Continuing to wander in Zhang Zhaonan's barracks, Ying Changge soon found a small group of soldiers.

Zhang Zhaonan's soldiers are all very lazy, and they are only here to cheat and play tricks.

They were supposed to be soldiers on the vigil, and they all sat here, whispering and whispering.

Carrying his sword, he continued to walk slowly, Ying Changge avoided many eyes and ears.

After escaping the patrols of the soldiers, Ying Changge's search was not over yet, and he still gained something.

There is no Meng Tian, ​​no trace of food and grass, but Ying Changge is already a step in control.

Meng Tian had already fought Zhang Zhaonan, but he was defeated and disappeared without a trace.

This means that Zhang Zhaonan has put Meng Tian under house arrest! But in front of him, Ying Changge directly killed him without any use.

He had to find more evidence of Zhang Zhaonan's crimes. In order not to frighten the snake, he had to search secretly.

Listening with ears, hiding in the dark, Ying Changge hopes to hear some useful information.

Not only were the soldiers whispering, but they were negligent in discussing the ramblings.

No need to do anything, wait patiently, Ying Changge hides in the dark just to listen to the information.

Each of the soldiers was very elated, chatting and discussing what had happened in the past few days.

In the battle of Mengtian, the battle for food and forage, the soldiers were very happy, because there was more food and grass to attack.

It is very important for the soldiers to have enough food. With such a force, Zhang Zhaonan can be even stronger.

The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, and they are especially powerful when they kill them together. This is Zhang Zhaonan's deliberate purpose.

Otherwise, even if Ying Changge's army came to chase, they might not be able to kill Zhang Zhaonan.

Cultivate your own strength, so that you can put yourself in a comfortable situation.

In their own city, many soldiers were able to follow Zhang Zhaonan's orders and act as they saw fit.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

Seeing Zhang Zhaonan's intention, Ying Changge was still very patient, just waiting for a useful opportunity.

Knowing the information from the soldiers' mouths, Ying Changge immediately knew where the food and forage were hidden.

In the blink of an eye, he learned what he wanted, and Ying Changge immediately set off and left.

There is no benefit to Zhang Zhaonan's barracks now, he must proceed step by step.

Therefore, with a quick evacuation, he went to the distance and retreated from the barracks safely.

In the barracks, there was nothing, no Meng Tian's figure and no trace of food and grass.


But Ying Changge was not disappointed, he and his men immediately retreated and headed to the south of the city.

Because he had news in the south of the city, he knew that the food and grass might be hidden in the boundary of the south of the city.

Therefore, it is necessary to investigate carefully and further control the evidence.

In order to make Zhang Zhaonan speechless, the strength of Yingchang singers continued to be publicized.

Meng Tian escorted food and grass, but the people were gone, and the food and grass were gone! This is a conspiracy!

I just don't know if this thief bully is trying to kill Meng Tian, ​​or is it for the food and grass of a team!

Ying Changge sent people to guard, started a silent search in the south of the city, and continued to investigate.

What he didn't know was that the grain grassland was in Zhang Zhaonan's mansion, but Meng Tian discovered it.

Zhang Zhaonan and Meng Tian started a fierce battle, Meng Tian disappeared, and the food and grass were also lost.

Since there is news in the south of the city, Ying Changge will start his own way of exploration in the south of the city.

In order to be able to find food and grass, Ying Changge, who took the lead, also turned around in the streets.

He found a lot of clues and.

Chapter 897 Worry in your heart, walk fast!

Ying Changge knew that the land where grain and grass were held must be very spacious.

Only when there is a spacious land can hide so much grain and grass, this is a particularly important thing.

Therefore, the target is very conspicuous, Ying Changge ordered people to continue to dispatch to search for food and grass.

Hiding in the south of the city, intending to destroy the corpse and destroy the traces, but Zhang Zhaonan's hand is really humble and unremarkable.

It seems that there are many tricks, but in fact, Zhang Zhaonan's conspiracy is full of flaws, which is really ordinary.

Continuing to search on the streets and alleys in the south of the city is not an easy task, finding a needle in a haystack.

Even though a lot of people were chattering and searching, "Zero Sanqi" could not successfully find the food and grass.

The food and grass were all hidden in a hurry, and there was no trace of it covered by Zhang Zhaonan.

However, this was not a difficult task for Ying Changge, he persevered and continued to search.

The people and horses were standing side by side in groups, eagerly searching for the location of the forage.

How big is the south of the city, such a big place, it is a little difficult to find the food and grass that Zhang Zhaonan plundered.

Ying Changge's team continued to search, and in a short time, they checked a lot of places.

One by one, all the places have failed, and there is no trace of food and grass in these places, and there is really no harvest.

In order to ensure that his troops will not fail, Ying Changge must narrow his scope now.

Having mobilized all his men and horses around, Ying Changge immediately checked several places, and there was suspicion here.

There are many suspects in these places, and Ying Changge must personally investigate to avoid the crisis.

Otherwise, it is not acceptable for Ying Changge to give his food and grass to others.

The crowds are crowded and they act separately. They are constantly searching, and they will not stop at all.

I found a lot of courtyards, but they are all empty and there is nothing.

The place where the grain and grass are hidden must be far away from the downtown area, so as to avoid the fire and the ashes.

