"Otherwise, if you continue to resist, I will kill you without leaving a single one!"

Meng Tian held his own sword in one hand, ready to unscabbard at any time, and then started to kill!

Seeing Meng Tian's murderous look, Zhang Zhaonan shook his head calmly, "No need!"

"If you want to add a crime, there is no excuse. As a county magistrate, I enforce the law impartially, and I am upright!"

"If you have evidence, I will welcome you! But if you are unreasonable, I will directly catch you!"

Zhang Zhaonan started his own demonstration. He was extraordinarily arrogant and domineering, as if he was not afraid of anything.

Even if Meng Tian led these people to break in, Zhang Zhaonan always looked like a bamboo, full of confidence.

Seeing his appearance so fearless, Meng Tian had a special guess in his heart.

It must be Zhang Zhaonan. Looking at the appearance of his own crime, he must have snatched his grains.

It's too much! Seeing his own death, Meng Tian didn't hesitate to pull his sword out of the scabbard.

And Zhang Zhaonan's people also began to be on guard. They all raised their weapons and stood in a row to protect Zhang Zhaonan.

Among the guards of so many people, Zhang Zhaonan didn't panic at all, he stared straight at Meng Tian.

"You lead these people and horses, if you continue to entangle the troubles unreasonable, I will take you all the way!"

Zhang Zhaonan was just talking nonsense, Meng Tian wouldn't be afraid of his threats, he smiled and laughed...

"You're calling a thief to catch a thief! Even a county magistrate dares to provoke me like this, I really don't know whether to live or die!"

Don't care what Zhang Zhaonan will do, Meng Tian just wants to get back his own food and grass.

Moreover, Zhang Zhaonan coveted his own food and grass, and plundered all his own food and grass, which is really a bully!

What kind of county magistrate is Zhang Zhaonan? Just a bandit! Such behavior is nothing more than hitting the stone with the egg.

Meng Tian was still dubious about what Zhang Zhaonan did before, but now he believes it.

From Zhang Zhaonan's eyes, from his every move, Meng Tian knew his fault.

To **** his own food and grass, and even act as if nothing happened, Zhang Zhaonan is too arrogant!

"If you don't hand over my food and grass and plead guilty, I will kill you all!"

The serious Meng Tian scolded, "Put down the butcher's knife, turn back to the shore, don't force me to do it!"

"You 5.0 dare to insult the yamen! I am the magistrate, and you! What right do you have to question me!"

Continuing to refute, Zhang Zhaonan pleaded not guilty. He was extremely resentful and seemed very innocent.

"If you continue to persist in your opinion, then do it! Because I will kill you of these anti -thieves."

It can be seen that he is extraordinarily arrogant, but he may not be able to fight himself! Meng Tian was full of confidence.

He snorted coldly, the sword in his hand waved, and then stabbed out quickly, and the cold mang flickered.

Such a sword is really fast, and it seems that the two sides are about to start a fierce battle.

Chapter 888 A cobweb-like web!

But at this time, Zhang Zhaonan retreated immediately, and he avoided Meng Tian's sword, and he panicked.

"Okay! Don't do it, it's impossible for my troops to kill you! I admit defeat!" Zhang Zhaonan begged for mercy.

He looked aggressive before, but he may not be able to start a fierce battle with Meng Tian.

Meng Tian personally led so many people, and once there was a big fight, I was afraid that Zhang Zhaonan's government office would be flattened.

Therefore, he quickly begged for mercy, and as soon as he opened his mouth, the arrogant and domineering taste was gone.

"You said that I stole your grain, but that's not necessarily true! It's my own grain!"

Still debate and continue to refute, Zhang Zhaonan hopes to live and avoid Meng Tian's fighting.

Holding his sword, Meng Tian looked cold and stern, "You said it was yours? Don't talk about nonsense!"

"The food and grass I escorted has a mark. If I check it out, I will know it!"

With such a simple matter, one can distinguish a true from a false, Meng Tian raised his chest and looked upright.

After Zhang Zhaonan heard it, he nodded immediately, "Okay! Since that's the case, let's go watch together!"

"If there is a mark, then I am willing to be punished, otherwise, please apologize in person!"

Turning around to the backyard, Zhang Zhaonan and Meng Tian and his party were going in groups, with the same footsteps.

Seeing Zhang Zhaonan's confident appearance, Meng Tian became very curious, so confident?

You know, it is very important to transport grain and grass to Xun Changge, and you cannot lose any losses.

He robbed his own food and grass, and now he is still acting as nothing, which is really too much. Meng Tian must investigate!

Zhang Zhaonan was leading the way, Meng Tian and his men followed behind, and they were going together.

Not afraid of cheating, Zhang Zhaonan, with so many people, can't compete with Meng Tian's manpower, he is full of confidence.

Meng Tian, ​​who is not afraid, will start to resist with all his might once he encounters anything.

Zhang Zhaonan, who was leading the way, always refused to bow his head, as if he had been slandered by Meng Tian.

It looks innocent, Zhang Zhaonan is very innocent, but Meng Tian knows that this person must be sinister and cunning.

"Be careful!" Meng Tian whispered to his subordinates, be sure to let them be careful.

Otherwise, Zhang Zhaonan's people would be swept away by Zhang Zhaonan's people before he knew it, which would be very dangerous.

Going to the backyard, Meng Tian saw a lot of food and grass piled up here, like small hills.

Are these your own grain? Meng Tian walked up quickly, wanting to examine it carefully.

Zhang Zhaonan stood aside, calm and calm, even without any panic, very indifferent.

"Check carefully! I hope to be innocent, and I don't want to beg for mercy!"

Hearing Zhang Zhaonan's words behind him, Meng Tian ignored it, feeling that he was just pretending.

