After killing several people who stood in front of him, Guo Hong continued to break through and tried to escape from here.

He walked briskly, waving a sword sharply, aggressive, fierce and sturdy.

And the vigorous Ying Changge also continued to chase behind him, his figure constantly shuttled.

Crowded in the crowd, Ying Changge kept moving forward, chasing Guo Hong's whereabouts.

The panting Guo Hongsheng was afraid that he would fall, so he and one of his brothers were escaping quickly.

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice, Guo Hong is now calling Tiantian not to be called to earth, and he is very embarrassed.

If Guo Hong had long known that Ying Changge had these men, it would be impossible for him to lead them.

If he can't fight Ying Changge, the worst thing is, Guo Hong will not take the initiative to provoke Ying Changge's people.

The army is strong and the soldiers are strong and strong. Once so many guys go, they will surely die under the army of Ying Changge.

Chapter 841 Outflank from the back and continue to hunt down!

Knowing that he was asking for his own hardships, Guo Hong would concentrate on walking and break free from Ying Changge and the others.

The stalemate continued, walking non-stop, and many people followed Guo Hong and went out.

Such a group of people continued to charge in the chaos of the army, and they were invincible, and they could rush out at any time.

Ying Changge doesn't want them to leave, so he must stop them, ~ this is their own consequences.

Guo Hong made up his mind about Ying Changge, he deserved it and should be killed. Ying-Changge immediately reprimanded.

"Intercept them and let them all stay! Leave them all to me!" Ying Changge wanted to live.

Some people die as light as a feather, while some die as heavier than Mount Tai. The realm of the two is different.

Now, with Guo Hong, Ying Changge can hold Guo Hong hostage and get some benefits from him.

Otherwise, if Guo Hong was allowed to oppress him recklessly, who would Ying Changge become?

He is a decent person, if Guo Hong is not decent, then Ying Changge will help him be decent.

He was still trying his best to chase Guo Hong after he made a way out of the crowd.

Guo Hong and his party faced difficulties and obstacles, and even if they escaped, they could not escape smoothly.

Already feeling Ying Changge's pursuit behind him, Guo Hong was in a panic, and he didn't dare to stop.

Continuing to escape, shoving the crowd, and hitting the blade, he intercepted and killed many people.

A group of people quickly evacuated, their whereabouts are really fast, it is difficult to prevent.

Seeing that the army was gradually thinning out, Guo Hong showed a bright smile on his face.

The sword was swung, and the corpses fell continuously. Guo Hong, who was covered in blood, was really embarrassed.

But no matter what the difficulties and obstacles ahead, Guo Hong will continue to flee here on a rampage.

With Guo Hong's men, it is impossible to confront Ying Changge head-on! Because he knows his weaknesses.

Although it seems that there are many people, but Ying Changge's soldiers are vulnerable to the enemy, and it is easy to be full of loopholes.

After a stalemate for a while, Guo Hong knew that his manpower could not be hostile, so he had to flee here.

Regardless of Ying Changge's pursuit behind him, Guo Hong went his own way so that he could dodge Ying Changge's soldiers.

In the dark night, a large group of people continued to invade, but they were unable to kill Guo Hong.

Consciously taking his own life, Guo Hongdu smiled brightly and continued to get rid of the chasing soldiers behind him.

No matter how many people came, Guo Hong would ignore them and ignore them.

Today is a downfall, but Guo Hong will not confront Ying Changge's army head-on.

Not wanting to die here, Guo Hong will continue to dream of making a fortune! He persevered.

He ran away quickly and tried his best to escape. His movements were very fast and unexpected.

A small team of men and horses are all on the edge, and they are about to break out of the siege and be able to escape.

In one go, Guo Hong's men did not stop, and quickly avoided the killing of Ying Changge's soldiers.

During the encirclement and suppression, Guo Hong, who took the lead, cut a path with both hands and cut a **** path.

Under Ying Changge's order, a group of people were turning around in an attempt to block Guo Hong's road.

But it was too late, Guo Hong and his party found a breakthrough and directly killed them.

How could Ying Changge let the meat in his mouth fly away! He is also persistently chasing.


Holding a sword in hand, he breathed a sigh of relief, Ying Changge was so brave and continued to pursue Guo Hong's back path.

Offending Ying Changge and wanting to run away, what kind of place does Guo Hong take this place! Hard to get through here.

Since Guo Hong came uninvited, their group could only stay here and have no way out.

Uniting with his own troops, Ying Changge is not an ordinary person. He strategizes and leads troops like a god.

Let some of the soldiers intercept the other party, taking this opportunity, Ying Changge outflanked from behind and continued to chase and kill.


Meng Tian's main force continued to fight against Guo Hong's brothers, killing them to the death.

To strengthen the vigilance, Meng Tian must ensure the safety of Ying Changge, so they are all cautious against the enemy.

Everyone is of one mind, and the big guys are all very serious. They are full of chills, and they are training their courage to fight.

Panting and trying his best to escape, Guo Honghao was able to escape from this place and leave this place.

Behind him are Ying Changge's pursuers, and a series of people are still persistently chasing them.

Guo Hong is like a lost dog, while Ying Changge's soldiers and horses are like hunters who hunt and cannot be mixed up.

If possible, now Guo Hong wants to leave in a galloping horse, setting off the dust and disappearing.

