"Beyond the city, why is there no unexpected and mighty conflict!"

Bowing his head, Zhang Zhaonan thought about it carefully, and then shook his head, "No, no!"

"The surroundings of the city are very safe, and no one will have the power of the army at will."

"Especially General Meng Tian, ​​who knows, there will be someone stupid enough to fight against his army!"

When he took an oath, Zhang Zhaonan was very firm when he answered Ying Changge, and he felt very sure.

Zhang Zhaonan has such an attitude, so he doesn't have many worries, Ying Changge fell into deep thought.

In this dull silence, everything was silent, and there was almost nothing to talk about.

Around the city, there is no army? No other soldiers? So how did Meng Tian disappear?

Falling into deep thought, Ying Changge himself became very curious, what is going on?

Could it be that Meng Tian and his party were plundered by a few bandits?

This is even more impossible! Ying Changge sat beside Zhang Zhaonan, silent and thoughtful.

And Zhang Zhaonan was also very quiet, he didn't speak, just waiting for Ying Changge.

He looked like a well-behaved official, making Ying Changge doubtful about his words.

It has long been known that these people are not ordinary on the surface, but Ying Changge has no evidence.

Especially when he saw Zhang Zhaonan, the county magistrate, he didn't have any trace of Meng Tian.

"Since General Meng Tian disappeared from your place, why don't you start a vigorous investigation too〃'!"

Ying Changge turned to look at Zhang Zhaonan, word by word, slowly instructing Zhang Zhaonan to let him act.

Facing Ying Changge's request, Zhang Zhaonan nodded, "Yes! I must do my best and die!"

Zhang Zhaonan must show his attitude, be sincere and loyal, and seem to be very obedient.

However, Meng Tian's whereabouts are not so easy to find. They have disappeared for a long time without a trace.

On the surface, Zhang Zhaonan is so gentle, but in fact there is no credibility, Ying Changge is very skeptical.

He was dubious about him, but at this time, Ying Changge couldn't say anything more! He was helpless.

So, temporarily mobilizing all the men and horses in his hands, Ying Changge rested for a while in the county office.

After all, Zhang Zhaonan was a host, so of course he had to entertain Ying Changge seriously.

Ordering people to buy food and wine, at this time, Ying Changge had nothing to do, and just wandered around the house.

On the one hand, it was boring, and on the other hand, it was because Ying Changge wanted to review this place to see what was wrong.

Zhang Zhaonan was on business and left temporarily, but he was not afraid, he had already destroyed the evidence.

Not only Meng Tian, ​​but also the grain and forage that he had seized had also relocated and changed direction.

Even if Ying Changge searched the mansion for a while, he probably wouldn't be able to find any favorable evidence.

Lonely alone, Ying Changge patiently searched here, carrying both hands and walking around casually.

After strolling through the front yard, walking through the corridor, and then coming to the backyard, Ying Changge felt patient all the way.

No changes or traces can deceive Ying Changge, he is calm and calm.

The backyard is empty and has nothing, but this is the strange thing, it seems very abrupt.

There used to be a lot of things on hold here, but they were transported all of a sudden, and there was nothing left.

Why is this so? Zhang Zhaonan was guilty of being a thief, so he destroyed the corpse and wiped out the traces? Ying Changge is strange.

So he walked up quickly and searched carefully around, intending to find more clues.

There are a lot of things on hold in other parts of the mansion, but the backyard is empty.

This is not normal! It must be Zhang Zhaonan who temporarily emptied all the things here and disappeared.

Ying Changge originally wanted to find a yamen to inquire about, but was afraid that he would scare the snake.

Therefore, Ying Changge groped on his own, and he wanted to find any clues in this strange place.

There must be something strange here, Ying Changge groped patiently, and soon, he found something in the corner of a wall.

This is (good Zhao) a mark, pierced with a sword edge, which looks unremarkable, but is actually very profound.

He immediately figured out the doorway, and Ying Changge discovered something, knowing that Meng Tian was once here.

Sure enough! Meng Tian was once in the mansion, but he encountered an accident and disappeared!

Such a battle shows that Zhang Zhaonan is insidious and cunning.

There are traces of Meng Tian. He once escorted grain and grass here, but it disappeared.

This is not a good thing, so Ying Changge must investigate Zhang Zhaonan more deeply.

Still in Dongcheng County, Ying Changge must find the trace of Meng Tian.

Chapter 895 Many soldiers were injured and defeated!

There are a lot of people in his hands. Zhang Zhaonan is a county magistrate after all, and he can more or less be able to dispatch troops.

What does this show! It was Zhang Zhaonan who imprisoned Meng Tian and his party with his own troops.

Not only that, maybe Zhang Zhaonan also stole Meng Tian's food and grass, which is really malicious!

Everything must pay attention to evidence, this is a very important thing! Zhang Zhaonan must be arrested in person.

Therefore, Ying Changge began to investigate quietly, in order to find out Meng Tian's whereabouts.

With Zhang Zhaonan staring at him, it is impossible for Ying Changge to investigate Meng Tian quietly!

Simply being generous, so open and aboveboard, and more able to accomplish things! "Go investigate the army!"

The soldiers of Dongcheng County are not stationed in the city, it is really strange, Ying Changge wants to explore the truth.

We must investigate Zhang Zhaonan's strength, and we must also investigate Meng Tian's whereabouts and provisions.

