No matter how many troops Zhao Lixin had, at least now, Meng Tian got rid of them.

Now, Meng Tian saw the tribes who were escorting slaves. They were all in groups and had great backgrounds.

Meng Tian couldn't easily get out of this predicament once he started a ferocious battle with these tribesmen.

He was very sensible, just watching all this in silence, watching the slaves pass by in droves.

So many slaves are very miserable, they are very embarrassed, they can only obey orders.

If Meng Tian had a strong army, now he would wipe out all the tribes who were escorting slaves.

Unfortunately, this is someone's slave, not Meng Tian's decision, he can only wait patiently.

Waiting for the change, Meng Tian wanted to recuperate, and then continued to reunite with Ying Changge's army.

The people of these tribes have also traveled long distances. They have worked very hard and plan to rest.

Far away from Meng Tian's forces, the people of these tribes patiently stayed not far away.

These tribes are not trying to cause strife, they are controlling their slaves and making them all kneel.

These slaves who were bound by five flowers fell to their knees, very pitiful in front of Meng Tian.

I can't see how many slaves there are, but Meng Tian knows that this is a large area of ​​Wuyang.

There are so many guys innumerable, all of them are starving, and they are really weak.

Sitting cross-legged, Meng Tian put one hand on his sword, ready to attack at any time.

Especially seeing that the guys from these tribes are still eyeing them, it is even more dangerous.

For fear that they would attack them in groups, Meng Tian would concentrate on alert and wait patiently.

Meng Tian's army continued to be on guard, and so many people were still on guard.

The people of the tribe are all menacing, and they can't wait to give their slaves a thousand cuts.  …

Fortunately, they are all elite soldiers, and many soldiers are still vigilant and cautious.

For the time being, the tribesmen are not offended, they are just teaching their slaves.

None of the slaves seemed to be able to move because they had not eaten for a long time and were very hungry.

Many people were extremely weak, they fell to their knees, and then kept begging for mercy and struggling.

Meng Tian can ignore these, the most important thing for him is to take good care of his soldiers, which is very important.

Once it is to let his army fight again, Meng Tian is not sure that he can kill them.

Staying here patiently, Meng Tian lowered his head, as if closing his eyes and resting, but he actually didn't take it seriously.

He watched and listened to all directions, paying attention to every move of these slaves, Meng Tian was ready to go.

The most important thing for him is to reunite with Ying Changge, and other things are no longer in his will.

This is not a good measure, because Meng Tian doesn't want to encounter other dangers.

Staring straight at 5.0, Meng Tian saw the slaves being beaten, struggling and howling.

It's so cruel! Meng Tian, ​​who frowned slightly, was very displeased, everyone was human!

Whether it is a slave or not, it is a living life, but now it is so humble.

The people of these tribes are very cruel, and they are constantly whipping the slaves, using swords, guns and sticks together.

"Rest!" Meng Tian sighed, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to attack now!

Although Meng Tian really wanted Lu Jian to roar, he had to take into account the overall situation, he was not alone.

Chapter 868 Haste is not enough, come slowly!

Not only because of the strength behind Meng Tian, ​​but also because he has to pay attention to Ying Changge's plan.

Ying Changge's schedule cannot be delayed, any changes will delay the crisis on the battlefield.

But Meng Tian ignored it, and these slaves suffered. They were continuously whipped and beaten.

One of the tribal savages, dressed in animal skins, laughed three times and grabbed a slave.

He pulled the slave in front of him, and the guys from this tribe immediately stepped on the slave under his feet.

Sitting on the slave, and then continuing to bully him, the tribesmen started to pee.

The vulgar and savage guys were beating the slaves one by one, leaving scars on them.

These guys are in vain, and they continue to bully these slaves in a domineering and ruthless manner.

If Ying Changge was here, he would definitely take action and wipe them out.

Now, in the face of such a number of surprises, Meng Tian will not take the initiative to provoke, he must be calm enough.

Combined with Ying Changge's two swords, Meng Tian will be calm and fearless to fight and fight.

However, Meng Tian and Ying Changge walked separately, and now he only has his own troops, which is not very abundant.

Continuing to rest peacefully, Meng Tian watched helplessly as the tribesmen continued to perpetrate violence.

Every word and deed are extraordinarily rough, and they are killing people with their hard work, just like they are dealing with evil animals.

Such an attack is useless, so Meng Tian can't stand for the slave at this moment, he is very sorry.

Keep your own men on guard, they stand guard here to make sure they won't be harassed by the Horde.

There are many slaves, but in the eyes of tribal people, it is as simple as herding sheep.

One of the slaves stood up and tried to escape, but there was no such opportunity to do so.

Many people were imprisoned because of this, and every slave wanted to escape, but failed.

One of the bound slaves got up quickly, he turned his head and ran, panting.

With a look of sincerity and fear, they continued to flee, and the slaves quickly got rid of these tribesmen.

