
The few soldiers of Chen Erbao next to him were all loyal people, and when they surrounded Ying Changge, they stabbed him in the chest.

There are so many swords, and they are so dazzling, they almost have to hit Ying Changge's body.

Although Ying Changge is of flesh and blood, he has dexterous steps and can always dodge and leave quickly.

After fighting with so many people, the sword in his hand took out a mighty offensive to counter it.

Quickly slashing and ramming hard, several soldiers had already come to Ying Changge.

However, Ying Changge didn't panic, the sword in his hand was the only use for him to fight.

Quickly waving, the sword edge is cold and radiant, and it comes continuously, always aggressively confronting the enemy.

With one sword, the sword edge of one of the yamen was cut off.

"Don't step back!" Ying Changge's voice was loud and full of upright attitude.

"You are a raccoon dog, and you are a tiger, I can't wait to kill you all together!"

Standing in this siege, Ying Changge remained motionless, "I only want one person!" And.

Chapter 932 I can only retreat in embarrassment!

"Your county magistrate, who is greedy and perverts the law, can't wait to exterminate all the refugees here, how can you bear it!"

"For the good of the people, you all have to leave as soon as possible, and even hand over Chen Erbao to me!"

This is not a bargain, but Ying Changge is planning for the future of these yamen.

Not wanting to save Chen Erbao's life, Ying Changge wanted to kill the chickens and set an example, so that people would know that they deserved their crimes.

Whenever someone blocks Ying Changge and protects Chen Erbao, it is a matter of aiding Zhou!

He raised his hand, swung the blade of his sword, and eradicated them all, just to kill them all, leaving none of them behind.

The sword in his hand is full of momentum, and the "Zero Seven Zero" of the great sword is a murderous scene, which is very powerful.

Several yamen were knocked to the ground, but Ying Changge didn't kill them directly.

Breaking it with one sword will only hurt them all, but Chen Erbao will be fine.

In Chen Erbao's mansion, Ying Changge made a big fight just to punish evil and promote good.

So many yamen are still fighting recklessly, and they are angry and aggressive.

It is a pity that the mighty sword of this sword shows the majesty of Ying Changge, as well as his mighty offensive.

No matter how these confrontations were, Ying Changge could not be stopped, and his footsteps continued to move forward.

Approaching quickly, with a big attack, every sword in his hand is dexterous and changeable.

As they charged into the battle, Ying Changge's sword moves were unpredictable, and they repulsed them in an instant.

There were only a few yamen in the district, so naturally they couldn't stop them, so Ying Changge went straight to Chen Erbao.

The sword in his hand was very powerful, and he stabbed Chen Erbao in the chest all of a sudden, with murderous intent.

Such an offensive made Chen Erbao even more flustered. He retreated in embarrassment and raised his sword to fight back.

Ping ping pong pong, swords are intertwined, under the offensive of you and me, there is always chattering vitality.

When danger came, it was naturally fearful, and every sword of Chen Erbao blocked Ying Changge.

It can block Ying Changge's sword, but it may not be able to block his subsequent attacks.

Every attack of Huhushengfeng has a huge explosion, allowing Ying Changge to attack with full force.

It was a little embarrassing to resist with his own sword. He staggered, but he did not dare to directly kill Ying Changge.

Not to be outdone, Chen Erbao, who was gnashing his teeth, snorted coldly, then turned around, and could only retreat in embarrassment.

Unable to kill Ying Changge, in just a few rounds, Chen Erbao knew how much he weighed.

Swords are staggered, silhouettes collide, and the attack of you and me is already a little bit of a situation.

Ying Changge became stronger in battle, but Chen Erbao, who was extremely embarrassed, had already carried his sword.

He couldn't beat it, and taking this opportunity, he could only turn around and run away!

Although this place is Chen Erbao's mansion, it may not be able to stop Ying Changge's group from colliding.

In particular, the many yamen around Chen Erbao fought back bravely and fearlessly.

Such a blow is really powerful, even Chen Erbao is overwhelmed and unable to stop it.

In desperation, Chen Erbao turned around and ran away, in order to completely escape from this place.

Panting and snorting coldly, he carried his sword and prepared to leave the land of Shura through the back door of the mansion.

Fighting with blood and spraying blood, under this kind of offensive, they did not sit idle, but continued to attack 0......

With a quick shot, the sword edge swept across, constantly chasing Ying Changge of Chen Erbao, and the sword in his hand did not stop.

The continuous attacks, the impatience to attack, and the series of offensives are even more powerful and free.

Chen Erbao is lazy by nature, his favorite thing is to sit and make money, so that he can rise to the top.

Unfortunately, this wish was still in vain, because of the arrival of Ying Changge, Jinghai County will have blue sky and bright sunshine.

Being chased and killed by Ying Changge, Chen Erbao did not cover up what he did, revealing everything.

As an official, greedy and perverting the law, Chen Erbao used all the food from the disaster relief for personal gain, and regarded it as a business.

Today, so many refugees in Jinghai County are hungry and have no chance to survive.

Now, Ying Changge and his party broke into his mansion again, and Chen Erbao has no way out.

Such an opportunity must be seized. Chen Erbao understands that today is either life or death.

He didn't want to die early, so he escaped from Ying Changge's hands.

