With an annoyed look on his face, Zhao Yiming repaired the place as soon as possible to consolidate the defenses here.

This is a matter of course, not to be eradicated by Ying Changge's army casually.

While Zhao Yiming's entire army was busy, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he was very patient.

Even if Zhao Yiming continues to deal with Ying Changge, Ying Changge is always chasing after him.

This is a long battle, Ying Changge knows that killing them is not so simple.

Therefore, to adjust his strength, Ying Changge should let the soldiers rest in an orderly manner.

Otherwise, the soldiers work hard, and it will be difficult to concentrate on winning the battle, and Ying Changge uses his soldiers like a god.

No matter how many soldiers came to fight with him, Ying Changge was able to concentrate and take no hassle.

Any casualties are destined to be extraordinary, Ying Changge respects the sacrifices of every soldier and loves them.

But Zhao Yiming is different, Zhao Yiming will just die, he will kill himself, there is no logic.

After sacrificing soldiers and people, he will also die, and he will die under the invasion of Ying Changge's army.

Ying Changge dispatched his own staff, and let many scouts continue to investigate Zhao Yiming's whereabouts.

Once Zhao Yiming fled, it was impossible to turn back, because he was afraid of Ying Changge, and he began to regret it.

Under the righteous pursuit of Ying Changge, Zhao Yiming's army of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, they are just a mob...

So many people will die because of this, because they are all trying to rebel, and they don't know how to make progress.

The scouts walked around, looking from all directions, carefully investigating the movements of Zhao Yiming's army.

Escaped from Ying Changge's nose, and now Zhao Yiming's army is heading for the river mouth with a mighty force.

The location of the river mouth is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is not easy for Ying Changge's men to break through the siege in one go.

In Ying Changge's view, although Zhao Yiming is a timid and cowardly person, he is not stupid either.

Knowing where to go, Zhao Yiming obviously also knew that the location of the estuary was good for his defense and alert.

When Ying Changge's army came in a hurry, they could be seen.

Sitting on the position of the army at the mouth of the river, Zhao Yiming could easily observe the surrounding terrain.

In a radius of several miles, once there is any trouble, it will be detected by Zhao Yiming's soldiers.

Listening to the report from his scout, Ying Changge knew the news and didn't say much, only 4.9 laughed.

Ying Changge knew that his army was so mighty, and he was not at all in vain.

Especially Zhao Yiming, who retreated all his defeated soldiers to the corner and came to the position of the river mouth.

Zhao Yiming's army is not so easy to break through, Ying Changge knows that he can always come back to life.

Any army is aggressive, and it is impossible to fight quickly, but to fight calmly.

Knowing Zhao Yiming's flaws and knowing that the other party has many weaknesses, Ying Changge needs to take advantage of them.

As long as they all fight to their heart's content, Ying Changge will definitely be able to catch them all in one go.

Chapter 828 Shopping in the streets, the crowd is surging!

Now, afraid of Ying Changge's strength, Zhao Yiming did not dare to hold on, but continued to hold on.

There were so many troops, and the soldiers gradually became the remnants of defeated generals, and Zhao Yiming's momentum was gone.

He didn't want his entire army to be annihilated, so Zhao Yiming continued to support him.

Anyone can die easily, but they will not die in the hands of Ying Changge, Zhao Yiming is aggressive.

Intending to rebel, Zhao Yiming was not able to break Ying Changge's defenses more or less, he had other plans.

After fleeing to the location of the river mouth, Zhao Yiming and his soldiers established a stronger line of defense.

The line of defense is very important. Zhao Yiming wants to make himself flawless and will not be defeated.

Even if the army of Ying 05 Changge will come to attack, but Zhao Yiming has to let the army be extra cautious.

As long as he doesn't lose his life, then no matter what, Zhao Yiming will continue to persevere.

Let the troops in his hands be guarded day and night, Zhao Yiming did not dare to be careless in the face of Ying Changge.

However, Ying Changge is not in a hurry, he is still patiently dispatching troops because he has insufficient troops.

Zhao Yiming always ran away again and again, which made Ying Changge's soldiers run around.

The soldiers were displaced, and after the first battle, they were slightly damaged, and it was difficult to continue chasing Zhao Yiming.

Taking this opportunity, Ying Changge had to consolidate his troops and let them all recuperate.

Refreshing energy is very important, Ying Changge heard the news, and the food and grass in his hands are not enough.

If there is not enough food and grass, how can we attack Zhao Yiming's line of defense! This is inevitable.

Therefore, at this moment, the most important thing is to mobilize food and grass, and Ying Changge has to mobilize nearby.

The war cannot be delayed. If it lasts for a long time, Zhao Yiming's forces will naturally be eased.

Therefore, taking this opportunity, Ying Changge wanted to mobilize food and grass to break through Zhao Yiming's line of defense in one fell swoop.

We must fight quickly, otherwise, Zhao Yiming's army will continue to grow and strengthen.

After discussing this matter with Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge's order was very simple, that is, to mobilize food and grass as soon as possible.

With plenty of armaments and preparations, Ying Changge will be able to march away and launch his final attack.

Following Ying Changge's order, it was not too late, Meng Tian took the lead and led the army to Zhonghui City.

This is the underworld that is relatively close to Ying Changge's army, and the journey back and forth is also very timely.

