looking for death!"

Killing this commoner, Zhao Yiming snorted coldly, "Who else! Who dares to resist me!"

Zhao Yiming is really wishful thinking, even arrogant, actually beheading people in the city.

This was Zhao Yiming's only hiding place, but he actually hurt the people.

Zhao Yiming, who was savage, showed a contemptuous smile. He was very satisfied, "Come on!"

"Let me see your strength, don't you like to chatter and yell at me!"

The aggressive Zhao Yiming was not in a hurry at all, he showed his hideous side.

Chapter 799 Pale and bloodless!

The people were frightened, they never thought they would be beheaded by Zhao Yiming, dead!

My own neighbors died like this! The villagers were all pale and bloodless in horror.

Carrying his weapon, Zhao Yiming sat here calmly and raised his weapon.

"Come on! Let me see, who else dares to oppose me?" His blade was full of blood.

During the confrontation with Zhao Yiming, these villagers were all in awe, and they dared not continue to resist.

But there are also hot-blooded young people. Several of them broke out and stood in front of Zhao Yiming!

"How dare you hurt us! We fought with you!" Several young people were charging quickly.

Once approached, Zhao Yiming waved his weapon, which is a matter of course.

Raising his sword, Zhao Yiming swung it vigorously, and he started a killing spree, killing a few more people!

They are all so stubborn, they are bound to kill Zhao Yiming, and they are motivated to shoot.

Several young people can't wait to come, they must have revenge!

Quickly charging, they surrounded Zhao Yiming at once, trying to kill him.

Zhao Yiming's soldiers were all ready to attack, but they were stopped by Zhao Yiming, and he didn't care.

It's just a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and in front of him, there is absolutely no chance to resist.

Zhao Yiming, who fights alone, does not put these people in his eyes, he regards them as a must.

There is nothing worth risking with such a life, just a bunch of rabble.

When these few people rushed up, it was like suicide, and it was easy to die under Zhao Yiming's sword.

In order to resist Ying Changge, Zhao Yiming had to use the people in this city and let them resist.

Acting as a meat shield, allowing these people to form a wide city wall, Zhao Yiming can live without worry.

Otherwise, when Ying Changge's army continued to rush in, he would die completely.

Zhao Yiming didn't want to die, and he didn't want to die under the invasion of Ying Changge's army.

The only thing he can hope for is his own city! Zhao Yiming took this as a huge formation.

It is easy to defend a city, but difficult to attack a city. He believed that he could continue to stand still with Ying Changge.

As long as they are killed one by one, Zhao Yiming will use the common people as targets.

If Ying Changge wanted to attack the city, then he had to kill all these people.

Taking an oath and taking pride in it, Zhao Yiming knew that there were quite a few people in the city that he could use for himself.

When Ying Changge's army continued to charge in, Zhao Yiming would let the people stand up and stop Ying Changge.

Come one kill one, come ten kill ten! This is Zhao Yiming's despicable and shameless scheme!

He pulled a lot of troops and forced the people to stand on the city wall and guard the city gate.

Once Ying Changge's army enters, Zhao Yiming will make many people become scapegoats.

In the same situation, Zhao Xingzhi will die, but Zhao Yiming may not, because he is cautious.

Once something is stabbed, Zhao Yiming will be unable to recover, and will die under the invasion of Ying Changge's army.

Therefore, after Ying Changge's army had retreated, Zhao Yiming wanted to detain more people.

These people are the shields, the weapons in Zhao Yiming's hands! One of the few things that can be used!

As long as Ying Changge's army cannot enter this place, then Zhao Yiming will be very satisfied.

With a bright smile, Zhao Yiming continued to scold, "Come on! Who else~"!"

If the people are forced to join the army and use them to defend the city, Zhao Yiming can greatly increase the odds of winning.

At that time, once there is any problem, Zhao Yiming can easily control it.

Not only did Ying Changge's army not continue to attack the city, but they had even withdrawn a few miles away. This was the proof.

This is a very good evidence that he must isolate Ying Changge's army from the city.

Zhao Yiming is still not to be outdone, and controls many people in his hands, just to resist Ying Changge.

As long as the people are guarding the city, there is no danger, and it will not be directly penetrated by Ying Changge's army.

This is a rare opportunity. In order to win, Zhao Yiming will do whatever it takes to be vicious and vicious.

