Carrying his weapon, he took it slow, without any panic, very calm.

Walking in this mansion, the night was long, Zhang Zhaonan had no intention of sleeping, and was always preoccupied.

Not only Zhang Zhaonan couldn't sleep well, but Ying Changge didn't sleep because of Meng Tian.

Ying Changge worried about Meng Tian, ​​what would happen if such a majestic general fell into the enemy's hands!

The situation was indescribably difficult, Meng Tian was nowhere to be seen, and there was no whereabouts.

This made Ying Changge extra careful. In order to avoid Meng Tian's misfortune, he had to proceed step by step.

Otherwise, if he went all out to surround Zhang Zhaonan, maybe he would be able to take Meng Tian as a hostage.

It is believed that Mengtianji people have their own natural characteristics, and they will not die under Zhang Zhaonan's sword so easily.

Seizing the news of the food and grass, Ying Changge began to investigate the clues around Zhang Zhaonan, being cautious.

Is there a hiding place for Meng Tian in Dongcheng County? Ying Changge must go to rescue Meng Tian first.

As long as Meng Tian is rescued, then Zhang Zhaonan will have nothing to rely on, so he will not be fearless.

This is a very important matter, so be sure to seize the opponent's flaws so that you can catch them all in one go.

So, dispatching the people around him, Ying Changge is always looking for traces of Meng Tian.

Zhang Zhaonan wouldn't kill Meng Tian so easily, so he had a lot of confidence in Ying Changge's victory.

As long as he knew where the other party was hiding Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge must fight bravely and fearlessly.

If Zhang Zhaonan killed Meng Tian, ​​it would definitely leave traces, and the bodies of Meng Tian and his party would also be hidden.

037 This is not an easy task, so Ying Changge is sure that Zhang Zhaonan will not have time to kill and bury the body.

Ying Changge's people have quietly launched an investigation, and they are always working secretly here.

In the end, Zhang Zhaonan still discovered such a thing, Ying Changge did it?

Since he was walking silently in the streets and alleys of the city, it means he was suspicious of himself!

This is not an opportunity to stay for a long time, stand idly by, and you will dig your own grave.

Therefore, Zhang Zhaonan took a quick shot and dispatched his troops as soon as possible to let the troops outside the city act.

The soldiers stationed outside the city were all about to move. They began to gather and began to turmoil.

There were a lot of secret posts in Zhang Zhaonan's barracks long ago, so Ying Changge also learned the news.

This daring Zhang Zhaonan actually wanted to send troops to himself! it is good! Then sit back and wait!

The unhurried Ying Changge was calm and composed, and gathered all the people in her hands together.

Chapter 899 Catch the turtle in the urn and take down Zhang Zhaonan!

However, Zhang Zhaonan began to take the initiative to invade, and he began to dispatch troops to intercept Ying Changge.

Since it was Ying Changge who discovered his secret, there is no need to say more, he must be killed.

Killing people, destroying corpses and destroying traces, then after today, Zhang Zhaonan can still be the county magistrate.

Otherwise, when his crimes are captured by Ying Changge, he will just die.

This is a crime that is difficult to get rid of. Zhang Zhaonan must start with the strongest.

He quietly walked out of the city, avoiding Ying Changge, to prevent himself from getting hurt.

Walking patiently, a group of people left the city and came to the barracks under the leadership of Zhang Zhaonan.

Seeing that many soldiers had assembled, he nodded with great satisfaction, "The war is about to break out!"

"You only need to know who is the one who killed it, otherwise, you will definitely die!"

"In this battle, only success is allowed, not failure!" Zhang Zhaonan resolutely reprimanded.

The soldiers in his hands are kept secretly outside the city, in order to facilitate the deployment of troops.

Every time he dispatched troops, he was able to avoid the eyes and ears of the people, "Soon to be launched!"

"When the time comes, just follow my orders!" Zhang Zhaonan swore that he was bound to win.

At this moment, Zhang Zhaonan saw a soldier coming on horseback and quickly ran to him.

"What's the matter!" He immediately asked, could it be that something changed in the city!

The messenger came to report that it was Ying Changge who wanted to entertain Zhang Zhaonan tomorrow in a restaurant in the city.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhaonan was extremely happy, "God-sent a good opportunity, this is a good opportunity 〃`!"

"Listen!" Zhang Zhaonan turned his head and looked at the soldiers, "Ambush in the city tomorrow!"

"When the time comes, I will throw the cup, and you will start to attack and take down the man in the restaurant in one go!"

Zhang Zhaonan thought that his chance was coming, and the time was just Ying Changge's smooth sailing.

Since he knew that Zhang Zhaonan wanted to kill himself, he might as well lead the snake out of the hole and give him a chance.

In the name of the banquet, when the time comes, you will be able to seize the opponent's flaws and wipe out the opponent!

Ying Changge did it on purpose, he really couldn't wait for Zhang Zhaonan, the wicked man, to linger.

Be sure to act first, and after beheading him, he will naturally be able to die without leaving one.

Otherwise, Meng Tian was imprisoned by Zhang Zhaonan, when would he be a head! He must be rescued.

Take Zhang Zhaonan down and ask about Meng Tian's whereabouts, so that Ying Changge can **** her food and grass away.

Otherwise, with so much food and grass, can Zhang Zhaonan eat with just one mouth! Overcome!

Killing in advance and Ying Changge revealing his strength will only make Zhang Zhaonan more flustered.

This is a meaningless thing, Ying Changge must hide his murderous intention and fight patiently.

Tomorrow is a game in the restaurant, and Ying Changge will be ready to catch the turtle in the urn and win Zhang Zhaonan.

Everything is ready and only owed to Dongfeng, Ying Changge waited patiently and ambush his own people.

