In the face of so many troops, Meng Tian was also very down-to-earth, and he was confident that he would win.

With Meng Tian's ridicule, Zhao Lixin's expression became even more sinister, "Don't be so complacent!"

In the distance, Zhao Lixin didn't dare to approach Meng Tian, ​​he just raised his bow and arrow and continued to draw and shoot arrows.

Arrows were shot densely, eager to take Meng Tian's life.

However, what kind of person is Meng Tian! He is a majestic general, and he immediately waved his arms.

The sword's edge trembled and was accurate, Meng Tian cut off Zhao Lixin's arrows one by one, leaving none of them behind.

The broken arrow fell to the ground, and Meng Tian, ​​who was not injured at all, was still riding on the horse with a proud look on his face.

Seeing that his superb archery was not able to kill Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Lixin could only catch up.

Zhao Yiming's task is very simple, that is, to assassinate Meng Tian and reduce Ying Changge's strength.

Knowing that Ying Changge's army is invincible and invincible wherever it goes, Zhao Yiming is very afraid.

Therefore, Zhao Yiming planned to cut off Ying Changge's right-hand man, making him even more embarrassed.

Killing Meng Tian was a whim of Zhao Yiming.

Sure enough, in such a situation, Meng Tian was caught off guard, and he insisted on fighting.

He was ordered to come, Zhao Lixin charged quickly, he must take Meng Tian's head.

This is a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and it is also for the sake of being able to promote himself to become rich and flourish.

The chatter came, Zhao Lixin was bound to win, he had already made a promise to kill Meng Tian.

Shooting arrows to kill, Zhao Lixin was still unable to kill Meng Tian, ​​so he threw away his bow and arrow.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

He came with his sword, galloping horses, and a series of figures soon approached him.

Quickly charged, from far to near, Zhao Lixin soon came to Meng Tian's approach.

Both of them are riding on horses, their figures are fast, and they are ready to attack.

The figures were staggered, Zhao Lixin drew his sword, and his sword edge had a murderous offensive, and he was bound to win.

Meng Tian didn't panic at all, he raised his sword and sheltered in front of him.

There was a ping-pong sound, and the sword edge collided, but Zhao Lixin still sat firmly on the horse's back, neither hurried nor slow.


Zhao Lixin smiled contemptuously, "I've heard for a long time that under Ying Changge, you, General Meng Tian, ​​have superb skills."

"But now it seems that it's ordinary, and it's nothing more than that!" Zhao Lixin shook his head and sighed.

Arrogant and conceited, Ye Lang is arrogant, Zhao Lixin's appearance is really annoying.

A mere boy dares to bark in front of him! Meng Tian pursed his lips and smiled disdainfully.

Since Zhao Yiming's army is all coming towards him, he has to show his momentum and fight back hard.

The archer shoots arrows, and Meng Tian tries to delay Zhao Lixin's army so that they will not continue chasing him.

On the contrary, Zhao Lixin, who led his own troops, always came in a rush to surround Meng Tian.

The war cannot be stopped, and it is the most overbearing war to end the war with war!

Ying Changge's wish is that within the four seas, there will be peace and stability, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment, and be happy and healthy.

Unfortunately, under the suppression of Ying Changge, there is still a steady stream of man-made counter-rebellions.

These rebel armies are coming in one after another, eager to overthrow Ying Changge, behead him and kill him.

Chapter 857 If this goes on, the whole army will be wiped out!

A bunch of idiots who are beyond their own power, really thought that killing Meng Tian would be able to cut off Ying Changge's right-hand man!

When Zhao Yiming dispatched his army to attack, it could only make Meng Tian fall into battle temporarily.

When surrounded by Zhao Lixin's army, Meng Tian broke out of the siege and continued to attack.

The archers behind them all shot out dense arrows, causing many casualties to Zhao Lixin's soldiers.

But just in such a state, it will not stop Zhao Lixin's army from advancing, and he is still in a hurry.

Courageously rushed up, Zhao Lixin rode his horse and continued to circle beside Meng Tian, ​​stabbing his sword straight.

A sword with a mighty "Zero Zero Seven" offensive, emerging one after another, tried to kill Meng Tian, ​​but saw blood seal his throat.

Being immersed in fighting all year round and fighting on the battlefield, Meng Tian's skills were not developed overnight.

His martial arts are strong, and his swordsmanship is brave.

Riding on a horse, you fight against each other, and the swords of both of them collided with a little spark.

Evenly matched, they fought hard, Zhao Lixin's troops were not idle, and they continued to kill.

Meng Tian's soldiers and horses did not stop, but they were impatiently counterattacking and hitting hard.

The army came aggressively, forming a rare situation.

You and I are both fighting to the fullest, who will fight? Meng Tian's army all rushed away.

With swords and swords, the situation was chaotic, and Zhao Lixin, who had rushed out halfway, had been preparing for a long time.

Zhao Lixin can be considered prepared to attack Meng Tian's army, which is simply not about martial arts.

Fortunately, Meng Tian was an experienced general, and he calmly let the army fight back.

So many people are doing their best to fight, and the battlefield is full of enemy figures.

Having already figured out Meng Tian's movements, Zhao Lixin caught the trace of Ying Changge from the slave owner.

Following Zhao Yiming's orders, Zhao Lixin never fought unprepared battles, he strategized.

The army was still attacking to the fullest, and many troops broke through Meng Tian's great formation.

Seeing that his troops and horses were damaged, Meng Tian gritted his teeth, but still insisted on fighting.

