Isn't this the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind! Meng Tian's soldiers were not to be outdone, but they still had to die.

They are always fighting perseveringly, striking fast, fighting bravely, and never giving up.

With Meng Tian's soldiers guarding this place, it is not so easy to **** food and grass, and it is very difficult.

The soldiers were still resisting unremittingly. They were surrounded by men in black and fell into slaughter.

Even if they wanted to break through them, Meng Tian's soldiers couldn't fight them at all and couldn't kill them.

All the men in black were still fighting against each other quickly, and they couldn't wait to defeat Meng Tian's soldiers.

They retreated steadily, and under such a slaughter, they were already powerless to resist and fell into a fierce battle.

Under the deadly battle, he was bound to be injured. Meng Tian's soldiers had no room to fight back, so they died.

One by one, the soldiers died in battle, and they failed to protect the food and grass, so that the men in black could **** it smoothly.

The last soldier guarding the forage was also killed, and they were not able to escape from this place until they died.

There was no chance to inform Meng Tian, ​​and Meng Tian's soldiers all died because of this, with corpses everywhere.

The man in black is very mighty, and his shot is a domineering blood slaughter, with blood flowing into a river, and he has no power to fight back.

There was no soldier to take care of the food and grass, so that the men in black walked unimpeded and transported the food and grass.

The food and grass that Meng Tian escorted in is now being sneakily taken away by the men in black, which is really too much.

Isn't this a naked bully bandit?

These daring fellows have already killed all the soldiers guarding the forage, leaving none of them behind.

Trampling the bodies of the soldiers, the men in black were quickly carrying food and grass, ready to transport them away.

It is impossible for the people in black who come and go mysteriously to give up because of this, and they continue to carry food and grass.

As always, rampant, rapid plunder, many food and grass have been looted and plundered.

Can't wait to carry it, the men in black are all aggressive, with quick hands and feet, and quickly vacate the food and grass.

This kind of food and grass is really not enough to plunder, and it was completely evacuated by the men in black in a few moments.

They came quietly, and then the man in black left quickly, taking away the food and grass.

Because of this, the men in black of unknown origin defeated Meng Tian's soldiers. They hid their merits and fame and disappeared.

The night dissipated and dawn ushered in. Meng Tian was ready to carry food and grass with his own men and continue on the road.

Ying Changge had been waiting for a long time, Meng Tian had to go and bring all his food and grass together.

Otherwise, if the food and grass are stagnant, Meng Tian may delay the big event!

When Meng Tian came here, he found that his food and grass were all empty, and even soldiers were killed or injured.

The soldiers who were responsible for guarding the food and forage died because of this, and each of them became a corpse.

Meng Tian was furious, he didn't understand at all why there would be people here to plunder his food and grass!

Because in this empty city, no army soldiers are stationed, and there is no threat.

However, the food and grass that Meng Tian escorted to this place disappeared, and was even plundered by people.

The grain and grass here have been transported, and there is absolutely no trace of it, and it has disappeared.

Killing his own soldiers and plundering his own food and grass is really too much, and he is arrogant and domineering.

With a cold snort, Meng Tian was furious, "Investigate it for me, carefully and clearly, and figure it out for me!"

The sudden massacre and eradicating them all together is too much!

Meng Tian's food and grass have not been left behind, nothing is left, and they have been completely plundered.

Isn't this a naked obliteration of Meng Tian's face! He was very angry and burst into rage.

"Give me a careful investigation to find out who killed my soldiers."

In the city, he investigated and studied unscrupulously, just to let out a bad breath.

Shit on his own head, or even robbing his own food and grass, is really a lion's mouth.

Chapter 886 There are many hidden dangers and involvements!

Not indifferent, Meng Tian must investigate first, so as to be able to regain the food and grass.

Otherwise, the damage of so much food and grass and the casualties of soldiers will only make him even more unwilling.

It was impossible for his soldiers to die because of this, so Meng Tian immediately took action and asked the soldiers to investigate.

Everything that happened last night must be carefully investigated, that is a good time.

Otherwise, the food and grass that he has worked so hard to send will be plundered, and the bamboo basket will be empty.

In the city, when there are no troops stationed, Meng Tian's troops are the only troops.

But now, the food and grass that Meng Tian himself escorted has been looted, which shows that there are still many problems.

The troops were empty, but someone came to sack him, indicating that there were still crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the city.

There must be some taboos, so I dare not show my face and stand out.

Meng Tian must take revenge and take back the food and forage.

Meng Tian's task is to **** these grains to join Ying Changge, - to replenish military resources.

Settling here to rest, there is no troops stationed, but the food and grass are missing.

This is really, really painful, it's like slapping Meng Tian's face naked.

This kind of thing is really too much, so Meng Tian must trace the clues carefully.

Send his own soldiers to continue to investigate, so he must find a suitable opportunity.

The ins and outs, the cause and the process, Meng Tian has to investigate thoroughly.

One's own soldiers cannot die in vain, and many of the food and forage thrown out must be snatched back.

Very angry, Meng Tian, ​​who was furious, asked his soldiers to follow them carefully.

Do not let go of any clues, so as to find certain evidence and the real murderer.

