With Zhao Lixin's order here, the soldiers will not stop, and they are all chasing after 5.0.

The arrows were still shooting one after another, and the dense arrows blocked Meng Tian's way.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Lixin took the lead, rode on his horse, and quickly approached behind Meng Tian.

Staring at them without blinking, he lifted his sword and swung it vigorously.

The sword's edge got faster and faster, beheading several Meng Tian's soldiers, causing them to fall off their horses.

Having a hunch, Zhao Lixin knew that Meng Tian would escape, so he chased him so desperately.

The men who led him were still chasing unremittingly, and Zhao Lixin came to him.

Chapter 863 Crazy attack, the key point!

Walking with his sword, Zhao Lixin, who was riding on a horse, hit Zhao Lixin behind him.

Watching a sword stab at him, Meng Tian raised his arm calmly and resisted the sword edge with the sword edge.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Lixin pushed hard, trying to push Meng Tian off the horse.

Such an attack was really clumsy, Meng Tian could see Zhao Lixin's conspiracy at a glance.

With a contemptuous smile, Meng Tian slashed rampantly with his sword and slashed at Zhao Lixin's sword.

The two people's weapons rubbed together and hit a bolt of lightning, causing Zhao Lixin to stagger and lose his balance.

Shaking, almost fell to the ground.

But Zhao Lixin grabbed his reins and stabilized himself, so that he was not knocked off the horse by Meng Tian.

Meng Tian didn't change his face, his horses collided with Zhao Lixin's horse 05, and the two figures overlapped.

Being close to Zhao Lixin, Meng Tian waved his sword and pierced Zhao Lixin's chest with the sword.

Zhao Lixin followed Zhao Yiming and continued to fight, but he had great ambitions.

Not only did he want to kill Meng Tian, ​​but Zhao Lixin also led the army to break through Ying Changge's army and behead him.

All the army is under his control, Meng Tian will not let himself be destroyed because of this.

Collision with Zhao Lixin's figure, Meng Tian's sword is ever-changing, piercing him full of traces.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Lixin's body was broken with a trace, and there was blood flowing under the wound.

Do not like to fight with Zhao Lixin, Meng Tian's most important thing is to meet with Ying Changge to ensure his food and grass.

After destroying them one by one, Meng Tian ordered the soldiers to start a counterattack and do their best to run rampant.

The soldiers were entangled again, fighting **** together, and aggressively showing their might.

Holding his sword tightly, he was still stabbing hard, and Zhao Lixin gritted his teeth to counterattack.

Especially the coldness of this sword, the cold light came first, breaking through Meng Tian's sword attack.

The swords of the two collided, and with a ping pong sound, they broke open, and suddenly there was no room for them.

With a bright smile, Zhao Lixin laughed out loud, "You have such a skill, it's really average!"

"I thought that the generals under Ying Changge's command were all powerful characters, but now it seems, that's all."

Holding the sword, Zhao Lixin felt that he could kill Meng Tian. Of course, this was just his illusion.

The sword slammed bravely, wishing to cut off Meng Tian's head, Zhao Lixin was aggressive.

But now, Zhao Lixin and Meng Tian are in close combat.

Under such confrontation, Meng Tian did not move at all, he was calm and calm, not in a hurry.

On the contrary, Zhao Lixin was already in a hurry, and his sword was unable to kill Meng Tian accurately.

While both of them were still fighting, the rest of the soldiers also kept fighting.

On the battlefield, fighting back as much as possible, the soldiers all appeared one after another, wielding their swords vigorously.

The weapons were entangled, and the soldiers were fighting together. They showed a tenacious attitude and were aggressive.

Meng Tian's soldiers are naturally not cowardly, they are all very brave.

On the other hand, although Zhao Lixin's soldiers were still chasing them, they were unable to face Meng Tian's soldiers.

The two still couldn't wait to fight, and after a few rounds, Zhao Lixin was very tired.

He swam around with the edge of his sword, and with every sword he wanted to pierce Meng Tian's throat impatiently and open his stomach.

However, when Zhao Lixin waved his weapon, he was always intercepted by Meng Tian's sword.

Agitation with both arms and waving vigorously, Zhao Lixin wanted to seize the opportunity and attacked first.

However, Meng Tian saw through Zhao Lixin's every move and knew how he wanted to attack him.

Before Zhao Lixin's sword arrived, Meng Tian stopped him with a sword, defusing Zhao Lixin's offensive.

Not being able to defeat Meng Tian with every sword made Zhao Lixin extremely annoyed and jumped over the wall in a hurry.

"No reason!" Before he could wipe his sweat, Zhao Lixin waved his arms and his sword.

007 Such a sword is really brave, and it almost slashed down Meng Tian's head.

Although Zhao Lixin's offensive was very fierce, he couldn't stab Meng Tian, ​​and he looked very annoyed.

Filled with resentment, he couldn't wait to take action. Every move of Zhao Lixin was the key to persecuting him.

It is a pity that such a sword edge cannot kill Meng Tian, ​​Meng Tian always uses the sword edge to block.

The figures are staggered, and the enemy is swiftly and violently. Zhao Lixin's sword has hit the potholes, and he widens his eyes.

Angrily gnashing his teeth, Zhao Lixin continued to attack, slashing forward with his sword.

The sword's edge was fast and chattering endlessly, Zhao Lixin rushed towards Meng Tian hungry.

He was unwilling to stay on his horse, and grabbed Meng Tian's shoulders with both hands.