Can't wait for 5.0 to leave, Chen Erbao ignored the chasing soldiers behind him, because he knew that there was only Ying Changge.

Although it is only Ying Changge alone, if he continues to chase the enemy, Chen Erbao will be cut into pieces!

Continuing to escape in a panic, along the back door, Chen Erbao slipped into the alley and continued to escape.

As long as he can escape from Ying Changge's hands, he must be able to leave this place and save his life.

If you don't die, you will be able to make a comeback, and then you will naturally be able to catch Ying Changge in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, continuing to chase and kill will only make Ying Changge covered in scars and bruises all over his body.

Chapter 933 Refugees are ignored!

He raised his sword and swung it with all his might, every move of Ying Changge was blocking Chen Erbao's path.

As a person who walks the path for heaven, Ying Changge is upright, so naturally he can escape and do his best.

To stop Chen Erbao from escaping, the sword in his hand is always swinging recklessly.

Under the great sword, full of murderous intent, they chased after them aggressively, so as to be able to break through them.

Otherwise, if not intercepted, Chen Erbao will easily escape from here.

As a county magistrate, Chen Erbao was mediocre and did nothing.

Not only did the refugees starve, but even tens of thousands of refugees were indirectly expelled from this place.

Jinghai County is already a human Shura field, because the people who stay here will starve to death.

05. Their death is helpless. Without food for disaster relief, the people would be better off dying.

Some starved to death on the street, some died in their own homes, but they were all living lives.

However, Chen Erbao, who was pressing step by step, controlled the vitality of the refugees in the palm of his hand.

what is this? It's not because of the opportunity, Chen Erbao is simply unscrupulous in order to seek benefits!

Chen Erbao disregarded the safety of these people, and still sold the food from the disaster relief privately to make a fortune.

How vicious this is, such a vicious person should have died. Ying Changge quickly pursued.

His figure continued to entangle, and he couldn't wait to come to catch Chen Erbao's whereabouts.

Only after slipping out of the back door, Chen Erbao fell into the street and was in a complicated place.

Concentrating and concentrating, Chen Erbao chose a path, and then quickly escaped.

This is a narrow alley, and it is easy to get out, Chen Erbao immediately ran over the eaves and walls.

Ying Changge behind him was as light as a swallow, and snorted in disdain. Chen Erbao was just struggling to the death.

When the time comes, Chen Erbao is taken down, and Ying Changge must kill him and ask him to apologize for the refugees.

For so many refugees, life is better than death.

Refugees wandered the streets. They were so hungry that they hadn't been able to eat for a long time.

In such a state, if he died, it would only make the food that Ying Changge supported even more useless.

Worrying about the safety of the people in Jinghai County, Ying Changge divided all his food and grass.

So much food can always protect some refugees and ensure that they will not starve to death.

It's a pity that Ying Changge's food and grass arrived, but there was no trace, but it was very involved.

As a county magistrate, Chen Erbao and the local tycoons go hand in hand, buy and sell food, and earn a living.

Ignoring these refugees, they are even more impoverished because they have no food.

Many people have died because of this, and when the refugees have no support, starving to death is even easier.

At the moment of the catastrophe, Chen Erbao ignored so many refugees, his heart could be punished, and Ying Changge naturally shot.

Quickly chasing after, the two figures are still entangled quickly, chattering chasing.

In the narrow alley, Ying Changge once again blocked Chen Erbao's road, still stabbing his sword with quick steps.

Even if Chen Erbao wanted to escape, he couldn't escape from Ying Changge's palm.

Panting and sweating profusely, Chen Erbao turned his head with a grim face, "You are really strong!"

Chen Erbao thought he could escape, but he was still forced by Ying Changge and there was no way out.

Trying his best to draw water from a bamboo basket was in vain, and Chen Erbao's face was full of anger.

"If you continue to persecute me, I will kill you with a single sword!" Chen Erbao said without hesitation.

But with such a posture, he only smiled slightly in front of Ying Changge, "Beyond one's own ability!"

"Yelang is arrogant, do you really think you can kill me!" Ying Changge was full of confidence, and he was even more confident.

"Let's capture it! As long as you can disarm and not kill, then you will be able to keep the whole body."

Chen Erbao made a big mistake, he must die, this is a matter of course, Ying Changge will not show mercy.

Killing Chen Erbao smoothly will allow Ying Changge to rescue Jinghai County from the dire straits as early as possible.

Otherwise, Chen Erbao continued to resist, chattering back, and it was not easy for Ying Changge to kill him.

Facing Ying Changge's question, Chen Erbao smiled coldly, "Do you really think I have no martial arts?"

"I have all the skills and excellent swordsmanship. Don't look at me as a county magistrate, but I also have the demeanor of a general."

He boasted that Chen Erbao was so mighty, the sword in his hand couldn't wait to counterattack.

A sword swept, mighty, and the impact of the big sword, how powerful, always ran rampant in one go.

With such a posture, no one can stop Chen Erbao, because he is murderous.

In order to kill Ying Changge, Chen Erbao spared no effort, and the sword in his hand immediately stabbed him in the chest.

Chen Erbao, who does not know whether to live or die, is always attacking with resentment, and the weapon in his hand shows a ferocious trend.

This kind of swordsmanship looks mighty and domineering, but in fact it's not worth mentioning, Ying Changge took it to his heart's content.

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