Meng Tian, ​​who was bending over to check the food and grass, heard footsteps behind him, and they walked away.

Looking back, Meng Tian saw Zhang Zhaonan's people approaching the courtyard gate, quietly.

Why avoid such a long distance? Fraud! Meng Tian understood at once, and he immediately backed away.

But at this moment, Meng Tian took a slow step, and he couldn't escape.

Zhang Zhaonan immediately pulled the mechanism, and there was a spider-like web rippling out of the forage.

The big net was immediately wrapped around Meng Tian's body, binding him, making him unable to move in place.

At this moment, Zhang Zhaonan's people immediately shot and held Meng Tian's men and horses hostage.

The sinister and cunning Zhang Zhaonan is still playing tricks, trying to wipe out Meng Tian's people and let them die in battle.

In the end, Meng Tian underestimated Zhang Zhaonan. Under such a situation, he was still rebellious!

The reckless Zhang Zhaonan wanted to kill Meng Tian, ​​but he did not have such strength.

Therefore, he must use insidious and cunning tactics to take down Meng Tian and defeat him.

Knowing that Zhang Zhaonan was so insidious, Meng Tian should have directly acted just now and killed him.

037 just suspected Zhang Zhaonan, but Meng Tian had no obvious evidence, so he was half a step behind.

When Meng Tian was covered by this big net, he could not protect himself and was held hostage by Zhang Zhaonan's people.

Zhang Zhaonan's hands all drew their swords to face each other, and immediately blocked him, making Meng Tian unable to move an inch.

It's just that under such a confrontation, Meng Tian and his people are both passive and unable to escape.

When Zhang Zhaonan planned to arrest Meng Tian, ​​Zhang Zhaonan's people had the opportunity to control the situation.

Laughing three times, he walked up quickly, Zhang Zhaonan stared at Meng Tian condescendingly, "Beyond our own ability!"

"Even if you are Meng Tian! There are so many people, it is impossible to stop me!"

"I will not only **** your food and grass, but also capture you alive! Show your majesty!"

This is not someone who is easily deterred, Meng Tian is a majestic general!

He immediately got up and stared at Zhang Zhaonan, Meng Tian was still covered by the big net.

Chapter 889 There are still major tasks at hand!

It was difficult to escape here, but Meng Tian still moved forward arrogantly, trying to catch Zhang Zhaonan.

Back easily, Zhang Zhaonan avoided Meng Tian and let him be trapped in this big net.

He charged hard and attacked quickly, but he couldn't stop the shackles of this big net.

Meng Tian's every move is trapped, and he can't leave this place now.

Seeing Zhang Zhaonan, Meng Tian immediately drew his knife and tried to cut the thick hemp rope net.

However, how could Zhang Zhaonan sit idly by, he immediately waved his hand, "Give it to me!"

Meng Tian was originally escorting food and grass to meet Ying Changge, but now the food and grass have been robbed by Zhang Zhaonan.

Not only that, Meng Tian himself fell into Zhang Zhaonan's trap, unable to move an inch.

In this way, what face can face Ying Changge? Meng Tian became angry and swung his sword.

The sword edge slashed hard, couldn't wait to walk, and split a gap on the hemp rope.

However, Zhang Zhaonan's people will not stop, they are always attacking quickly and wielding their swords quickly.

Zhang Zhaonan's people tried their best to attack, wishing they could tear Meng Tian to pieces.

The insidious and cunning Zhang Zhaonan is really sinister and vicious, and he worked hard to capture Meng Tian.

Designed to frame, Meng Tian fell to such a level, but still very heroic, he continued to wield his sword.

Such a sword is really fierce, slashing and slashing with random swords, always parrying at Meng Tian's body.

Not in a hurry, calm and calm, such a sword would almost pierce Meng Tian's heart, causing him direct casualties.

But fortunately, Meng Tian's saber was still in his hand, he waved it to the fullest and tried his best to resist it.

Facing the pursuit of Zhang Zhaonan's personnel, Meng Tian fought back with his own sword, ping ping pong pong.

The sword's edge struck, and the crisp sound continued, but Meng Tian was still upright and resisted unhurriedly.

With the sound of the sword's edge hitting, and Meng Tian's heroic fighting figure, such a sword is very difficult to beat.

Even Zhang Zhaonan's people came in groups, but they were not able to take down Meng Tian.

Still continue to fight, the weapon in his hand is waving like a tiger, full of vigor.

Several of Zhang Zhaonan's people wanted to kill him, but Meng Tian didn't agree, he was able to do it with ease.

In response to the fight of several people, Meng Tian always tried his best to fight back in the big net.

Violent swords, like tigers coming out of their cages, are always displayed on these Zhang Zhaonan's subordinates.

The sound of the clashing swords was extremely cold, and under the restraint of the big net, he still killed a lot of people.

The men and horses who were with Zhang Zhaonan were beaten up and down, and they were killed and wounded.

When Zhang Zhaonan saw it, he even showed a surprised look, "You really don't know what to do!"

"I'm already in such a predicament, and I'm still struggling to the death! Aren't you afraid of death!"

After being arrested by Zhang Zhaonan's design, Meng Tian remained calm, "I still have a major task ahead of me!"

The task of escorting food and grass and meeting Ying Changge seems simple, but it is very difficult.

There are thousands of obstacles, and Zhang Zhaonan's conspiracy is here, Meng Tian wants to leave, it is not so easy.

Meng Tian was surrounded by Zhang Zhaonan's people, but he was still trying his best to fight back. The sword was really powerful.

Zhang Yang came out, and Jian Feng quickly counterattacked, showing an extraordinary posture, which was very powerful.

Seeing that Meng Tian was still fighting back unremittingly, he couldn't wait to come, and Zhang Zhaonan also came out with his sword.

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