Survival is very important, Cao Youde does not want his troops to be wiped out, he must persevere.

Walking in resentment, Cao Youde pulled Meng Tian off the horse, and then fought back with a knife.

The white knife goes in, the red knife comes out! Cao Youde was so murderous that he wanted to tear Meng Tian's body into tens of thousands of pieces.

However, Meng Tian was strong and strong, and after landing, he immediately counterattacked, waving his arm, and stabbed with a sword.

This sword is not so simple to assassinate Cao Youde, but it can make him bruised all over.

The faint light flickered, and the blade of (Nuo Nuo's) sword approached, and in a blink of an eye, it stabbed Cao Youde's arm with blood spattering five steps.

The momentum came, Cao Youde originally wanted to kill Meng Tian, ​​but he fell.

Being chased and killed by Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde and his brothers had nowhere to escape, and the collapse of the army spread.

Cao Youde attached great importance to this battle, and Cao Youde could not wait to kill everyone in Meng Tian.

But unfortunately, Meng Tian's soldiers are very heroic, and they always come one after another.

The can't wait to attack and rampage in one go, but Cao Youde's men and horses all sacrificed.

A lot of troops were lost for no reason, which made Cao Youde's manpower completely insufficient.

Chapter 850 Murderous, convene!

This is not a simple matter to decide, Cao Youde must catch them all.

Confused, he ran away quickly, Cao Youde had no chance to escape.

That's why he overturned Meng Tian to the ground, tried to **** Meng Tian's horse, and escaped in the chaos.

It's just a pity that Meng Tian had already seen through his intentions, how dare he escape at such a young age?

Seeing how Cao Youde quickly turned over and mounted, Meng Tian grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

He staggered, and immediately dropped from the horse, Cao Youde once again fell in front of Meng Tian.

He panicked, widened his eyes, stared at Meng Tian without blinking, and immediately raised his hand.

Holding Meng Tian's throat with both hands, Cao Youde wanted to strangle him alive.

Following Ying Changge's side, Meng Tian had already learned to deal with it carefully.

Facing Cao Youde's hands, he calmly raised the blade of 990 and swung it vigorously.

The sword flower was dazzling, fluttering dexterously, and it broke Cao Youde's skin at once, and his arm was bleeding.

A wound was cut on his wrist, but Cao Youde still didn't let go and continued to choke Meng Tian's neck.

Meng Tian's neck turned red, but he didn't want to be outdone and continued to slide his sword.

The sharp blade ripped open Cao Youde's hands, and his wrists were sprayed with broken blood.

Cao Youde's wrists were all cut with sword marks, and the wounds could not stop the blood.

In such a situation, Cao Youde had no way to retreat, and he had to fight with all his strength.

Attacking with Meng Tian close at hand, fighting close to the body, Cao Youde can be described as a fist to the flesh.

Grasping the opponent's neck tightly, Cao Youde did everything he could to try to strangle Meng Tian to death.

It's a pity that Meng Tian is confident that he will not be defeated so easily.

Without turning his eyes away, his eyes were firm, and the sword in Meng Tian's hand stabbed Cao Youde's chest.

If Cao Youde was stabbed, a big **** hole would be opened in his heart.

He didn't dare to respond, so he quickly stepped back, raised his hands, and released Meng Tian's neck.

Cao Youde knew that his arm was not as long as Meng Tian's sword, and he would be injured at close range.

Helpless, let go of Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde rolled from the side, and then barely avoided.

Passing by Meng Tian's sword, Cao Youde could only continue to turn his head, mount his horse and prepare to leave.

If you can leave quickly, you can escape this predicament and make a comeback again.

Although Cao Youde was scared, he would not admit it forever. He was going to call in more troops.

Meng Tian, ​​who was behind him, saw Cao Youde's figure, so he rushed up quickly and grabbed his butt.

The monkey steals the peach, and the fairy guides the way. Meng Tian just pulled Cao Youde off his horse with just one easy move.

Unbalanced, he fell staggeringly, Cao Youde clamped his legs in pain, and he looked resentful.

No reason! How can a martial artist use such a (afej) trick? It's really bad!

Excited, he got up quickly, Cao Youde turned his head and kicked Meng Tian's waist.

He vowed not to give up until he escaped from here. Under Meng Tian's fierce pursuit, Cao Youde jumped over the wall.

With a hard kick, Cao Youde's kick almost kicked Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian was not an ordinary person.

He counterattacked easily, grabbed Cao Youde's legs, and knocked him to the ground.

At this moment, Cao Youde was covered in injuries, his face was hideous, and his expression of resentment was really hateful.

With both hands supporting the ground, Cao Youde got up, raised his knife and continued to greet Meng Tian.

A series of blades were very violent, stabbing densely on Meng Tian's body with murderous aura.

In a short period of time, Meng Tian was about to defeat Cao Youde and could not delay his journey.

He still has to go to meet Ying Changge, otherwise, if he fails, the food and grass will not be delivered on time.

Horses and fodder are the top priorities, and it is even more important for the plan to attack Zhao Yiming.

Meng Tian will not delay Ying Changge's trip, so the food and horses must be delivered accurately.

"Go ahead and capture it!" Meng Tian raised his sword and pointed at Cao Youde, "Otherwise you will die miserably."

