Even so, Meng Tian did his part to face Cao Youde, Cao Youde would not give up, and insisted on doing his own thing, Meng Tian was blocking him.

As he stepped forward, the sword edge collided, his sword was extremely powerful, and Meng Tian's swordsmanship was outstanding.

In order to meet Ying Changge as soon as possible, Cao Youde did not want to delay his trip.

He has a lot of supplies in his hands, the food, grass and soldiers and horses are all used for fighting, which can check and balance Zhao Yiming.

Zhao Yiming, who always tried every means to escape, had no way out, so Ying Changge had to attack.

Make your own troops strong and strong, and make your army more abundant, so that you can win against Zhao Yiming.

There is nothing to be afraid of, Cao Youde and his men are moving forward quickly, continuing to charge 0.....

Holding his own knife, he was still hitting Meng Tian hard, trying to kill him.

Fortunately, Meng Tian is not an ordinary person, he is a general who has experienced hundreds of battles, and he will not be afraid of any fighting.

Swords collide, you come and go, and the battle between them has an unusual disparity and gap.

hum! The sword stabbed straight, but Cao Youde tried to block it. Meng Tian's attack had extra strength and was extraordinarily fierce.

The crisp impact, the wandering of the sword, and a series of entanglements made Cao Youde even more embarrassed.

Meng Tian's series of attacks were all aggressive, setting off a wave of changes that were invincible.

This kind of offensive is really unstoppable, and their figures are inseparable and entangled.

The arrogant and unreasonable Cao Youde is really cruel. He does not talk about martial arts, but only plunders for the sake of killing.

Not only do they want to **** Meng Tian's food and horses, but also want to kill Meng Tian and wipe out their entire army?

This is so ridiculously generous! Meng Tian never thought that there would be someone who would be a car and seek death.

The sword's edge roamed, and a steady stream of 4.9 hits hit him, Cao Youde's figure took a few steps back.

His horses had already gone far, and standing here, facing Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde was still not to be outdone.

Even if it was an attack on foot, Cao Youde would have to pull Meng Tian off his horse and behead him.

The two armies are still attacking in an endless stream, they can't wait, they are always attacking to their heart's content.

All of them are fighting **** battles, and they are unwilling to give up such a battle on this plain.

Aggressive and rampant, Meng Tian's army beheaded many of Cao Youde's men and horses.

Chapter 848 Take this opportunity to win in one fell swoop!

Taking this opportunity, Meng Tian also moved forward bravely, holding his sword in constant pursuit.

Cao Youde, who was in a hurry, responded immediately. He carried his knife and carefully guarded it in front of him.

Raising his weapon hastily, he stared intently at Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde had a gloomy look on his face.

Under such intense rounds, Cao Youde was unable to kill Meng Tian, ​​which made him very unwilling.

The narrow-minded Cao Youde is not easy to provoke, he is able to scorn people's lives and kill everyone.

No matter what kind of people he is facing, Cao Youde can eradicate them without leaving any of them.

Meng Tian's soldiers were still charging again and again, they walked in series, fighting with all their might.

The soldiers are brave and resourceful, and under the command of Meng Tian, ​​they are still fighting as always.

But Cao Youde is not the same as 05. The people he leads are all guys who like to bully the weak, a mob.

When the two armies were chattering and attacking, Cao Youde had already seized the opportunity to strike first.

He attacked quickly, Cao Youde's knife went from far to near, and stabbed him in the head in a blink of an eye.

Meng Tian's eyes are fixed, he is not in a hurry, what kind of wind and waves have never seen before! He shook immediately.

As soon as the blade turned, it easily broke Meng Tian's sword, and Cao Youde continued to attack.

Not to be outdone, he carried his own knife and stabbed at Meng Tian's vital spot with every move.

Throat, eyes, chest. Every knife Cao Youde slashed in these dangerous places and was in danger.

No need to be patient, Meng Tian doesn't need to be afraid of a little-known kid like Cao Youde, he has nothing to fear.

Carrying the weapon and slamming hard, Cao Youde and Meng Tian's figures soon rolled together.

In close combat, Meng Tian hit Cao Youde on the head with a hard punch, making his nose bruised and swollen.

He vomited blood, and Cao Youde had dark circles under his eyes, but he was not to be outdone, but he was still fighting back hard.

Raising the blade, he slashed hard at Meng Tian's chest. Cao Youde was very ferocious at this moment.

Angrily attacked, but Cao Youde's blade was swung in a mess, chaotic and out of order.

Meng Tian's army is bound to be won, and Cao Youde can't wait to sweep Meng Tian away and **** food, grass and horses.

However, with Meng Tian here, their group would not be in any danger, and the victory was in their hands.

Even if Cao Youde and his own men were rampaging, they couldn't break through Meng Tian's army.

They were united, and the swarms of people continued to attack, forcing Meng Tian's soldiers to kill.

This series of people looks menacing, but they may not be able to do anything to Meng Tian.

With abundant manpower, they all marched in unity, and in a blink of an eye they surrounded Cao Youde's men.

I thought that the manpower I led was sufficient, but Cao Youde miscalculated.

Because Cao Youde's people are just gathering the number of people, but they don't have the ability to fight alone.

When Meng Tian and Cao Youde faced off against each other, the others were even more embarrassed, making it difficult to take down each other.

The army was still charging forward bravely, Meng Tian killed seven in and seven out, and no one could match on the battlefield.

Even Cao Youde couldn't stop Meng Tian, ​​and his blade was almost slashed into a curling edge.

