Being bound by the big net, Meng Tian's martial arts skills were greatly reduced, and he could no longer fight against so many people.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhaonan's sword was sharp enough, and he was still stabbing it out quickly, trying to kill Meng Tian.

Zhang Zhaonan is a smart man, he is only a county magistrate, but he is extraordinarily domineering and daring.

He is a witty and clever man, he just trapped Meng Tian, ​​but he didn't kill him.

Because letting Meng Tian live is far more valuable than Meng Tian's death, this is very important.

So, with a quick shot, Zhang Zhaonan's sword always stabbed out incessantly, fighting with anger.

Just to surrender Meng Tian, ​​but not let him die, Zhang Zhaonan's sword is already merciful.

Attacking to the fullest and colliding quickly, Zhang Zhaonan faced Meng Tian in the big net, and was particularly painful to kill him.

The sword was rampant, and every sword Zhang Zhaonan stabbed on Meng Tian's body, and he couldn't wait to stab out.

It's a pity (good Zhao) that this sword is always publicized, but it may not be able to kill Meng Tian, ​​and he is still resentful and fights back.

Zhang Zhaonan is a sinister and cunning person, and it is impossible for Meng Tian to die at his hands.

A well-known general, in order to fight and complete the task of Ying Changge.

He is a conscientious and conscientious general, and Ying Changge is a great general, naturally not to be outdone.

Still attacking quickly, Meng Tian's sword and Zhang Zhaonan's sword collided immediately.

Sword, light, sword and shadow, electric light and flint, Zhang Zhaonan refused to back down, and was always confronting the enemy one after another.

The sword in his hand stabbed down bravely, towards Meng Tian's body, and stabbed at the key point with all his might.

Chapter 890 I was dragged into a trap!

Just wanting to bruise Meng Tian and make him lose the ability to escape and fight, Zhang Zhaonan's intentions are so vicious.

But Meng Tian was not so easily defeated, and the sword in his hand continued to wave.

Continuously, continue to attack to the fullest, and every sword strongly blocks Zhang Zhaonan's offensive.

Such swordsmen are all entangled, and it is not so easy to kill Meng Tian.

Zhang Zhaonan tried his best and was in a hurry, and his own sword moves became extraordinarily disorganized.

Only Meng Tian, ​​maintaining his original intention, is always fighting quickly and attacking quickly.

The sword in his own hand was particularly cold and harsh, and he couldn't wait to repel Zhang Zhaonan.

Even if Meng Tian was bound by the big net, Zhang Zhaonan could not easily defeat the general.

As expected of a famous general around Ying Changge! Zhang Zhaonan admired him very much.

Such a guy, if he can use it for himself, wouldn't 037 give help in the snow, and it will be even more powerful!

He staggered back two steps, but at this time, Zhang Zhaonan continued to persevere with his sword.

The sword's edge swayed, and the blow was so fast that it almost stabbed Meng Tian's throat.

For a county magistrate to design a trap and capture Meng Tian, ​​it was really too much.

Such a scene is really serious, especially Zhang Zhaonan, who knowingly commits a crime, adding one more crime.

So Meng Tian continued to resist, trying to break through Zhang Zhaonan's siege and leave completely.

This kind of encirclement is nothing but ordinary, and other people can't stop Meng Tian at all.

Thanks to Zhang Zhaonan's design, Meng Tian was directly imprisoned and surrounded by many.

Meng Tian tried his best to fight for the heroes, and he shot angrily to defeat all these other people one by one.

Zhang Zhaonan's people retreated steadily, they were unable to deal with Meng Tian, ​​and were convinced by his sword edge.

Knowing that Meng Tian is brave and difficult to fight against, they are still coming out in groups.

A group of people were aggressive and resentful, and the swords in their hands were dazzlingly stabbed.

Swords, lights, swords and shadows, many swords stabbed with force, making Meng Tian difficult to fight directly.

The two fists are hard to beat the four legs, not to mention Meng Tian fell into Meng Tian's trap, and there is nowhere to escape.

Seeing that Zhang Zhaonan and his party were still coming unscrupulously, Meng Tian was helpless.

All he could do was stare at Zhang Zhaonan, and Meng Tian resisted with his sword.

Ping ping ping pong pong, the sword edge hit, such a sword is very powerful, like Ying Changge is generally masculine.

After delaying Ying Changge's schedule, Meng Tian himself had no chance of killing him.

Especially Zhang Zhaonan robbed Meng Tian of food and grass, and dragged Meng Tian into a trap.

Even if Zhang Zhaonan wanted to eradicate Meng Tian, ​​he would just endure his own thoughts abruptly.

There is no benefit to killing Meng Tian. On the contrary, it is useful to Zhang Zhaonan to imprison Meng Tian and save his life.

"Take it for me!" Zhang Zhaonan couldn't stay for a long time, he had to make a quick decision to take him down.


Groups of people are still shooting quickly, and their swords are always stabbed quickly.

The mighty sword is really fierce, and the sword is rampant, always stabbing Meng Tian unscrupulously.

Meng Tian will not die because of this, he is always trying his best to fight back and resist with all his strength.

The sword in his hand was swung quickly, and he walked with a crackling sound.

This place is Zhang Zhaonan's site. As a county magistrate, he naturally has a lot of manpower.

So many people were still chasing after him impatiently, and surrounded Meng Tian in a big way.