With a loud shout, Zhao Lixin grabbed Meng Tian, ​​then straddled his horse and fought meleely.

Coming with the army, Zhao Lixin couldn't let his bamboo basket draw water to nothing, he had to confront it.

Chapter 864 Scarred and bloody!

Let your own manpower move quickly, and the soldiers follow Zhao Lixin to attack quickly.

Continuing the onslaught, the soldiers did not stop, the **** battle of you coming and going was really intense.

Many people died because of this, and Zhao Lixin saw that his soldiers were defeated one by one.

Is it true that you want to sacrifice your own life like this? Zhao Lixin didn't believe that he would be so unbearable.

He is an elite lieutenant under Zhao Yiming, and his mission is to kill Meng Tian.

Kill Meng Tian first, then kill Ying Changge, this is Zhao Yiming's plan, and Zhao Lixin's loyal assistant.

The army is still rampant as always, many people died because of it, they were defeated, and they were completely defeated.

Fortunately, both Meng Tian and Zhao Lixin continued to persevere. They always walked bravely and tried their best.

Even if Zhao Lixin was confronting him, Meng Tian did not change his face, and used his sword to learn from each other to protect himself.

The daring Zhao Lixin sat astride the horse and held on to the stalemate with force. He was uneasy and had no chance of winning.

Gritting his teeth, Zhao Lixin wanted to take this weapon from Meng Tian's hands.

Unfortunately, with the sword in hand, Meng Tian was invincible, without any panic at all, calm and composed.

The sword-blade hit and struck Zhao Lixin's body, which made his body go numb, Zhao Lixin frowned slightly.

He would not let go, clenched his fists, Zhao Lixin continued to attack Meng Tian's forehead.

The punch was very intense, but Meng Tian turned his head to avoid it easily and passed him by.

The vicious Zhao Lixin, in order to kill Meng Tian, ​​will do anything to kill Meng Tian, ​​and even more crazy battles.

When two people ride on the same horse, the speed of your fight will be more dexterous, which is hard to prevent.

Meng Tian lowered his head, his neck was hard, and his head slammed into Zhao Lixin's chest.

Feeling the dullness in his chest, Zhao Lixin was immediately knocked out by Meng Tian and fell off his horse.

Standing staggeringly on the ground, Zhao Lixin was injured again before he could stabilize his body.

Meng Tian, ​​who was riding on a horse, was not to be outdone, and the sword in his hand pierced Zhao Lixin's spine.

Scarred and scolded in pain, Zhao Lixin fell to the ground.

In the posture of a dog eating shit, Zhao Lixin ate a mouthful of dust, looking very embarrassed.

Immediately got up and turned back angrily, he shot angrily and continued to drag Meng Tian.

Riding on the horse, calmly and calmly, Meng Tian swiped the sword in his hand lightly.

hum! When the sword edge collided, Zhao Lixin felt a slight pain in his arm, and he lost the strength to hold the sword.

With a cold snort, Zhao Lixin immediately stepped back and quickly escaped, trying to avoid Meng Tian.

But Meng Tian would not give up, he continued to approach on horseback, walking around Zhao Lixin's side.

Seeing Zhao Lixin's terrified expression, Meng Tian was sure of the victory, not in a hurry.

Still patiently entangled with him, the sword in his hand slammed down and slashed on Zhao Lixin's head.

Almost cut off Zhao Lixin's head on the ground, but the other party's ability to escape is first-class.

Even if he was scratched by Meng Tian's sword, he continued to retreat, and he would not act recklessly at all.

Different from Zhao Yiming, Zhao Lixin is more rational and will not be killed by Meng Tian so simply.

He led his own army to trap Meng Tian, ​​how could Zhao Lixin let them escape!

Impossible, so a group of people are still charging quickly, they go to attack recklessly.

He took out his own momentum and fought fiercely. Many people died because of this, and the soldiers fell to the ground.

Meng Tian and Zhao Lixin's army continued to rampage, and they had an unusual offensive.

Whenever there is any embarrassment, Meng Tian will resist with his soldiers, just like Ying Changge.

Ying Changge is a very good general, Meng Tian is fascinated by his side and strives for perfection.

The existence of the army is not to kill, but to stop the bloodshed and riots, Meng Tian took it seriously.

Especially when they are always chasing impatiently, the vigor of the army has consumed a lot.

There is no chance to turn defeat into victory, Zhao Lixin will only be bruised and bloodied by Meng Tian's sword.

After several rounds of close attack, Zhao Lixin was knocked to the ground by Meng Tian, ​​and his situation was in a mess.

But caught in a difficult battle, Zhao Lixin is still fearless, he must want Meng Tianqi.

Killing Meng Tian and causing Ying Changge's army to suffer heavy losses is what Zhao Lixin has to do.

They are all marching heroically. If the soldiers are not dead, Zhao Lixin will not surrender. He continues to fight.

The swords in his hands are still slashing down with mighty force, and each sword has exceptional power.

The unhurried Meng Tian continued the confrontation, the sword in his hand stabbed quickly and went all out.

Ping-ping-pong-pong, sword-blade collision, they were very embarrassed under a few rounds of your back and forth.

With the fierce and non-stop battle, Zhao Lixin soon felt that he was exhausted.

Chapter 865 Take it all in one go and win this battle!

He was panting, but his eyes widened, and he continued to chase after Meng Tian.

Unlike Zhao Lixin, Meng Tian was more calm and comfortable, his eyes were calm, and he continued to attack with his sword.

Every sword is precise and accurate, very dexterous, and strikes down extremely powerfully.

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