With a contemptuous smile, Zhao Yiming scolded, "If you dare to continue to refute me in the future, the guilt will be aggravated!"

You can't let them live, otherwise it's just a scourge! Zhao Yiming is vicious and vicious.

However, he will not simply give up like this, and it is useful to keep two lieutenants.

Using them to dispatch troops, two more lieutenants can help him guard the safety of the city.

Staying here and letting the lieutenant follow his command is the best party.

The morale is high, and everyone is united, so that the invasion and attack of Ying Changge's army will be resisted.

However, because of the differences between Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, Zhao Yiming's morale was particularly scattered.

How could Zhao Yiming endure their scolding against him with the slanderous words that confuse the public and distort his military heart.

The soldiers showed no mercy, and the 30 whippings directly made Wu Yue and Zhang Zijun even more embarrassed.

Their bodies were in pain, but they didn't dare to refute anything, because Zhao Yiming was really brutal.

When Zhao Yiming turned to leave here, he saw many soldiers admire him.

This is the result Zhao Yiming wants, knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger to revive the heart of the army, he does not need to object.

In such a dangerous situation in the city, what they have to do is very simple, that is, unite as one.

Chapter 801 Unintentional sleep, discuss together!

The two mediocre lieutenants could not have any chance to go against Zhao Yiming's stratagems and plans.

He waited patiently, and after seeing the completion of the thirty canings, Zhao Yiming scolded, "This is not an example!"

Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue staggered to their feet. They didn't dare to talk nonsense, they could only grit their teeth.

Dare to be angry and dare not speak, the two lieutenants left without saying a word, ~ no longer dare to continue their confrontation.

Very satisfied with such a situation, Zhao Yiming felt that it was too loud, so he had to shut them up.

The lieutenant was carried away, watching Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue leave in front of him, Zhao Yi-ming turned and left.

Walking away, he was aggressive, and Zhao Yiming didn't need more insights and opinions.

Let these armies continue to hold the people hostage to guard this place, and they will have no flaws at all.

The people and the army stand together, and they form a city wall in series, serving as human shields to defend here.

Ying Changge heard that the people on the city never retreated, and he himself was helpless.

The house is kind-hearted, and Ying Changge is unwilling to involve the lives of innocent people, and he will not ignore it.

Let them all continue to stand on the city, Ying Changge ordered his soldiers to stand still.

It was foolproof and there was no crisis, Zhao Yiming was very relieved, he felt that he was talented and smart.

The unscrupulous Zhao Yiming put the life and death of many people aside, this is a ruthless person.

There would not be such a marching war, Ying Changge should be calm for the war, not reckless and hasty charge.

The war has temporarily stopped, and now Zhao Yiming is resting happily. He is very comfortable.

As long as the people are allowed to guard the city, Zhao Yiming can't possibly die, so he is very relieved, not afraid of Ying Changge's sneak attack.

However, after being whipped, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were very resentful, and they hated Zhao Yiming to the core.

Although Zhao Yiming was a general, he had no mercy and directly discarded the people as chess pieces.

Zhang Zijun does not allow such a thing to exist. He cares about the people and should not let innocent people get involved.

He begged Zhao Yiming, but Zhao Yiming gave them whipping, thirty whips, it was really painful.

Now Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are almost unable to stand up, their butts are hot.

The two of them were not able to rest at ease, they simply couldn't sleep, couldn't rest in peace.

In the camp, the two were whispering, and they were discussing continuously.

"Zhao Yiming is really arrogant and arrogant, and even let the people join in this battle!"

"That's right, he hides evil intentions and will do whatever he can. We shouldn't follow such a general!"

They were whipped, and they had a gap in Zhao Yiming's heart, and could not wait to resist his commander.

Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue coincided, they were discussing with each other, and they were going to protest against Zhao Yiming together.

In the dark night, they had no intention of sleeping, discussed important matters together, and fought for the people of Limin.

Knowing that Zhao Yiming is so cruel, it is impossible for them to fight after Zhao Yiming.

Now it's too late to mend the prison, Zhao Yiming has all the people in control.

Regardless of their lives and deaths, the people are all standing on the city wall, lonely and lonely, looking very lonely.

It was inevitable, Zhang Zijun immediately reprimanded, "That's right! Let's rebel! Liberate these people!"

They are all discussing together, weighing the drawbacks, and going against Zhao Yiming's strategy.


The two discussed that Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue could not wait to open the city gate and let the army of Ying Changge enter it.

The discussion was full of enthusiasm, and both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue had already made up their minds.

Unable to sit back and watch these people, both of them extended a helping hand and started their own dispatch.

The next day, Zhang Zijun got up immediately, he went to the top of the city wall, and led the soldiers.

Standing on the city wall with his own battalion of soldiers, Zhang Zijun scolded, "Let them go!"


"Let these people return home safely, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Today, Zhao Yiming was burning with rage, he looked very furious, and immediately scolded these soldiers.

But these soldiers are also ordinary defenders of the city, unable to control this order.

"General Zhang, this is not what we have the final say! The general has orders to control these people."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult for the little ones to do it!" These soldiers were very flustered and fearful.

After hearing their words, Zhang Zijun nodded, "Don't worry, you don't need to explain."

