He saw that Zhang Zhaonan had been waiting for a long time, so he walked up leisurely, "Don't come and be safe!"

Zhang Zhaonan got up quickly, at least, he still had to do enough on the surface, always very respectful.

Inviting Ying Changge to be seated, Zhang Zhaonan smiled slightly and continued pouring wine for Ying Changge.

In the huge restaurant, there were only Ying Changge and Zhang Zhaonan, and it was really empty.

In such a quiet place, Ying Changge was not afraid that the wall would have ears, he asked slowly, "Is there any trace of Meng Tian!"

"No!" Zhang Zhaonan shook his head sadly, always pretending, "I don't know."

"After searching carefully inside and outside the city, there is still no whereabouts of General Meng Tian!"

"Has General Meng Tian already left!" Zhang Zhaonan asked innocently.

However, Ying Changge shook his head with certainty, "Impossible! However, let's delay this matter."

"Presumably General Meng Tian can turn a bad luck into a good one, so we don't have to worry about him anymore."

The two took a sip of wine, and then continued to speak, "General Meng Tian is upright and heroic."

"Even if he was killed by a traitor, he would definitely be able to cut off the traitor's head!".

Chapter 901 You have already controlled your evidence!

Ying Changge sat here slowly and spoke, as if every sentence was not referring to Zhang Zhaonan.

However, Zhang Zhaonan felt extremely uncomfortable listening to it. He touched his neck and continued, "Yes!"

"General Meng Tian came here to deliver food and grass. The task is very important, and it is not difficult to be targeted by anyone!"

Zhang Zhaonan seemed to be kind-hearted and had almost no flaws, but what he said were all lies.

What a pretentious guy, such a kid, it is really shameful! Ying Changge nodded - nodded.

Silently, with one hand on the table, Ying Changge fell into deep thought and said nothing.

Aware of the change in the atmosphere, Zhang Zhaonan hurriedly poured a glass of wine, "I hope Meng Tian is well."

"He's not well, I'm afraid he's already been victimized by a traitor, and even the food and grass have been robbed!"

Ying Changge turned his head and slapped the table with one hand, "But it's very strange, I'm very puzzled!"

"What's the matter!" Zhang Zhaonan raised his head curiously, not knowing what Ying Changge was trying to say!

"General Meng Tian is transporting food and grass, how do you know about this!" Ying Changge was half-smiling.

"I'm afraid it's because you have done a lot of evil, that's why you **** Meng Tian's food and grass, and fill your own pockets!"

After hearing Ying Changge's words, Zhang Zhaonan was even more shocked, "What!"

"This!" Zhang Zhaonan was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to justify it. He was too flustered.

He got up quickly, then raised his fist, Zhang Zhaonan scolded, "I just found out by coincidence!"

Everything came too fast, and Zhang Zhaonan wasn't even ready to start a sneak attack on Ying Changge.

As a result, Ying Changge discovered the flaw, which made Zhang Zhaonan even more flustered and frightened.

With a pale face, he got up quickly, and then Zhang Zhaonan raised his hand, ready to pull out the knife from under the table.

It's a pity that Ying Changge was already prepared, and he immediately punched Zhang Zhaonan's arm.

The two fisted to the flesh, Zhang Zhaonan was repelled, and he took a few steps backwards before barely standing.

"Where is General Meng Tian!" Ying Changge asked him patiently, looking as usual.

However, it is impossible for Zhang Zhaonan to give up because of this, he just raised his hand to scold.

"Damn it! How could I know the whereabouts of General Meng Tian, ​​don't slander me without any evidence!"

"But you have a lot of evidence, and I have already controlled your evidence."

With a righteous body, Ying Changge was indifferent and calm, "You can capture it with your hands, don't use your arms as a chariot, there is no need to struggle."

"Think beautifully!" Zhang Zhaonan's eyes widened and he smiled grimly, "If I can't do anything, I still have a way to survive?"

Immediately got up, Zhang Zhaonan grabbed a cup next to him, and then fell to the ground with force.

There was a crisp sound of ping pong, both inside and outside the restaurant, and it was really deafening.

Hearing such a sound, Zhang Zhaonan's ambush people immediately shot, and a series of them all started.

On the streets, soldiers disguised as ordinary people immediately drew their knives and moved forward, ready to attack.

It's just that they never expected that they would still be assassinated because cold arrows were continuously fired.

Whoosh! One after another arrows were shot from a distance, directly stabbing Zhang Zhaonan's soldiers.

These rebels, before they could make a move, were shot and killed, and they were defeated.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

This is the person Ying Changge deliberately hides and ambushes here, and they are all ready one by one.

The arrow was shot down, Ying Changge's men immediately counterattacked, and the first strike was stronger, blocking Zhang Zhaonan's attack.

Throwing the cup as a trumpet, Zhang Zhaonan hoped that his army would come to fight immediately, and to catch Ying Changge in one fell swoop.

But after waiting for a while, he didn't see his troops come in, which is really strange!

Vigilant in his heart, Zhang Zhaonan turned his head, looked out the window, and saw a crowd of people fighting.


They are all attacking unscrupulously, the swords are rampant, and they are attacking in an endless stream, which is really mighty.

Are those Ying Changge people? Zhang Zhaonan was very shocked and even more surprised when he saw it in his eyes.

It turned out that Ying Changge had already been in ambush, this situation is really the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind! Zhang Zhaonan was afraid.

He killed countless people, but he never thought that he would also fall into the trap of Ying Changge.

It was hard to watch out, and the army watching Ying Changge rushed up and started fighting with Zhang Zhaonan's own soldiers.

Bloody battles, swords and swords, they died and wounded, it was a complete defeat, very pitiful.