The slave was panting, and he fled desperately, unable to move his feet flexibly.

Jumping and escaping quickly, at this time, the slave had already escaped ten steps away.

It seems that his movements are very fast, but it is impossible to block the people of those tribes.

The tribe's manpower weapons, they are strong and strong, and they simply do not allow any slaves to escape from their faces.

He immediately raised his hand and pulled the arrow, whoosh, the bowstring snapped, and the arrow hit the slave.

The escaped slave had no chance at all and was shot directly.

Whoosh, staggered to the ground, the slave screamed in pain, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing this scene, Meng Tian was even more pity, he was really helpless.

The slave's back was shot through, and the arrow made the slave speechless in pain, but kept twitching.

The blood was sprayed, and the slave had no way to start, and there was no last chance to escape.

He staggered and fell to the ground, bled to death, unable to be rescued.

The tribesman who shot the slave was still shouting happily. He was very happy.

A bunch of tribal guys are clapping their hands and applauding, they think this is something to show off.

The slaves were beaten constantly, and they were forced to kneel here, always showing a humble appearance.

Meng Tian saw it in his eyes, he would not sit idly by, he was aggressive and was already full of anger.

It's just that it's not appropriate to go to war today, Meng Tian is not for himself, but for Ying Changge and the soldiers.

I don't know if Ying Changge is okay, Meng Tian needs to contribute his strength now.

What this tribe is best at is raising cattle and horses, and they have a very rich number of livestock.

In particular, the exploitation of slave owners here is extremely tragic, and many guys are living in poverty.

Meng Tian waited patiently for a while, and when he saw the people of these tribes, he took the slave and continued to leave 007.

These slaves are very cruel, there is no chance to break free, they can only obey the guys of these tribes.

Seeing these slaves being taken away, Meng Tian finally put down his weapons.

If Meng Tian hadn't forcibly endured, then he would have killed the sword on the necks of these people.

After a short rest, Meng Tian felt that his army could not continue to fight.

Continuing to fight with the tribe's people will only make Meng Tian fall into a more difficult battle.

After seeing the figure of the slave leaving, Meng Tian was scolding, even more indignant.

He knew that the people of the slave lords must be arrogant and domineering guys, they are vicious and vicious.

Exploitation of the common people, selfishness, such a tribe is too vicious, and everyone gets it and kills it!

After seeing the slave being taken away, Meng Tian just lay down and rested patiently.

Can't wait to join Ying Changge's army, at this time, Meng Tian knows that haste is not enough.

Chapter 869 Fight for victory and keep fighting!

Not only because of the lack of sufficient troops, but also because of the long distance, not overnight.

Camping here, Meng Tian and his soldiers rested patiently, preparing for a good rectification tonight.

During this period, Meng Tian saw a lot of common people, all of whom were struggling to make a living and were not clothed.

In the place under the control of the Manluo tribe, all the slaves looked like they could not get enough to eat. They were miserable.

It was so miserable that it was impossible to fight back. There was no difference between the fate of the common people and slaves, and they were very embarrassed.

Meng Tian looked for a few people and asked carefully, and knew that they were very difficult.

Their lives were difficult, not only because they could not eat enough, but also because they had to pay tribute from time to time.

No matter how many cattle and horses they have at home, or how much food they have, they will always have to pay.

These are all what the slave owners require, so as to further exploit the people and absorb their blood.

Meng Tian saw it in his eyes, and was very angry and condemned for what they had done.

After waiting patiently for a while, Meng Tian inquired about more things, and some people came here to complain.

The people couldn't wait to tell, and told Meng Tian everything about the Manluo tribe.

At this time, Meng Tian learned about the details of the Manluo tribe. They were not doing anything wrong.

It's just because the Manluo tribe has little contact with other tribes, so it can't be involved at all.

At this moment, Meng Tian thought of a relatively good strategy to deal with the slave owners.

Since these slave owners are all arrogant and domineering people, why not get rid of them soon!

These guys all deserved what they deserved, and Meng Tian must save the people from dire straits.

Not being able to watch the slaves being bullied one by one, he was ready.

As long as they are killed one by one, Meng Tian will be able to liberate those poor slaves.

Going his own way is bound to win, Meng Tian began to think day and night to fight against the murderous slave owners.

To exploit their own slaves, what the slave owners did is really abhorrent.

He was full of righteousness and righteous indignation, so Meng just wanted to find a better way.

From the mouths of the people, Meng Tian knew the detailed information of the slave owners here.

The slave owner has been doing this slave trade for decades, and he is a ruthless person.

The name is Arhan, a greedy guy who sees money and wastes his life.

It is precisely because of the inaction of the slave owners that this place has become extraordinarily desolate.

With a mournful voice, the slaves had no life. They were played by Arhan in the palm of their hands and could not survive.

Just as Meng Tian listened carefully to the complaints of the people, it was also a storm in Arhan's camp.

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