037 discovered that Zhang Zhaonan's troops were stationed outside the city, and Ying Changge was going to investigate their whereabouts.

As long as you can find the whereabouts of Meng Tian or the grain and grass, you will be able to find the necessary evidence.

Quickly dispatching his own people to the camp outside the city, Ying Changge also bears the brunt.

If there is any danger, then the opponent must be beheaded and the force will be completely eliminated.

They did their best with their own people, and soon, they went outside the city.

You already know where the barracks are, so there is nothing to hide and go directly.

Quietly, in groups, and soon, they came outside the barracks, lurking to inquire about news.

How many people and numbers are there? Where is the grain! Where is Meng Tian! All to know!

Ying Changge and his men waited patiently outside the camp, just to (affa) find them all.

In the barracks, Zhang Zhaonan did not have many soldiers, and there were very few people standing guard. The defense was negligent.

This place should be a barracks, but Zhang Zhaonan's troops are so weak, why is this!

Without hesitation, Ying Changge immediately entered the barracks, just to find the opponent's flaws.

Having already found the barracks, Ying Changge had nothing to fear, he quietly sneaked into it.

Continuing to explore inside the barracks, Ying Changge thought Meng Tian would be imprisoned here.

But it didn't! Because he explored the barracks and found no trace.

There is no trace of Meng Tian here, and neither Meng Tian's people nor food and grass seem to be in this place.

This is the barracks controlled by Zhang Zhaonan, but Ying Changge found out that their strength was damaged.

Several soldiers were injured because of this. They were bruised and bruised, as if they had just been injured.

why is that! It shows that Zhang Zhaonan's troops must have fought against Meng Tian's soldiers.

Several of Zhang Zhaonan's soldiers were injured because of this. It seemed that Meng Tian's men were outnumbered and hard to match.

It is precisely because of this that they disappeared without a trace in Dongcheng County, what a pity!

Meng Tian's life and death were unknown, but Ying Changge refused to give up and continued to search.

Silently exploring the news in Zhang Zhaonan's barracks, he knew that many soldiers were injured and defeated.

It is because of this that there are not many people in Zhang Zhaonan's barracks who can guard and stand guard.

Their guards made a mistake and opened the way.

The barracks was empty and lifeless. Zhang Zhaonan's soldiers seemed to be damaged a lot and their strength was dilapidated.

In this barracks, many soldiers are busy and have no chance to be on duty at all.

Therefore, Ying Changge is like a no-man's land, and his figure will not be traced by these soldiers at all.

People come and go in the barracks, and the soldiers are in groups, but they may not be able to avoid Ying Changge's sword.

If it is not a last resort, Ying Changge doesn't want to kill people, so as not to startle the snake and be noticed by Zhang Zhaonan's soldiers.

Therefore, at this time, Ying Changge was quietly buried in it, still searching for it unremittingly.

As long as Meng Tian can be found, Ying Changge will assassinate Zhang Zhaonan unimpeded and defeat him.

Otherwise, if Zhang Zhaonan is allowed to be unscrupulous in the city, his life will be ruined and the people will suffer.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhaonan is not an ordinary person. He can control the city only after he knows what to do.

Once there is any change in the city, Zhang Zhaonan can kill any soldier.

Therefore, when Meng Tian and his party entered the city, they were imprisoned like this and felt helpless.

Many people died because of this, not only Meng Tian's soldiers and horses, but also Zhang Zhaonan's manpower.

During World War I, Zhang Zhaonan's manpower was insufficient because they suffered heavy losses.

With Meng Tian alone, he was able to kill a lot of people, but he killed many soldiers at the same time.

Because of this, Zhang Zhaonan was afraid and did not dare to blatantly bump into Ying Changge and others.

Once it is a fight with Ying Changge, I am afraid that Zhang Zhaonan will find his own way, and he will not be able to stop Ying Changge.

The plan to delay is particularly important, Zhang Zhaonan is now a plan to delay the army, delaying Ying Changge and his party.

Chapter 896 Retired from the barracks safe and sound!

But Ying Changge is not a fool, he already knew Meng Tian through clues.

Meng Tian killed a lot of Zhang Zhaonan's soldiers in this battle, and then disappeared again!

People like this won't be reckless and sloppy to die because of this! There must be something else going on!

Therefore, Ying Changge would not give up, and even continued to search and deal with the barracks.

Avoiding the eyes and ears of many soldiers, Ying Changge entered the deepest part of the barracks at this time.

The soldiers went back and forth, the footsteps were chaotic, and Ying Changge could easily hear their movements.

With just a few steps, Ying Changge was able to avoid the search of these soldiers, no surprise.

Having found evidence of the battle between Zhang Zhaonan and Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge was fearless.

He was bound to win, so he and his men quickly searched, and they pursued him from all directions.

The water that surrounded the barracks was impassable, Ying Changge only needed a single order to sweep the barracks.

However, Ying Changge was not such a anxious person. In a short period of time, he wandered around the barracks.

After going around carefully, Meng Tian could not find it, nor did he find any food or grass, but it was not unexpected.

Everything was expected by Ying Changge, after all, Zhang Zhaonan was not a stupid person.

Leaving all the evidence in the barracks is too conspicuous, and this is not a good time.

Therefore, he dispatched all his hands around, and Ying Changge's strength alone was enough.

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