He carried his sword, rode on a horse, continued to fight against Zhao Lixin, and insisted on fighting.

The armies were rampaging with all their might, and they were well-manned, always able to outwit each other.

Not only because he was ordered to kill Meng Tian, ​​but also because Zhao Yiming planned to take revenge on purpose.

Their troops were extraordinarily strong, and Zhao Yiming was very serious about building his own defense line at the estuary.

He didn't want him to escape frequently, Zhao Yiming had to fight back and catch them all.

Unable to control the situation, Meng Tian's army fell into a fierce battle, and blood was sprayed.

There were rivers of blood and corpses everywhere. Zhao Lixin and Meng Tian suffered casualties and soldiers died in battle.

Meng Tian was not afraid of his own death, but he was afraid that his army would be sacrificed in vain.

It is not a good general to fight only for himself, regardless of the life and death of his soldiers.

Therefore, when he saw many large armies coming, Meng Tian would not escape.

He always fought side by side with the soldiers. If the soldiers did not retreat, Zhao Lixin would not be able to retreat.

The only solution is to kill Zhao Lixin, annihilate them all, and die in battle.

It's a pity that so many troops are coming continuously, making it impossible for Meng Tian's soldiers to fight back...

The number of the army is no longer superior, and part of Meng Tian's troops and horses are used to **** food and horses.

Then there are very few soldiers left who can attack.

Meng Tian knew that the consequences were very serious, and his troops were far inferior to Zhao Lixin's.

He made many large armies continue to follow up, and couldn't wait to resist Zhao Lixin.

Zhao Lixin's army is sprinting attentively.

The confrontation between you and me in the army, on the battlefield, the soldiers all fell into fierce fighting.

Desperately walking, Meng Tian led a small team to deal with Zhao Lixin to his heart's content.

Zhao Lixin saw Meng Tian's perseverance in attacking, and he understood that Meng Tian probably wanted to break the net with him!

What a terrible and respectable enemy! Zhao Lixin smiled coldly, he didn't have much time left.

He had to kill Meng Tian. If Meng Tian was not eliminated, he would not be able to complete his mission.

Zhao Yiming's order is very important, everything is fighting for himself, and Zhao Lixin must fulfill it.


The battle on the battlefield could not be quelled, and Zhao Lixin always acted recklessly, trying to take down Meng Tian.

However, Meng Tian was still in a hurry, and he surrounded Zhao Lixin with his cavalry regiments.

After being surrounded by Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Lixin turned his eyes slyly, "Retreat!"

Immediately, Zhao Lixin immediately retreated, and his own troops immediately continued to retreat, avoiding Meng Tian's pursuit.

Don't chase after poor thieves, Meng Tian won't let them leave alive! But not in danger either.

"Stop!" With a scolding, Meng Tian stopped his army to avoid the entire army being wiped out.

Chapter 858 Thousands of troops, marching fast!

However, Zhao Lixin just escaped a few steps, and he no longer continued to fight with Meng Tian in close quarters!

He didn't have such a chance, Zhao Lixin realized the difference between himself and Meng Tian, ​​and it was difficult to make a climate.

So, he quickly reprimanded, "Archers prepare! Shoot arrows! Shoot them to death!"

Never thought that Zhao Lixin was so despicable and shameless that he even ignored his own soldiers.

Meng Tian stopped his men to avoid being shot alive by Zhao Lixin's archers.

Following Zhao Lixin's order, the archer quickly pulled the bowstring and arrows formed in groups.

It was thrown into the air, and then quickly descended, the arrow rain shot directly on the Meng Tian soldier.

Seeing the arrow shot down, Meng Tian let his soldiers continue to retreat 05.

Every soldier and one soldier were all under Ying Changge's command, and Meng Tian would not watch their casualties.

The arrows continued to shoot, and a series of arrows shot at Meng Tian with all their might.

He was already prepared, Meng Tian would not let them sacrifice himself, "Quickly retreat!"

If Zhao Lixin can't be hunted down, then at the very least, he can't die in Zhao Lixin's hands.

This was an unparalleled battle, Meng Tian had already avoided Zhao Lixin's arrows with quick steps.

This arrow has no eyes, and even Zhao Lixin's own soldiers were shot and killed together, which is really ruthless.

I have long wanted to see what Meng Tian's leader is capable of! Now Zhao Lixin has seen it with his own eyes.

It has to be said that if Meng Tian's leader had divine help, he would not have been wiped out so easily.

When Meng Tian came with his army, Zhao Lixin himself was chased and killed and fled.

Ordering his soldiers to shoot arrows, Zhao Lixin watched his soldiers also fall in a pool of blood.

Panting, riding on the horse with lingering fears, Zhao Lixin, with wide-eyed eyes, went to search for Meng Tian's whereabouts.

Among the thousands of troops, Zhao Lixin immediately raised his bow and arrow when he saw Meng Tian's trace.

Pulling the bow to shoot the arrow and aiming at Meng Tian, ​​he couldn't wait to shoot the arrow, the arrow was so sharp.

Fast as a gust of wind and like lightning, the arrow stabbed in front of Meng Tian in a blink of an eye, revealing its murderous intent.

Such an arrow was very powerful, and Meng Tian was in a hurry to avoid the pursuit, at a loss.

Meng Tian, ​​who was in a hurry, felt an inexplicable crisis attacking him.

He looked up and saw Zhao Lixin's arrow shot on his head.

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