Now Jinghai County is suffering from famine, the only food and grass is the supreme wealth, unparalleled in the world!

Therefore, since there was a riot of refugees, Wang Defa was naturally worried about the safety of his food and grass.

When Ying Changge instigated the people to **** food, he had already laid a trap.

As long as Wang Defa can be flustered, Ying Changge will know where the granary is.

Walking all the way, he followed quietly, and soon Ying Changge followed Wang Defa's family.

There are so many guys who can't wait to shuttle through the streets and alleys in a panic, just to guard the granary.

Sneaking on tiptoe, Ying Changge's whereabouts were not revealed at all, and he followed directly behind the gang of servants.

Soon, after passing through two streets and alleys, Ying Changge came to a huge mansion without saying a word.

These servants are also very cunning, and it is impossible to enter from the front door of the house, but from the back door.

The servant was sneaking, and immediately opened the back door and squeezed into the house, and then there was no sound.

That's it! Ying Changge was very sure that this was where Wang Defa's food and grass were hidden.

He walked up quickly, got close quickly, Ying Changge turned over and read directly from the wall.

Climbing on the top of the wall, Ying Changge walked so fast, stepped on the ground, and then sneaked into the house.

In this courtyard, there are grains and grasses everywhere, and the place is dazzling and numerous.

So much food and grass can save many people! But Wang Defa hid it directly.

What a selfish guy, he actually took all the food and grass for the relief of the ear as his own.

People like Wang Defa should really stand up and kill them! It's just too much!

Ying Changge entered this place and shouted in the courtyard, "`〃Someone, get out of here! Don't leave a single one〃`!"

Being a bright and upright person, Ying Changge shouted (of Zhao's), which naturally attracted many family members to come.

They are all Wang Defa's housekeepers, and now they are guarding this place to ensure the safety of food and grass.

Now that Ying Changge appeared here, several of Wang Defa's servants naturally came out in a panic.

"Who are you!" Jiading scolded, just to stop Ying Changge and ensure the safety of food and grass.

"No need to say more, you all step back!" Ying Changge waved his hand impatiently, "Leave the food and grass here for fork!"

"It's really self-indulgent!" "A man's arm is a car, and it is beyond its own power!" Wang De's family is all arrogant and domineering.

After hearing Ying Changge's words, they didn't hesitate and rushed up to attack.

Chapter 930 For the sake of the common people of Li Min!

The swords in his hands all attacked quickly, and Ying Changge tried to knock them all down to the ground.

It's just that I never expected that these few servants actually have fists and feet in their bodies and can fight Ying Changge.

They punched and kicked, two-pronged, quickly rampage, full of such a powerful force.

A sword swept across and failed to kill a few of them. Such an offensive was really unremarkable.

I have long known that there is such a fighting potential, Ying Changge must be cautious and careful, and come with big strides.

With a ping-pong sound, the swords staggered, and his sword killed a family member, and these people helped Zhou to abuse.

The catastrophe was ahead, but Wang Defa still took these grains as his own and refused to let go.

Such a selfish person really deserves to be killed, Ying Changge came with a sword and went with great fanfare.

Few people can really block themselves, especially with such a posture of 070, it is simply flamboyant.

Ying Changge marched forward, the sword edge collided, such a sword was full of chattering gestures and violence.

The bloodthirsty sword edge fell, and Ying Changge killed another over-the-top servant.

"Don't step back!" With a scolding, Ying Changge asked, "If you don't step back, you will all die!"

"We will not back down!" Jiading was not afraid of death, they faced Ying Changge's continuing resistance.

In this mansion, these servants took out the momentum and quickly attacked.

Under the sword edge of Ying Changge, one by one people always came in a mighty manner and showed their aura.

They are just a bunch of useless servants, but they may not be able to kill themselves. Ying Changge is full of confidence.

He raised his sword and walked, the blade of the sword smashed directly on the head of one of the servants, beheading him to show the blood spraying.

Such a sword is really mighty, and under the light of the great sword, almost not many servants can block it.

The majestic Ying Changge continued to attack, and the sword in his hand came rampant and domineering, ever-changing.

hum! The blade of the sword flickered, and a sword came, and then it easily avoided the resistance of Jiading.

Everywhere Ying Changge went was **** and bloody, such a battle had already broken the skin of the family.

These people are just flesh and blood, how could it be possible to fight Ying Changge in an upright battle.

Continuing to fight against each other, Ying Changge raised his sword, and under Hanmang's sword, none of them had any offensive posture.

boom! Another family member died in battle, and Ying Changge must kill all those guarding the granary.

The unarmed gang of servants, even if they raised swords, guns and sticks, were still servants, and they were ordinary.

Walking around the courtyard, the big sword came, and the sword in the Ying Chang singer was still stabbing out quickly, which could be called a life-threatening pursuit.

For the sake of the people of Li and the common people, and for the sake of the common people, Ying Changge must take all these grains away.

Still chasing after him quickly, Ying Changge and his husband are in control, and no one can stop him.

The sword in his hand was really fast, and in the blink of an eye, he killed several guys (affa) to the ground, and they were very embarrassed.

Wiping the blood on the edge of his sword, Ying Changge turned around slowly and opened the door of the house.

None of Wang Defa's family members were left here. After they died, only this pile of grain was left.