What I never expected was that Ying Changge's approach was really fast, and he quickly caught up with Guo Hong.

Since it was impossible to fight them, Guo Hong wanted to escape, otherwise, he would surely die.

It is not so easy to leave this place, Guo Hong was chased by Ying Changge's men.

Looking around, Guo Hong is also a rich and powerful person, but he has become so down and out.

Chapter 842 A windfall and a fortune!

So many people couldn't stop Guo Hong. Originally, he thought that he could escape from this place and escape.

But it is a pity that these people are always in pursuit, unable to let Guo Hong escape and leave comfortably.

Otherwise, when they meet Ying Changge, Guo Hong will kill them all without leaving any.

He retreated while running, but Guo Hong couldn't get rid of the army behind him no matter what, with a lot of momentum.

Looking back in a hurry, I saw a lot of people are just a few steps away from me.

So many people couldn't stop Ying Changge, Guo Hong allowed his brothers to suffer casualties and didn't dare to be careless.

"Continue to retreat from "Nine Seven Three"! All go!" Guo Hong, who was screaming, was very noisy, and he was very anxious.

If he died in the hands of Ying Changge like this, I'm afraid that Guo Hong himself would be completely defeated, leaving no one left.

Almost all of his brothers were brought out tonight, how could Guo Hong let them all die!

Now I find that Ying Changge is a guy who can't be offended, and Guo Hong admires the strength of his subordinates.

Guo Hong has always been living a good life, but all this is obtained through the sale of slaves.

Burning, killing, and looting everywhere, Guo Hong occupied a lot of silver taels and made a fortune.

It's just that I never expected that now, Guo Hong has encountered a thorn, that is, Ying Changge and his party.

Originally, Guo Hong only ran away to the hundreds of slaves of Ying Changge, but now it is impossible to give.

Because there was no chance at all to grab those hundreds of slaves, Guo Hong had no chance of winning.

The only thing he can do is to continue to escape and avoid the painful killer of Ying Changge's army.

Still persevering in leaving, Guo Hong felt that sooner or later he would be able to break free from the shackles of Ying Changge.

However, Ying Changge was not to be outdone, and their group always came quickly to outflank Guo Hong.

No matter where Guo Hong escaped to, he still couldn't escape from the Wuzhi Mountain of Ying Changge.

A group of people were moving forward quickly, Ying Changge took the lead, and quickly intercepted Guo Hong's men.

With the victory in hand, he quickly collided, and he beheaded a small group of men and horses, leaving no one behind.

Blood was sprayed on the ground, and Guo Hong's men were once again hit hard and lost a lot of people.

Seeing his soldiers and horses being blocked here, Guo Hong shouted angrily, it was really outrageous.

It's just a bunch of rabble, and it's too much to chase and kill him for a few miles.

Anger turned into anger, and the dog jumped over the wall in a hurry. At this time, Guo Hong turned around and stared at Ying Changge without blinking.

Walking with his sword, Guo Hong jumped to Ying Changge's side, and stabbed straight out with a sword.

The sword's edge is twisted and ever-changing. Such a sword has a powerful lethal power, and it opens and closes.

Watching Yijian's offensive, Guo Hong's face showed a look of inevitable victory.

Ying Changge must be killed. If he is killed, maybe Guo Hong can go back and **** the slaves.

After sworn to charge, Guo Hong's sword stabbed Ying Changge's neck in a blink of an eye.

The vicious and vicious Guo Hong did not change anything, always wanting to cut off the head of Ying Changge.

As long as Ying Changge can be killed, then the dragons have no heads, maybe they will have a chance!

This is a rare thing! Therefore, they are still charging bravely and continuing to confront each other.

The delusional Guo Hong is still fighting back quickly, and the sword in his hand is beating with tinkling tinkles...

Although Guo Hong is murderous, but his ability is average, it is impossible to kill Ying Changge.

Even if it came aggressively, every move of Guo Hong was expected by Ying Changge.

He quickly took precautions and blocked Guo Hong's sword with his sword, and the battle was very fierce.

No matter what, he couldn't kill Ying Changge. He was very capable and dealt with Guo Hong calmly and calmly.

The hand-held sword continued to approach, and Ying Changge and Guo Hong fought in close quarters, both of them were fierce attacks not to be outdone.

If Ying Changge's troops were to intercept them, they were not afraid that they would escape and disappear from here.

He was still patiently chasing the enemy, and Ying Changge intercepted Guo Hong and his party halfway.

When the troops were distributed, Ying Changge's men surrounded Guo Hongdu in one go, leaving them no way out.

Ying Changge was intact, but Guo Hong was different. He was bruised and bruised all over his body.

If he knew that this place is not so easy to explore, Guo Hong would not have come to covet Ying Changge's slave.

In just one day, Ying Changge bought a lot of slaves for 4.9, indicating that he has a lot of money.

With such a gain, how could Guo Hong sit idly by? He must take the risk.

Not only for the sake of fame and fortune, but also for the hope that he can flourish, he lacks something.

As long as Ying Changge can be killed, who can stop Guo Hong? He is bound to win!

Therefore, seeing Ying Changge standing in front of him, Guo Hong raised his sword and continued to fight.

Not afraid of Ying Changge, Guo Hong's every move is extraordinarily brave, and he can't wait to kill Ying Changge.

Chapter 843 The whole army was wiped out, all at once!

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