Chapter 934 Fighting with all your strength!

The soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil, and the figures of Ying Changge and Chen Erbao are always entangled.

Such a sword mark is mighty, and under the flickering cold light, it naturally has a murderous attitude.

A sword approached, and the big sword came, but such a sword had a high-spirited murderous intent.

Bravely chasing the enemy, the sword in his hand swept across, it can be called turbulent, it is really stumbled.

Having figured out Chen Erbao's offensive, Ying Changge is a person with a sensitive mind and extraordinary wisdom.

After fighting with this magistrate for several rounds, at this moment, Ying Changge had already explored his swordsmanship.

With his own wisdom, Ying Changge knew that Chen Erbao's swordsmanship was fierce and good at first attack.

If such a sword edge can break his own body, it is only because Ying Changge underestimates the enemy.

But fortunately, his figure is always fighting back quickly, and each of his swords is full of stern gestures.

The attack with great fanfare was broken with his own sword, and Chen Erbao's sword did not hurt Ying Changge.

They are dodging again and again, and with their own swords, they have already come up with a mighty duel.

After fighting with blood and striding close to the meteor, Chen Erbao's figure appeared one step away from Ying Changge.

The sword was sharp, and under the control of Chen Erbao, a sword swung like a cold light, as fast as a gust of wind.

hum! The sword edge stabbed Ying Changge's chest in the blink of an eye, almost piercing his heart.

Fortunately, Ying Changge's steps were dexterous.

Standing firmly here, Ying Changge struck with his sword and beat Chen Erbao with a ping pong.

With his five fingers together, he held his sword forcefully, but Chen Erbao still felt the tremor on his wrist.

Surprised on his face, he quickly raised his hands to guard, Chen Erbao held the sword in both hands, and then suppressed Jianfeng's low voice.

I have long heard that Ying Changge's swordsmanship seems to be rare in the world.

Staggering against the enemy, the sword in his hand swept hard, but he was unable to take down Ying Changge.

Not only that, under such a fierce battle, the sword in his hand broke through his body.

Shaking and trembling, Chen Erbao jumped off the wall in a hurry, and continued to attack in anger.

Swinging his sword vigorously, every sword of Chen Erbao smashed **** Ying Changge.

A sword stabbed out, all the vital points, each of his swords wanted to tear Ying Changge into eight pieces.

It's a pity that Ying Changge is not an ordinary person, his sword is extraordinarily light, blocking every sword of Chen Erbao.

"You haven't surrendered yet?" Ying Changge asked angrily. He didn't like guys who didn't have self-awareness.

"Why surrender!" Chen Erbao raised his head and snorted coldly, "I must kill you!"

"Now on my territory, you all come to attack me, that's a big treason!"

"If I can, I will kill you. Others don't know your identities anyway."

"If you kill you, then no one will be able to come and chase you!"

Laughing out loud, Chen Erbao was always so proud, he was very happy, "I was still me at that time!"

"I've tried my best to fight with my own people. Today, I just don't do it again and again."

Ying Changge responded calmly, "Do you think I will die at your hands! You hit the stone with an egg."

Hearing Ying Changge's ridicule, Chen Erbao shook his head indifferently, "Who do you think I am!"

"I am the county magistrate here, so many people can be used by me, so that I can kill you!"

His sword is very fast, so fast that most people can't react, and it is full of vigorous offensive.

Chen Erbao made a sneak attack, but Ying Changge had expected it, and immediately turned around with a sword, and came back from behind to counterattack.

Ping-pong, Chen Erbao's sword edge was shaking, and his arm was extremely sore.

As a county magistrate, Chen Erbao deducted food for disaster relief, and even filled his own pockets and bought and sold privately.

This is a very excessive thing, he must be beheaded, Ying Changge will not slack off.

He persevered, and the sword in his hand swept thousands of troops, even one who did not stay to defeat him.

With a quick sword strike and a domineering blow, the swordsman in the Ying Chang singer has the attitude of a mighty army.

Watching this scene, Chen Erbao was still dodging quickly, he must live.

After a worrisome battle, the sword's edge collided, and Ying Changge's sword (of Zhao's) was already intertwined with Chen Erbao's figure.

You come and go, fight openly and secretly, such an offensive has a murderous attitude, it is really brave.

Knowing that Ying Changge's ability is strong, but he will not stop there, Chen Erbao is also ambitious.

With a cold snort, the weapons in Chen Erbao's hands also stabbed out forks in the fast and domineering battle.

hum! The sword edge rubbed against Ying Changge's neck in an instant, almost beheading him.

Fortunately, Ying Changge is not an ordinary person. His martial arts are superb and his steps are very flexible, so he can dodge directly.

Everything is fate, Ying Changge's every step is to fight according to his own etiquette, and martial arts are carried.

Chapter 935 The endless Yangtze River is rolling in!

Ping pong, the swords entangled again, and the weapons collided, causing Chen Erbao's figure to take three steps back.

On the contrary, Ying Changge still stood here stably, without being damaged by Chen Erbao at all.

He smiled calmly and walked with his sword in hand. His figure soon came to Chen Erbao and continued to attack.

Each of Ying Changge's swords is full of vigorous and resolute gestures, such an attack is really powerful.

I knew for a long time that his skills were no small matter, but Chen Erbao couldn't bear such a blow.

Facing the enemy head-on, the sword is cold, Chen Erbao is passively caught in the first battle, and he himself is forced to be helpless.

