"Stop it!" Guo Hong scolded in a hoarse voice, "Stop it all for Lao Tzu, be more obedient!"

"Yes!" Finally, Guo Hong's men stopped, they dared not continue to defy Ying Changge.

At this moment, Ying Changge told them to evacuate one by one, leaving only a few horses.

Seeing that so many horses were left in front of him, Ying Changge still felt dissatisfied.

"How much food and grass do you have on your staff?" Ying Changge asked, (afej) "It can be seen that you have sufficient staff."

"If you want to feed such a large population, you must be very rich in money and forage."

"That's right! There are quite a few!" Guo Hong nodded, now that he was afraid that he would die, he was very honest.

"There are also a few horses, and even a lot of dry and clean food and grass, all for you!"

Guo Hong Xianmei smiled apologetically, raised his head and looked at Ying Changge, "Just think it's me who will compensate you!"

"You should kowtow to confess your guilt." Nodding calmly, Ying Changge urged, "Let's go!"

"Go and deliver your horses and fodder, and then you'll be able to make up for it!"

"Yes yes yes!" Guo Hong nodded again and again, he was **** with five flowers, and he didn't dare to have any complaints at all.

As the saying goes, eat a cut and grow a wiser.

Guo Hong's subordinates indeed have a lot of people, especially the food and grass are very abundant and abundant.

Without hesitation, Ying Changge took it as his own and took all their food and grass together.

This can also be regarded as Guo Hong's apology to Ying Changge. After all, Guo Hong's consent was obtained.

Although, at that time, Ying Changge's sword was on his neck, and Guo Hong nodded in agreement.

But there is no difference or disparity between the two, and Ying Changge is very satisfied.

Taking Guo Hong's food, grass and horses as his own, Ying Changge finally returned with a full reward and left.

The troops were divided into two groups, and Meng Tian needed to transport the food and grass, so he called himself an army and left first.

As long as there is enough food and grass, it will be easy to attack Zhao Yiming at that time.

On the way home, Meng Tian escorted the food and grass, and then the whole army marched forward, and the Wuyangyang army did not stop at all.

Although Ying Changge defeated Guo Hong, Guo Hong would not give up so easily! He was furious.

In order to retaliate and fight back with all his might, Guo Hong reported all his news!

Everyone knows that the grievance between Ying Changge and Guo Hong immediately spread, causing a scandal.

But even so, the slave owner who controls the slave business is going to fight for Guo Hong.

He gathered a lot of people and tried to **** those things back from Meng Tian's hands.

Whether it is grain or soldiers, they are all very precious materials, and it is impossible for slave owners to give up.

Therefore, he dispatched a lot of troops to hunt down Meng Tian to get his face and things back.

The leader was named Cao Youde. He fought in all directions and had his own troops, making him invincible.

Serving for the slave owners, the people killed are countless, it is really numerous.

Cao Youde knew about Meng Tian's whereabouts, because Meng Tian's army was so mighty that it really stood out from the crowd.

If you ask casually, you can know their movements and positions, and Cao Youde rode his horses galloping.

He led his own group of brothers, recharged their energy, and came to hunt down Meng Tian with excellent equipment.

No matter where Meng Tian retreated to, he would be discovered by Cao Youde's men and they were quick.

Riding the horse and chasing with all his strength, Cao Youde's figure came with all his strength for a while.

Meng Tian was able to lead the troops if there was divine help, he watched the six directions and listened to all directions, and soon noticed the change.

So, as soon as he turned his head, Meng Tian saw someone chasing and killing him, uninvited and aggressive.

Chapter 846 The resources robbed from his subordinates!

Who is that? Meng Tian frowned slightly, he didn't need to ask more, but he was already getting ready.

Once the war starts, it must be guaranteed to be foolproof. Meng Tian immediately leads the army to retreat and turn the offensive.

The other soldiers were ordered to continue escorting the horses and forage, while Meng Tian himself went to face Cao Youde.

Leading the elite soldiers to this place, Meng Tian blocked Cao Youde's way forward, "Stop!"

"Who is coming? Sign up to come!" He asked loudly, Meng Tian was exactly the same as his own army.

They are all in one heart, and they will not be afraid of Cao Youde's troops at all. They are bound to win.

Looking at Meng Tian's appearance, Cao Youde's expression was particularly gloomy, and his facial features were very narrow.

At first glance, it is a despicable and shameless guy, Ying Changge did not dare to be careless, "Leave immediately, or kill him!"

Laughing loudly, Cao Youde shook his head slowly, "Impossible, I'm here~ for you!"

"Let me ask, you stole a lot of food-grass and horses from our men, right!"

Facing Cao Youde's questioning, Meng Tian looked calm, "Yes, but we didn't **** it!"

"It was Guo Hong's apology, we reluctantly accepted it, that's all."

Riding on the horse, Meng Tian stared at Cao Youde intently, "Now, you are going to rob us!"

"I advise you to give up this idea! Otherwise, I will kill you all!"

"How could we possibly swallow this breath!" Cao Youde looked stern, "Impossible!"

"We will all take back the lost grain and horses together! I advise you to be aware of current affairs!"

Cao Youde raised his own knife, which was a rough machete, which seemed to have killed a lot of people.

With a contemptuous smile, Meng Tian stopped talking, turned around, and ordered the soldiers to prepare, "The whole army is on alert!"

Looking at Meng Tian's appearance, Cao Youde was not to be outdone, he was even more reckless.