Standing outside the door, Ying Changge scolded, "Dividing the food! Come on someone!"

With such a loud voice, Ying Changge retracted his sword into the scabbard.

Hiding his merits and fame, Ying Changge turned around and left, returning Wang Defa's food and grass to the refugees.

Following the vine, Ying Changge quickly found evidence of the county magistrate's crime of buying and selling grain, which is very serious.

So, after leaving the food and grass, Ying Changge went straight to the county office, and he must find the county magistrate to inquire.

Such a guy, who has no king's law, is greedy and bends the law, it is really hateful! Unbearable.

Ying Changge acted for the sky, so he and his own people rushed to surround the county magistrate.

The county magistrate, Chen Erbao, accepted the food, but did not distribute it to the refugees. This is food for disaster relief.

With so much food, it can solve the temporary needs of the refugees! This is very important.

As a result, Chen Erbao did not distribute any food, but took it for himself!

Damn, it's so **** bad! Ying Changge was aggressive and went straight to Chen Erbao's mansion.

boom! He kicked open the courtyard door, and soon, several yamen rushed up to surround Ying Changge.

Not chaotic in the face of danger, with a calm expression, Ying Changge scolded, "Let your county magistrate Chen Erbao come out to see me!"

His aggressive appearance is really mighty, but the few people next to him don't care at all.

One by one, they raised their weapons, and the yamen surrounded Ying Changge and his group in a big way.

Standing here, with a calm expression, Ying Changge held his sword hilt in one hand and looked annoyed.

"Where is Chen Erbao! Come out! I want to ask you how to treat this disaster!"

Following Ying Changge's scolding, Chen Erbao walked out in a panic.

"Buying and selling food and deducting food for disaster relief are serious crimes, you know what's wrong!" Ying Changge asked.

Chapter 931 Take down this kid!

However, after hearing what Ying Changge said, Chen Erbao immediately shook his head, "What's wrong with me!"

"I am an honest and honest official, and I have a clean sleeve. I have been conscientious and conscientious all my life, and I am walking on thin ice."

"No one can help these refugees." Chen Erbao sighed for a while, "I am also helpless."

Tens of thousands of refugees are lost and homeless here, and they don't even have the chance to eat a single bite.

If so many people starved to death, it would be a very cruel thing - it is really spectacular.

Chen Erbao is just a mediocre official, how can he help the world at the same time? impossible!

Even if Ying Changge was asking, Chen Erbao still looked serious, as if he was innocent.

Chen Erbao sighed, "Looking at these refugees, I really have more than my heart and lack of manpower!"

In front of Chen Erbao, who was still pretending, Ying Changge snorted, rather shamelessly, "Then you are going too far!"

"Eating in the bowl and looking at the pot, you are such a person, deduct all the food and grass, and fill your own pockets!"

"Nonsense, nonsense!" Chen Erbao was upright and full of blood, "I'm not that kind of person!"

"Even if you belittle me so much, I still have a clear conscience!" Chen Erbao retorted.

Immediately waving his hand, he shouted, "Get back! This is not a place for you to come here!"

They wanted to drive away Ying Changge and the others, but they would not sit idly by and stand by.

The yamen stood here openly and aboveboard, and immediately surrounded Ying Changge, ready to kill the enemy at any time.

Looking at such a scene, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he raised his weapon and was ready to go.

Chen Erbao waved his hand to drive away, "Leave as soon as possible! This is not a place for you to mess around."

At this moment, several figures came bustlingly.

It turned out that it was Wang Defa who was brought in. He staggered and looked even more panicked.

As a businessman in this place, Wang Defa made money here, but he was very handy and did whatever he wanted.

Now that Wang Defa was forcibly brought here by Ying Changge's people, he was naturally very flustered.

Seeing Ying Changge, Wang Defa couldn't wait even more and wanted to curse, but Ying Changge ignored it.

Raising his weapon, he asked indifferently, "How is it! This is about killing the fish and breaking the net, struggling to the death!"

Ying Changge put one hand on Wang Defa's head and said, "Tell out all your crimes!"

Wang Defa was very frightened. His own food and grass had been taken away by the refugees, and now he is naturally resentful.

"My lord! Take this kid! All the food you sold to me was taken away by the despicable refugees!"

"It's really unreasonable! So I can't stand it, I must kill him!"

He had nothing to fear. After all, this was Chen Erbao's mansion. They had business dealings and had a close relationship.

On the contrary, Ying Changge smiled slightly, "It seems that your crime has been a complete confession."

"If I can kill you, then I will do it for the heavens, and it will be considered infinite merit!"

With a shout, Ying Changge's sword was placed on Wang Defa's head, "This is food for disaster relief!"

"You people, ignoring the suffering of the people, are actually full of personal pockets and take it for yourself. It's really hateful!"

Chen Erbao looked cold and stern, glanced at Wang Defa and scolded him for being stupid, "Do it!"

0・・・For flowers・・・0

Since it has been discovered, it cannot be hidden, and Chen Erbao must be strong first.

Aggressive, striding forward, the yamen around him all swarmed around Ying Changge.

They dare to resist when they die, these people are really arrogant! Ying Changge snorted coldly.

The sword in his hand pierced quickly, and he couldn't wait to come, so that he could repel these people.

This place is Chen Erbao's mansion, so he has the advantage, and under the power, all his people.

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