Therefore, Ying Changge has chosen a lot of places, which are all remote and comfortable places, suitable for hiding food and grass.

Many of the winning singers followed this, they searched side by side and headed to the streets and alleys everywhere.

After investigating many courtyards, finally, Ying Changge finally got the information and made a new discovery.

Immediately dispatched personnel to go, and soon, Zhang Zhaonan's storage of food was discovered, and this place was an empty courtyard.

Climbing over the wall, Ying Changge landed on the ground, the courtyard was empty and there was nothing.

But Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he immediately walked up, pushed the door in, and entered the house.

In this living room, there are no objects, all are piles of grain and grass.

After checking it carefully, Ying Changge soon found out that these grains belonged to him.

It seems that Meng Tian and Zhang Zhaonan lost the first battle, but they don't know how Meng Tian is now.

Worrying in his heart, he walked quickly, and then, he quickly rummaged through the fodder for a while.

There is a lot of food and grass, and the whole yard is piled up everywhere, all of which are escorted by Meng Tian.

Zhang Zhaonan really had a problem, Ying Changge did not hesitate and immediately began to prepare to investigate Zhang Zhaonan.

How dare such a county magistrate attack Meng Tian and **** Ying Changge's food and grass?

I really ate the guts of a bear heart and a leopard. It's really **** daring to act so daringly! Ying Changge is filled with righteous indignation 0.....

Let all his men and horses retreat, Ying Changge will not go first to the traces of these grains!

After all, food and grass are dead things. If you stay here, you can't lose it for a while, but people are different.

Especially the county magistrate Zhang Zhaonan, who committed such a crime, must kill him before he can be seen.

Defuse Zhang Zhaonan's forces first, and let this guy reveal himself, that's enough.

Otherwise, it would be very dangerous if Zhang Zhaonan was the first to gather his forces and take the lead.

"Retreat!" Ying Changge and his group immediately left the yard where food and grass were hidden, silently.

With a wave of his sleeves, he withdrew without taking any food and grass and left here.

With the evidence of food and grass, Ying Changge had no worries, and he sent people to follow this place immediately.

As long as there is any trouble with the food and grass, Ying Changge must be notified and let him control everything.

There is nothing to justify all of this. Zhang Zhaonan's criminal evidence is very important and must be eradicated.

5.0 Some people were sent to follow Zhang Zhaonan's army, and some people went to pay attention to Zhang Zhaonan's movements and hide.

Hearing a lot of movement, Zhang Zhaonan always felt uneasy, and it seemed that there was always unusual danger.

Although Ying Changge has expired, Zhang Zhaonan may not be able to hide from the sky, which is very important.

If you let your own people gather together, then it will be very conspicuous, and it is easy to startle the snake.

Therefore, Zhang Zhaonan fell into deep thought, but just let himself be cautious and dare not act rashly.

"Send someone to guard the surroundings, if there is a slight disturbance, notify me immediately!" Zhang Zhaonan instructed in a low voice.

Chapter 898 Do what you can and get a lot!

Naturally, many people executed his order, and Zhang Zhaonan's people were also loyal to him.

So many people are always on guard, and the situation in the city is extraordinarily turbulent and uneasy.

The arrow had to be thrown on the string, and now there seems to be a turbulent situation between Zhang Zhaonan and Ying Changge.

Due to internal and external troubles, Zhang Zhaonan is now being targeted by Ying Changge's people, and he is particularly flustered.

Knowing that this matter will not be settled easily, Zhang Zhaonan must show his attitude.

The war is at this very moment, everything is ready and only due to the east wind, if it really starts, you must be vigilant.

Zhang Zhaonan was worried about his own life and his own head, which was very strange.

You must know that these things are not so easy to compromise. Zhang Zhaonan has already made a mistake by winning Meng Tian.

If you go astray, you must fight first, and everything must be done first, so that you can survive.

Zhang Zhaonan concentrated on his purpose, stayed in his mansion, and did not dare to go out casually.

He was afraid that as soon as he went out, various assassinations would follow, which was really dangerous.

With a hidden edge, Ying Changge is ready to go, he looks down on people like Zhang Zhaonan, he is really a beast.

As long as such a dangerous person is killed with one sword, then there will be no problem.

It is a pity that Zhang Zhaonan will not continue to surrender. He is a chaotic thief and likes to do whatever he wants.

Despising Wang Fa and acting recklessly, Zhang Zhaonan is so lawless, sooner or later he will be beheaded to death.

Ying Changge controlled Zhang Zhaonan's every move, opened up the predicament, solved the confusion, and became conscious.

Now all that is left is that Ying Changge has to wait for the rabbit, please enter the urn.

Zhang Zhaonan made a move, and if he wanted to take Meng Tian, ​​it would definitely be detrimental to Ying Changge.

Everything is within the calculation of Ying Changge.

Ying Changge began to investigate Zhang Zhaonan in order to find Meng Tian's whereabouts and figure.

Zhang Zhaonan, who was cautious and cautious, immediately investigated it. He was very panicked, and even more panicked.

But even so, he did not have any panic, and he must be severely punished.

Either being killed by Ying Changge or killing Ying Changge, Zhang Zhaonan knew that he had no way out.

When the people who heard Ying Changge were investigating him, he immediately dispatched his troops to guard.

With many people by his side to protect him, Zhang Zhaonan was afraid that he would be beheaded and killed.

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