Aggressive, Cao Youde immediately scolded, "Give it to me! Kill them! Take back our things!"

Cao Youde's men and horses were charging quickly, and they rushed to assassinate Cao Youde immediately.

In order to be able to kill him, Cao Youde also took the lead, and he came with his sword.

On horseback, he quickly moved forward. In a blink of an eye, Cao Youde came to Meng Tian, ​​waving his sword.

Sword, light, sword and shadow, Meng Tian and Cao Youde's people immediately began to negotiate and fight.

Trapped in this chaotic battle, many people are fighting with all their might.

You come and go, and there is a fierce battle. Many people have come up with their real materials and tried to kill each other.

Cao Youde's figure was more agile, and he easily avoided the killing of Meng Tian's soldiers.

Taking this opportunity, Cao Youde approached quickly and slashed at Meng Tian with his own blade.

Meng Tian tried to go back as soon as possible, so that all the food and grass would be delivered to Ying Changge's army, so that they would be safe.

It is a pity that Meng Tian was intercepted halfway and surrounded by Cao Youde's troops.

Experienced in hundreds of battles and fighting the enemy bravely, Meng Tian immediately charged and counterattacked without the slightest hesitation.

His men are all well-trained soldiers, so there are no surprises and the situation is under control.

Meng Tian's men would not be captured without hesitation, while Cao Youde's men were charging down unscrupulously.


The two armies were fighting, and they did their best to move forward. They had a menacing attitude and were unwilling to give up.

Catch the thief first catch the king! Cao Youde is also very wise, and he is constantly approaching Meng Tian.

In order to get back Lu and the horses, Cao Youde had to kill Meng Tian, ​​leaving these soldiers without a leader.

If the army does not have a general, at that time, it will be easy for Cao Youde to break them.

Showing a bright smile, Cao Youde was not afraid of danger and was still approaching Meng Tian quickly.

The two of them collided very quickly. You came and went, and the swords were swaying as much as you like.

The horses collided with each other, Meng Tian was not to be outdone, and hit Cao Youde with fists and fists.

Cao Youde is an assassin. He was born to solve troublesome things, kill people, and eliminate disasters for others.

Now Cao Youde's task is very simple, that is to bring back the plundered grain and horses.

If it goes well, Cao Youde will be able to **** Meng Tian's supplies, which is also good news.

Meng Tian's head was not worth much, but Meng Tian's troops and armaments were sufficient for Cao Youde's troops.

Therefore, they are all attacking with all their might, and a series of people are engulfing Meng Tian's army to their heart's content.

Meng Tian's soldiers were not easily defeated. They were well-trained and were fighting back quickly.

Soon he came to Cao Youde, Meng Tian rammed quickly and punched him in the head.

Cao Youde was hit, and he was dizzy, but he couldn't stabilize his figure at all while riding on a horse.

He quickly pulled the reins hard, but Cao Youde still couldn't sit still, and he threw off Fan.

Chapter 847 Do your part, stop it with all your strength!

boom! He fell to the ground, but Cao Youde refused to delay, got up immediately, and took two steps back quickly.

He is also an experienced guy, he has long expected Meng Tian's whereabouts and every move.

Catch up quickly. Meng Tian stabbed with a sword, almost stabbing Cao Youde's body and hurting him.

But Cao Youde's figure was very dexterous, and when he ducked back, he passed Meng Tian's sword.

Patting the dust on his body, Cao Youde smiled contemptuously, "That's it!"

"Your strength is strong, and you plundered all our food, grass and troops. I thought you were very capable."

Holding up his "nine nine zero" knife, Cao Youde smiled slightly, "I will kill you without leaving one!"

Meng Tian stared at Cao Youde intently, "You are really delusional! The man's arm is the car!"

Cao Youde, who was in a cocoon, led his army to rush up, wishing to flatten Meng Tian.

However, Meng Tian's figure was so fast, he came quickly and couldn't wait to hunt down Cao Youde.

The repelled retreated, but Cao Youde refused to give up. He was still raising his blade to fight back.

Sword, light, sword and shadow, the collision between you and me, Cao Youde's shot is cruel, he is good at killing people.

In an attempt to hit a hit, Cao Youde likes a quick decision and doesn't want to be involved in a protracted battle.

Often performing various tasks, Cao Youde has killed countless people, and he can't remember it himself.

He only knew that there were many people who wanted to fight back, but they still died under the blade of Cao Youde.

Now, another mission has been sent by the slave owner, and this mission is very simple for Cao Youde.

Killing Meng Tian's army and robbing them of their food, grass and horses is effortless.

So, in one rush, he continued to attack, and the knife in his hand was waving vigorously, which was a must.

Such a blade has murderous aura, and Cao Youde has a **** smell, and continues to fight back continuously.

A sword was still hitting hard, and couldn't wait to break through the lineup of Meng Tian and his party.

However, Meng Tian's army will not panic. They have been in the battlefield for a long time, and they survived through fighting.

After confronting Cao Youde's men, Meng Tian's soldiers continued to fight and resist.

With a quick charge, the horses and whips came, and many soldiers beat Cao Youde's men and horses to the ground.

Cao Youde saw it in his eyes, but he didn't take it seriously. He was just fighting for Meng Tian to **** supplies.

Waving his blade and doing his best, Cao Youde slammed the weapon on his body.

The blade is heavy, Cao Youde wields powerfully, and every move he makes is extraordinarily mighty and aggressive.

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