Falling into a hard fight, Meng Tian fought back relentlessly, trying to forcibly cut a **** path.

It is a pity that Zhang Zhaonan will not let Meng Tian escape.

Rob Meng Tian's food and grass, and then go to take Meng Tian again, so that he can have no fear.

At that time, no matter what the situation is, Zhang Zhaonan will be more comfortable with a shield like Meng Tian.

He smiled very satisfied, and continued to charge up with his weapon, Meng Tian was overwhelmed by the sea of ​​people.

Among Zhang Zhaonan's men, Meng Tian disappeared completely and disappeared.

The crowd was crowded, and Zhang Zhaonan swarmed many people and took down Meng Tian's trail.

Single-handedly, Zhang Zhaonan was no match for Meng Tian, ​​and Meng Tian failed, unable to escape successfully.

Ying Changge was still waiting for Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian and his party suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Where did Meng Tian arrive? Ying Changge felt strange in her heart, so she immediately wrote a letter to ask Meng Tian.

Wait patiently, in just a few days, but Ying Changge still has no news of Meng Tian!

Escorting the food and grass, Meng Tian and his party should have already joined him and delivered the food and grass.

But now it's different. Ying Changge found out that something was wrong and Meng Tian was gone.

This is a very strange thing, I am afraid that Meng Tian and his party have changed differently.

I have written to Meng Tian to ask, but up to now, Ying Changge has not received any answer.

Chapter 891 Lead a line of elite cavalry!

What happened to Meng Tian? How did it disappear into the itinerary?

All of these need to be carefully scrutinized, Ying Changge will not sit idly by.

So he immediately dispatched personnel to prepare an investigation and carefully investigate Meng Tian's whereabouts.

I thought that Meng Tian would come to join him quickly, but now there are a lot of mistakes.

It means that Meng Tian has had an accident, and maybe he is in danger and must be resolved - the crisis.

He immediately investigated carefully, once Meng Tian had any accident, he would definitely leave a cipher mark.

The scouts went to inquire, Meng Tian and his party had sufficient troops, which was a very easy thing to investigate.

The whereabouts of Meng Tian escorting grain and grass are always very conspicuous, standing out from the crowd and attracting attention.

They immediately started the search, and the scouts followed Ying Changge's orders to investigate Meng Tian's every move.

He already knew that the immortal Meng Tian was in danger, but Ying Changge didn't know where Meng Tian was.

The army escorting food and grass is always on the go, and they should have joined Ying Changge.

But Ying Changge didn't wait for Meng Tian's army, and didn't see any food and grass, so he was very worried.

The dispatched scouts soon had news that Meng Tian's army finally disappeared near Dongcheng County.

After careful exploration, Ying Changge realized that the other party was actually ambushed by Zhao Yiming.

The army dispatched by Zhao Yiming intended to kill Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian escaped.

Meng Tian and his army settled in Dongcheng County, but there was no news of their rush.

Could it be that Meng Tian is still resting in Dongcheng County? impossible! Meng Tian will not be so slack!

After thinking about it carefully, Ying Changge quickly understood that there must be a lurking danger in Dongcheng County.

The first task, Meng Tian is conscientious and conscientious, and will definitely be the first to **** the people who bring food and grass and Ying Changge to meet.

But now, Meng Tian, ​​who was escorting food and grass, disappeared, and there was no movement at all.

This shows that Meng Tian has a reason why he can't help himself, and there is a danger of death, and the situation is serious.

After passing through Dongcheng County, Meng Tian disappeared, and their group disappeared like that.

Not only Meng Tian, ​​but even his troops, horses, and provisions had no movement, which was very strange.

Ying Changge was very puzzled. She didn't know what kind of situation Meng Tian was in and what happened to him?

No matter what, Meng Tian disappeared in Dongcheng County, but Dongcheng County did nothing.

This is also a dereliction of duty! Ying Changge wanted to investigate it personally to see what kind of story there would be.

Leading a group of elite cavalry, Ying Changge did not hesitate and immediately rode to Dongcheng County to investigate.

There is no disappearance for no reason, only unknown dangers, Ying Changge is very worried about Meng Tian.

When he and his party approached Dongcheng County, Ying Changge went around first.

Near the city, Ying Changge found the traces of Meng Tian's group and the horseshoe marks looming.

This shows that Meng Tian and his party have indeed passed by here, but for some reason they have no movement.

Knowing that Meng Tian is indeed haunting here, Ying Changge will start a careful investigation.

Scattering all the troops around here, he then searched the entire city for a while.

As long as Meng Tian is still there, Ying Changge must find him even if he digs three feet into the ground.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

Meng Tian, ​​who was escorting food and grass, disappeared like this, naturally it was impossible to have a good result.

For Ying Changge, food and grass are second, and he must ensure Meng Tian's safety.

We must pay attention to the evidence. What Ying Changge has to do now is to search for all the clues about Meng Tian.

This is a provocation, and making a move against Meng Tian is undoubtedly a challenge to Ying Changge!

He needs to calm down, so he will concentrate on searching for any footprints of Meng Tian.

Going back and forth, I searched the city carefully, but Ying Changge found nothing.


The evidence about Meng Tian just disappeared, and it was cut out of thin air without any clues.

How strange! For Ying Changge, Meng Tian and his party just rode on horseback instead of flying.

As long as Meng Tian was not able to fly away, it meant that he was still near Dongcheng County.

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