Hitting someone with a secret arrow is really a villain! Meng Tian was angry and immediately waved his arm.

Jian Feng broke open the arrow shot by Zhao Lixin in a blink of an eye, causing all his arrows to be cut off.

Seeing that his arrows were destroyed, Zhao Lixin was not to be outdone, and he continued to confront.

One hit is sure to hit, one more time! Zhao Lixin pulled the bowstring, swish swish! Arrows shot in succession.

A series of arrows were shot on Meng Tian's body, and he could not wait to shoot him to be riddled with holes.

Being forced to such a degree by Zhao Lixin's army, even Meng Tian felt his powerlessness.

You can't fight for a long time, you must flee quickly, Meng Tian and his soldiers are retreating quickly.

Under the shooting of Zhao Lixin's archer, Meng Tian took a step back and retreated several hundred steps.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" With almost all the archers on board, Zhao Lixin was bound to win.

After shooting many Meng Tian's soldiers, Zhao Lixin gave an order when he saw them fleeing hastily.

"Follow me! Catch up and kill them all for me!" He chased after him.

After knowing Meng Tian's interests, Zhao Lixin would not let himself take risks easily, and he quickly chased the enemy.

Not only that, but a lot of troops were dispatched separately to encircle and suppress Meng Tian in all directions.

Knowing that Zhao Lixin was here for himself, Meng Tian would not leave any opportunity.

They retreated together with their own cavalry, in a hurry, the horses' hoofs were frantic, and there was a deafening sound.

Behind him was Zhao Lixin's army, Meng Tian avoided the shooting range of the archers, and they were considered safe.

007 saw that his archer was useless, Zhao Lixin immediately shouted, "Cavalry!"

"Charge with me!" Back and forth, fighting fiercely, and soon Zhao Lixin continued to charge with his sword.

A large group of soldiers from Wuyangyang followed behind Zhao Lixin, and they went to chase and kill Meng Tian and his party.

The situation on the battlefield is unpredictable and unpredictable, and the changes in the situation are really uncontrollable.

Zhao Lixin's army was like a wave, and then rushed behind Meng Tian in a hurry.

In a doomed, life-and-death battle, such an offensive is extraordinarily powerful and can be called invincible.

The army descended with mighty force, and surrounded Meng Tian in an orderly manner.

Although there is still a way out to leave, he doesn't have any chance to confront and attack.

He could only see the army coming behind him, and even letting Meng Tian retreat would not be the way to go.

He can only continue to fight side by side with his cavalry, and everyone is swarming.

Chapter 859 Draw the sword out of the sheath, shouting loudly!

The sword was drawn out of its sheath, the shouts were loud, and the charge of the two armies set off a frenzy of blood and blood.

Ping ping pong pong, the swords collided together, Meng Tian turned back to fight, rode on his horse, and went back and forth quickly.

Attacking each other and fighting quickly, Meng Tian's strategy of leading the army like Ying Changge is exactly the same.

No matter how many enemies there are, they must continue to charge and fight rampantly.

Even if he was intercepted by so many people, Meng Tian would continue to charge.

Taking out his prestige, Meng Tian vowed to fight the enemy together with the soldiers, advancing and retreating together.

Now, with so many guys coming, Zhao Lixin and his troops blocked Meng Tian's way.

The big deal is to fight to the death, there is nothing to be afraid of! They all immediately attacked aggressively.

Following Meng Tian to charge into battle, many people died because of it, under Meng Tian's sword.

But more people are still chasing Meng Tian in one go, trying to take him down from the horse.

Zhao Lixin was still rushing forward, and together with his cavalry, they attacked Meng Tian with great fanfare.

His own archery was useless in front of Zhao Lixin, which forced him to close combat.

He raised his sword and slashed with force, and he slashed on Meng Tian's back, with gusty wind and fire.

Such a sword is really brave, Meng Tian dodged quickly because of this, and avoided the sword to his heart's content.

hum! Passing by Zhao Lixin's sword, Meng Tian immediately counterattacked and waved his sword.

With the aggressive attack, Zhao Lixin had a murderous look on his face, and his face was full of madness.

In order to kill Meng Tian quickly, Zhao Lixin did everything he could.

He let his army come in full force, and a lot of troops were surrounding Meng Tian.

Even so, Meng Tian was not in a hurry. He was a battle-hardened general and was not afraid of casualties.

As long as he leads the army like a god, then Meng Tian will be able to kill Zhao Lixin's siege.

But after they were caught in such a hard fight, few people could stop such an offensive.

The soldiers were all rushing to publicize, slamming together, and couldn't wait to wave their hands to attack.

Moving forward as always, Zhao Lixin and his men blocked the water surrounded by Meng Tian.

If possible, Zhao Lixin would go to Zhao Yiming with the head of his item now to receive the reward.

After the establishment of military exploits, Zhao Lixin will naturally be able to fly and get rich.

It's a pity that Zhao Lixin was still unable to kill Meng Tian because there were so many troops.

So many people and horses marched in one go, and the place was full of swords, lights, swords and shadows.

The crowds were crowded, and a large number of people in Wuyang were caught in a situation where they couldn't break free.

The hand-held sword quickly struck, and Meng Tian's sword general Zhao Lixin was sweating profusely.

Concentrating on fighting, Zhao Lixin's weapon and Meng Tian staggered and collided.

The offensive of you coming and going is fierce, and Zhao Lixin's arms are shaking.

