One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the surrounding people were reluctant, and everyone was shouting, dissatisfied and refuted.

In the crowd, Ying Changge raised his arm, "'"Want to buy slaves? Ask me about my fist!"

Ying Changge is so domineering and taciturn, the other people don't dare to continue to deal with it.

The hawker walked up with a smile, "No problem, but our price must be suitable!"

At this time, Ying Changge walked up, frowned slightly, very displeased, "What are you talking about!"

"I bought so many people at once, shouldn't it be cheaper for me!"

The hawker was speechless and stared at Ying Changge, but shook his head helplessly, "I'm afraid it won't work."

"You get what you pay for. We slaves are all very strong and strong."

Facing the hawker's self-promotion (Nuo Zhaohao), Ying Changge waved his hand, "Speak less nonsense, more talk is useless!"

"Just say, can it be cheaper! You have to know that this is all your slaves."

"I bought all of your slaves at once, so don't you want to kowtow to thank me?"

Hearing Ying Changge's words, the hawker didn't know what to do, so he could only look aside, in the crowd.

Meng Tian followed the hawker's gaze, and soon saw a guy standing not far away.

The man looked fierce, and at first glance, he was not someone to provoke.

With a contemptuous smile, Meng Tian immediately knew that that guy was the slave owner! What a bad guy! .

Chapter 830 Fishing in troubled waters

Mixing in the crowd, isn't it just to raise the value of slaves? It's good to fish in troubled waters, and make up for it.

Thanks to Ying Changge's foresight, not only did he not raise the price, but he even continued to suppress it.

Make the price cheaper, otherwise, Ying Changge won't buy these slaves, wonderful!

With this good plan, the hawker is helpless, and his words really have no right to speak.

So after some chatter between you and me, the hawker already understood.

He nodded immediately and gave Ying Changge a bright smile, "Master, no problem!"

"Let's pay the money and deliver the goods immediately, and send all these northern slaves together."

With such a gesture already taken, it is easy for everyone to discuss, which is a very good thing.

So, they all went to the other side, ready to start this transaction. Ying 973 Long Song splurges silver taels.

These slaves are very pitiful. Once they fall into the hands of others, they don't know what will happen.

Therefore, he must buy all these slaves, so that there is no danger.

Otherwise, the slaves will fall into his hands, and they will die and be wounded. Isn't it innocent and murderous!

Ying Changge would not allow these slaves to die without cause, he must take control of these situations.

Therefore, they squandered their shots and spent a lot of money to ensure that they would not die.

This is a very benevolent method, and ordinary people will not understand what Ying Changge is doing at all.

It is precisely because of this that they were all bought by Ying Changge and joined together.

The hawker is just acting for others. He is just a **** and dare not complain.

The twenty-seven slaves were all handed over to Ying Changge to ensure their lives were safe.

Ying Changge was very satisfied, and immediately accepted these northern slaves, and then accommodated them.

A lot of efforts are lonely, they dare not resist it, and they are honest.

So many slaves are all living lives! Ying Changge would not ignore them.

"You are from the north, but you must have experienced many setbacks when you came here."

"I have bought you all, and you are all free!" Ying Changge explained, "No one controls you!"

"If you want to stay, stay, and if you want to leave, I will not stop you. Everything is up to you."

Ying Changge is very gentle and kind, these slaves are unbelievable, never expect such a good thing.

Obviously they are just slaves, they are not free, and they have no chance to control their own lives.

But after being bought by Ying Changge, they have freedom. This is really an anecdote!

Allowing so many people to stand in front of him, Ying Changge waved his hand lightly, "Don't worry!"

"I will do what I say. If you want to leave, you can leave now (afej), and you are willing to follow my nature and stay."

In a word, let the slaves be free!

Under the urging of Ying Changge's words, several slaves moved cautiously and turned around.

Since there was such an opportunity, many slaves planned to live, so they left immediately.

Seeing the figures of the slaves fleeing, Meng Tian was indifferent and stood there patiently.

Without any hesitation, the slaves fled quickly, and they did not dare to stay.

Fearing that they would be caught by Ying Changge, all the slaves fled away, and there was not much left in front of Ying Changge.

Those were all slaves that had just been bought with money, but they just escaped! The vendor was stunned.

He never expected such a thing to happen! It's incredible, it's hard to fathom.

The slave trader sneaked away, and immediately reported the matter.

As expected by Ying Changge, these slaves are specialized in buying and selling, and they trade like this.

Today, Ying Changge had no problem buying so many slaves, the sale is here.

But after a while, Ying Changge actually let go of many slaves, which is a big thing!

This is a broken rule! This allows businessmen who buy and sell people to be able to do business and make money!

