Aggressively stabbed his own sword, but Guo Hong's every move was exceptionally mediocre and had no advantage.

In the fierce confrontation with Guo Hong, Ying Changge's figure was inseparable from him, and he showed a lot of skills.

The rampant rampage, wherever he went, Ying Changge set off a **** storm, which was extraordinarily powerful.

Guo Hong saw it in his eyes, but he was hard to guard against, and his brave offensive was nothing more than a fake.

Having both offense and defense, resisting with a sword, Ying Changge didn't care about Guo Hong's offensive.

In one go, he guarded all his swords, and Ying Changge seized the opportunity to hit a hit.

hum! The sword edge stabbed quickly, directly ripping open a bloodstain in Guo Hong's chest, and blood sprayed.

Shaking in pain, Guo Hong looked embarrassed, he knew that 05 really couldn't defeat Ying Changge.

But Ying Changge kept chasing after him, which gave him no room to fight back.

It is already close combat with Ying Changge, if you don't fight heroically at this time, there will be no chance.

You come and go attacking, stabbing incessantly, Ying Changge's sword has been stained with a lot of blood.

This is not Ying Changge's blood, but Guo Hong's. He was seriously injured.

Gritting his teeth, Guo Hong always carried his sword and tried his best to hit Ying Changge.

The movements of the two are vigorous, Ying Changge is superb in martial arts, and Guo Hong is Kong Wuliang.

He walks the rivers and lakes all the year round, buys and sells slaves, and the kung fu on his feet is also very agile.

At the beginning of the battle with Ying Changge, Guo Hong attacked as always, showing his full murderous aura.

But no matter how Guo Hong attacked, he couldn't kill Ying Changge.

Especially Guo Hong, who is always sprinting quickly, and the sword in his hand is constantly waving.

But when did this sword hurt Ying Changge in the slightest? He is safe and sound!

With a satisfied smile, Ying Changge stood here, temporarily slowing down his offensive.

With his skills attracting attention, Ying Changge will definitely set off a **** storm whenever he makes a move.

In the stalemate, the battle continued, Guo Hong was already scarred in the blink of an eye, and he was no match for Ying Changge.

Everywhere that can be seen, there are wounds one by one, which are all given by Ying Changge.

The winning singer raised Jianfeng and stood in front of Guo Hong, "Aren't you going to capture it!"

"If you continue to be obsessed with it, I'm afraid that your entire group will be wiped out and wiped out in one fell swoop."

Hearing Ying Changge's threatening words, Guo Hong still didn't change his face, "Don't try to persuade me!"

"I fell into your hands, wouldn't it be a dead end! I will continue to make a fortune and buy slaves!"

Already beheading many people together, Guo Hong is really bruised and bruised, and there is not much chance.

If the confrontation continues, I am afraid that many people will die because of this, and Guo Hong is no exception.

The army was rampant here, and a series of soldiers surrounded Guo Hong chatteringly.

Taking advantage of the victory to pursue and continue the fierce battle, Ying Changge's figure and Guo Hong are both entangled.

They are inseparable, the swords collide, you come and I go, it is very intense.

Knowing that several of them are more than that, Guo Hong will be extra careful, for fear of changes.

But even if it was a non-stop escape, Guo Hong was no longer Ying Changge's opponent for a while.

Even if Guo Hong ran to the ends of the earth, there would still be people who would pursue and kill him one by one.

How can Guo Hong endure this? One does not do the other endlessly, Guo Hong simply wiped out Ying Changge in one go.

Therefore, if he has the intention to kill, and attacks quickly and bravely, the sword in his hand will be extraordinarily sharp.

The sword was forced downwards, the swords were staggered, and between the electric light and flint, Guo Hong was retreating step by step.

He should have cultivated his troops and horses well, but Guo Hong was in a mess when he was chased and killed, and he was in a panic.

The sweaty Guo Hong was willing to continue the confrontation so that he could kill Ying Changge.

It's a pity that Ying Changge's ability is very brave, and he can always chatter endlessly.

With unremitting struggle 973 and hard blocking, Guo Hong resisted Ying Changge's few swords.

However, Guo Hong's skills are limited, his martial arts are mediocre, and there is no chance of turning defeat into victory.

Yijian is so irritable and swift as a gust of wind, it contains Ying Changge's killing intent, it is really brave and swaying.

Even after fighting with Guo Hong for so long, after several rounds, Guo Hong was still unable to kill him.

If the confrontation continues, Guo Hong will be bruised by Ying Changge's sword without a few moves.

Although it is sinister and sinister, Guo Hong also has self-knowledge, he knows how to be hostile to Ying Changge.

If you want to destroy Ying Changge, you must use your own troops to kill the opponent.

Unfortunately, many of Guo Hong's men and horses have been damaged and died under Meng Tian's invasion.

In this way, there are hardly enough men and horses to fight against Ying Changge? Guo Hong could easily die.

His face was pale, but Guo Hong still refused to step back, just to be able to fight Ying Changge to the death! .

Chapter 844 Shaky and unbalanced!

However, how could Ying Changge let Guo Hong leave so easily on the night of the moon and the wind?

Still holding the sword, he continued to confront the enemy, hitting Guo Hong's body with precision and accuracy.

Without any precautions, without any concerns, what Guo Hong has to do is to fight bravely and fearlessly.

It is a pity that Guo Hong will not stop there, he is always fighting against Ying Changge's sword.

It is very easy to kill Ying Changge, but Guo Hong has more than enough strength and is unable to resist.

If possible, Guo Hong would break down Ying Changge and then go and sell those hundreds of slaves.

Take precautions and concentrate on fighting Ying Changge, but Guo Hong still has no chance of being evenly matched.