So let the army move forward immediately, and Meng Tian led a team to Zhonghui City to mobilize food and grass savings.

Zhonghui City is not far or near, but it also needs a large army to run around, and they are quickly entering the city.

When he came here, Ying Changge could only buy and sell food if he needed it, spending a lot of money to buy food and grass.

As long as the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, then killing Zhao Yiming will be a piece of cake.

After entering the city, Meng Tian saw many people walking through the streets.

This place is very lively, many people are shopping in the streets, the crowd is surging, and the people coming and going are very dense.

So many guys are rushing to the same place at the same time, it seems that there is something good.

Ying Changge heard so much excitement, but he didn't want to pay attention to it and did more useless work.

When he came here with Meng Tian, ​​the most important thing was to buy food and grass so that his troops could grow vigorously.

He will not be like Zhao Yiming, Ying Changge will never let his soldiers go hungry.

When marching and fighting, food and grass are very important, and it is necessary to make the troops extraordinarily strong.

"Stay away from the hustle and bustle, go buy food and grass first." Ying Changge whispered, Meng Tian nodded.

Continue to go with a small team of soldiers around him, they are all dressed up as ordinary people.

Not wanting to scare the snake, nor like the public attention, Ying Changge told him to keep a low profile.

As a result, many of them are still leaving quickly, going to grain and forage merchants all over the place.

The needs of the army are very important, and the soldiers have to eat a lot of food.

Therefore, it is very important to buy food and grass. Ying Changge and Meng Tian must resolve this matter first.

Under the guidance of Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge and his group all came to the downtown area of ​​the city to look for businessmen.

But at this moment, a large group of people passed by, avoiding Ying Changge's people.

They had no choice but to stop, watching so many people shuttling and blocking their way.

Meng Tian has been by Ying Changge's side all the time, staring at them intently, paying careful attention.

It was a long line, and many slaves were imprisoned and passed by.

Turning his ears to listen, Ying Changge could hear the clanging sound of the shackles, which was very miserable.

He stopped and stayed where he was, and then Ying Changge asked in a low voice, "Where are the slaves from?"

Meng Tian watched the six directions and listened to all directions, and after identifying it, he said, "It seems to be from the north."

These are slaves from the north, all of them are tall and tall, but very haggard.

Chapter 829 The words are eloquent and eloquent!

At first glance, it was obvious that they were not able to eat and drink well, so their faces were sallow and haggard.

He continued to walk unconcernedly, but Meng Tian was stopped by Ying Changge, "Wait, join in the fun."

Ying Changge immediately followed these slaves. If nothing else, these slaves seemed to be auctioned off.

All things in the world, all beings are equal, Ying Changge will not sit idly by these slaves, he is very kind.

The kind-hearted Ying Changge immediately followed, and Meng Tian naturally wanted a serious guard.

The group followed behind the slave, couldn't wait to walk, and soon came to an empty place.

Detaining a group of people came here, and the slaves were all emaciated and had no strength to stand.

A lot of people gathered here immediately, and they all stood here one by one, watching the excitement.

Ying Changge stood in the crowd, calmly observing the changes.

"Folks, come and take a look! We have high-class northern slaves here! Strong and strong!"

With the shouting, more people came here, and they gathered together in a large number.

Wait patiently, Ying Changge will see what tricks this slave trader can do.

Many people stood by Ying Changge's side to watch the excitement, and he continued to wait in a hurry.

Soon, Ying Changge heard the voices of the people around him getting louder and louder.

"This slave is rich, sell me one~"!" "A bunch of despicable people really don't need pity!"

"Look, look, that person looks like a dog!" Ying Changge heard a lot of sarcasm.

This is not a good thing, Ying Changge doesn't like everyone's cynical voice.

So, Ying Changge continued to take a step forward, approaching these slaves, while Meng Tian never left.

At this moment, the thief-eyed hawker immediately said, "Come here and take a look!"

"Fellow folks, these slaves are all strong and strong, and they have a lot of skills."

"Whether it's cultivating the fields or taking care of the home, they are all first-class experts! What do you think!"

After hearing the hawker's words, many people around said, "Give me one!" "I'll buy it too!"

Everyone was noisy, and it seemed that these slaves from the north were very rare, and the peddler who sold people looked happy.

He was triumphant, and when he was about to speak, he saw someone crowded next to him.

It was Meng Tian, ​​he heard Ying Changge's advice, so he walked up unhurriedly, "Wait!"

"How many slaves do you have here!" Meng Tian asked earnestly and loudly.

After hearing Meng Tian's words, the thief-eyed hawker immediately replied, "About twenty-seven!"

"I want it all!" Meng Tian waved his hand, he knew that Ying Changge would definitely say so.

Acting on behalf of Ying Changge, Meng Tian, ​​who was rich and powerful, immediately reprimanded, "If you don't keep one, give it to me!"

Seeing that Meng Tian made such a generous shot, the hawker's eyes widened in surprise, "Really!"

"This master is really good!" Looking back, the hawker took a careful count.

"Yes, twenty-seven! Could it be that you want all of them? These slaves are so happy."

It's just that when Meng Tian opened his mouth, the people next to him became unhappy, "Wait! Why!"

"We have all selected those slaves, how can you **** them all at once!"

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