Such a sword made people completely unprepared and fell directly, and Zhao Lixin was injured.

Looking down at his bleeding arm, Zhao Lixin said with a grim expression, "Give it to me!"

With Zhao Lixin's cry, more and more people were still quickly surrounding Meng Tian.

No matter where Meng Tian fled to, he would always be hunted down by Zhao Lixin's army, which was really inappropriate.

He wants to get out of here.

Meng Tian wanted to meet Ying Changge, this was the only thing he should do.

If it is not 007, so many people are always chattering, when will Meng Tian be able to fight to the end.

There was a large army in Wuyangyang, all of which were Zhao Lixin's men, and they approached with galloping horses.

Looking at them calmly and looking at them calmly, Meng Tian was ready to retreat.

It is not appropriate for him to entangle with Zhao Lixin, Meng Tian always retreats in spite of difficulties, and he has to take into account the overall situation.

If it was just a hasty charge, it would be the most foolish act that annihilated the entire army.

The movements of the soldiers were all under the control of Zhao Lixin, who followed one after the other and walked aggressively.

Many soldiers charged unswervingly, trying to intercept all Meng Tian's army and trap them.

It is a pity that under such a battle, almost no one can stop Zhao Lixin's soldiers.

The soldiers came in large groups, and (affa) their momentum was really brave.

Unexpected attacks always come in mighty ways, and many Meng Tian soldiers were defeated because of this.

Seeing that the two armies were still rapidly confronting each other, Meng Tian was about to block Zhao Lixin's charge.

Raising his sword, Zhao Lixin stood in front of him, barely blocking Meng Tian's sword.

Meng Tian, ​​who was bound to win, was powerful and powerful, almost knocking Zhao Lixin's figure into a staggering stagger.

With a disdainful smile, Zhao Lixin gritted his teeth, "I will kill you! Let you know how good I am!"

He is still making a quick blow, and will not retreat in the face of evil killings, but will attack forward as always.

The sword in his hand was swung in a disorderly manner, and it seemed that Zhao Lixin was already powerless to fight.

Meng Tian wouldn't fall for the trick, he could see that Zhao Lixin seemed to be waiting for the rabbit.

Once he rushed up on his own, he would easily be bruised and bruised and be at a loss.

Staring at Zhao Lixin intently, Meng Tian unsurprisingly turned around and mounted, "The whole army retreats!"

Seeing that Meng Tian had missed the trick, Zhao Lixin was even more annoyed, and he hurried to catch up.

But his horse had fled far away, and now Zhao Lixin only had the horse under Meng Tian's crotch.

Meng Tian wanted to quickly turn with Ying Changge. As for Zhao Lixin's encirclement and suppression, he himself didn't care.

Zhao Lixin and his group were all rabble, and if Meng Tian did his best, he could kill them.

It's just that this will delay Meng Tian's itinerary and make his food and horses unsecured.

Walking unscrupulously, Zhao Lixin tried his best to wield his weapon, and the sword was too fierce.

The sword edge whistled, almost touching Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian dodged in time.

He rode on the horse, his figure twisted, and the sword in his hand was swung on Zhao Lixin's blade.

The silhouettes of the two collided, causing the swords to collide, and neither could kill the other.

Lixin Zhao, who is bound to win, must complete his task, because that will be the easiest thing.

If even a mere Meng Tian could not be killed, how could Zhao Lixin follow Zhao Yiming to fight against Ying Changge!

Ying Changge was not here, his army came without any support, and there was no chance to help Meng Tian.

Meng Tian can only rely on his own efforts. He and his soldiers are doing their best to fight.

Even if he was surrounded by Zhao Lixin's army, Meng Tian easily made a way out.

Leaving quickly, turning around and fleeing on horseback, Meng Tian and his soldiers all retreated at the same time.

Seeing Meng Tian's disappearing figure, of course Zhao Lixin couldn't give up, so he chased after him.

A group of people are still moving forward quickly, they put out their own efforts, and they are chasing in one go.

Wandering quickly, a group of people are still chasing each other, they are aggressive, and there is a large crowd of people.

So many people are always coming from behind aggressively, and Meng Tian is always on the way.

Ignoring Zhao Lixin's pursuit and killing behind him, Meng Tian was calm and would not be frightened by Zhao Lixin's men.

This is not an escape, Meng Tian is just using a strategy to act. On the battlefield, soldiers are always deceitful, and he knows this well.

Under Zhao Lixin's pursuit, Meng Tian had no choice, he just wanted to continue to rush to avoid the enemy.

Chapter 866 You must follow each other's rules!

He clearly knew that Zhao Lixin was coming for him, so Meng Tian only needed to move on by himself.

Constantly changing directions, Meng Tian had to **** food and grass to reach Ying Changge's place safely.

Otherwise, regardless of Zhao Lixin's rabble behind him, he will be trapped sooner or later! This is particularly inappropriate.

Before the battle with Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Lixin knew that the opponent's swordsmanship was strong, and it was difficult for him to escape.

Now, Zhao Lixin understands that it is useless to rely on what he does, and this is not the time to be a hero.

Unite his own soldiers to continue the sprint, so that Zhao Lixin will have the opportunity to take down Meng Tian.

This is Zhao Yiming's order to explain himself, and Zhao Lixin must implement it seriously.