He was just a falling flower and flowing water that would be beaten, and Ying Changge's sword stabbed out, causing Guo Hong to bleed endlessly.

Feeling the pain in his body, Guo Hong looked down and saw that there were several wounds.

Ying Changge's sword is really fast, making Guo Hong hard to notice for a while, unable to extricate himself.

Seeing that the army of Ying Changge was still resisting under his own eyes, he had no choice.

Seeing that so many people were fighting against him, Guo Hong did everything he could.

Using all his strength to suckle, Guo Hong's every sword is extraordinarily hard, and the tiger is full of wind.

With a ping pong, Jian Feng broke through Guo Hong's defenses, making his figure sway and his body unbalanced.

Such a sword is of no use, because Ying Changge did not seal Guo Hong's throat with a sword.

Even so, Guo Hong persevered, stood still, and continued to fight against Ying Changge's sword.

The figures of the two people are staggered, you come and I go to attack, there are back and forth, it is wonderful.

Ying Changge's sword is still waving, walking bravely, and the offensive is hard to guard against.

Even if he is head-on with Ying Changge, Guo Hong is still unable to resist with his own skills.

Under the fierce collision of swords and a continuous set of tricks, Ying Changge caught Guo Hong's flaw.

The sword edge swept across and drew a bloodstain, Guo Hong frowned in pain, and staggered to the ground.

Finally subduing the opponent, Ying Changge took a step forward and put a sword on Guo Hong's neck, "Stop~"!"

"You arrogant guy, just grab it! Otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for you!"

Looking down at Ying Changge's sword, Guo Hong showed a bright smile, "I'd rather die!"

Just wanted to stand up and resist, but Ying Changge's sword edge slid, leaving a knife on Guo Hong's neck.

Fresh blood flowed, Guo Hong was in pain, he could only widen his eyes, and honestly knelt down in front of Ying Changge again.

Ying Changge smiled contemptuously without seeing the coffin, but now he is much more honest.

"Do you really think you are invincible! My skills are not bad!" Guo Hong was full of confidence.

"If you don't believe me, let me go and let's fight another 300 rounds!" Guo Hong shouted frantically.

However, Ying Changge didn't have any extra time to play with Guo Hong, he shook his head indifferently, "There's no need for that."

"You're already a prisoner, so you don't need to talk to me." Ying Changge beckoned.

"Someone! Bind him!" Ying Changge waved his hand, and immediately asked the soldiers to bind his Guo Hong.

The soldiers were all strong, and they tied Guo Hong easily at once.

Looking at Guo Hong who was kneeling in front of him, Ying Changge asked, "It looks like you are a guy with deep pockets!"

"Even if you are as wealthy as you are, how can you afford to spend money!" Ying Changge smiled.

"No need to say more, go to die now!" Even though Guo Hong was **** by Wu Hua, he still refused to give in.

He immediately raised his head and rammed hard, wishing to knock Ying Changge to the ground and kill him.

If so, Guo Hong must be able to eradicate him in order to turn defeat into victory and protect his own life.

It's crazy! Ying Changge shook his head, slid with the blade of his sword, and cut through his skin again.

Guo Hong was covered with scars all over his body, he couldn't fight Ying Changge at all, he fell down again.

Lying helplessly in a pool of blood, Guo Hong's face was ugly, and he knew that there was nothing he could do.

If possible, Guo Hong wished he could kill Ying Changge alive and let all the slaves into his own hands.

It is a pity that Guo Hong is at a loss now, he has been **** with five flowers and has no life at all.

Showing an angry look, Guo Hong lowered his head (Nuo Nuo's) and refused to say anything in the face of Ying Changge.

After finally subduing this guy, Ying Changge can save his time, "`〃Speak!"

"How do you apologize to me!" Ying Changge stared at him condescendingly, "Could it be that you kept silent?"

"What do you want?" Guo Hong's eyes widened, staring at Ying Changge intently, he refused to accept it.

Looking at Guo Hong's unwilling expression, Ying Changge smiled indifferently, "It's very simple! I want everything!"

The wicked have their own grind, and Ying Changge oppressed Guo Hong, even if it was a kind of revenge against him.

"What!" Guo Hong's eyes widened in disbelief, but he nodded, "Okay! I promise.".

Chapter 845 Uninvited, aggressive!

Since it was Guo Hong who came to fight with him, it meant that he had brought out almost all the troops.

Holding Guo Hong and coercing his subordinates, at this moment Guo Hongcai is like a bully.

Bullying the weak, Ying Changge grabbed Guo Hong and scolded in a low voice, "I want money! I want horses too!"

"We still need food and grass!" Ying Changge immediately put forward three conditions to threaten Guo Hong.

After hearing Ying Changge's words, Guo Hong nodded immediately, after all, this was to save his own life!

If you don't agree to Ying Changge, I'm afraid Guo Hong will be divided into five horses and the corpses will be separated! He was afraid.

Fear of life and death, life and death will die like this! Guo Hongcai nodded and agreed, "Okay!"

"Since it is your request, I will definitely satisfy you! I will give everything!" Guo Hong replied quickly.

With Guo Hong's remarks, Ying Changge was also very satisfied, "Okay! Ruzi can be taught, very good!"

Coercing Guo Hong990 and bringing him here, Ying Changge made Guo Hong's subordinates quiet down.

"Shut up! Your leader is in my hands now, is it possible that you are still chatting!"

When Ying Changge came forward, this chaotic battle ended immediately, and everyone dared not continue the fight.

Taking this opportunity, Ying Changge pushed Guo Hong to the ground, "Don't let your people stop!"

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