It was difficult to be hostile to Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde's figure was swaying, almost unsteady.

At this moment, Cao Youde slashed down with a knife, wishing to cut off Meng Tian's arm.

However, Meng Tian's skills are superb, he spent a long time by Ying Changge's side, and his swordsmanship has progressed.

Cao Youde only grew up from a local ruffian, and all his skills came from scrambling.

But now that he met Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde knew his own shortcomings and couldn't kill him.

Aggressive and breathless attack, Cao Youde's series of offensives were all controlled by Meng Tian.

He wanted to kill Meng Tian aggressively, but his blade was always unable to reach Meng Tian.

Coming from far and near, the sword is rampant, Cao Youde's sword is really fast, piercing him.

His chest was injured because of this, blood was flowing, Cao Youde fell down in pain, and looked down at the wound.

Stealing chickens can't make a profit, Cao Youde never imagined that he would be defeated by Meng Tian today!

All of his skills are excellent, and he always rushes out aggressively, wishing to kill him.

What is the use of this force? Cao Youde saw that all his men and horses fell one by one.

They have all died in the battle, and they have already died here before they stole the food and grass.

With a ferocious look on his face, Cao Youde stared at Meng Tian intently, and he became angry with embarrassment.

Walking quickly, a sword rushed out, and Meng Tian's sword edge continued to deal with it.

Having squandered a lot of vigor, Cao Youde's every knife was extraordinarily hard, and the tiger was powerful.

But even so, Cao Youde still did not hurt Meng Tian, ​​and the duel between them was quite different.

Raising his sword, Meng Tian came slowly and approached Cao Youde step by step.

"Aren't you ready to capture it!" Meng Tian questioned Cao Youde, "Reinforce your horse on the cliff, turn back to the shore.".

Chapter 849 Not to be outdone, move on!

With a contemptuous smile, Cao Youde shook his head firmly, "Impossible!"

"I, Cao Youde, have never served anyone in my life, and neither have you!"

"Stolen our food, grass and horses, this matter is not so simple to end!"

"If I can, I will kill you all! Take all your horses!"

Hearing Cao Youde's ambition, Meng Tian laughed, "You are really shortsighted."

"You can't kill me, how can you break the army behind me!"

Meng Tian had foresight before, he first let his soldiers **** food and horses to leave.

At this time, Cao Youde could no longer plunder those supplies, because he had nothing to do.

Staring intently at Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde was still extremely resentful, he held the knife tightly.

With the knife in hand, Cao Youde was able to cut off Meng Tian's head, and he was full of confidence in himself.

Running away immediately, moving like a rabbit, Cao Youde felt that it was not appropriate to start a war today, and it would be better to fight another day.

Cao Youde asked himself that he was not a good person, he had to catch Meng Tian all at once.

But Meng Tian had the advantage and always suppressed Cao Youde one step earlier, making him unable to lift his head.

Such an offensive could not be easily resolved, and Cao Youde knew that he was in a predicament.

Leading his own group of men came aggressively, Cao Youde wanted to stand out.

However, Cao Youde's ambition was thwarted by Meng Tian, ​​and everything he did became a dream come true.

If he couldn't kill Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde knew that he would probably die under Meng Tian's counter-kill.

Following the slave owner's orders, Cao Youde must do his best to complete his task.

Otherwise, he would really die in Meng Tian's hands, and Cao Youde's own group would all be sacrificed.

With annoyed expression on his face, Cao Youde was forced to be helpless, so he could only escape first and leave here.

Recognizing the bravery of Meng Tian's army, Cao Youde and his rabble were unable to fight against Meng Tian's army.

Cao Youde, who was in control of the victory, looked calm, and he was bound to win his escape.

Even if Meng Tian, ​​who was behind him, continued to chase and kill him, Cao Youde was able to escape from here first.

He would not continue to fight with Meng Tian, ​​he turned around and fled, getting out of Meng Tian's control as soon as possible.

Meng Tian escorted his grain and horses, and should have quickly joined Ying Changge.

But because of Cao Youde's appearance, Meng Tian's trip was delayed and stopped halfway.

This is going to take a lot of work! Meng Tian needed a quick decision and killed Cao Youde first.

Therefore, when watching Cao Youde escape, Meng Tian rode on a horse and continued to chase.

Fast horse and whip, horse galloping, Meng Tian's four legs under his crotch are faster than Cao Youde.

The sound of hooves approached, Meng Tian chased after him bravely.

Cao Youde just ran out for a few steps, but Meng Tian easily caught Cao Youde.

He rode on the horse, came behind Cao Youde, and immediately swung a sword vigorously, and the sword edge swept across.

The precise hit hit Cao Youde on the back, blood sprayed, and he fell to the ground in pain.

"What's the point~"!" With a loud shout, he quickly got up from the ground, and he saw Meng Tian's sword.

The sword edge stabbed straight, so fast that it almost pierced Cao Youde's chest, piercing the heart with a sword.

Fortunately, Cao Youde was still fighting back recklessly. He raised his sword and protected it in front of him.

With a ping pong sound, Cao Youde was hit and retreated, but he was unable to block Meng Tian's sword.

Being so down and out, he couldn't fight back under Meng Tian's attack, so he was very flustered.

"`〃Retreat! The whole army retreats! No one will stay!" Cao Youde called his brothers to leave immediately.

Otherwise, if it is really going to be defeated by Meng Tian's attack, then there is no chance.

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