The soldiers reported and asked Ying Changge and others to stand up immediately, and they began to prepare for a counterattack.

Guo Hongshu didn't know that he was the turtle who invited you into the urn.

When Guo Hong tried to **** his slaves back, many soldiers began to stand guard.

Ying Changge stood up, stood in the dark place calmly, and waited patiently for a moment.

Soon, Meng Tian also came to Ying Changge's side, and all of them were so serious.

Chapter 832 Take the lead and join the battle!

Showing a look of alertness, a group of people quickly gathered and prepared everything in the dark.

And Guo Hong, who was still leading his brother, didn't even know that he was already greedy.

So many slaves will be robbed together, and when the time comes, let them sell them at a good price by their side.

Guo Hong, who specializes in reselling slaves, is best at doing such things! He was very happy.

Still waiting patiently, Ying Changge and Meng Tian were both immobile, so they could close the door and beat the dog.

As long as the turtle in the urn can go smoothly, there will be no danger, and everything is worth it.

Now that he is in control of the movements of the "Nine Seven Three" army, Guo Hongcai completely understands who Guo Hong is!

Standing beside Ying Changge, Meng Tian reminded, "It's the seller who met those slaves during the day."

"It turns out that, it seems that he has no plans to sell." Ying Changge snorted coldly.

"This guy has changed his mind, is he trying to grab it hard!" Ying Changge would not let go of the villain.

After hearing Ying Changge's words, Meng Tian knew what to do, and he immediately went to lead a group of people.

Controlling the troops and horses to their heart's content, they couldn't wait to surround themselves and prepare to attack Guo Hong.

Guo Hong, who was beyond his own power, still led so many people to come, trying to **** the slaves abruptly.

In Guo Hong's eyes, there is no difference between these Guo Hongs and livestock, and they have to follow his pleasure.

Ying Changge broke the rules, so he can't be regarded as a buyer! Guo Hong wanted to kill the chickens to warn the monkeys.

While the moon was dark and the wind was high, a group of people were still approaching quickly, preparing to sneak into the firewood room.

After arresting all the slaves in the woodshed, Guo Hong bumped them all to the next city and sold them for a good price.

With his own wishful thinking, now Guo Hong has come to the firewood house, ready to enter.

With so many people, it would be easy to plunder hundreds of slaves.

When Guo Hong was about to execute his plan, he saw a different scene.

Meng Tian led a team of men to intercept, suddenly appeared, surrounded by left and right, making him pale in shock.

Guo Hong was taken aback, he quickly straightened his spine, preparing for his father to retreat and leave.

Otherwise, if Meng Tian killed him, Guo Hong would lose more than his gains, and he would choose an army after losing his wife.

"Why did you come uninvited?" Meng Tian was very indifferent, and the victory was in his hands, "Rude!"

"Am I being rude?" Guo Hong smiled contemptuously, "I robbed you! Brothers, give it to me!"

With Guo Hong's scolding, many people rushed towards Ying Changge, and it was about to explode.

The situation was tense and full of majesty, and many people came to Meng Tian in a rush.

It's really a mantra! Meng Tian did not hesitate, and immediately led his own soldiers to counterattack immediately.

These were slaves that Ying Changge bought, so they were all free and could not continue to be oppressed.

Otherwise, if Guo Hong takes away these slaves, it will only make things worse for them.

Moving forward recklessly, with a swift sword, Meng Tian's sword edge flashed a different kind of light.

Lengmang came in an instant, and easily broke through Guo Hong and the others, and Meng Tian made a **** path.

Guo Hong's troops were also numerous, and many people were coming quickly to surround the place.

Ying Changge will not let his soldiers fight alone, he also has to lead the way and join the battle.  …

So, raising his sword, Ying Changge came quickly and shot from the other corner.

His skills are superb, and his swordsmanship is at the pinnacle.

One by one, everyone died because of this, and they were caught off guard by Ying Changge's offensive and could not prepare for it.

Going on a rampage and continuing to enter, Guo Hong killed a lot of guys, leaving none of them behind.

With such a sword edge stabbed, Ying Changge came out of the cage, freeing up a large space for himself.

Guo Hong heard the distressed screams of his own hands behind him, and he looked back.

It turned out that before he knew it, he was surrounded by many people and had nowhere to go.

He himself was trapped here, and Guo Hong just hoped that he could **** the slaves as soon as possible.

But who would have thought that Ying Changge had already made a foolproof plan to guard against Guo Hong and his party.

Now that the door is closed to fight the dog, the turtle in the urn, Guo Hong has become a fish among the singers.

People are the knife and I am the fish. Guo Hong understands that his own life and death are no longer in his hands.

In desperation, Guo Hong can only continue to fight, he wants to solve these troubles.

Otherwise, Ying Changge's life has always been coming and going, and Guo Hong is caught in the siege.

By killing Ying Changge and robbing hundreds of slaves in his hands, Guo Hong would be able to make a fortune.

This is his favorite thing, so he rushed over quickly, trying to kill Ying Changge by surprise.

His people are still fighting bravely, fighting with blood, and vowing not to give up unless they rob slaves, they are very stubborn.