Seeing such a situation, Zhang Zhaonan knew that he was in danger of Ying Changge.

Helpless, in crisis, he can only continue to rush forward with his sword in hand.

Wishing to kill them, the sword in his hand was vigorously waving, and he kept fighting back.

Such a sword is really exciting, the cold light flashes, and the sword edge under the table is extraordinarily powerful.

Zhang Zhaonan picked up the sword hidden under the table, and then stabbed Ying Changge's chest directly.

Chapter 902 Zhang Zhaonan arranged a plan!

Ying Changge didn't need to dodge, but carefully guarded against it, hitting Zhang Zhaonan's sword with the edge of his sword.

The swords of the two collided violently, and in such a battle, sparks of sword, light, sword and shadow were rubbed together.

Today's battle was specially prepared. Zhang Zhaonan just wanted to kill him.

But his sword edge is really useless, he can't wait to strike, and the light is scattered.

Quickly attack, the sword is rampant, such a sword can't wait to cut off his head.

Zhang Zhaonan held the sword in his hand, always coming in a row, walking in anger and fighting.

For Zhang Zhaonan, the biggest obstacle is Ying Changge, because Ying Changge's swordsmanship is unparalleled.

It has long been known that Ying Changge's swordsmanship will come to the fore, so Zhang Zhaonan can't wait to run rampant.

The sword edge collided, and every shot of Zhang Zhaonan was extraordinarily sharp.

It is really fast, and after a battle, he has Zhang Zhaonan's rare sword and murderous intention.

If Zhang Zhaonan succeeded in killing Ying Changge, he would not be in any danger.

The expedient solution is to kill Ying Changge and bury him together with Meng Tian, ​​so that Zhang Zhaonan will come down safely.

Otherwise, if Zhang Zhaonan insists on going his own way, he will die under the sword of Ying Changge, which is really difficult.

In order to survive and for his own future, Zhang Zhaonan still couldn't wait to take action.

The arms danced and walked one after another, and each sword was extraordinarily powerful and murderous.

Feeling the impact of Ying Changge's sword, Zhang Zhaonan was not to be outdone and continued to build up his strength.

With a quick blow, the sword's edge collided, and each sword stabbed at Ying Changge's vital spot.

The first shot is the ultimate move, Zhang Zhaonan just wanted to kill Ying Changge, he didn't leave behind at all.

Letting his own people protect his own life and killing Ying Changge is an urgent matter.

Otherwise, he would always be tracked down by Ying Changge's people, and Zhang Zhaonan would easily die at his hands.

Hit by the sword edge, the sword edge of the two fell into the air, and they were evenly matched for a while.

Ying Changge attacked with his own sword, the figures of the two staggered, and he cut Zhang Zhaonan's clothes.

Zhang Zhaonan stepped back in a panic, looked down at the torn sleeves, and his face was ugly.

Knowing that Ying Changge's swordsmanship is unparalleled, but Zhang Zhaonan has no choice but to continue to charge.

Holding the sword in his hand and attacking quickly, he came to him as always.

The big sword was strewn across Ying Changge's neck, and Zhang Zhaonan tried to behead him.

It seemed that Zhang Zhaonan had arranged a plan to let Ying Changge fall into his own trap.

In fact, it was Ying Changge who took the initiative to lead Zhang Zhaonan to this restaurant.

That is to say, everything is the layout of Ying Changge, which is why he is easily pulled into it.

Zhang Zhaonan and his people are ambushing here, it is already very passive, and it is difficult to part.

When Zhang Zhaonan threw the cup and wanted to fight, he realized that he was already a step too late.

The first to attack, Ying Changge's men and horses went first, and outside the restaurant, they began to fight.

The streets and alleys are filled with Ying Changge's people, and they are all aggressively attacking and quickly counterattacking.

Zhang Zhaonan's people wanted to rush into the restaurant, but this was a difficult task because there were Ying Changge's people.

They were all fighting outside, and they couldn't wait to make a move.

The fight will not stop, they are all fighting with all their strength.

The more they deal with it, the more they can ensure that the battle between Ying Changge and Zhang Zhaonan is very fair.

One-on-one, Ying Changge and Zhang Zhaonan will fight, and they will use their martial arts to fight against the enemy.

Under such a fierce battle, Zhang Zhaonan's sleeve was cut by Ying Changge, which was a kind of provocation.

Being able to cut his sleeve means that Ying Changge's sword must be able to cut off his arm.

Holding the sword, he took a few steps back with an ugly expression. At this time, he stared at Ying Changge with wide eyes.

"Amazing swordsmanship, it is a false name, but it is so, it is ridiculed." Zhang Zhaonan deliberately used aggressive tactics.

Because Ying Changge's sword is too calm, such a sword is difficult to defend against the enemy, unable to fight.

But since this is the case, it is better to let Ying Changge's temperament change greatly and make him irritable.

In this way, the swords in Ying Chang Singer can be messed up and become messy without chapter 5.0.

At that time, Zhang Zhaonan devoted himself to fighting against him, and then beheaded him in the first battle. Wouldn't it be nice.

Everything was fighting fiercely in the restaurant, Zhang Zhaonan enveloped the place, making the surroundings very spacious.

The more he can fight, the more it shows that Ying Changge doesn't seem to be so difficult to kill, and Zhang Zhaonan is interested.

Attacking quickly, he walked with a sharp sword in hand, and each of his swords stabbed Ying Changge at the vital point.

If he can't block Zhang Zhaonan, Ying Changge is not Ying Changge, his sword is dexterous.

Swordsmanship is unpredictable. Under the attack of you and me, he can always raise the sword to counterattack.

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