And Zhang Zhaonan didn't know this, he was full of confidence, and he felt that he could kill Ying Changge.

As long as Ying Changge is killed, then Zhang Zhaonan will be able to continue serving as his county magistrate.

Otherwise, there will be questions from Ying Changge, how his people can stand here safely and securely, and they will surely die.

The location of the restaurant was pointed out by Ying Changge, because he thought it was a good place to ambush.

Although the restaurant is slightly famous, the more important thing is that the place extends in all directions and the terrain is very wide.

There are so many streets and alleys accessible, once it is an ambush, it must be able to give the opponent a heavy blow.

Ying Changge made the first move, and was already around the restaurant, hiding a dark whistle.

He understood that he was not the only one who wanted to do something, but there was still a thief like Zhang Zhaonan.

How will the sinister and cunning Zhang Zhaonan take down Ying Changge! Naturally, it also sends troops.

The war between the two will be inside and outside the restaurant, and an unspeakable battle will begin at that time.

Ying Changge, who was ready to go, was ready to kill Zhang Zhaonan by surprise.

This is a very normal thing, soldiers never tire of deceit, how can Zhang Zhaonan think of his own danger.

When the restaurant made an appointment, Zhang Zhaonan had already agreed, what he, the (good Zhao) county magistrate, had to do.

He and his own people fought to their heart's content, in order to win Ying Changge and kill him silently.

Even in the dead of night, at this time, Zhang Zhaonan was not idle, but was monitoring the traces of the soldiers.

It is because when there is no sound, the moon is dark and the wind is high, so the soldiers can follow up unobtrusively.

A large group of soldiers entered through the city gate, and then lurked in Zhang Zhaonan's courtyard.

Looking carefully at the strength of these soldiers, Zhang Zhaonan asked them to sharpen their knives and put on their armor.

Tomorrow's restaurant is the most important battle. He took out all his troops and took it seriously.

Chapter 900 It's hard to survive!

In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, the people in his hands were making all kinds of preparations seriously.

If the army can be directly waved out, then killing them will be a piece of cake.

He was afraid that his own people would never have a chance to kill Ying Changge, so Zhang Zhaonan had to borrow more people.

There are so many people, and the army is swarming, and it will not be too difficult to kill Ying Changge at that time.

Seeing his soldiers all alive and well, Zhang Zhaonan felt that he was sure to win.

He showed a satisfied smile and nodded secretly, "Not bad! Get out of the way!"

Seeing that the army in his hand was so mighty, Zhang Zhaonan left with confidence, "Get ready!"

"As long as you can make meritorious deeds tomorrow, you will be guaranteed to be able to eat and drink spicy food."

Such an exhortation is a reward, and for Zhang Zhaonan, it is a promise to boost morale.

As long as 037 can kill Ying Changge, Zhang Zhaonan will do whatever he can, and will use any method.

This is the most crucial battle. Tomorrow's restaurant is destined to be bloodshed and corpses everywhere.

Leaving with excitement, Zhang Zhaonan fell asleep, and soon ushered in the next day, the morning light.

Ying Changge's agreed time is when the sun rises three poles, which is a time that is known in advance.

Early on, Ying Changge rushed to ambush his own people and arranged them inside and outside the restaurant.

The same is true for Zhang Zhaonan. He ambushed his own people in the streets and alleys and acted cheaply.

The soldiers disguised themselves as ordinary people, and waited patiently for Ying Changge here.

As long as Ying Changge entered the restaurant, Zhang Zhaonan would meet him at that time, and then smashed the cup.

After a strange sound, Zhang Zhaonan's ambush will naturally rush out aggressively and fight.

At that time, by killing them and washing the restaurant with blood, Zhang Zhaonan will be able to guarantee his majesty as a county magistrate.

Everything is under his control, he is very satisfied, and Zhang Zhaonan is even more well-dressed and proud.

Walking slowly into the restaurant, Zhang Zhaonan directly contracted the restaurant.

It's not that I'm afraid of hurting innocent people, but that there is no obstacle when I want to do it, and it won't cause panic.

Ying Changge hadn't arrived yet, so Zhang Zhaonan sat patiently beside him and waited quietly.

This sword is extraordinarily important. If you kill him, you will be able to open up your own way of life! He did so.

Looking down at his sword, Zhang Zhaonan immediately hid him under the table to avoid being discovered.

It hasn't arrived at the appointed time yet, and Zhang Zhaonan arrived early just to keep his staff on guard.

Arrive early, be on guard in advance, and then take Ying Changge, then Zhang Zhaonan will be able to cut him into eight pieces.

Zhang Zhaonan and his people were ambushed inside and outside the restaurant, Zhang Zhaonan closed his eyes and rested, waiting patiently for Ying Changge.

For a while, Ying Changge didn't come, he just waited patiently, drinking tea with his head down.

Zhang Zhaonan couldn't wait to kill Ying Changge, and his own impatience was hard to calm down.

If he knew that Ying Changge was so powerful, Zhang Zhaonan should have destroyed the corpse and killed Meng Tian.

Now, with Meng Tian's disappearance, Ying Changge somehow dug up the evidence of his own crime.

This is something that makes Zhang Zhaonan very resentful. What he has to do is very simple, that is, kill Wushe!

Kill Zhang Zhaonan and let him die, Ying Changge will judge him for his sins and will not let him go easily.

Stealing his own food and grass and detaining Meng Tian, ​​Zhang Zhaonan's everything is extraordinarily crazy.

Doing whatever you want is really violent, Zhang Zhaonan will suffer from the consequences, and it will be difficult for him to survive.

Ying Changge, who was late, entered the gate and walked into the restaurant.

Step by step, very calm, and soon, Ying Changge entered the height of this restaurant.

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