Originally, he just served as his county magistrate safely, which was a good job to make money.

It's just that he never expected that with the arrival of Ying Changge, he would naturally be in danger.

So many guys are doing evil things, even 070 is conspiring, but why catch Chen Erbao?

Chen Erbao said that he was wronged and that he did not want his criminal evidence to be discovered, so he could only resist.

How to resist Ying Changge? The matter is very simple, that is to kill people, kill them all together!

Ying Changge had so many people come here, so he had to kill him with all his might.

Quickly charging into battle, swiftly fighting, the sword in his hand always has an unexpected offensive.

Under this slaughter, Ying Changge was still trying his best to attack, wishing to kill him directly.

But Chen Erbao was still trying his best to fight back, and the weapons in his hands were hitting hard.

Ping ping pong pong, swords staggered, under such an offensive, almost not many people can stop it.

Fortunately, his face was particularly deserted, and Chen Erbao had an affa expression on his face, "Killing me is a skill!"

How could a county magistrate be so arrogant? Ying Changge sneered, it was really beyond his own power.

Ye Lang was just arrogant, so Ying Changge continued to walk with his sword in hand and quickly counterattacked.

The sword in his hand came fiercely, murderous, and Ying Changge's sword stabbed Chen Erbao in the throat.

Chen Erbao coveted a lot of food, which is the most important food for disaster relief! Don't be sloppy!

But what did Chen Erbao do! He was just buying and selling on the way, in order to starve the refugees to death.

His county magistrate is not confused, even very sober, starving the refugees to death, then there will be no refugees!

Having exchanged a lot of food for real money, Chen Erbao wanted to make a fortune.

Now, Ying Changge and his men have come quickly, trapping Chen Erbao and letting him die.

He didn't care about such a situation, Chen Erbao knew that he could only cut a **** path.

The endless Yangtze River is rolling in! If you kill a Ying Changge, maybe more people will come to chase you.

Now, the most important thing is to kill Ying Changge, and then run away with his own people.

As long as he can escape, Chen Erbao will be able to live without being charged.

Once caught by Ying Changge, Chen Erbao will inevitably die, and even lose a layer of skin!

After confirming Chen Erbao's crime, Ying Changge will not stop, but will continue to attack.

Persevering and quickly confronting the enemy, Ying Changge's sword stabbed Chen Erbao in the chest again.

Blood sprayed, Chen Erbao looked down and saw that he was already injured, but he refused to stop.

Grinning his teeth, he walked in resentment, brandishing his weapon, Chen Erbao did his best to fight back.

Without breaking or standing, Chen Erbao has already been put to death and reborn, so the means are very cruel.

With a ruthless and ruthless confrontation, Chen Erbao's every sword stabbed **** Ying Changge's body.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, in order to kill Ying Changge, Chen Erbao was cruel and ruthless.

In order to break it and kill it, Chen Erbao also stabbed Ying Changge's chest with a sword.

The injured Chen Erbao was still fighting against the enemy regardless of his life, and every attack had a precise and unmistakable posture.

Still patiently confronting, Ying Changge's sword move was unhurried, even very calm.

But Chen Erbao was different. He knew that his death was imminent, and he was extremely flustered and frightened.

Especially since the evidence of the crime was caught by Ying Changge, Chen Erbao's rebuttal was very pale.

How easy it is to kill Chen Erbao, but he continues to resist the competition, not knowing whether to live or die.

Indifferently raising his sword, every sword in his hand hit Chen Erbao's body.

As a county magistrate, Chen Erbao was indulging in sensuality day and night, and he had already abandoned his martial arts.

Moreover, he is not good at learning skills. Now that Chen Erbao is facing Ying Changge, how can he be evenly divided?

impossible! Chen Erbao had no chance, he was just beaten in an extremely embarrassing manner, especially his blood was blurred.

Laughing loudly, with an exceptional indifference, Ying Changge stood here with a calm expression holding her sword.

A mere Chen Erbao still has to continue to fight against him. .

Chapter 936 Empty-handed confrontation!

It's ridiculous that Chen Erbao's strength is also a mockery of Chen Erbao's ugly crime, and his crime is a solid one.

However, when death was imminent, Chen Erbao still carried his weapon and continued to approach quickly.

The sword was rippling, and a sword swept across it. In order to kill Ying Changge, Chen Erbao was still chattering.

The sword edge stabbed in front of Ying Changge in a blink of an eye, with scars that seemed to be able to pierce him.

Although I don't know what else Chen Erbao can do, Ying Changge is still focused on fighting the enemy.

Ying Changge never underestimated the enemy, even if it was against Chen Erbao's mediocre people, he was still fighting.

The sword slammed, ping ping pong pong came, and Ying Changge easily cut off Chen Erbao's weapon.

With a click, Chen Erbao's sword was broken, and he was empty-handed and backed away with an embarrassed look.

With lingering fears on his face, his eyes widened, Chen Erbao couldn't believe it, but he still raised his sword to be on guard.

In his hand is nothing but a broken blade, and this blade has traces of incompleteness - it is already a broken sword.

How could such a broken sword be able to kill Ying Changge? Chen Erbao's appearance is really too funny.

With the winning ticket in hand, full of confidence, Ying Changge's face was calm, and he smiled slightly, "Let's capture it!"

"If you don't die now, then life will be worse than death in the future!" Ying Changge is not a threat!

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