Meng Tian wanted to know the truth, these people came quietly and killed the soldiers who were guarding the grain.

Immediately they left quietly, not a single person was seen, and no trace was left behind.

It was just such a crude calculation that he knew that this must be done by well-trained people.

Not only killing people and grabbing food and grass, but even the whereabouts on the ground are unimaginably complicated.

If it wasn't for someone's guidance, these people couldn't have come just like this and directly smother him.

Meng Tian's staff continued to search for evidence in the city, and Meng Tian himself took the lead in investigating.

For Meng Tian, ​​the loss of food and grass was a very big sin, and it was difficult to face Ying Changge.

In order to be able to capture all the lost food and grass, Meng Tian must punish them severely and go to punish them.

No one can escape from Meng Tian's hands, because he is a majestic general.

Feeling angry about the looting of food and grass, Meng Tian smiled and prepared to accumulate.

It is impossible to be indifferent to this matter, so Meng Tian soon heard the report of his soldiers.

Escorting food and grass is something that has attracted much attention, and it is not easy to keep a low profile because of this.

Especially when Meng Tian escorted so much grain, he must have needed a lot of carriages to **** him.

Meng Tian got a piece of information, that is, there were carriages in and out of the magistrate's mansion in Dongcheng County.

Could there be such a coincidence? But Meng Tian felt that there must be a very big suspicion.

Zhang Zhaonan, the magistrate of Dongcheng County, actually had many carriages coming and going, and he must have a secret.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

The disappearance of food and grass, Zhang Zhaonan's movement, this must have a lot of hidden dangers and implications.

This was just suspicion, but Meng Tian didn't know if it was really Zhang Zhaonan, the county magistrate, and he was going to investigate.

He didn't understand at all, he was just a county magistrate, how could he have the guts to come and **** his grain?

Whether it was or not, he had to invite a teacher to ask for guilt, so Meng Tian led his men and rushed up immediately.

Leading a dozen or so elite soldiers, Meng Tian came forward with great fanfare, knocked open the gate, and drove straight in.


"Let Zhang Zhaonan come to see me!" Meng Tian scolded, "I want to see how this county magistrate behaves!"

When so many people rushed up, soon, Zhang Zhaonan came in panic, "Who is coming!"

"Do you know where this place is!" Zhang Zhaonan, the county magistrate, scolded, "Get out of here!"

"You are so brave!" Meng Tian smiled, "Are you Zhang Zhaonan, the county magistrate here!"

"So what!" As he approached, seeing Meng Tian's appearance, Zhang Zhaonan was stunned and stopped talking.

He seemed to know who was coming and what Meng Tian's identity was, so he was immediately stunned.

Zhang Zhaonan closed his mouth and stood in front of Meng Tian without saying a word. He was extremely calm and gave up his rebuttal.

"You know me!" Meng Tian's eyes were sharp, and he saw Zhang Zhaonan's expression at once, and knew that there was a lot to say.

"You are the county magistrate here, but you seem to be doing nothing and doing nothing!"

In the face of Meng Tian's scolding, Zhang Zhaonan was very calm, he was very indifferent, "What's wrong!"

"This place is safe, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the market is harmonious. There is absolutely nothing to worry about." And.

Chapter 887 What a bully!

Standing in front of Zhang Zhaonan, Meng Tian looked particularly cold and severe, "You are so deceiving yourself!"

"Do you think that with your help, you can get away with impunity in front of me, unscrupulous!"

"You stole my food, can you still act as if nothing happened!" Meng Tian said sternly.

However, Zhang Zhaonan shook his head, "I don't know about this, but I can send people to investigate."

"Since it's a matter of robbery, this county magistrate must investigate and find out!"

This was an extremely shameless lie. Meng Tian saw through his lie at a glance, but there was nothing he could do.

Could it be that Meng Tian "Zero Sanqi" had to go directly to kill Zhang Zhaonan, making this place a haze!

The county magistrate is an official anyway, and he can't startle a snake without complete evidence.

Meng Tian is not a reckless person, he will not kill Zhang Zhaonan until he catches any evidence.

But since we have come here, we must launch an investigation to search for Zhang Zhaonan's criminal evidence.

"If I guessed correctly, a lot of the food and grass I was robbed are still in your place!"

"Let me search carefully, and I will definitely be able to find your crime!" Meng Tian was serious.

However, Zhang Zhaonan shook his head, "Where do you think this place is! I am the magistrate!"

"Let your people come non-stop, and they just stop!"

"I don't want your people to treat this place as a no-man's land and come and go freely."

Zhang Zhaonan also has his own temper, but he has his own dignity and status, and he is aloof.

Facing Meng Tian without any timidity, Zhang Zhaonan spoke up and insisted on rejecting Meng Tian's request.

"Leave as soon as possible, I don't want to face the enemy with your people and start a **** battle!"

I just hope that I will not be involved in the battle, and that Zhang Zhaonan and his men will not start a fierce battle.

But Meng Tianshi would not agree, his face was extraordinarily serious, "Are you still going to admit it?"

"You have made a big mistake, and if you are caught now, there is still a certain chance of going to prison to live!"

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