His heart was filled with fear, the fear of Meng Tian's ability to lead the army, and the shock of Ying Changge, Zhao Lixin was very flustered.

Because once it is impossible to kill Meng Tian, ​​maybe Ying Changge's army will come.

I hope that I will fight quickly, Zhao Lixin's army is always moving forward, chasing Meng Tian.

Meng Tian took the lead, and he and his men were evacuating quickly, leading Zhao Lixin to a more dangerous place.

As long as they can escape from the wide boundary, then Zhao Lixin's army will not be so easy to hunt down.

The army continued to escape in front, and there were almost no soldiers behind them who could pursue them.

With one of his own elite cavalry, he drew away most of Zhao Lixin's troops, which was a great success.

Meng Tian kept the food and grass, and also ensured that the horses would not be plundered by Zhao Lixin's army, which was very safe.

After repelling Zhao Lixin and leaving his army in a hurry behind, Meng Tian took the lead in charging.

He and his own troops charged with all their strength, and soon, Meng Tian got rid of Zhao Lixin behind him.

So that Zhao Lixin's people couldn't catch up with him, Meng Tian continued to retreat and marched with the soldiers.

The desperate Zhao Lixin continued to chase after him, but his army was tired.

Few people were able to quickly catch up with Meng Tian, ​​who quickly disappeared without a trace.

Meng Tian ignored the army behind him, just planning his own retreat and strategy, and retreated safely.

Finally got rid of Zhao Lixin easily, Meng Tian and his people prepared to take a detour to join Ying Changge.

He still ran out a few miles, and soon, Meng Tian saw a narrow terrain and came to the canyon.

Looking carefully at the handwriting, Meng Tian knew where this place was.

Donghao Canyon is a remote place, and there is hardly any trace of Zhao Lixin.

After getting rid of Zhao Lixin's army, Meng Tian and his soldiers were very safe.

Stopping with his own army, and looking back, Meng Tian didn't see any pursuers.

Even though his army was charging as hard as he could, Zhao Lixin was still chasing him aggressively.

But soon, he had no way to go, and Meng Tian's trace was lost in front of his eyes.

This made him very annoyed, and Zhao Lixin resented, but he continued to follow Meng Tian's signs unremittingly.

However, Meng Tian successfully entered the canyon, and they were very unfamiliar with this place.

I don't know where this place is, but they will continue to move forward and find a way.

As long as he finds a way to leave, Meng Tian will join the army of Ying Changge.

After finally getting rid of Zhao Lixin, Meng Tian must cherish this opportunity very much.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

This place is barren, there is no solid city, but there are many fields.

Meng Tian watched six directions and listened to all directions, passing through the canyon to avoid any sneak attacks.

The army was walking in a hurry, but they slowed down their journey, no longer fast.

Slowing down, the soldiers continued to go under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​and saw a lot of vegetation.

This place is desolate and uninhabited, not like a place with people, Meng Tian can only continue to move forward.


They need a place to be replenished, preferably a soothing pause, before getting ready to go.

Otherwise, so many soldiers will be delayed, which is not a good thing.

Continuing on the road patiently, Meng Tian saw a lot of people, which seemed to be human and suitable for settlement.

After inquiring carefully, Meng Tian soon knew that this place was the Manluo tribe.

Since he had penetrated into the tribe, he had to follow the rules of the other party. Meng Tian didn't want to startle the snake.

Finally, a camp was found, and Meng Tian immediately rested there, keeping the entire army on guard.

Avoid beware that Zhao Lixin's army will catch up and attack, so they are extraordinarily calm and require full attention.

Each soldier is conscientious and conscientious. They are entrenched here, hoping to protect their army.

The army gathered here, Meng Tian let them have no flaws and formed a defensive formation.

As long as any enemy wants to invade this place, they will be discovered by the soldiers, making Meng Tian alert.

The road to reuniting with Ying Changge is far away, at this moment, it is not so easy for him to leave and.

Chapter 867 New discovery, the key road!

Only by finding a key way and finding Ying Changge can Meng Tian be able to deliver the food, grass and horses.

After the war, Meng Tian's soldiers were extremely tired, and they had to take a good rest.

Closing his eyes and resting, he wouldn't even take off his armor, Meng Tian just sat and rested like this.

Recharge your batteries and let your soldiers stand guard day and night, so that they will not be attacked by Zhao Lixin's army.

The daring Zhao Lixin is still chasing Meng Tian, ​​did he forget that Meng Tian is Ying Changge's general!

If they fight against Ying Changge, then there is almost nothing to do, and they will surely die.

Only if "Zero Zero Seven" charged in one go, Meng Tian would be able to break out of the siege and return to Ying Changge's side.

However, when he came to the Manluo tribe, it was not so easy for Meng Tian to leave.

He must overcome all kinds of difficulties, let Zhao Lixin retreat, and let Ying Changge's army be strong.

After resting in this tribe's camp for a while, Meng Tian saw a group of people passing by.

This is a group of people who **** the slaves. They carry weapons and take the slaves to farther places.

Seeing so many people passing by in front of him, Meng Tian sighed, filled with emotion.

He didn't know what to do, but Meng Tian didn't want to get involved. He didn't want to cause a fight and a **** storm.

Because once it is reckless and hasty, it will make its soldiers fight fiercely.

Meng Tian didn't want to let himself fall into a more dangerous situation just after going through a big battle.

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