Facing Meng Tian's threat, Cao Youde didn't lift his head, "I will take away your grain and horses!"

"At the same time, I will disassemble you into eight pieces, and feed your body to the dog." Cao Youde cursed loudly.

What a rude person, Meng Tian shook his head in disappointment, "Then you are wrong!"

Continuing to run, the sword in his hand was dazzling, and he stabbed Cao Youde on the chest.

There were already several sword marks on his chest, but he couldn't stop Meng Tian's mighty offensive.

The blood was sprayed, and Cao Youde was covered in blood, which looked very shocking and pitiful.

Raising the knife in his hand, Cao Youde showed his bravery and mightiness with his actions.

Not to be outdone, he would rather die than give in, and was always chattering back and fighting with Meng Tian.

When the blade fell, Meng Tian had already dodged aside, avoiding the sharp knife.

Chapter 851 In danger, stand out!

The blade was not able to kill him, which would put Cao Youde himself in danger.

Holding the sword to fight back, Meng Tian's movements never stopped, and he was always fighting one after another.

Cao Youde was also an assassin with blood on his hands. He followed the slave owner's orders and did whatever he wanted.

With the constant stalemate, the swords collided, Cao Youde was suppressed by Meng Tian and could hardly raise his head.

His arms are weak, especially if the wounds are not healing - it is more difficult to fight.

The blood flowed non-stop, the wound was splitting in pain, and Cao Youde felt that his chest was very dull.

The attack was slow, and it was too late to guard against Meng Tian's attack. In the blink of an eye, Cao Youde was stabbed again.

Cao Youde couldn't tell from the pain, he just stared at Meng Tian with resentful and dull eyes.

Continuing the attack as always, Meng Tian's sword was very fast and did not stop at all, and continued to kill Cao Youde.

Ying Changge has probably been waiting for a long time, Meng Tian wants to let his army continue to move forward.

Quick battle and quick decision, therefore, he is still resisting hard, and his swords are slammed out bravely.

Unlike Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde's strength was very weak, and he was so scarred that it was difficult to move.

Every attack will involve the pain of the wound, which will prevent him from continuing to concentrate on the enemy.

Staring intently at Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde raised his knife, and the hand holding the knife was still shaking.

The short-sighted Cao Youde, who would rather die than surrender, is still fighting for himself and will not surrender at all.

Taking this opportunity, he will use all his skills to kill Meng Tian as soon as possible.

I don't believe that Meng Tian's skills are flawless, so he must take action and continue to resist.

He stared at Cao Youde unblinkingly, with a stern gaze, a different kind of smile appeared on his face.

This is an unimaginable battle. The more it is, the more it will hurt Cao Youde's people.

Persistently confronting the enemy, you come and go, and the two soldiers and horses are still charging unscrupulously.

It is not easy to kill Meng Tian, ​​but Cao Youde is still insisting, he has no way out.

Cao Youde was ordered to come and could not wait to **** Meng Tian's forage and horses.

He has gone through many tasks, but without any accident, he still continues to survive.

Now facing Meng Tian, ​​this is also the key battle for Cao Youde, and he must solve this trouble.

Whether it was Meng Tian or food, Cao Youde would pull them back to symbolize his victory.

"The whole army retreats!" Cao Youde could only temporarily concede defeat and surrender when he felt his defeat.

As the saying goes, taking a step back and opening up the sky, Cao Youde felt that there was no chance for a war at this time.

Whether it is the right time or the right place, he is lacking, and he can only retreat in resignation.

After hearing Cao Youde's order, everyone immediately prepared to retreat to avoid Meng Tian's army.

But since they have already come here, how can Meng Tian let them retreat!

These greedy slave owners, and the guys doing the dirty work, are always fighting.

The offensive of Cao Youde and his party was useless, at the very least, it was impossible to kill Meng Tian.

It was even more impossible to **** the food, grass and horses from Meng Tian's hands, so Cao Youde conceded defeat.

Forced to retreat helplessly, the army continued to sprint, trying to escape from this place.

This is very crucial. He took out his own momentum and made a ferocious attack in an attempt to break out of the siege.


Cao Youde was caught by his own sword, and Meng Tian made him unable to escape from his face.

He is always in a patient confrontation, and the battle with Cao Youde can be described as turbulent and aggressive.

The wound was painful and the body was getting weaker and weaker. Cao Youde was unable to stop Meng Tian's assassination.

He swore to come here, thinking that he would be able to **** Meng Tian's food and horses and leave.

As a result, now, Cao Youde has no chance, and he has not even touched the grain.

Surrounded by so many people, Cao Youde was in trouble, and it was a dead end.


Seeing Cao Youdening's unyielding foolish appearance, Meng Tian was also quite distressed.

He just wanted to **** grain and horses, but was intercepted and killed by Cao Youde.

In such a situation, it is necessary to distinguish between superiors and inferiors, and also to decide life and death! Meng Tian relentlessly attacked.

The sword in his hand never stopped, breaking through Cao Youde's defenses over and over again, leaving him scarred.

Looking down at the wound on his body, the blood could not stop and continued to flow.

This was not what Cao Youde hoped, he was flustered and was already planning to turn his head and run away.

Their own men and horses were all chopped down to the ground, and they all turned their backs on their horses, unable to confront Meng Tian's army at all.

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