His wrist was sore, Zhao Lixin couldn't hold his sword, and Meng Tian continued to beat him bravely.

There was a crisp sound of ping pong, Zhao Lixin was riding on the horse, but the weapon in his hand fell to the ground.

In the fierce battle between the two armies, the most important thing is the fighting of the generals, and they must fight hard evenly.

But now, Zhao Lixin was beaten by Meng Tian's sword, and the weapon came out of his hand.

Without being able to hold it in time, the sword in his hand fell because of this, which is really shameless.

As an upright general, Zhao Lixin couldn't even hold his own weapons.

Losing all face, Zhao Lixin became angry with shame, and his face was full of resentment, trying to continue to attack.

Can't wait to walk, quickly approaching and swinging the sword.

You fight with me, fierce confrontation, the sword in Meng Tian's hand scratched Zhao Lixin.

Zhao Lixin was injured, and taking this opportunity, Meng Tian and his men continued to retreat.

Because Zhao Lixin's troops are more abundant, so many troops, it is really difficult to support.

A sword stabbed Zhao Lixin, and it was most important for Meng Tian to quickly reunite with Ying Changge.

Zhao Lixin ignored his injury, and he continued to chase and kill Meng Tian, ​​which was inevitable.

The soldiers who led him continued chattering away, and Zhao Lixin's men were extraordinarily arrogant.

The unhurried Meng Tian quickly retreated and escaped from the army with his own troops.

Meng Tian knew very well what Zhao Lixin planned, and what they wanted to do.

It's nothing more than planning to kill yourself! It is impossible for Meng Tian to die here with his army!

Divide the troops! This is the only plan! Meng Tian wanted to ensure the safety of the fodder and horses.

Continue to endure and disperse from his own army, while Meng Tian himself is trying to attract Zhao Lixin's attention.

Following Zhao Yiming's order, Zhao Lixin came all the way, just to kill himself!

Ying Changge and Meng Tian were divided, so Zhao Yiming naturally came for him. He was used to it.

To protect so many troops, Meng Tian will not be buried here with his own army.

Chapter 860 Combination of soldiers and horses, overlapping quickly!

The brave and fearless Meng Tianyi was bold, so he separated from his army and completely retreated.

Watching the army retreat, Zhao Lixin ignored the remnants of the defeated generals, just to pay attention to Zhao Lixin.

There was an order early on, and Zhao Yiming only needed Meng Tian's head on his neck, or his whole corpse.

Zhao Lixin obeyed Zhao Yiming's order, raised his sword and fell, and was about to behead Meng Tian.

It's a pity that Meng Tian fled too fast, and their figures immediately disappeared in front of Zhao Lixin.

How could Meng Tian escape! Zhao Lixin raised his hand and shouted, "Give it to me!"

"I can't let Meng Tian escape from me. Anyone who chases and kills him will be killed!"

Riding on the horse, Zhao Lixin shouted, but he ignored the rest of Meng Tian's soldiers.

When Meng Tian and his army dispersed, Meng Tian chose a path to evacuate.

007 does not want fearless sacrifice, but wants to preserve all his strength, which is especially important.

He chose a small team of men and horses to accompany him, and Meng Tian chose elite cavalry.

He only needs to hunt down Meng Tian, ​​and Zhao Lixin only needs to have a head on his neck, that's all, there are no exceptions.

Therefore, the army can't wait to move forward, and Zhao Lixin and his men are all going all out to chase.

The two soldiers and horses were still chasing quickly, and they dealt with each other without leaving any traces.

Because there are not many men and horses led by Meng Tian now, it is impossible for him to fight Zhao Lixin.

Facing the enemy head-on and charging with troops, Zhao Lixin will definitely catch Meng Tian in one go.

It is not possible to act recklessly. At this time, Meng Tian must avoid the invasion of Zhao Lixin's army as soon as possible.

He and his own elite cavalry were still escaping quickly. Meng Tian was trying to slow down his troops and get out of the predicament.

As the so-called thirty-six strategies are the best strategy, if Meng Tian is entangled with Zhao Lixin, his life and death will be unknown.

A large number of people were still chasing, but they couldn't get close to Meng Tian.

Relying on his soldiers are well-trained people, Meng Tian was able to avoid Zhao Lixin.

With enough distance from Zhao Lixin's pursuit, Meng Tian was about to join Ying Changge.

The most important thing to do now is to get rid of Zhao Lixin, so as to protect the grain and horses.

Meng Tian didn't want to be injured, nor did he want to see his soldiers die in battle.

Therefore, they all charged in one go, and still couldn't wait to go to the distance, rushing with the whip.

Even if Zhao Lixin's troops were chasing him, Meng Tian would not be able to kill him in a short time.

As soon as he charged with his own soldiers, Meng Tian gradually got rid of Zhao Lixin.

Even if Zhao Lixin and his own men were approaching aggressively, they immediately caught up.

Each of their people ran to their heart's content, bumped on horseback, and their figures were all the same.

Not wanting to lose Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Lixin widened his eyes and let his cavalry continue to chase.

A series of cavalry came on horseback and couldn't wait to follow Meng Tian's army.

So many people, few can be killed casually, because they are far apart.

Zhao Lixin was eager for merit, and he wanted Meng Tian's head to go to Zhao Yiming to receive a reward for meritorious service.

Ying Changge wanted to eliminate Zhao Yiming, a rebel, that's why he continued to kill him incessantly.

However, these people are always insidious and cunning, and they cannot be easily wiped out in one fell swoop.

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