In this chaotic battle, Guo Hong was not idle either, he understood that it is only right and proper for people to kill birds for food.

Chapter 833 Strategize and strategize the overall situation!

Otherwise, if so many people kill him, Guo Hong will be very annoyed and regretful.

Holding his sword, he charged at brisk pace. Amid the many encirclements, Guo Hong fought back in high spirits.

It can be seen that Guo Hong is also a man in the rivers and lakes. He is depressed and murderous.

I don't know how many people's blood Guo Hong has stained on his hands, but he is definitely a vicious person.

Just because of the hundreds of slaves in the Ying Chang singer, Guo Hong will take risks, it's really not a thing.

He is still patiently continuing to fight, and his own men and horses are chattering back and fighting quickly.

Otherwise, how could Guo Hong escape completely, how could he escape such a predicament!

With a hideous smile on his face, Guo Hong carried his sword, went forward bravely, and continued 05's slashing.

Weapons ping ping ping ping pong counterattacks came in a row, wishing to kill them all.

Killing without blinking an eye, Guo Hong is quick in his hands and feet, and he is using his excellent skills to the fullest.

No matter how many people trapped him, Guo Hong would move forward as always, trampling over the corpses.

No one was left, and he fought back to his heart's content. The sword in Guo Hong's hand was stained with many bloodstains.

Ying Changge rushed out from another corner, and he led a group of men and came from another direction.

With Meng Tian's soldiers and horses attacking from both sides, Ying Changge walked like a fly, holding his sword and waving it vigorously.

Throwing his head and pouring blood, Ying Changge was aggressive.

The sword edge ran rampant, stabbed with a crackle, beheaded them one by one, and sprayed blood.

Ying Changge, who did his part, continued to attack and assassinated many of Guo Hong's people.

During the sneak attack in the middle of the night, Ying Changge had already made preparations, strategizing and planning the overall situation.

So when Guo Hong and his party rushed up, he was not in any danger, and he was not even in a hurry.

The situation was very calm, but Guo Hong continued to sprint just to kill a few of them.

He is a strong man with a calm expression, but he is still dealing with so many people.

Ying Changge's men and horses are all tough, well-trained, and have unique qualities and abilities.

On the contrary, it was Guo Hong. His people were just a mob, and it was impossible to simply kill them.

In the middle of the night, they are still fighting fast, you come and go, fierce struggle.

In order to win over the hundreds of slaves of Ying Changge, Guo Hong risked himself just to make a fortune.

Otherwise, if he can't survive, how will he continue to expand his business! Guo Hong is selfish.

He tried his best to fight back, Guo Hong's sword was already stained with blood.

The sword was constantly waving, always coming in a steady stream, and many soldiers surrounded Guo Hong.

It is impossible for Guo Hong's men to fight against them, but Guo Hong is not willing to die like this.

He has to continue to fight and let his group get the end they deserve.

As the so-called three major joys in life, promotion, fortune and death of his wife, Guo Hong is working hard to implement it.

He is not an ordinary official, he is just an ordinary merchant.

But even as a businessman, Guo Hong was able to let all his people come to make money for him.

I have to say that, with strong troops, Guo Hongcong was very embarrassed in the battle with Ying Changge.

He couldn't suppress all this easily, and he couldn't even get close to the woodshed to capture slaves.

Ying Changge bought a lot of slaves, indicating that he must be a guy with deep pockets.

It is natural to seek money and kill, but Guo Hong just wants to keep a low profile and plunder slaves.

He didn't want to provoke Ying Changge, he could see that Ying Changge's soldiers were strong and strong, and it was not easy to be convinced.

Not wanting to take risks, just wanting to **** the slaves, but Guo Hong still failed, even a complete defeat.

Ying Changge's more and more troops surrounded him continuously, and he pinched Guo Hong all of a sudden.

In the continuous struggle among so many people, Guo Hong hopes to make a quick decision and let everything end early.

Every slave has a life that can make money, and Guo Hong973 hopes to make a windfall through this.

Now, Guo Hong is surrounded by Ying Changge's men, and he is caught in an anxious battle, trying to escape.

He should retreat in time, as long as he leaves here, Guo Hong can live with his own people.

Otherwise, he will be surrounded by many people, and the people of Ying Changge will continue to charge.

Seeing the crowds of people and the shadows of swords, lights and swords, Guo Hong was a little flustered and frightened.

However, this is not something that can be stopped casually, Guo Hong has shown his housekeeping skills.

Even if he was killed by a group of people, Guo Hong still fought side by side with his own people and rushed to the chase.

Many people are fighting together in one go, they are fighting each other, blood is not stop.

In the face of danger, he continued to charge, Guo Hong yelled loudly in the crowd, "Charge for me!"

"Don't worry about those slaves, leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood! Let's retreat first!".

Chapter 834 Fight side by side, persevere!

"At this moment, the most important thing is to kill a **** path, and then be safe and sound!"

Following Guo Hong's orders one by one, his men were also doing their best to escape.

Fighting side by side, they all retreated quickly, avoiding the edge of Ying Changge's army.

However, with Ying Changge's well-trained army here, it was impossible for Guo Hong to escape easily.

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