"With me here, if Zhao Yiming wants to blame, just find me directly, I will bear it alone."

Zhang Zijun was aggressive, still impatiently urging the soldiers to release all these people immediately.

When Zhang Zijun was entangled with them, Wu Yue was not idle either, he was just about to move.

Aggressive and bound to win, Wu Yue led his own men and silently approached Zhao Yiming.

The troops are divided into two groups, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue both have their own plans, so that they can rise up and revolt Fan Fan.

Chapter 802 Abandoned, heartless!

Break open the city gate, and at that time, Ying Changge's army will enter to save these people!

Even if they don't compromise with Ying Changge, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue will lead their own troops and fight against Ying Changge.

So, Wu Yue came to Zhao Yiming's place in a blink of an eye, and he was bound to win.

Walking furtively, Wu Yue quickly entered Zhao Yiming's mansion, and he asked for an appointment.

However, Zhao Yiming is still resting, so it is impossible for Wu Yue to see him.

After retreating, Wu Yue left immediately, but he did not really leave, he was ready to go.

Unscrupulously, Zhao Yiming must be killed, so that the "Nine Two Seven" people in the city will be completely liberated.

Pretending to leave, and returning quickly, Wu Yue quickly climbed over Zhao Yiming's city wall.

He crept into the mansion, and soon, Wu Yue went to find Zhao Yiming to prepare for a battle.

Zhao Yiming was resting, he just let the people stand on the city wall, and he himself was very patient.

Abandoning all the people of Limin, the heartless Zhao Yiming continued to fall asleep and dream big.

As Zhao Yiming's lieutenant, Wu Yue naturally knew where his living place was, and he was familiar with the road.

Soon he came to Zhao Yiming's door, Wu Yue opened the door secretly, and sure enough he saw a figure.

That is Zhao Yiming lying down and resting, Wu Yue immediately stepped into it and continued to follow up.

At this moment, Wu Yue quickly came to the bed where Zhao Yiming was resting, and he drew his sword and unsheathed it.

hum! The sword edge was pulled out and immediately stabbed Zhao Yiming on the body, Wu Yue hurriedly struck with a whip.

At this moment, Zhao Yiming suddenly woke up, he felt the murderous aura behind him!

Suddenly opened his eyes, woke up from his sleep, Zhao Yiming rolled over and jumped, and got up from the bed.

Zhao Yiming turned back and saw Wu Yue's sword stabbing on his bed, passing him by.

This is not a battle of life and death, but Zhao Yiming almost lost his head, which is really annoying.

He gritted his teeth and stared at Wu Yue angrily, "How dare you! How dare you commit a crime!"

Wu Yue was discovered, but he was not in a hurry, he was very indifferent, "You must die!"

"I am not selfish, but fighting for the people in the city! I must kill you!"

With a righteousness, Wu Yue was very angry in the face of Zhao Yiming, "You are not even better than Ying Changge!"

After hearing Wu Yue's words, Zhao Yiming showed a contemptuous smile, "Really!"

"You're too arrogant, you are so daring!" Zhao Yiming immediately drew his sword and counterattacked.

His weapon was at the head of his bed, and he could reach it as soon as he stretched out his hand, and he quickly shot.

Zhao Yiming stabbed the sword edge straight on his body, wishing to behead Wu Yue.

But Wu Yue was not a humble guy either, he was still fighting back quickly to resist Zhao Yiming.

It is impossible to kill Zhao Yiming with an unarmed attack. Wu Yue ran rampant with a sword for the safety of the city.

The swords fell and hurriedly stabbed Zhao Yiming in the chest. This was a meaningless fight.

"Ridiculous!" When Wu Yue tried to kill Zhao Yiming, he had already made a big mistake.

Zhao Yiming persevered, and he slashed down with a quick sword, hitting Zhao Yiming on the body.

The swords continued to move forward, swords and lights, swords and shadows, and the weapons of the two collided with each other, crisp and clear.

This fight is meaningless, Zhao Yiming feels that he is invincible and invincible...

Even if he is surrounded and confronted by Ying Changge's army, doesn't he still stick to the city until now!

As long as they continue to attack, killing them will be a piece of cake.

He stepped back quickly, waving his weapon at the same time, hitting him continuously.

Wu Yue was murderous, and he fought with Zhao Yiming aggressively, refusing to guard against his own weapons.

He chose to stay, especially with his army, and he must take good care of the people in the city.

The war is ruthless and unjust, but the people have feelings, and they should not be involved in this war.

In particular, Ying Changge's army is still eyeing the outside world and sacrificing the people, which will only bring down morale.

They were all chattering, and the two of them quickly confronted each other in the room, doing their best.

Fighting back hard and wielding his weapon, Zhao Yiming's sword edge was even more violent, as fast as a gust of wind.

With a straight sword, Zhao Yiming almost pierced Wu Yue's throat and killed the boy.

However, it is impossible for the lieutenant to assume such an official position without real materials. He has some skills. 4.9

The sword in his hand stabbed quickly, and the sword edge landed on Zhao Yiming's weapon in an instant.

The two continued to confront each other, and the sword edge crackled, flashing with a unique power.

Between lightning and flint, Wu Yue hit Zhao Yiming on the ground, but the latter even dodged.

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