A lot of people were arrested, which made him (Nuo Zhao) very frightened, and the city was full of chaotic scenes.

Not only was Zhang Zijun not to be outdone, Wu Yue, another deputy general, also came to meet Zhao Yiming.

"'General! We should not be held hostage by the people and become our own shield!"

Wu Yue was upright, but Zhao Yiming didn't care, he immediately reprimanded, "Nonsense!"

"We are fighting for ourselves! Since we can survive, there will be no crisis!"

"When the soldiers come, they will block the water and cover with the soil. At that time, as long as the army of Ying Changge is broken, it will be enough!"

Zhao Yiming had a smug look on his face, "Is it possible, do I have to explain it to you again!".

Chapter 800 Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, scolding coldly!

Sure enough, it was impossible for Wu Yue to surrender, and he continued to refute, "No!"

"On marching to fight, relying on ourselves, not these innocent people, they should leave!"

"Shut up!" Zhao Yiming, who was so embarrassed, scolded, "Keep talking, I'm going to kill you!"

"Leave before I get angry!" Zhao Yiming asked Wu Yue to leave in front of him.

Several of Zhao Yiming's lieutenants felt dissatisfied, they felt that Zhao Yiming was too cruel!

I hope that Ying Changge's army will leave as much as possible, so that Zhao Yiming can protect the city.

He needed help and support, but Zhao Xingzhi was dead and Zhao Yiming was alone.

Facing several lieutenants who lost their opinions, Zhao Yiming was naturally dissatisfied, and he showed displeasure.

Not allowing these lieutenants to continue to refute him, Zhao Yiming yelled and scolded Wu Yue.

And at this moment, Zhang Zijun also heard this, he immediately appeared and came to Wu Yue's side.

"General!" With Wu Yue 927, Zhang Zijun also wanted to continue to refute Zhao Yiming, so that he could save the people.

Otherwise, these people will be even more dangerous and will be easily sacrificed and used as cannon fodder.

There were no more figures on the city, and Ying Changge didn't want to continue the stalemate with them.

Because many innocent people are involved, Ying Changge doesn't want them to die under his army.

Let the army stop the attack, Ying Changge hopes that the people will have more chances to survive.

War can break out at any time, but this is not what Ying Changge wants, he wants to be more wild.

As long as Zhao Yiming can be killed, then there will be no problems.

If the thief is captured first, the king will be captured, and Zhao Yiming will surely die.

The rebels are bound to die, Zhao Yiming's intention to rebel, has already committed a serious crime, and the crime is unforgivable!

The common people were involved in the war, which was not what Ying Changge wanted, and he had to resolve it quickly.

Patiently letting his army wait, Ying Changge hopes to find a suitable opportunity to confront the enemy.

When Ying Changge's army was still waiting patiently, he would not have thought that Zhao Yiming had a disagreement.

Zhao Yiming's lieutenants began to refute Zhao Yiming, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were more persistent.

For the sake of the common people and innocent people, they boldly confronted Zhao Yiming's orders.

I tried to make Zhao Yiming take back his life, but unfortunately, Zhao Yiming is a cruel and vicious person.

Even if Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue refuted him together, Zhao Yiming would not agree, he looked gloomy.

"Don't think about it, those who resist my order will die!" Zhao Yiming fought.

Giving them a heavy blow on the head, Zhao Yiming slapped them one by one, making them dizzy.

Facing Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, Zhao Yiming immediately raised his hand, "Someone! Take them down!"

Soon, some soldiers rushed up, and immediately took down Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, and made them kneel on the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Yiming killed the chicken to warn the monkey, and scolded coldly, "In the city, my order is Wang Fa!"

"Anyone who disobeys me will die, I will not show mercy (afej)!" Zhao Yiming was furious.

He ordered the soldiers to start whipping Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, and each received thirty whippings.

The crackling, the whip hit, directly hit them all with scars and bruises all over their bodies.

Zhao Yiming felt that Ying Changge would definitely die, otherwise, the army of Ying Changge would attack directly.

The city is safe for the time being. At the very least, Ying Changge's army will not be allowed to directly breach his city.

He waited patiently for this place, gathered a lot of people together, and dispatched to guard his city gates.

Now both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are fighting against him, which makes Zhao Yiming furious and displeased.

Seeing that the two lieutenants were being whipped, Zhao Yiming's expression became more or less good-looking.

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