The hawker who sold the slaves immediately reported the incident, and the people who sold the slaves were not happy.

Buy your own slaves and drive them away? This is full of stupidity! Guo Hong was angry.

He finally sold these slaves, only to meet a buyer like Ying Changge.

Guo Hong became angry, how could he continue to be involved in the business of buying and selling people in the future!

Immediately sent someone to inquire, but Guo Hong heard more important news, Ying Changge was really presumptuous.

Not only did he buy slaves from himself, but in a short period of time, Ying Changge bought hundreds of slaves.

After these hundreds of slaves fell into the hands of Ying Changge, many of them were released.

What is this! How stupid! Guo Hong can't wait to teach Ying Changge a lesson in person.

Chapter 831 Quietly, tiptoe!

Especially when he thought that many of the slaves he sold were lost, Guo Hong was even more annoyed.

This is because he carefully abducted and sold so many slaves, but he was released!

When he thought of this, Guo Hong couldn't ignore it, he was very angry, so resentful.

For all this, Ying Changge doesn't know it, he just wants to release the freedom of slaves!

These lonely slaves, once they fall into the hands of others, are only afraid of being bloody.

The one with kindness and kindness rescued them, and wherever Ying Changge went, he was squandering - Qianjun.

A lot of slaves were bought, so that their lives were guaranteed.

The slaves are grateful to Ying Changge, they are all very happy, and they are finally free!

Busy, Ying Changge went around here and bought a lot of slaves in a short time.

This made Ying Changge very busy. He and Meng Tian came here only to buy food and grass.

But he spent a lot of money, but he was not able to buy some food and grass, but bought a lot of slaves.

This slave fell into the hands of Ying Changge, which was equivalent to regaining his freedom, and Ying Changge let them go.

Stay, stay, go, many slaves have been reborn from the hands of Ying Changge and will not be oppressed.

After many laps in the streets, Ying Changge gained a lot and bought a lot of slaves.

This is a great deed of accumulating virtue and doing good deeds. All their slaves are so grateful and excited.

At this time, the sun was setting and it was already dusk, so Ying Changge naturally couldn't find anyone selling food and grass.

It can only be to rest for a while, and wait until the next day, and it will not be too late to buy food and grass with Meng Tian.

They immediately found a place to rest, and a group of people were ready to rest, after all, they had been running around for a lot of time.

Going back and forth, continuing to buy and sell many slaves, Ying Changge did a great deed.

Ying Changge only felt that she was very fulfilled, but other people didn't recognize it so much.

In particular, the connoisseurs who specialized in buying and selling slaves felt that Ying Changge had violated his own taboo.

Although Guo Hong, who sold his slaves, got the money, he was still unhappy and even hated it.

Knowing Ying Changge's residence for a long time, no one would have thought of the murderous aura tonight.

The sneaky Guo Hong will lead many of his own people to come together and try to **** the slaves.

This was bought by Ying Changge, but Ying Changge broke the rules and made Guo Hongdu angry.

He quickly publicized his manpower, and kept many people by his side, so that he could attack Ying Changge.

Not only because of the slave thing, but also because Ying Changge broke the rules, which is very important.

With the impending victory, the aggressive Guo Hong sneaked up to Ying Changge and started to fight back.

But he knows that these people are not his backing, especially they are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

It's okay to bully the common people on weekdays, but he can't fight against Ying Changge's people.

But even so, Guo Hong will not swallow his breath, he must run rampant together.

Just because Ying Changge bought his own slave, Guo Hong and his Liangzi were all forged.

Guo Hong will not let his efforts go to waste, he must fight against it.

Gathering all his own people together, Guo Hong was already approaching quietly.

After finding out where Ying Changge was, Guo Hong knew that the hundreds of slaves lived in the woodshed.


A group of menacing people came in groups, just to be able to take all the slaves away.

"Remember, you must be silent, tiptoe, and never be discovered by them!"

Guo Hong, who took the lead, immediately found a good place, and he immediately went in.

When he found a place, Guo Hong let his men swarm up and took all the slaves away.

It's a pity that this is where Ying Changge lives, and he is taking precautions carefully!


Many people were so alert that when Guo Hong entered, he immediately explored their whereabouts.

As a result, a soldier reported immediately, and the report was given to Ying Changge, and he woke up from his dream.

He sat up immediately, and then Ying Changge grabbed his weapon and got up immediately, everything was as expected.

Ying Changge knew for a long time that he was being followed when he bought slaves, and he was already being followed.

So what kind of person can stare at himself! Ying Changge has always been very curious.

So he made people alert in the middle of the night to prevent his army from being attacked.

Everyone was conscientious and conscientious, and the soldiers immediately noticed the traces of Guo Hong and his party.

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